Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No Record breaking temps....yet

We didn't break any records last night, but our overnight low hit 44 degrees....the record low for this date was in 1938 and was 43 degrees. At 9:15 am, it is only 48 degrees according to my porch thermometer.

The chickens seemed more content to stay inside the coops this morning, wonder if it is because of the cold? Usually, they are sticking their heads out and protesting loudly about being left inside. The past few days, hubby has been leaving them inside when he goes to work and I've been letting them out once the sun begins to warm things up a bit.

I got the wheelbarrow emptied yesterday but that was about it. All the bending and raking has thrown my body into fits the past few days. When I rolled the wheelbarrow out to the firepit, I felt the pull between my shoulders....the sad part, there was only long cuttings from the Bottlebrush wasn't even a heavy load. Even pushing it back to the front empty was creating such pain between my shoulders that I decided to leave things for another day.

We lit the fire in the firepit last night right before dark...Note to self...Bottlebrush is another thing that burns very quick even green. There is so much brush down around the yard that it doesn't take much to find enough to have a very nice fire. The fire blazed pretty hot and felt very nice as darkness fell on the yard. We sat out in the swing watching the fire and enjoying the Fall air until well after dark. By the time we came inside, the fire had begun to die down to embers. This morning I notice that it looks like everything burned completely to ash.

Our county fair begins tomorrow and will run through next weekend...Hubby is wanting to go. We usually enjoy wandering through the exhibits and of course we have to ride some of the rides and grab some of the wonderful 'fair food'. Maybe I can talk him into going during the daylight hours instead of after dark, which is when he usually wants to go. I'm just way too worn out to go play after dark must be age catching up with me for Saturday we are supposed to go to a party at his boss's daughter's house...she's having a moving party...was talking about everyone coming over and making it a pool party...HA!! Not about to get my body in a pool in this chilly weather!! According to the weather people, we are supposed to be warming up a bit by the end of the week. Is it any wonder I am having such difficulty adjusting to the cold? We are forecast to have highs back in the upper 70's to low 80's by the weekend.

Speaking of the cold...hubby was picking on me last night as we sat outside enjoying the fire...asked me how I thought I'd be able to handle the cold weather on the mountain if I was having such a hard time with this little cold snap. Well, DUH!!! When it starts changing in 'cold country', a body has a bit of a chance to adapt to the cooler weather. It's the back and forth, hot to cold to hot again that is hard to adjust to. Besides, I've lived there before and lived in a colder climate when I was in Indiana...the body will about Springtime, hahaha.
Last night was especially rough, as I felt feverish and really just ached all over....probably had a bit to do with being outside after dark in the chilled air. Wouldn't be the first time I've experienced this from being out after dark...used to get all achy when I'd sit on the dock fishing after dark in the fall air years ago....just one of those things...

Our annual family Thanksgiving camping trip has been called off this year. Seems the place we normally go called to let hubby's brother know that Thanksgiving day the park will be closed due to staffing issues. We've changed locations and while closer, there aren't any campsites available at this late date for Thanksgiving weekend. Just as well...we were talking about how we would be able to camp without having someone come in and take care of the dogs and chickens. The dogs I wasn't worried about...they could go to the pen for a couple of days with extra food and water. The chickens on the other hand would have to spend the time inside the coops...I'm sure they would NOT have been happy about that! We did tell his brother that next year we should just plan on everyone coming here. Anyone who wants to hang out and camp is welcome to toss a tent out in the back pasture. Plenty of nice areas back there and I'd even mow if I know for sure they want to camp. They would even get to experience the wildlife just like when we head to our favorite place Princess Place Preserve, .
This place is right on the water and has some wonderful wildlife and views. We've enjoyed camping there many times.

Great, just heard the weather guy say we are under 'Red Flag Fire Warnings'...again, it's because the humidity has dropped to below 50%...ok, but you still couldn't keep a fire going in my yard shy of using a blow torch...even with that, I'm positive it would be a challenge.

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