Friday, September 19, 2008

Is it any wonder I'm stressed?

Fall seems to be in our air...its just a very subtle change here in Central Florida...the heat and steam leave the air and we are finally out of the 90's as our daily high. The daytime highs run in the mid to upper 80' we are forecast for a high of about 85.

At 7 am the temp was a cool 75 degrees. I'm also noticing that it has begun to get dark around here a bit earlier this has been after 8 pm before we lose the last bit of daylight...last night I noticed it was dark before 8 pm...the chickens have been going to roost around 7:30 pm the last couple of nights. No real changes in the foliage around this and then I might spot Virginia Creeper beginning to show red but that's about it.

The coolness in the air is making me think more and more about being on the mountain. SIGH...with the way things are going around here though, it doesn't appear we will be able to afford the trip I was wanting to make in October. Hubby came in late yesterday from work and in a very snarly mood. When I asked about his day...what a mistake that was!...he said it started badly from the moment he left the driveway.... GREAT!!! Seems his truck is having more issues with the starter...again...I guess it locked up as he was going down the road. He had to get push started when he left the shop and of course I had called him to have him stop and pick up ice on the way home...he had to leave the truck running while he ran in to the little store. By the time he got home, he was in a pretty foul temper. He went out to see if he could correct the issue on his truck, only to come back inside still foul...seems he found the problem and doesn't have the part on hand to fix it. No biggy, I said he could just drive my truck instead and I'll use the van. Then he tells me he wants me to call the parts place this morning for a part on the van....I had forgotten about it dripping water the last time I drove it...seems a heater control valve is needing replaced...still don't understand why its leaking on the side of the radiator if its just a bad valve, but hey, he's the mechanic! Looked to me as if the radiator had popped a pinhole and was streaming it down the side...but again, I'm just the wife....HE'S the MECHANIC. Pfftt...wouldn't be the first time he's been wrong. That truly annoys me with him.

Its not like I'm ignorant about engines...been messing around under the hood since I was a teen. Took auto shop my senior year in high school and really wanted to go into mechanic classes at that time. Still helping him work on engines even now...just not as frequent. Got tired of trouble shooting a problem and having him disagree, only to end up having it be what I said was wrong in the first place! He knows it all as he's been doing this all his life...and no woman knows near what he knows! Kiss my grits bud! He's finally stopped telling me to just 'drive it til it breaks'...ok, I can do that! I finally have given up telling him he needs to look at my vehicle when something is going I just tell him when it breaks, I'll trade it for a NEW one and he can pay for it. THAT has his attention!

Men! They can be so aggravating when they choose... Like last night after he came in for the evening. Since we didn't get the fridge delivered until late in the day, I didn't get a chance to go to the grocery. I looked in the cabinets to see what was on hand that I could throw together for supper. In the middle of me getting things together, he remembers there was a movie that was supposed to be starting at 7 was almost 7:30 at the he asks what channel it was I'm supposed to remember this? Told him which channel I thought it was, he flips it to the menu guide and then gets snarly when I am not paying attention to what's on. I not trying to get supper started? He's sitting right there LOOKING at the tv, watching the shows scroll by and I'm at the I had to stop what I was doing and come stand in front of the tv so I could find the program for him...JEEZ, what a lazy individual. You can't look for yourself? It was on the channel I told him to begin with. I swear, if he comes home in that mood tonight I'm gonna clean his clock! And then send him to bed without supper like a little bratty kid! Is it any wonder I'm so stressed? This man acts like he can't do a thing for his self. I need a vacation....from him.

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