Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fall is in the air!

Yesterday ended with the temperatures dropping and rain moving in from the east.  We've got a front sitting over the area that is bringing winds from the NNE....what a difference!!  The house maintained a temp of around 78 degrees or so with just the windows open and the fans on low.  As the night closed in, we began having heavier winds...weathercaster showed we could expect 20 - 30 mph winds last night and most of today.  Our overnight temperature dropped down around 74 degrees and we had periods of hard rain lasting only briefly....maybe around an inch total from yesterday afternoon til this morning.  One of these days, I'll have to get another rain gauge...right now, I'm guesstimating based on what I'm seeing in the birdbath, which was dry.  This morning I slept in, so I'm not sure just what it was like earlier, but at 9:30 am, it is overcast, windy and nice...the temperature on my porch thermometer says it is right at 80 degrees.  Feels much cooler with the wind blowing.

Looks like I shall need to fill the birdfeeders again...another of the things I've neglected to do with all the depression.  This morning I'm seeing many of the little regulars flitting about the yard....the Eastern Bluebirds are checking out the feeders and the little sparrows have been out in the grasss flitting about.  The Cardinals stop in as well and I had one the other day that flew up to the screen next to the door and just hang on, looking in as if to say " is everything ok?".  The birds remind me of my mom...she would fill her feeder every morning before leaving for work and the Robins and others were always out in her yard.  One of the reasons I haven't been keeping them full is the squirrels and deer keep hogging it all.  Just saw one of the grey squirrels run across the split rail fence in front of the porch and stop to see if there was food in the one right this minute climbing on the one feeder and now up on the second, chasing away the Cardinal that had stopped in.  So maybe when I go out to feed the chickens I'll put a bit in the feeders today.

Things are still tense around here...I'm flat worn out with all the energy expended trying to deal with the issues.  Guess that's why I'm so wiped out today.  Feels like I could have slept all day, no problem.  Could just be the cooler weather, but I think its more stress related depression.  Been down this road before, so the signs are kinda easy to recognize now.  This too shall pass...

At least I managed to get a few things accomplished yesterday.  Now that the garbage has been picked up, I have room to start tossing more.  Bet our trash crew will be surprised to see our can out so many times in one month!   I know they are used to zipping right past our drive because the can isn't out every week.

Took the dogs and decided to wander around the property a bit yesterday.  I haven't been out in the back pasture since all the rains flooded everything in, has it been that long?...  Hubby had run the brush -hog mower about a week ago, right after things had dried out, but the grass out there is mid-calf again already.  The rider should handle it ok at this point....if only I could get the stupid thing started!  My pulling arm won't allow me to snatch the cord hard enough to make it start.  SIGH...I miss my 'Zoo with the electric start.  I don't dare to even try the weedeater, it throws my shoulder into such a fit when I yank that cord.  Not like I have the energy to hang on to the weedeater today though.  The back part of the pasture has loads of pine branches down....need to take my truck out there and load all that up for the chipper, or to be burned...probably burn it in the the fire pit this time of if only I can get the growth cut back around it, we or I might be able to enjoy it.  So much to do, so little energy.

I've decided to go ahead and work on my back room today and see if I can get it cleaned out and least then I'll have somewhere to seek refuge on the days when hubby is determined to sit in front of the tube all day watching programs I have no interest in.  Maybe I'll bring the hammock frame in and put it in that room once its cleaned out....just not real sure it will fit, but its worth a shot.  Sis gave us the hammock and frame last year as they weren't able to use it since her surgery....she loved it, but just can't tolerate the way she needs to lay to use it.  It's way too beautiful a hammock to leave out in the weather...we also have two chair hammocks that I love, but without the frame can't use them inside.  I have one spot out in the pasture where I hang mine, but have to bring it in when I'm done for the day.  When she gave them to us, we were still in our old house and intended to mount them from the ceiling as she had done hers.  No way the ceiling in this place would hold it and a person sitting in it!

The Bluebird is back and so is the squirrel....the Cardinals are zipping between the feeder and Bottle brush tree trying to get my attention.  Discovered yesterday that the Cantaloupes have fruit!  Happened to take a good look at them on my way in from the mailbox....they were looking a bit dry and withery, and there it was...a mellon growing that is just a bit bigger than a golf ball at this point...came and got the watering can and gave them both a drink...both urns have mellons showing.  Now, if only they will get large enough to ripen and eat....hope the squirrels stay out of them.  Time to go check on the chickens and get them a bit of feed...then on to the cleaning once more.


  1. XCHAIR is the ultimate hammock chair stand for indoor and outdoor use - also has a simple vehicle adapter for tailgating and comfort on the go!

    E A S E T H E B O D Y
    C A L M T H E M I N D

  2. Thanks! I've looked at several sites and priced these at different places...just a bit more than I can spend at the moment. My husband has said he will build me a frame for it...just a matter of getting the time to get it done. Thanks again!
