Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Work, Wings and Wild things....oh, my

After spending the day roasting and sweating rivers, the night cooled down once more. This morning's temperature at 7 am...a very nice 70 degrees. Very little humidity and of course, no sun, makes the air truly fresh at this time.

Spent the remainder of the evening outside....yes, outside, helping my husband....he stopped on his way home and picked up some insect repellent. For whatever reason, he has decided to finally clean up the area in front of our shed....it only sits right off the driveway in the front yard. Since we have lived here, he has just piled stuff wherever out front of the shed...makes me mental, but, hey, I'm just the wife. So now he is moving his stuff and even tossing out a few things!! Never thought I'd see that happening!!! I've been just looking past the stuff and ignoring the entire area. Happy to see it finally getting straightened up and me not having to say a word!!

The oldest son stopped out last night as well. He's helping his dad get an engine together for another truck we have acquired....some of these items just fall into our laps at times. Finally have all the parts they need and now they are almost ready to set it back in the truck. WOOHOO! Cause this trucks' a going up for sale.

While I was outside, I decided to wander around a bit and just look at the yard...I haven't really been outside since all the rain. The mosquitoes have just been way to thick. Miss Piggy ran to the front of the garden fence the minute she spotted me. Such a sweet hen...looking for a handout is more her story....lol...so I stopped and checked for eggs and took a look at their progress of cleaning out the weeds. Its looking pretty fair. While I'm in the garden I notice that the Sweet Potato vine is still going....wonder if it will produce? Found a self seeded Tomato on the end where the corn and potatoes were...must have come from the stuff I tilled under when I cleaned the chicken yard last...I don't have a clue how it got there otherwise. But the hens have nipped it back....no biggie as I'm wanting to till the entire area under.

I also noticed that the two lone tomato plants were still surviving. Those were some pretty excellent tomatoes, so I took some cuttings to see if I can get starts this way. If they grow, sweet....if not, oh well...doesn't take nothing but a few minutes time. Got three nice cuttings from what was left and they are now in a nice planter box in the front bed so I can keep an eye on them.

Found the starter trays...under all hubby's junk by the shed....he's asking if I want them....DUH!!! I've only been trying to recall just exactly where you put them.
Then he goes to dragging off my big tree pots....whoa!!! wait just a minute there...where do you think you are going with those? He had planned to 'move them out back' yeah right, and I'd never see them again...no, no, no,...just leave those right here where I can find them....so now they are half hidden under the Four o'clocks...could have left them by the shed. After all, that's where the rest of the gardening stuff is...

While we were out front, Mojo and Bear spotted the deer...thankfully they were going down the neighbor's drive....was very cool to see about a dozen or so with the young fawns...the larger ones bouncing over the fences, the babies darting between the rails. We stood out at the pasture and watched....they finally went towards the back of the neighbor's house...hahaha...trying to sneak in from the backside!! We had a doe earlier going for the birdfeeders...and before they headed down the neighbor's drive, they were considering ours....the dogs being loose made the choice.

Blue Jays and Cardinals are both bringing young to the feeders today. I happened to spot the Eastern Bluebird out there the other day. Was so glad to see they are still around...haven't caught sight of them for a bit. The white Cattle Egrets continue to 'graze' in our front yard...guess they are looking for the young bugs...but they are welcome....just wish someone would eat the Lubber Grasshoppers!!! Darn things destroy everything. My Cannas and Lillies are suffering from them. Smashed a large one on the the front walk a few days ago...he's still there, as a warning to the rest of them....grrrrr.
We've also had the Hummingbirds buzzing daily outside the screen porch. They love the Hibiscus, the Ginger, Bottlebrush tree and Aloe...right now, most of my Mexican Petunias have been pulled out, but they seem to adore them and the Four o'clocks also.

Pulled a few weeds from the front beds while I was out there...hubby was working on the wheelbarrow tire....seems one always goes flat...so very glad I had all that repellent on!! The mosquitoes are really thick up under the Bottlebrush tree...hmmm, that thing needs trimmed out again too. SIGH...never ending chores...