As the day wears on, the sky is becoming full of dark far, the temperature is climbing slowly, still mid 80's and its past 1 pm. The humidity has come up to the steamy point, although a light breeze is keeping it from becoming intolerable. Supposed to hit the mid 90's again today, but somehow, I don't believe that will happen. Looks like we could be getting a bit of rain from what the sky is looking like...dark, ominous looking grey/black at the moment.
My girlfriend stopped in after work again this morning...she has an open invitation to stop down anytime she wishes....spent a couple hours visiting with her before she had to leave.
No real plans today, just playing things by ear...I do have to run into town for dog food and also to pick up the wine for dinner far, my buddy isn't home yet, so I figure to wait until I hear from him before I head out. That way I can make it in one that gas!!
Checked the Hibiscus after noticing the 'rope fence' wasn't sitting the same...something (deer?) has sure made a hearty meal from the poor thing. Looks like the electric livestock wire is about to be run...this is just so disheartening after seeing how much new growth had been put out. Its bad enough the thing has to go through all the heat and humidity, but to be constantly munched on and she still manages to throw out some beautiful blooms...just irritates my eyes out!!
So far, the yard has almost dried out where the water was standing just a few short days ago...of course that means we shall have buckets of rain dumped on us has grown very rapidly the past month because of the standing water. Shaggy looking is the best description at this point. Hubby had the weedeater out and really did a great job around the areas where I can't get the rider...too bad it will all need doing again as soon as the mower can be run....hahaha. Never ending around here with the mowing while we are getting the rains!! Won't be long though and we shall be able to go several weeks between mowing...most of the grasses and weeds seem to go dormant in September, which makes the mowing way less around here.
Hubby is continuing to plan for the mountain...he's looking at having time off more frequently as things at the shop are beginning to get seriously tight moneywise...things like getting the van road ready are shifting to the top of his list....finally!!! With the job being what it is though, it truly makes a dent in the finances trying to juggle things around so payments can be made on time. Guess its just one more reason to feel glad that we aren't in debt the way so many are right now. Every vehicle we own is paid off, and the property payment for the mountain is our only real outside expenses are the only thing we really have to worry about.
Since we are already living about as close to the bone as a person can get, there isn't much more we can cut out of the budget. Push comes to shove, I guess I'll start looking for outside work myself...just when I'm enjoying staying home....story of my life.
I really need to get out and cut the Stevia for drying...its beginning to look as though its finishing for the season...would love it if I could actually figure out how to use what I'm Done a bit of research on it a few weeks ago, and the info says to harvest it in the fall...if I wait until our 'fall', it will be dried out to its cutting time I guess.
The Basil is looking kinda crappy...still growing, but just doesn't look as nice as the ones I've had in the past...might just be the soil its in...I don't really know.
Got all three of the cuttings from the tomato plants looking like they have rooted....woohoo!! Those were some very tasty tomatoes...Big Boy variety. Since I know this is possible....look out!! I'll be starting the tomatoes from cuttings now. Figure once ya find one you really like, keep it going!!!
So far, the Lavender has shown quite a bit of growth. I've left it be in its spot, just checking periodically for signs of flowers...nothing yet. Smells wonderful though when you run your hand through the foliage. My Cannas continue to bloom sporadically, even though there are signs of the Leaf roller doing damage to the foliage. They really look bad at the moment. The mystery lillies have done nothing...just lots of foliage, no sign of a bloom even being considered...I'm about over these darn things! We've had them now for several years (I count at least five years) and they have never done plant I will NOT be taking when we finally decide to relocate. My Poinsettias have not looked so well since I first purchased them...they really love their spot in the front bed and I can hardly wait for them to bloom this winter.
Rain has moved in just as I figured...its almost 2 pm and its raining fairly hard. No thunder or lighning at this point....hahaha and as I type this, what do I hear in the far distance....the rumble of much for that! Only a short spit of hard rain this go round...about five minutes and its done? Still looking nasty though, so will probably be getting more...just another rainy summer day in paradise....Liquid Sunshine.
Basics 101...Food...Recipes with Leftovers
16 years ago
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