Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall....and falling

Happy Autumn Equinox!! Tomorrow will be the first day of Fall officially....its beginning to feel that way too. Our overnight low was around 73 degrees and in North Florida, they were expecting to be in the upper 60's...around 68 degrees. Had a little bit of rain overnight, but nothing much in the way of accumulation. We still have humidity, but the heat and steam are no longer present....just dampness.

Hubby has left for the morning to go to the U-Pull-it place with his buddy...yep, can hop up bright and early to go run with someone else, but will hang in bed or in front of the tube all day otherwise. Yet another thing he just has to do. Guess I'm not smart enough for him to hang with and do things for, let alone talk to.

I did tell him yesterday not to worry about fixing the van to go to the mountain. I've decided I will not be going to the mountain again with him. Figure I'll see about contacting a realtor Monday and put it on the market. This 'Little Slice of Heaven' has become a living hell...why should I think the mountain will be any different? Its not like he's made any type of real effort towards our being able to go or move there. Guess he figures I'm just stupid enough to believe every thing that comes out of his face.


  1. Whoaaaa, wait! You're thinking about putting the mountain property on the market? That's like selling your dreams. You definitely need a break. Maybe hang out with your girlfriend tomorrow if she's available. :-) I sometimes get in the mood that you sound like you're in. The worst I've ever done is throw out some nice dishes, though. LOL. (and as insignificant as that was, sometimes I still regret it - LOL!)

  2. SIGH...I've been down this road so many times it isn't funny any longer...understand about the dishes...I broke an entire antique cut glass butter dish, candle set...throwing it a my husband because he knocked one off in a temper fit as he cleared our center island...picked up glass for over a year.

    As for selling dreams...seems in this relationship selling them beats watching them be shattered. That's what it feels like, he's shattered my hopes for a future with him...and the dreams, well, they are just a casualty.

    My girlfriend is supposed to stop in tomorrow, but I don't know if even that will help.

  3. Ugh! I'd be wanting to keep the mountain for myself and make him live in the hurricane zone by himself for awhile. LOL.

    As for selling dreams...seems in this relationship selling them beats watching them be shattered.
    I know it's hard, and I'm certainly not the one to talk, but if there is any way at all to do it, I highly recommend not giving up your dreams. If I didn't have a child with my husband, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat, and that's the advice I'd recommend to any woman that could possibly make use of it... do what makes YOU happy, whatever it takes. Although it can be argued otherwise, the way I see it is that I'm only going to live once, so I ought not have to sit back and watch this one life get trashed. I certainly don't want to see anyone else suffer the same fate if they can at all help it. I hope your girlfriend can help you out today.

  4. >>>I highly recommend not giving up your dreams.<<< It would be harder to give it up if it wasn't a dream I thought the two of us shared. The mountain property seems to only be 'a carrot' to dangle in front of me. Something he knew I loved and wanted. As for the rest, leaving has crossed my mind numerous times...I too believe that life is way too short to go through it being miserable....that's why I've been married three times now. At this point in life, I'm just getting too dang old to keep wasting my time. I've bailed on relationships in the past because I was unhappy and being mistreated....I can only take so much before I walk away. I'm tired of walking away and having to start my life over.`Sorry part is, I am still in love with the idiot, in spite of just breaks my heart knowing that things weren't always like this between us. We don't have kids together, but I have raised his kids like they were mine...they were eight and ten when we got together. At this point, I'm not sure what is going to happen...hard to know anything without any type of communication.

  5. The mountain property seems to only be 'a carrot' to dangle in front of me.
    Oh, I see. Hmmm, well, let us know when it sells. LOL! *grin, snicker*

    ...that's why I've been married three times now ........ I'm tired of walking away and having to start my life over.
    Haha, yeah, I can see now why you wouldn't want to go through that again.

    I am still in love with the idiot ........ hard to know anything without any type of communication
    Eesh. Well, if you start feeling any leanings toward malicious intent, let us know so we can help. (help you get out of it, I mean - LOL!)

