Saturday, August 9, 2008


Its about a quarter past seven in the evening, rain has come and gone, the temperatures are fairly comfortable hanging around 80 or so. The rain fell in buckets again around 2pm. The yard is flooded once more in the usual areas...not as bad as before, just holding water once more.

We've had the deer, the little spike and his girls, and an unusual water bird that I need to identify...beautiful bird. The bird was hanging out in the standing water out front...sorry dude, but there really isn't much there as it just has filled again. Got some good shots from the porch and will post them later.

The two does headed straight for the birdfeeders and the little spike began grazing the front yard...until Spike and Mojo decided to make their presence known on the porch. The does hauled off across the yard to the trees and the little spike looked at the porch as if to ask "what did you do that for?", before he joined the does at the woods.

I almost feel sorry for the critters...they look like they could all use some good feed. Poor does have ribs visible...but they do have fawns, so that could be some of the reason. I hate to begin feeding them again with us considering a move. I'm almost ready to begin spooking them, just so they regain their fear and wariness of people. The next residents here may not be tolerant of the deer and their young.

That's one of the sadder parts of leaving this place...I feel I have developed a bond with the wildlife that lives here and I will miss them each and every one.

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