Saturday, November 8, 2008

Heading to the County Fair

A beautiful Fall day here in Central Florida! Temperatures overnight remain a pleasant 64 degrees or so. The lower humidity we are experiencing makes our daytime highs of mid 80's feel pretty comfortable.

We are heading out to the Volusia County fair in just a bit. This is the last weekend of the fair and the weather couldn't be more beautiful! Seems every year we've gone it has been in the evening. Not this year! It is so nice that we've decided to head out during the daylight hours this time. At least in the 'morning' hours all of the exhibits should be more night people have already gone home for the most part.

Really looking forward to all the sights and smells at the fair....might even manage a few pictures with my cellphone...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wild November Turkeys

Hahaha, figures the moment I posted the pictures of our friend's Turkeys on this blog...we just had six Wild Turkeys come wandering into the yard this afternoon!! So glad the big dogs were on the porch. They (all the dogs) sat so quietly, watching as these turkeys wandered in from the side yard where the chicken coop is. By the time I got up to come get my camera, all of them were in the front yard near the Rubber Tree plant.

Here is the group...Can't tell if the larger one is a Tom or not since it wasn't 'displaying' and the sun wasn't in the right position with my being on the porch.

Within just a few moments, they were all heading down the driveway. Slipping in and out as silent as the night, I usually only see the 'scratchings' of where they have been. If the deer weren't such piggies at the bird feeders I'd be able to keep a bit of feed on the ground for them. The deer, as much as I adore them, can be quite the pests when it comes to the birdseed. They will eat any and all of it and while I was putting feed out for them at one point, since they refuse to leave my Hibiscus alone....well, I just haven't been encouraging them to feed here.

November Storms, Turkeys and Chickens

Another mild Fall night...we dropped to about 55 degrees and this morning at 7 am it was already 62 degrees as the sun began to rise. At almost 10:30 am, the temperature is a comfortable 74 degrees. With the low humidity we are experiencing at present, it has a chilly feel to the air.

There has been another storm formed in the Caribbean and at this time is a hurricane heading towards the Cayman Islands and Cuba. Last I saw, it had a North heading. We aren't expecting it to impact our area as we have a high pressure system just offshore and a cold front pushing down into the state that is expected to push the storm away from us. We are expecting very dry, cold air for the next several days...our highs are supposed to be in the low 70's.
I finally got some pictures downloaded from my cell and ready to share.
These are some of our friend's beautiful Narragansett (sp?) Tom Turkey and the Blue Slate Female:

They are a bit dark as it was early evening and I took the pictures with my cellphone. Couldn't help myself as this fellow was trying sooo hard to impress 'his lady'. She, on the other hand, was paying him no mind at all. The female is still fairly young.

These are the newest pictures of our small flock of chickens....The first shots are Barney the Banty Rooster, Ms Red the Brown Leghorn Banty hen, and Ms Piggy the Barred Rock hen...

Ms Red is in a molt and was acting very 'camera shy' as she kept trying to hide...

My camera hound....Ms Piggy...

And these last two are our little 'laying machines'....Henny Penny, the dark red and Chicka Patty, the lighter red...

Have to laugh at these two, as they are constantly eating...any other time, they would be breaking their necks to see what is in my hand. Wasn't able to convince either of them to 'pose' for me. Ms Piggy is the camera hound for sure.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Morning temperature at 7:00 am is 59 degrees, the skies are still full of clouds.  It feels like Fall with the chilly, wet air.  Outside my window, the Chinese Tallow tree is changing colors, from green to a pretty red/gold...the only trees in my yard that give any type of Fall color.  It won't be long before this little tree has dropped its leaves and stands bare.  The only other real color in the yard are the yellowing leaves of the wild grapevines, everything else remains green or brown.  The oaks seem to just go brown as a few drop their leaves sporadically.

