Monday, September 22, 2008

First day of Fall...afternoon

My mood has lightened somewhat after a morning visit with my girlfriend. We may decide to take the canoe out or go to the beach on Wednesday after she gets off work. One of the nice things about working at the fish farm, go in early, leave by 10 am...except early is 4am...too early for me. When I worked down there, I came in at 7 or 8 am, depending on the day....

Managed to get the floor vacuumed and damp mopped the kitchen. I'm thinking about the mountain of laundry on top of the washer and dryer that needs dealt with and put away....been there since June...after the camping trip. Not all of it is from camping, its just accumulated there as the clothes are pulled out of the dryer. Someday maybe I'll be able to see the tops of the washer and dryer again.

I still need to clean out my closet and drawers so I can get rid of the clothes I have outgrown....don't think I'll be seeing sizes 3 to 8 any time in the future. Most of them are dress clothes I wore when working in the office. I'd consider getting rid of all my 'office' clothes, but about the time I do, I'll find I need them again....its happened before. All of my leather outfits are size 5, so it looks like I will need to find someone who likes them to take them off my hands. The one suede outfit I only wore once to an office party. Was a western theme and I had the 'Saloon girl' look goin on. Looked pretty good if I do say so myself! lots of feedback from the other office managers at the meeting following the party. Gained way too much weight to wear it now, and I'm not really interested in being that thin again either....I'm not thrilled that I'm almost thirty pounds heavier than I was then, but I'm not worried about it either.

Looks like its clouding up to rain...the temperature managed to hit 88 degrees earlier, but now has dropped to about 84 or so, the air is beginning to have a nice coolness as it comes through the open windows. Kicked the thermostat all the way up to keep the A/C from running...the fans are enough now that the humidity has dropped and the temp is below least until my husband comes in from work...he will more than likely demand the A/C be turned back on, the same as he did last night....the outside temp was a nice cool 80 degrees and he was wanting the air on...I let it run until it hit 75 and pushed it up a bit to kick off. My god, you would have thought it was 100 degrees outside and 95 inside the way he acted....finally turned it back on to shut him up, even though with the cooler outside air, it wasn't making it very cool inside...

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