Minor weather from Ike is expected today as the storm moves into the Gulf. Currently its a sticky 78 degrees...very cloudy and overcast at the moment. I've got the door open and the fans on for now...we've been having to run the A/C night and day due to the high temps and humidity...feels nice to just have the fans on right now.
After sitting here all weekend with no cash, hubby finally got paid for last week....but not his full pay...seems the boss's daughter didn't deem it necessary to pay him for the FULL day he worked on Saturday last week....and then of course this past Friday he was sent home due to the boss's son having the entire shop garage full of his toys so hubby had no place to do HIS job....
We can't continue to survive on this type of crap. Last month, hubby only worked 13 days...because his boss didn't have the money to pay him...this month is beginning the same way. Friday he was told they didn't have the cash to pay him...but they'd make sure he got money by Tuesday. Yippee, skippee...bet the son and daughter drew THEIR full paychecks. Just really on my last nerve with this crap. The daughter has played this game before with one of the other guys...but, hubby doesn't work for the daughter, he works for the FATHER...and in my mind, if he isn't going to get paid for being there, then he might as well stay home.
I'm so upset over this I can't see straight!!!! Hubby's words this morning were 'oh, its ok, no need to be upset...its not like there's other jobs out there right now'....GRRRRRRRRRR, my response..'so because jobs are slow or unavailable, you should get screwed out of pay?...they should think they have you over a barrel because jobs around here are scarce???' I'm ready to go to the shop and give every last one of them a major piece of my mind. We are struggling to make ends meet and now we should live on less? I know what the son and daughter are being paid, and I also know that both of them live way outside their paychecks...but for them to think that my husband should be happy to have a job and work basically for nothing so they can continue to lay out and sleep on the job while they draw over a grand a week...oh HELL NO!!
Looks like we shall be having a major go round now. They don't hold taxes and now they think they are going to monopolize his time for pennies. I'm about to go redneck on someone's ass.
Good thing he didn't say anything last night or we'd have been scrapping for sure....he waited until this morning, just seconds before he left for work, to give me less than half of his normal pay to make a deposit. I'm pissed...no ifs ands or buts about it.
We were discussing the camper we looked at over the weekend, again last night. After going through one of the RV trader magazines, I finally got him to understand that this camper is priced pretty reasonable....I'd like to look at it again, inside and make the guy an offer...let's see what he'll take...he's asking $6500, which isn't bad, its a 1998...a new one, similar size, make, can be bought for double that...figure offer the person $5000 for it and see what he says...hey, if it can be got for less, might as well go for it. We can always work it back higher if need be. But I do want to see it inside first.
While in the RV trader, we also ran across a nice 2008 model, 7000 watt DIESEL generator for $750...gave that person a call and it turns out they aren't that far...ok, about an hour's drive away....but they are a company that sells these generators....this is the same price as the smaller generators are being sold for and this is an 'industrial' model....
Right now, from what they said, they are delivering a truck load of these to Louisiana and will be back sometime around the middle of next week. This generator is capable of handling quite a bit, so we will definitely be going to check it out in person. We've been talking about one like this for the mountain property anyway and with this price, its a great deal. The entire cabin (future) would be able to be run with this one. We've been discussing using solar panels for hot water and such anyway and other alternatives for power....still in the planning stage, but might as well use what's best, rather than continue being slaves to the utility company.
For the time, living in a camper is looking better and better. At least it would be paid for and the property is almost paid off...fuel and food would be about it...oh, and taxes of course...can't live without taxes...hahaha
Basics 101...Food...Recipes with Leftovers
16 years ago
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