Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just another 'blah' day...

A repeat day of the last few...cool in the early hours and by noon right at 90 degrees with humidity....ho hum... It never really cooled much yesterday evening, though we did get a short bit of rain around 6 pm. Just enough to wet the grass and leave a small puddle in one of the birdbaths. At least with the spit of rain, I didn't need to water the remaining plants.

Sis called this morning....seems she cracked her foot on their bowflex and was on her way to have an x-ray...poor kid! Every time she turns around, she's breaking something! With her recent diagnosis showing a severe Calcium deficiency, every 'bump' is now a major concern. She's taking shots daily for Calcium and a huge amount of vitamin D weekly as well. I spoke with her a short time ago and she was waiting for the pharmacy to fill her prescription. The Dr at the ER has said its just a sprain, but she should return in three days if she is still unable to bear weight on it...crazy! For now, she's on crutches with orders to stay off it and keep it elevated...great...means the kids will be looking for a sitter as "grandma" normally keeps the little ones while the parents work....the little ones are both under two.

The sky is beginning to get very overcast...we are forecast for rain later this afternoon...normal sea breeze effect rains...if only they would come early enough to cool things off. I can always dream...lol. Need to head down to the feedstore and pick up scratch feed for the chickens...probably should head on in to the grocery, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow or the next day for that chore...I've come to the point where I really hate grocery shopping. Never was real fond of it to begin with and with prices being what they are nowadays, I truly despise going.

To top things off, my refrigerator's freezer compartment seemed to be defrosting today...hopefully, its just doing its normal cycle as its a frost-free model...a little disheartening to see it 'spitting' ice from the ice through the door...the ice maker isn't hooked up! When I checked to see what was going on...my ice container I use for tea was thawing....NO!!!! I went ahead and kicked the setting a bit colder...let's hope that helps! This fridge is ours, and its only ten years old...we bought it new....if it goes...well, looks like the landlord will be spending money to replace it....the one that was here when we moved in was bad, wasn't a big deal since we owned ours and brought it with us.

Off to the feedstore!!! Let's hope I'm there and back before it decides to dump buckets of rain....

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