Friday, September 26, 2008

New hens...fall storms...

At 6 am it was 66 degrees ...the sun had yet to rise.  The overnight low was forecast to drop to 63 degrees, obviously it didn't get quite that low.  The winds have finally calmed.  Sunrise was around 7 am....the sky is clear and sunny...another beautiful day.  Barney the rooster sounded right at 6 am this morning...I actually heard him go off about the same time as the alarm.  The high for today is forecast to be in the mid 80's....really nice weather!   We have had another storm named...TS Kyle is sitting near the Bahamas and is tracking NNW...not expecting any weather from this system, just rough surf along the beaches.  The forecast is calling for this system to be up off the New England coastline by the end of the weekend....another system sitting off the Carolina coastline moved inland and is bringing that area much needed rain.  Two more months til hurricane season ends.

Went over to our friend's last night as Hubby was finishing the mowing for him and I was to pick up two more hens.  Looks like the plan to move has changed for him and he will be staying there a bit longer.  With his work schedule though, he's still thinning out his animals.  Got some nice shots of his gorgeous mixed Narragansett tom Turkey strutting around trying to impress the young Blue Slate Turkey Hen. I'll download the pics from my cellphone later and post them.  Beautiful bird is all I can say.

We caught the hens fairly early in the evening...just before the sun set...and by the time we got them back here to the house it was pitch dark....we got home just at 8 pm.  I went ahead and put them on the roost bar at the opposite end of the coop in the hopes that they would be accepted easier if they all woke up together this morning...HA!  Shows how much I don't know about chickens!  I was up when hubby let them all out of the coop and for a short few minutes it appeared as if they might all get along.  Wasn't long before Ms Red, Ms Piggy and even Barney were chasing, pecking and even spurring towards the new girls.  I hung out long enough to throw a bit of food out in hopes they would settle down....not to be.  The new girls were being jumped by the others, keeping their little heads stuck way too far through the fence.  I went back inside, caught them both and took them to the garden.  Both seem much happier there.  The others have been hanging at the fence and on the roost pole so they can see what the new ones are up to out in the garden.  Brats!  Figure I'll take them back to the coop tonight and we'll try again tomorrow to see if the others are willing to share their space...guess this could take some time for them all to adjust to each other.  Makes me glad the garden area is still covered with the shade cloth.  We'll just be moving them back and forth until they can all get along.  The two new girls are roughly Ms Piggy's size already...not sure of their exact age, but they are under a year....they were pullets when they were bought several months ago.  Both are laying and from what I've seen...they are dark brown eggs for the most part.

Didn't manage to get much accomplished yesterday around the house.  So much I want to do and then I'm distracted by something else.  I'd make a list, but of course one must actually LOOK at the list in order to complete the items on said list....seems I tend to make it a point NOT to look at any list I make....wasted effort there.

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