With the time change this past weekend, the chickens are in bed now just past 5:30 6 pm we are enveloped in total darkness.  By the time hubby leaves for work at 7 am, the sky is already light and the sun is beginning to rise...the chickens are ready to be let out of the coops.  Depending on the temperature, I have been leaving them inside until we hit at least 60 degrees, or until the sun is fairly high in the sky...usually have them out by 9 am.  For now, Ms Red is molting and looking very 'picked' as her new feathers fill in.  Barney has filled back in nicely and is a sharp looking rooster with his black body and white accents.  Ms Piggy looks the same as always, just a plump hen with her pretty black/grey barred feathers.  She still isn't laying and has now passed the one year mark.  The new girls, Patty and Penny, continue to lay regular.  I'm really happy with these two as they lay jumbo size eggs, each weighing between 2.5 ounces to 3+ ounces.  They are very nice brown eggs.  I wish Ms Piggy would lay, as hers should be around the same size and color.

The dogs are enjoying the cooler weather, except for us having to close the door in the evening when it gets chilly.  With the shorter days they aren't getting to run and romp as much with 'dad' right now.  By the time he comes in at night, it has been dark already.  They do at least get to run and romp for shorter periods during the day since I'm home during the day now.  Guess that's one advantage to my not working.

Work...a bit of a sore subject with me at the moment.  Hubby came in a week or so ago and said something about his work slowing down again soon and that I should go get a job as he doesn't think he will be able to find another one.  Say what??  This isn't setting well at the moment.  He seems to act as if he wants me to work outside the house, but the second I have a job and have to work weird shifts, then he wants to act like he's being neglected.  It's quite fine with him if I've worked an eight hour shift, but then when I come in, even after he's already been home for a bit, I should be ready to fix HIM food and do whatever needs doing around here.  My job has never meant anything to him except that HE isn't able to do things because I have to work.  I can't win on that one.  The minute I start working again he will decide it is no longer a priority to put money in the bank...afterall, I will be making money, so he should be able to do with his what he wants.  Can I just scream now?  Some days, I really just don't feel the need to be married to anyone.  I used to think we were working together for our future.  Now I feel like what's the use...

Sounds like depression is creeping back in to cover my world once more with it's thick, dark blanket.  What has happened to the happy, carefree person I used to be?  There once was a time when I could laugh and enjoy life in spite of what was happening around me.  Now I seem to be miserable and depressed the majority of the time.  Is it an age thing, or is it just circumstance?  Maybe someday I'll find the answers...maybe someday I'll be able to see 'the brighter side of life' once more....maybe

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hoping that the change is good

This morning has started very overcast and dreary...the temperature at 6:30 am was 62 degrees. Now at almost noon, the temperature is still 62 degrees and its still very overcast. Looks like the grey November days in cold country....only real difference is the fact that we still have so much green everywhere here in central Florida.

My mood has lightened quite a least I'm not growling at everyone and everything that breathes or moves this morning. Even hubby has to appreciate that change in mood.

Glad to see the election had such an awesome turnout this time around. I just hope those who have been elected this round remember that they are subject to being voted out just as easily if they fail to act on their promises to the people who helped them win. Sometimes these politicians seem to think that once they've gained office they are above reproach and can do whatever they wish regardless of their supporters wishes.

Our newly elected President will have his hands full, that's for sure. To have to step in to such an incredible mess...well, guess he better get the hipwaders out, cause its a deep pile he'll be wading through. It's a bit hard to comprehend at times just how fast things have gotten screwed up under our current leaders. Wasn't long ago...only eight years...that we were living the 'high life' of prosperity, with a balanced budget, low unemployment and even a surplus in the treasury. Here's hoping that in the coming four years things can begin to get back on track with new leadership.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Deja Vue...

I've been sitting here most of the morning reading through my old journal entries on Garden Buddies. They have all been copied, including the comments and I have them on my computer now.  Figured  I didn't want to lose them in case anything ever happened on that site...there were some minor issues earlier this year.

Today's weather has been cool, very overcast with temps hanging in the mid 60's.  It truly looks like a dreary fall day through my windows.  The front door is open, the dogs are all passed out enjoying the cooler weather.  You can 'smell' the moisture in the cool air.

