Our morning is beautiful, light breeze, low humidity....temperature at a comfortable 78 degrees as the sun begins to glow across the yard. The high today is calling for the mid to upper 90's with a heat index of over 100...uggghhh. They would have to say that....as the sun begins baking the rain soaked yard the steam is almost visible. For the moment, as long as one remains in the sun, the mosquitoes aren't biting...hmmm, too bad the sun is so hot! I guess the mosqutioes could definitely be worse, especially with all the water we still have standing. We must really be in a natural swampy area, our neighbors appear to have dried out much more than us....I do recall the landlord mentioning something about the property being above where the St. John's River runs underground...could explain some of our standing water issues I guess.
We hung around the house the entire day. The kids came by with the granddaughter for a bit...they were looking to pick up some wood for a bonfire at the cousin's house...we have plenty of scrap firewood for that purpose. The youngest son seems to have found a very nice gal to date...she acts as if she's had some upbringing at least. Its the same with the older son...his girlfriend is also very nice and acts like she comes from a decent family. Some of the girls the boys have dated have been pretty 'trashy' acting. The granddaughter really seems to like both of the girls which in my mind, says quite a bit. They didn't stay long as they were wanting to get the wood dropped off and the oldest had to pick his gal up from work, on the other end of town. Finally looks as if they are beginning to think about a relationship for theirselves...I'm glad...maybe it will also help them buckle down and think about what they want for their future.
All in all, it was a fair day. It didn't seem to start that way at all. I woke in an odd, really tearful mood...sigh...guess it could be related to my 'Nothing lasts forever' post. Rehashing old wounds and old memories does that sometimes. The biggest part of the morning was spent with me bursting into tears for no reason...ye gods will this menopause crap ever calm down??!! I'm sure that a great deal of my 'moodiness' is a direct result of the hormones gone whacky. Doesn't make it any easier for me or my husband to deal with though. I've made the choice NOT to do hormone replacement therapy...why???...too many other issues that are created by the artificial hormones for my liking. I'm not a pill person, barely take anything even for sinus headaches. I will take Advils or other anti-inflammatory drugs, when my arthritis begins getting unbearable...but even with those aches and pains, its something I've dealt with most of my life so I tend to just work through it until I'm ready to call it a day. I figure women have been dealing with menopause since the beginning of time and its a natural occurance as we age...just deal with it. I've got several herbal teas that are said to help deal with the 'women's issues'...just don't seem to think about them most of the time.
Hubby doesn't always understand why I've stopped doing certain things. His theory is, if he gives in to the pain, he won't be able to move. Not me...my theory is, if I don't do the things that give the pain, I won't have to deal with pain...makes way more sense to me. Its the same with being out in the heat right now...why make myself more miserable by getting overheated? I actually become nauseous after just a few minutes in all the humidity and heat....god forbid I should do any strenuous activity such as hoeing or running the weedeater!! I am drenched within a matter of seconds, light headed and drained....it just isn't worth all that to me. Cooler weather is, hopefully, just around the corner...we'll give it another shot then. This has been a very trying summer for me with the heat and humidity...I can only attibute it to age.
Basics 101...Food...Recipes with Leftovers
16 years ago
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