Friday, August 29, 2008

The waiting game...continued

The cable tech left after replacing the modem and checking the service line outside. Seems there are several places that have chew marks from possibly squirrels on the line from the street to our pole. Service tech for the line should be out sometime next week since today is Friday and Monday is a holiday.

In the meantime, things appear to be back to normal for the phone....WAIT!!!! my internet connection is not working now!!! Too late, he's already left the I call repair again. This time at least the tech was able to reset my connection over the phone.... up and online once more.

For now at least, everything seems to be working pretty well. The service tech did say that we should have a much better signal once the service line is replaced. As long as the service works, I'll be happy.

The heat and humidity are overwhelming this afternoon. Even with the A/C running since before the temperatures began rising, it is still above 85 degrees inside...and there are two fans to help keep the air circulating....uuuggghhh, just plain hot.

Hubby phoned a bit ago rambling on about his brother and sister inlaw going camping this weekend out at one of the springs....good for them is all I have to say!...Too blessed hot and muggy for camping in Florida for this old gal at the moment! Not to mention the heavy mosquito population...yuk...I for one do not wish to battle humidity AND mosquitoes right now. I'm melting inside in the A/C fer cryin out loud!! They have a pop-up tent camper...electricity, running water....all the comforts of home...including an A/C unit on the thing. Our tent doesn't have A/C. But in any case, I don't care for all that stuff when I'm in the mood to camp. To me, if you have to bring all the comforts of home, ya might as well stay at home. Part of the camping experience, in my opinion, is making due with limited things. Primitive camping is what appeals to me. My SIL however, refuses to camp anywhere that doesn't have bathrooms and showers....just means they are limited to locations with electric hook-ups and bath houses. I personally don't care to be on top of other people at the campgrounds...and in my experience, that's what you have when everyone wants a site with running water and electric connections.

The last time we camped with them was Thanksgiving 2007...hubby and I had a major spat during that inlaws have been more distant towards me than normal since skin off my nose. Figure if they didn't like what I had to say to my husband, then they should have taken a walk...I was in our tent when the rant began. After all, we were having Thanksgiving with HIS family members and even though I had injured my knee two days prior, hubby acted like all the gear would not only load its self, but unload and magically jump into position without his help. He chose to go off with some other family members and left me, not only to set camp, but to get the food preparations going...if the oldest boy hadn't been there, I would have thrown everything back in my truck and left his butt to ride home with someone else. Was a sorry holiday, and he chose to act like I was non-existent the entire time we were there. Left a very bad taste for me doing any future camping with them....and we've camped with them for several years now.

I guess I could say I've just reached a point in life where I'm not sucking up to anyone for anyone any longer. I've been a part of this family now for seventeen years...if they don't want to be around me, that's fine by me. Although, I do believe part of the animosity began when everyone was talking about which one was having Christmas dinner and expecting everyone to show at their house...when asked, hubby is like 'oh yeah, we'll be there' and I'm like 'I have to see what my sister's plans are, and I'll let you know'....they all acted offended, but pppfffttt, who cares?! His family IS NOT the only ones in the area...I have family in the area as well and see no reason to commit to doing every single holiday with his family. We did that while the boys were young, but not now...I'm just not doing it any longer. They want to act as if they are 'above' coming to our home...mainly because I refuse to let their kids and grandkids treat my home like a playground. Not one of them thinks a thing should be said when the kids and I'm talking pre-teen and up, as well as the toddlers, begin chasing each other in one door and out others, knocking things around and scuffling wherever. NOT in MY house!! I didn't let hubby's boys act like that when we visted any of them and would actually remind them that they didn't act like that in the house...take it outside. Other than that, I'm not sure of any other reason for them to act distant. I've attended every graduation, every wedding, etc...and invited each of them to visit us when they are in the area visiting the other siblings. Their loss as far as I'm concerned.
Seems none of them bother to even call unless they are looking for my husband to 'do' something for them. In my opinion, they are only proving what I've already said...he's only on their mind if he can help them out. Need to get off this subject as it only aggravates me and I'm really attempting to be good...


  1. Seems there are several places that have chew marks from possibly squirrels on the line from the street to our pole. Wow, we have dopehead blue jays that eat the lead paint off the house... I wonder what in the world squirrels would be addicted to in the lines?

    Our tent doesn't have A/C. LOL!

    I personally don't care to be on top of other people at the campgrounds... *snort* How funny some things sound when taken out of context. Haha! :-)

    even though I had injured my knee two days prior, hubby acted like all the gear would not only load its self, but unload and magically jump into position without his help Grrrr!

    Their loss as far as I'm concerned. I had to laugh when I read that. It's a statement I totally agree with.

    Need to get off this subject as it only aggravates me and I'm really attempting to be good... I've been wanting to paste a little gold star in here for you after all that about the camping story, the phone/cable issues, and then the in-laws. LOL!

  2. aaawww, thanks DJ...I have really been trying to keep myself in check lately and sigh...sometimes with life in general it sure is hard. Writing sure gives it an outlet, and its one of the reasons I always kept some type of journal. Its only been in the past year that I've come back to it....reading yours was my inspiration...thank you...