Hubby came in for lunch as I was reading my old journal entries.  Didn't think I'd see him home today, but he has now finished off the last of the chili I made late last week.  We had it a couple of days in a row and then I had frozen some.  I thawed it out last night for supper....there was only one bowl left last night when we were done.  Was thinking about making Spaghetti sauce with hopes of leftovers for making the Parmesean Chicken again.  Sis used my recipe the other day, only she did leg quarters instead of the breasts and she put it all in the crockpot.  I asked how it came out and she had to laugh...seems she didn't get one bite.  Her hubby had hogged both leg quarters and all the sauce.  She ended up fixing herself something different.  She did say it will be a meal she makes again since her hubby scarfed it...obviously he liked it.  Her hubby is the one who normally does the 'real' cooking.  Sis will be the first one to tell you she isn't a cook...but she tries.

After I finished reading my old journal entries, I got to thinking about how to upload it all to this blog....I'm still working on it.  There are a great number of pictures in those posts and I'm hoping to at least get it figured out so my entire journal can be in one spot.  It will of course, remain on Garden Buddies, but it will also be a part of this one....if I can get it figured out.

I did note while I was reading that we seem to have had a fairly mild summer, as Florida summers go.  The heat just bothers me more than it ever has in the past...again, it must be the dreaded age thing.  Wasn't all that long ago that we were having the same type weather we are experiencing now...difference being, I was turning the heat off, and the A/C on.  Just a few short months ago I was writing about being anxious for the warmer weather....HAH!!  and ever since it got here, all I did was whine.  Crazy....that's what I am.

My morning didn't start off all that great, again I rolled out of bed, growling like a grizzly bear.  First the whine of Mojo greeting 'daddy', then hubby leaving the space heater on...after he's out of the bathroom, and my final growl as I began making husband's refusal to walk his trash to the trashcan...leaving it instead on the countertop...I snatched the offending papertowels and paperplate off the counter after making my coffee, and tossed them in the trash as I walked out the backdoor to open the chicken coops.  Hubby never made a peep.  So, one can imagine my shock when he pulled down the drive at lunchtime! 

By the time he came in for lunch, my mood had mellowed to get my butt to the polls and vote!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Time Change Blues...

Seems we are definitely back to our regular type temperatures....overnight low, even with rain, was around 64 degrees. So far this afternoon, we are sitting about 76 degrees and partly sunny skies...some pretty gnarly looking dark clouds sitting off to the SW at the moment.

Hubby managed to blow dirt into his eye over the weekend while getting his engine back together, seems the drops and ointment have eased the 'scratchy' feeling, but with the eye tearing so much, he can't focus well enough to be driving the big trucks....or for that matter, even my little Dakota. So he called off this morning to rest the eye. That's about all he's done since he rolled out of bed this morning....close his eyes and go back to sleep.

I ran into town to make the deposit he neglected to make Friday....what an absolute waste of my gas and time to do this when he was in town on Friday anyway. But, I'm not going to bother getting aggravated with him over it again...I just told him it needed to go so I didn't have to worry about paying overdraft charges to the bank. The rent check has already been received by the landlord and that would be all I need to do, bounce a check to him....although, he's bounced a few his self, I hate paying money to the bank for stuff like that.

Our friends came out just after dark last night and we hung out on the screened porch. It was a really nice night for sitting outside. The time change sure is throwing me for a loop....was odd to close the coops just before 6 pm. It's been the same all day. Just takes a few weeks for the rest of me to catch up to the clocks. On the positive side, by the time hubby gets home, there will be little time for him to do much outside....ok, it's only positive for me...we'll get to eat before midnight...LOL. Was total darkness by 6 pm...I was amazed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Growling at everything

Our first morning of the 'fall behind' time if only the dogs would have allowed me to sleep the extra hour...