  6. You've made me smile girl...thanks! I've been looking at the property info online...sigh...but with things the way they are right now with the economy...geesh, I'd never be able to get what it's assessed at even....I'm not about to sell land at a loss!
    Even the small parcel...1.75 acres has over double what we paid for it on the tax assessor's site...(did that make sense?) With both lots appreciating in value so much, I'm sitting on just under $100k worth of land according to tax records. In today's market, I doubt I'd be able to sell it for that...especially since there is no house on it.

    As for any malicious intent...past that stage, bent on self-destruction instead...I managed to smoke almost 8 packs of cigarettes between Saturday and this morning. And I wonder why I can't breathe....I had managed to get down to just at a pack a day again...and was hoping to get back to the less than half a pack I was smoking while we were on the mountain....trying to quit, but this is a habit I've had since I was a teen...almost forty years. Now is not the time to give it up though, someone would most definitely get seriously injured and it wouldn't be me! hahahaha....good thing I don't drink much, I could become a serious alcoholic, but the Indian in my blood could make that one turn bad as some real 'mean' drinkers in the family and I sure don't want to go that route....hard enough to keep myself under control the way it is! Get drunk and stupid at the same time is a recipe for disaster in my book. Guess I'll just stay mental without any outside factors (drugs or alcohol). Smoking is bad enough...can't hardly afford that when I smoke like this past weekend. I'll be ok eventually...too damn stubborn not to survive whatever life throws my way.

  7. With both lots appreciating in value so much, I'm sitting on just under $100k worth of land according to tax records. In today's market, I doubt I'd be able to sell it for that...especially since there is no house on it.
    I wondered about that. If it doesn't cost you anything to list it, you might try it anyway. You never know... Besides, there are always people looking for a place to get off the grid, or to hide from the government. LOL.

    I managed to smoke almost 8 packs of cigarettes between Saturday and this morning.
    OMG! And the high cost of that hasn't stopped you? You definitely need to stop that. Is it the whole country or just MA that has started giving out free patches to help people quit smoking? Maybe you could look into that.

    Now is not the time to give it up though, someone would most definitely get seriously injured and it wouldn't be me! hahahaha

    good thing I don't drink much
    That would be a terrible combo, taking away somebody's cigs after they've been on a drinking binge. LOL!

    Get drunk and stupid at the same time is a recipe for disaster in my book.
    Ah, that must explain some men. Haha!

    Smoking is bad enough...can't hardly afford that when I smoke like this past weekend.
    Oh, and there it is. HAHA!!

    I'll be ok eventually...too damn stubborn not to survive whatever life throws my way.
    Well, I certainly hope so. I would miss your wit and writing. Not to mention having someone to commiserate with.

  8. >>>Is it the whole country or just MA that has started giving out free patches to help people quit smoking?<<< Hmmm, haven't heard anything about FL giving out patches for smoking...I used those several years ago when they first came out...totally quit for three of the kids triggered an episode and I finally told my husband I could either smoke or kill someone. Chose smoking over jail...LOL I was actually doing pretty good this time around. I've been working on breaking the habit first and then the addiction. Got some of the nicotine inhalers to help when I'm ready to totally walk away from buying cigs...they are a crutch (the cigs) and I'm hoping to be able to break the need. But my word! The stop smoking aids cost more than the cigs!!! That was another 'deciding' factor when I restarted after using the patch. Was cheaper to smoke!

    >>>I would miss your wit and writing. Not to mention having someone to commiserate with.<<<
    Awww, geez..(blush)...thanks...nice to know someone appreciates me...grin. It is nice to know I'm definitely not the only woman in the world dealing with these type issues...somedays ya know I think I'm crazy? Must be the male influence....hahahaha

  9. The stop smoking aids cost more than the cigs!!! That was another 'deciding' factor when I restarted after using the patch. Was cheaper to smoke!
    Really? That figures! Oooh, to be the owner of a pharmaceutical company. LOL!

    ...somedays ya know I think I'm crazy? Must be the male influence....
    Definitely. I catch mine pulling stunts geared toward making me feel like I'm crazy, not to mention that he just outright says I'm crazy. The only thing is, I don't know if (1) he does it on purpose, or if (2) it's just a guy thing, or if (3) it's a genetic thing. I'm betting on the last two because I don't think he's smart enough for it to be the first, unless he's getting help from other men to come up with the ideas. LOL.
