Friday, August 1, 2008

Posts from Garden Buddies Journal May 2007 to August 2008

Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 25, 2007 - 10:39 am:

When I first came to this property we were looking for a new home. The landlord took me on a tour of the "house" and then we moved on to the outside. The "house" is a 1972 mobile home, nothing much to look at inside or out. But the yard is what I have called my little slice of heaven since the first day. It was quite overgrown at the time as it had been empty for several months. The back pasture had paths from the deer wandering through the high growth. Many flowering wild plants everywhere. I could feel the power of nature calling to me as we walked the property. The tall pines made me feel as if I was back on our mountain in North Carolina. The wind talking through the pines is music in my soul. The next day, I was back with our payment. This little slice of heaven was now ours.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 25, 2007 - 02:01 pm:

These little wild plants are just one of the reasons I wait to mow. We sit on five acres and I do mow the front and areas we frequently use because of the snakes. We have dusky pygmy rattlers and the coral snakes that live in the yard. The duskies are very non-agressive even though they are venomous. Both are very beautiful snakes. This one in the aquarium is one of three dusky pygmies that we had removed by one of the local snake rescue people. They were just a bit too close to the house. I keep the images on my computer for quick reference. Got to teach the little ones to respect these critters and let them alone.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 26, 2007 - 11:00 am:

Looking through some of the pictures I've taken the past year we've lived out here. In this one of the front yard I was watching the turkeys around the feeding station. Taken right at a year ago... look at the Rubbertree plant. I had pruned it back because of a late frost. Poor thing looked so shabby with all of the dead hanging on it. To see it now reminds me why I cover it when we are threatened with frost. Its such a happy plant. Doesn't require much care from me. I keep the dead leaves clipped off and the ground below cleared most of the time. Everything in my yard is happy now!! YIPEE!!! We have had light rain in the afternoon for the past three days!! Actually looks like we may have had almost a half inch. At least that's how much was left in one of the containers sitting on the porch. Don't matter to me as long as the ground gets a little sip to take away the crunch.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, November 05, 2007 - 01:10 pm:

So much has occurred since my last post in this journal. From being in severe drought conditions, we are now waiting for the rain soaked yard to absorb standing water. We joked that the house was the "island" and the yard was our lake. We are so happy to see the rains finally arrive. The last three weeks of October dropped over 36 inches on us and with Hurricane Noel stirring things up just off our coast, we saw rain every day last week and on into the weekend. Between raindrops: DH got the mound of black dirt he brought home spread out for our garden area. This is the second load of black dirt for the area. The yard here is very low. I got the garden laid out and the seeds planted starting October 23. My tomatoes went in first as the poor things were getting way too large for the starter pots. They look much happier now that they can stretch their roots. Planting on a rising moon never ceases to amaze me. Everything except the tomatoes was started from seed. By the time Full Moon came around on October 27, everything was in the ground. By October 28, the radishes I planted on Oct 25 had sprouted. As of today, Nov 5, every seed seems to have sprouted with only one or two exceptions: carrots and lettuce. Looks like I might have the carrots sprouting, but will have to wait just a bit to be sure. The lettuce is a leaf variety and I know from past experience it takes a bit longer to sprout. Lucky combination of Full Moon and Super Rain!! We got the fence around the garden area this past Saturday, now the dogs will not be running through trampling everything....its looking so nice right now.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, November 09, 2007 - 02:08 pm:

Fall weather has arrived in Florida!! The temperatures have finally dropped below 80 degrees. Day temps are in the low to mid 70's and by the time the sun begins to drop in the afternoon, the cool air arrives. Night temps are in the low 50's to low 60's. Everything is still very green here which makes it so hard to tell when the seasons change. It has taken me living here for twenty years now to begin to distinguish between the seasons. Such subtle changes except for the drastic difference in the temperatures!! The grass is beginning to go dormant, although the weeds never seem to die back. This weekend will be the last cutting of the yard probably until Spring unless we get a good bit of rain during the next couple of months. I have transplanted the miniature yellow rose that I believe is called Sun Sprite. She just didn't seem to be doing very well out in the yard. Right now, she is in a very large terra cotta pot and looks as if she enjoys her new spot. There are three buds on her at this time and now I will be able to enjoy them even more as the rose is much closer to the porch. So much to do around the yard and so little energy...the cooler weather makes me want to curl up and snuggle. Got to get out of this lazy spell and get things tidy around the yard so all we'll need to do is keep up the maintenance. Hopefully, we will finish laying the pavers for the patio around the hot tub this weekend. The kiddie pool has been taken down and since it really didn't see much use this summer it probably won't go back up next year. No real loss, I'm perfectly happy using the hot tub to cool off from the summer heat. Who says you have to turn the heater on anyway? The water always feels fine during the hot summer without using the heaters. The garden is progressing very rapidly. Radishes are now almost four inches tall. My potato sprouts are all showing about three inches of green. The broccoli and turnips are still just small two leaf sprouts, but the hills are covered with the green growth. Every squash seed sprouted and they are all about three inches tall. Every hill of corn has sprouted, each plant is about four inches at this time. The cantaloupes all sprouted and are looking fine. Carrots have finally made their presence known and the mound is covered with their sprouts. Only one onion??? Hmmm, still waiting for the remaining green onions to show their sprouts. Still no sign of the Lettuce. May have to re-sow with new seed. Tomato plants are looking better, can't wait to have them produce. Tomatoes from the stores just don't seem to have any taste at all. Gave the garden a good soaking and also a bit of fertilizer to encourage the tomatoes. Guess we'll see how they progress now. Can hardly wait to taste them. Winter tomatoes tend to do better here. Summer heat just makes them tough. Hoping not to see any early frost, although just about everything that is planted at this time doesn't really mind the cooler weather. Don't usually have frost until January. Will be crossing the fingers on that, but at least the garden area is small enough to run my tarps to help protect any tender items.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, November 15, 2007 - 03:27 pm:

