Monday, October 27, 2008

An Arctic chill visits Florida....Noon Update...Brownies are calling my name

Whew! Once it began warming up, the temperature has risen quite nicely... at noon it is now 78 degrees according to my porch thermometer.

My girlfriend stopped in this morning for a short visit. She's planning to go visit her daughter next week...I'll miss her Monday visit. After she left, I went ahead and started in on the flowerbeds beneath the Bottlebrush tree. I got my 'Artist statue' moved...uuugghh, I'll be paying for that is solid concrete. Didn't move him far, just thought he'd like a different view. I like him better in the new spot.

Got some of the Bottlebrush trimmed back away from the house while I was in that bed...needs more, but for the moment, I need to empty the wheelbarrow again and take a short break. Moving the statue really wore me out....that and the half a dozen pots that were sitting there also. All of them have about fifteen pounds of dirt in them...the Hibiscus starts that were in them have been devoured by the Lubber Grasshoppers...only weeds remain. Guess I'll clean them out and see if I can get a few veggies to grow in them instead....I'll have to go check my seed box and see what I have that might work in them. I'm thinking of pulling my poor little 'Sunsprite' out of the pot on the looks as if her push to win the rose race was more than she could handle. Since her bloom in June, I cut her back hoping to see more growth. It doesn't appear she's going to make it. Told hubby yesterday that if there looks to be roots still, I'll re-pot it, otherwise, the poor thing will go to the burnpit... I think I may have some Lettuce that might do well in the pot on the porch. At least I'll be able to make sure it is watered with it sitting so close.

Break time is over....well, almost. I am starving at the moment and think I'll go see what I can find to eat....mmmm, brownies from last night are calling my name...guess I'll answer that call.

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