Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricanes and clutter...

Tuesday morning as the sun rises the sky is reddish gold...the temperatures overnight only dropped into the upper 70's...still 78 degrees at 6:30 am. The humidity has remained high through the night and even the early morning hours are stuffy and mucky.

The news is showing the damage Gustav brought to Louisiana and the surrounding states...glad people took it serious and evacuated the low areas. The biggest thing now will be the tornadoes and flooding as it blows on through. Never fun after a major storm. At least it did drop down to a less serious storm before it hit. High surge and high winds equal major damage....not that a Category 3 storm is anything to laugh at.

We continue to watch our east Atlantic storms as Hanna sits to the southeast of us over the Bahamas. The current 'track' calls for this storm to make a northerly turn and skim along the Florida coast before making landfall in the Carolinas....so far, she's heading due west....something to definitely watch. And then there are several more that also bear watching....we now have TS Ike coming in behind Hanna and another system is forming behind that one. As one of our weathercasters said...this is our most active time of hurricane season now.

Having lived in this state along the east coast for over twenty years now, I'll still take a hurricane over tornadoes or blizzards any day of the week. I've lived in areas where tornadoes and blizzards were the norm and find hurricanes much easier to deal with....at least we have several days warning with a hurricane with today's technology.

When we went to Lowes' to pick up the roofing caulk yesterday, we also picked up more of the 'Mosquito Dunks'. All the standing yard water is becoming a breeding ground for these flying teeth. The 'dunks' are supposed to kill the larvae and one 'donut' will treat 100 sq feet of water. The package indicates it is a bacteria lavaecide...as long as it works....some of the dive bombing skeeters we're seeing now are big enough to carry off small kids and animals...hahaahaha....hubby has treated around the house and chicken yard as well as out back in his work areas.

All in all, was a fair holiday weekend. Tons of things that still need doing around here, but until this water begins to dry out more, there are only a few things that will actually get done. At this rate, it could be October before some of the house maintenance issues will be addressed....can't jack the floors back up with water standing under the house like it is now. Looks like I'll just have to work on the inside and getting the clutter under control...major cleaning and tossing is close at hand.....I'm so over the clutter.

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