Monday, October 13, 2008

Rainy Columbus Day, fire ant free for all

Well, happy Columbus Day...I guess...hmmm, is that another 'day' they've changed? All I know, I was planning to go to the bank this morning to make a deposit...looks like that will be tomorrow now.

The water hasn't receded much...hasn't had a chance really, we had another small shower around 8 am. I've decided to leave the water in the cooler and see how much more we's currently just above the two gallon mark....all this since Thursday and most of it came on Friday night....
The entire yard is a soggy swamp at the moment. Really cut into my plans for doing some yard work over the weekend. Figures, now that the weather is cooling off I'm gonna get rained out at every turn. The fire ants are mounding all over the yard...hate those nasty little buggers. They've invaded my Stevia pot since last night and are in the Cactus pot and one of the Florida Aloe pots. Then of course there are the mounds growing on several of the walkway pavers and I've spotted two more mounds out on the other side of the Rubber Tree plant. Hate to see what's happening out back in the pasture area. SIGH...looks like I'll be going after some Fire Ant killer soon...probably take fifty pounds to do the yard....eeewww, but it beats getting gnawed on by them every time I walk across the yard. If they weren't such nasty biters I wouldn't bother...but, with the granddaughter being out in the yard playing on occasion and hubby trying to work out in different areas, the possibility of being in a nest or too near one is great and increases the number of bites...easier to be rid of them.
Well, that's main fan just shut down...did we blow a breaker or is the power off? I'm on the laptop so...I checked my internet connection...still have a off to the breaker box....hmmm, all the breakers look fine...I stopped and checked the fan in the came on when I pressed the button...the tv power light is on, so that's ok...
On to the power strip...dang, it's the one that has the 'light' burned out...ok, let's try a different one...I plugged the power cord into a different strip...turned it on...still nothing.....its the fan.
Oh, this is hated...this fan is one that really pushes the air and now its quit. On and running fine one minute, the next it's off. CRAP!! Hopefully, hubby will be able to get it up and running again, just like the last time it did's an older commercial model, but it works soooo nice! (when its Probably just needs cleaned out again, after all, it has been running most of the summer.
The day has warmed up quite a porch thermometer says its 88 degrees. We do have a very nice cool breeze blowing pretty often and the skies have dark clouds to the west and south of us so I'm sure we'll be seeing more rain shortly...probably in time for hubby to come home and get from the truck to the house. The van may take a while to get back together at this rate with all the rains.
On the brighter side of all this rain....we are at the very beginning of the 'Dry' season now...still have another 45 days before the end of Hurricane season, but the dry season 'starts' around the fifteenth of this month. Makes me mental trying to figure out how they come up with some of the things they do (weather people).


  1. The fire ants are mounding all over the yard...
    Have you tried molasses? I think that's what I've read. Try Googling '+molasses +"fire ants"'.

  2. Thanks DJ...I did just that and the info is pretty amazing! And...I just happen to have some sorghum molasses...shall be giving it a try!!
