Friday, September 12, 2008

The headache continues...

The headache has continued throughout the day.  At one point, I tried to go lay down and rest...couldn't lay in any position without it pounding...SIGH...been awhile since I've had one like this.  Usually, I only get these when the weather changes...hmmm, maybe we are in line for a change???  More likely aggravated by my being so enraged this week.

On a brighter note, seems payroll was handed out on time this week...a full week for a change.  Part of my stress level for sure.

Hubby got part of the yard mowed when he came in...makes a difference when you have the tools...good thing I didn't, he also sharpened the blades on the brush hog deck....

Been a long day...hopefully I'll be able to get comfortable enough to sleep tonight.  The evening has cooled down nicely, winds from the east are always welcome.  The windows and front door are open, with just the fans running and its pretty nice.  I'll take advantage of this any time I can...the next week is forecast to be in the low 90's with a heat index above 100...


  1. Maybe you are heaving mold spore headaches. Have you taken a peek around the house to see if anything is turning green? Could just as easily be the entire outdoors giving you problems with all of the rain you've had. LOL. Ugh.

    ...the next week is forecast to be in the low 90's with a heat index above 100...
    Whew! That's hot, but I'll gladly take some of that if you'd like to share. :-)

  2. >>>Maybe you are heaving mold spore headaches. Have you taken a peek around the house to see if anything is turning green<<<
    Haven't really seen much sign of mold...a bit of mildew here and there on the screened porch. I can 'smell' the mildew outside at times, but not bad. I think it was mainly a stress headache...when I got out of bed yesterday, I noticed my neck and shoulders were 'catchy' and it felt more in the back of my head at the base of my skull. Its better today...all gone.

    >>>but I'll gladly take some of that if you'd like to share. :-)<<< Hows about a swap? I'll send you a couple hours of the heat, you send me a couple hours of below 70...
    Can't believe you are starting to get so chilly already (well, ok, yes I can...I recall leaving NC and heading to IN about this time of year in 1974. Left 85 degrees in NC...arrived in a very skimpy sundress in IN and temps with FROST!! No jacket...had to borrow clothes. Bout froze)

  3. I can 'smell' the mildew outside at times, but not bad. Ick. What a mess. Well, I'm glad your headache is doing better, anyway. I've had those base-of-the-skull headaches and I don't like them one bit.

    ...arrived in a very skimpy sundress in IN and temps with FROST!! No jacket...had to borrow clothes. Bout froze ROFL! People probably thought you were off your rocker. Pfft, LOL!

  4. My dad called it a 'duck' was the 70's, what can I say...hahahaha...I ended up walking out of the airport in his winter jacket...he was a big man and it was a cop jacket...XXXL...I think I weighed about 110 pounds dripping wet, WITH the can imagine.
