Saturday, September 13, 2008

Beautiful day for an Anniversary...

Today has started with low humidity, cool morning air...temp at 8am was a pleasant 76 degrees. The sky is bright blue with high puffy clouds...looks very summery around here this morning....too bad its moving towards Fall...LOL

As of noon, the temperature has risen to about 85 and the humidity has also risen...ugghhh, just when I thought it might begin to get tolerable. A/C is back to cranking, trying to keep the house at 80 degrees as the sun bakes outside.

Its hard to believe that today is my son's 12th wedding anniversary...seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with him... They got married on Friday September 13th at the 13th hour (1pm)...thought it was pretty cool as we have such a thing for the 13th. Hubby and I will celebrate our 12th year of marriage in Dec...we will celebrate 17 years of togetherness Monday September 15th...the anniversary of our first date. Since we've been together since our very first date it only seems right to celebrate that date also....hubby actually mentioned it the other day about us having an anniversary coming up....he can be sweet when he chooses.

With the dryer weather forecast I'm hoping we can get some of the mowing finished this weekend. Hubby has most of the back pasture finished and we should have the parts for the mower sometime today...they were supposed to be in yesterday. Maybe now that he's located the longer hose for the pressure washer we will be able to get the roof ready for the sealer. According to the directions on the sealer, the temps need to be above 70 degrees (got that and then some) and there can be no rain in the forecast for at least 24 hours (looks like we got that)...I'm hoping to at least get the sealer applied by the end of the if I can just get him on the same page. He's out and about this morning with a friend, hunting parts at the local U-pull-it place...they seem to go about once a month. I don't mind going, but not with all of us jammed in the truck...not in this heat.

Looks like IKE has really knocked Texas around from the news girlfriend's son and DIL are in Houston...he works for Exxon...I gave her a call earlier and she said they did not evacuate as of last far, she hasn't heard from them today...figures she'll hear from them later as the storm passes through. Hope they and everyone else in that area are safe.

The way this storm is forecast to track, it looks like everyone is going to be 'enjoying' the rains, all the way back to the northeast coast! Heard one of the weathercasters saying western NY could be seeing the rains from this around Monday or Tuesday....this is one storm that has sure slapped everyone!

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