Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deja Vue...

I've been sitting here most of the morning reading through my old journal entries on Garden Buddies. They have all been copied, including the comments and I have them on my computer now.  Figured  I didn't want to lose them in case anything ever happened on that site...there were some minor issues earlier this year.

Today's weather has been cool, very overcast with temps hanging in the mid 60's.  It truly looks like a dreary fall day through my windows.  The front door is open, the dogs are all passed out enjoying the cooler weather.  You can 'smell' the moisture in the cool air.

Hubby came in for lunch as I was reading my old journal entries.  Didn't think I'd see him home today, but he has now finished off the last of the chili I made late last week.  We had it a couple of days in a row and then I had frozen some.  I thawed it out last night for supper....there was only one bowl left last night when we were done.  Was thinking about making Spaghetti sauce with hopes of leftovers for making the Parmesean Chicken again.  Sis used my recipe the other day, only she did leg quarters instead of the breasts and she put it all in the crockpot.  I asked how it came out and she had to laugh...seems she didn't get one bite.  Her hubby had hogged both leg quarters and all the sauce.  She ended up fixing herself something different.  She did say it will be a meal she makes again since her hubby scarfed it...obviously he liked it.  Her hubby is the one who normally does the 'real' cooking.  Sis will be the first one to tell you she isn't a cook...but she tries.

After I finished reading my old journal entries, I got to thinking about how to upload it all to this blog....I'm still working on it.  There are a great number of pictures in those posts and I'm hoping to at least get it figured out so my entire journal can be in one spot.  It will of course, remain on Garden Buddies, but it will also be a part of this one....if I can get it figured out.

I did note while I was reading that we seem to have had a fairly mild summer, as Florida summers go.  The heat just bothers me more than it ever has in the past...again, it must be the dreaded age thing.  Wasn't all that long ago that we were having the same type weather we are experiencing now...difference being, I was turning the heat off, and the A/C on.  Just a few short months ago I was writing about being anxious for the warmer weather....HAH!!  and ever since it got here, all I did was whine.  Crazy....that's what I am.

My morning didn't start off all that great, again I rolled out of bed, growling like a grizzly bear.  First the whine of Mojo greeting 'daddy', then hubby leaving the space heater on...after he's out of the bathroom, and my final growl as I began making coffee...my husband's refusal to walk his trash to the trashcan...leaving it instead on the countertop...I snatched the offending papertowels and paperplate off the counter after making my coffee, and tossed them in the trash as I walked out the backdoor to open the chicken coops.  Hubby never made a peep.  So, one can imagine my shock when he pulled down the drive at lunchtime! 

By the time he came in for lunch, my mood had mellowed somewhat...now to get my butt to the polls and vote!

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