Friday, September 12, 2008

Headaches and jumping coffee cups

Its just past 10 am...beautiful blue sky, big puffy clouds, sunshine and about 84 degrees. The humidity is still steamy.

Woke this morning with a sinus headache...cheekbones, ears, eyes and straight down the back of my neck...uggghhh...should have stayed in bed. Haven't had many of these type headaches lately...usually when the seasons begin to change or when I'm having to run the heat....dry air tends to set off a major sinus attack. Hmmm, wonder if it has anything to do with being in the A/C so much lately...never used to bother me. Ah well, just deal with it and move on....I'll just go back to bed if it doesn't ease off soon.

Managed to break my favorite coffee cup last pretty blue one that had the little guy sitting at his desk asking "Is it Friday yet?"...bought that one my first year as office manager, just over ten years ago. Has been my favorite ever since....was the one I used at work too.

Figures it would 'jump' off the drainer...I had already moved it once as it was sitting rather precariously close to the edge earlier. While I was starting supper, I must have disturbed it when I picked a skillet from the drainer...CRASH!!! It bounced and broke as it hit the ceramic tile in front of the stove...and of course I was barefoot!! Hubby just happened to be close by as it flew off the drainer and crashed...shocked him as much as me I think. Fortunately, it didn't shatter, just broke into several pieces...I think I only picked up maybe three little chips after tossing the big pieces. Guess I'll be hunting a 'new' favorite from my other cups now.

Hubby fired the tractor up last night and started mowing out in the pasture was close to dark when he decided to do this...when he came in he said the tractor was mowing lopsided...seems one of the tractor tires is extremely low...not flat, just almost. I didn't realize he had parked it dead in the middle of the yard when he shut it off....noticed that this morning...its sitting directly behind the house. Thought about going out and doing the rest of the yard myself, but the air compressor is on his truck, which is at the shop. I don't think the little boost box compressor is adequate for those tires...we've used it on them before, but it takes forever and in this heat, that ain't happening. The idea of mowing really makes my head pound right now.

I haven't heard from my DIL as yet...the whole thing still has me ready to beat someone bloody. This kid is my oldest grandchild...and while I know we aren't supposed to have favorites, this one has been special to me since his birth. We bonded immediately and I love him as if he was my own child...he is in a sense. I love his little brother too, I just don't have the same connection with the younger one. Strange how things work sometimes.


  1. I noticed your To Do List again. I saw "Eliminate the junk" twice. ROFL!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your favorite coffee cup. It's always so disappointing when something with sentimental value gets shattered. My husband has broken some of the glasses I inherited from my Grandmother. It was an accident, but it was still upsetting. My Grandmother used to have a crystal glass from my great-great-great-great grandmother, but one day it bounced off her sewing machine and shattered. I told that story to my Mom once and she couldn't believe it. She'd never heard that story. G-g-g-g grandmother has a very special spot in the history of our family, so it was very upsetting for her to be hearing it for the first time. I can only imagine how my Grandmother must have felt when she broke it. I'm sure she felt better getting that story off her chest finally. Aah, but the coffee mug. I feel your pain. My all-time favorite one said, "If they can send a man to the moon, why can't they send all of them to the moon?" LOL. I think it must have broken because I don't have it anymore. *sigh*

  2. >>>I saw "Eliminate the junk" twice. ROFL!!
    <<< Hahaha...I have to keep reminding myself...throw it away!!

    I hear you on the sentimental things getting broken. Its always the stuff that means the most that gets destroyed.

    Sounds like a cool mug you had...send me an email to the address at the bottom of the page if you want, I've got something you might enjoy that my sis sent...since we all seem to think along the same lines hahahaha
    Sorry to hear you think you've lost your mug...looks like we'll both be hunting new ones.