Temperatures overnight were around 64 degrees...felt pretty chilly, but not so much that I kicked the heat on. This morning was very cloudy and overcast and now at almost 1:45 pm, we have been having light rain off and on for the past three hours. Figures, hubby was wanting to finish up his truck this morning and we were planning to head out to the county fair around noon. Current temperature is a wet, 70 degrees with cloud filled, dark skies. I doubt we'll head to the fair in this type of weather. This would have been the first time in years we have been during the daylight hours, usually we head out just before dark.

My issue with the back and leg is has been the first day I haven't had to keep it elevated and have been able to walk around and stand without the calf muscles spasming. The pain is under control and even the ice pack is back in the freezer. Of course, I won't be able to get any more of the weeding attempted with all this rain, so there's no chance of re-aggravating it at the moment. Such a shame as the Mexican Petunias are still needing to be dug out in several more areas in the front bed.

I thought our friends were planning to stop in this weekend...they were interested in taking some of these petunias off my hands and some of the Wedalia also. Haven't heard a word from them and at the rate we are seeing rain, I doubt if they will decide to come out. Probably hear from them about dark, letting us know that they aren't going to come out.

Just as well....I woke up growling at the dog and hubby is trying to ease a headache... now if only the neighbors will stop shooting at whatever it is they keep firing guns towards....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November plans

Today has been fair....the normal weather seems to have returned, lows overnight were in the mid 60's and our highs have been in the upper 70's...I think it managed to hit about 78 degrees earlier today.

The boys both came out late in the afternoon, hubby was working on his truck getting the engine dropped back in so his brother could borrow our engine hoist. As usual, it seems to have been a 'bust' day for getting the younger one to work on his own junk sitting out back. I did let him know that I want it out of my yard and there will not be any future projects done by them in our yard.

My sister in-law called about the menu plans for Thanksgiving...the camping trip portion is cancelled. While we were talking, she was mentioning why they pick certain areas for this annual event. Seems it has to do with the family members who live in North Florida and trying to make things easier for them. That's all fine and dandy, but if she really thought about it, she'd realise that none of them give two hoots about making things easy for anyone else. None of the ones in that area think about anyone but themselves when it comes to making plans for holidays. Its fine for all of us down in this area to make the two hour trip, one way, to their home for holiday gatherings...but god forbid we should request them to make the same trip...doesn't seem right to me. Her reasoning was that none here have the 'house' large enough for all the family...well, maybe my 'house' isn't big enough, but we sure have the property that is large enough for forty plus people. None of the ones in North Florida have a house that large either, and only one has a yard of any size, but no where near the size of ours.

I told hubby the other week that he should suggest it for next year's Thanksgiving. We could throw an awning up in case of bad weather...wouldn't be any worse than being at the campsite area. We have made the 'mandatory' trip yearly to their houses for Christmas dinners every year. Personally, I'm to the point where I could care less whether I see these people or not. If they think they are too good to come to their brother's house for any reason, well, I can play that card myself...the highway runs both ways and their gas isn't any more expensive than ours.

My dinner contribution is usually a ham and a sister in-law likes my hams. This year, one of the sisters requested to make a ham. Not a problem, there will be two deep fried turkeys, her ham and I offered to smoke a turkey and make applecrisp. My sister in-law had asked me about making an apple dish and thought the applecrisp sounded good. The extra turkey was accepted also. We discussed what out of the camping gear might be needed since we'll be preparing everything outside once we get to the site. Most things will already be cooked, but knowing how silly some of this family can be, we plan to carry the campstoves and an extra table. The final count isn't in as yet, but based on our 'normal' crowd, we're looking at close to fifty people showing of the sisters brought an extra twenty people last year, without warning. This almost made my SIL catch a healthy attitude, the only saving grace was the girl made sure to bring extra food. It isn't that they weren't welcome, its just that SIL wants to make sure we have enough food on hand for everyone. Can't blame her for that, I'm not much into those kinds of surprises either...not to mention that the area we were in was tight to begin with and all the extra people had everyone elbow to elbow.

Ahhh, such is life with big families....