Monday, October 20, 2008

Where is that smell coming from?

The eastern sky was beginning to show a faint yellow glow just at 7 am. As the moon was still sitting directly above us, the sky was already light. This morning's temperatures weren't quite as nippy as yesterday''s 60 degrees at 7 am. Even the house was warmer...65 degrees this morning, compared to 55 degrees inside yesterday. I did drop several windows yesterday evening because the wind was just flat cold. But it feels wonderful not to be sweating my eyes out!!

As I was sitting here online checking email, reading the paper, my nostrils suddenly filled with the odor of men's cologne. Hubby doesn't wear cologne (he had already left for the day) and I haven't worn perfume or cologne in months. I sniffed the freshly washed robe I was wearing to make sure it wasn't the laundry soap fragrance. I wandered to the open front door...couldn't smell it there either. After a few minutes, the smell was gone. Hmmm, it almost reminds me of cologne I've smelled I associate with the cops I've known. All I can say is if the cop that lives next door is using that much....he really needs to lighten up. No way should I be smelling it that strong sitting inside my house, from across his pasture with my windows closed. Their house sits on the far side of their property. So, who knows where the cologne smell actually came from....I'm just glad it's gone as it was beginning to make my eyes water.

The cooler weather seems to have an adverse affect on Ms Red's laying....she doesn't appear to be molting, but she has stopped laying for the time. Could just be 'her time' but she hasn't laid since this time last week. Ms Piggy is still not laying at all. They all get the same feed....Layer Granules and the three grain scratch, as well as greens and whatever they manage to scratch from the ground. I carry them treats like left overs and occasionally cottage cheese,milk or sour cream gets mixed in with their feed. Penny and Patty are still laying very well.

Penny managed to escape yesterday...I'm not sure if the wind allowed her to get over the gate, under the shade net or if she just figured it out on her own. We did have winds blowing at about 16 mph according to the weather last night. Regardless, I went out and put her back in the pen and fastened the netting down to prevent her or Patty from escaping that way again. I'd really hate to lose them to the dogs or one of the hawks at this point. I just happened to be watching them from the window when she made her escape. I was glad she didn't decide to go far from the pen area and also glad she's not like Piggy and Red...both of whom run like they have never been touched by human hands. Patty actually jumped out of the nest box when Penny made her escape and came running to the gate squawking in protest about being left inside alone. Was pretty

Guess its time to go find my socks and get these toes warmed up. Somewhere, I know I have a pair of slippers, but I'm sure the socks will be easier to locate. Been sitting here wrapped up in my afghan as I drink my morning coffee. Time to find the clothes and begin my day...

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