Monday, September 22, 2008

First day of Fall

Our first Fall morning...overnight temperatures hovered around 75 degrees, a bit humid...more damp than anything. We are forecast to have a high today around 88 degrees with a heat index of about 94 degrees....UGH! Looks like I'll be turning the A/C back on later today.

I've started another blog for my rantings when I'm depressed.... it is called Stormy's Lunatic Fringe Figure this way I won't be cluttering up my journal with the rantings of a crazy person. I've also posted a link under Stormdancer's Bits and Pieces...this way, it doesn't have to depress anyone who may read this journal....and I can go ahead and let the insanity that runs rampant in my head have a place of its own.

The morning started off pretty much the same as yesterday evening ended...I'm still upset and so is he. We did manage to get a few things out in the open last night, but, he is still in denial over him having any faults in this marriage. As far as he's concerned, he's perfect and has no reason to assume any responsibility for any of the issues in our relationship. According to him, it is only ME with the problem. Whatever. I keep trying to get him to understand that marriage is about don't have to agree with me, just acknowledge my feelings and opinions for what they are...MY feelings and opinions. He's the only one permitted to have an opinion or feelings in HIS mind.

With Fall now here and cooler weather...ok, less humid, less sticky weather...I'm hoping to find the energy to get some things accomplished around here.....If the body will allow it and the mind doesn't wander off into the depression zone for good. I think I am about to just give up trying to have any manner of garden. Since I can't seem to find enough energy to deal with any of it, it hardly seems worth the effort. The front flowerbeds are again overgrown with everything, EXCEPT what I planted. The rain and standing water for so long took it's toll on all the plants, even the ones in planters and pots. If it isn't the rain, its something chewing everything back to nothing. I'm depressed over life itself right now, I don't need to be dragged down further by watching my plants wither and shrivel to nothing, or watch whatever is gnawing on them totally destroy them.

Something has gnawed my Basil to bare stalks...not that it was looking all that great after the deluge of rain anyway, but it is now bare stalks sticking out of the pot. Its the same with the Hibiscus I started in a pot in that same bed...something has begun chewing on it as well. The Cannas are depressing to look at with all the damage from the leaf rollers...and the Lavender....looks like it has totally given up....nothing but dried stalks sticking up out of the ground. The Stevia has gone to seed and is looking as if it has given up as well. Even the Cantaloupes that self started are looking scraggly and as if they are trying to dry up and die.

Hmmm, looks like everything I touch anymore is dying...

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