BRRRRR...tonight's temps are heading for the mid 40's!! High today has been 80 degrees and tomorrow night the lows are supposed to dip down to the low 40's high 30's...WAIT!!! this is weather like we have in January!!! Friday is only supposed to be about 65 degrees, don't I live in Florida anymore??? But so far the forecast for the rest of the weekend and the coming week is to be back in the mid to upper 70's with the lows in the mid 50's to low 60's. WHEEEW...thought I'd woke up in the mountains there for a minute. The garden continues to impress me with the rapid growth. Will be thinning out the radishes this weekend and the turnips as well. My potato sprouts are growing excellent and the squash and cantaloupes are really taking off also. Lots of green showing all over the garden patch. We've been working on the front yard flower beds since last weekend. Making lots of headway tearing out those wild Mexican Petunias that self seeded. They are soooo invasive and are actually listed on Florida's invasive plant list. I can actually see the plants I set out two years ago now that the petunias are gone. The Aloe has went crazy and is triple the size it was when I planted it two years ago. The poor Yarrow was overrun by the petunias and finally disappeared entirely. That so sucks because I had started it from seed about six years ago and it had been doing so good. Guess I'll just have to plant more. Now that the front beds are being cleared out, I am in the planning stages for what to put in. I know in the main bed I have to be careful and chose those plants that totally adore the afternoon scorching sun. Right now it isn't bad, but come summer that bed will have sun all day. Looking to put in some Echinacea and yarrow as well as a few other herbs. Just getting the lists together so far. DH brought in another ten yards of nice black dirt for the front beds and other low spots in the yard yesterday. Such a nice perk from his job with a land clearing/ demolition company.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - 05:26 pm:

February 10,2008 The garden I started in September has done fair. This has been an experiment to see just what does well during the warmer winter months in Florida. The weather at this time resembles early Spring, with the exception of the shorter daylight hours. Our "winter" this season has been wetter and I think that has helped the garden. One of the reasons I decided to start a garden in September was in part due to the cooler weather. I know some plants just absolutely hate our hot summer sun and cannot survive without constant care. The plants in my garden: Tomatoes: Big Boy Variety – These are looking exceptional at this time. I started out with nine plants. All nine have survived and six have grown to over three feet with numerous blooms. The six have produced tomatoes that are at this time between golf ball to tennis ball size. They are still green and growing. Can’t wait for them to get just a bit bigger so I can gather some for a nice mess of fried green tomatoes....yummm. Radishes: Sparkler Variety – These did very well. However, after planting them I discovered that I am the only person who will eat them. As they have gotten big enough to pull, I have given them to a few friends and fed the smaller ones to my chickens. I won’t be planting them again. Leaf Lettuce: This did not sprout. I have more seed that I will be sowing a bit later this month. We are still in danger of a late frost at this time of year so I plan to wait until the end of February before sowing any more seeds. Green Onions: These did not sprout. Again, I plan to sow more seed later this month. Broccoli: These sprouted and continue to hang on. I have thinned out the row and will continue to wait to see how they grow. Potatoes: Had several eyes from different store bought varieties that sprouted. These did well until something (a bug) ate the young plants. They did produce small potatoes prior to the plant being totally eaten. I have replanted more eyes in the original spot and also in the row I had planted the onion seed. At this time, the new plants are growing quite well and so far, no sign of bug damage. Cantaloupes: These were growing well and set numerous blooms on each plant. Something is causing the plants to wither and die. I think it may just be the wrong time of year for them. I will be re-planting these at the end of the month also. Turnips: These are growing very well and there are several that I will be pulling soon. The greens have been clipped for my sister once already and are full and ready for clipping again soon. I will be re-planting these as well. Corn: Planted six hills of corn, only two survived. Again, something ate the young plants. The two remaining plants are currently producing ears. These just started to show a few days ago. Another one to re-sow later this month. Yellow Squash: Another one that started out with much promise and many blooms only to have the plants wither and die once the squash began to form. Had several squash that were two to three inches long and then wither. Definitely a bug of some nature damaging these. Carrots: Looking very good at this time. So far, they aren’t big enough to pull. Sweet Potato: Just recently started and put out one sweet potato vine. Looking good so far. February 12, 2008 I’ve decided to pull the Summer Squash. The weather is goofy right now, we’ve had such a mild winter, with only one or two frosts. This month will mark the end of our chance for frost, unless we get a freak front. After replanting the potatoes and seeing what a difference the new plants growth has been, I think the timing was just off for the squash. Once I have reworked the garden area, I will be replanting the Squash. The same goes for the Cantaloupe...the timing was obviously wrong. But this has been my learning garden. I’m still trying to figure out which plants will grow best in our crazy Florida weather and with my often "black" thumb. Sometimes things just don’t like me and I can’t seem to do anything to change its plant, I’ve learned to move on and try something different instead of taking it personal. My tomatoes are doing awesome and I’m looking forward to frying up a big pan of green tomatoes soon. February 13, 2008 The squash have all withered. Such a sad looking bunch of plants. I will be planting them again soon to see if the timing was the issue. I almost feel as if they were just started at the wrong time of year. The warmer days are just around the corner and I’m sure they will do better this time. The same is true for the cantaloupes...they have all bloomed then withered. Next round should do better with the warmer weather and longer daylight. Turnips are coming along nicely, the new greens are looking ready to pluck. Hope my sister doesn’t get tired of greens, I’m thinking of planting her a few rows. BABY CORN!! I’ve only got two corn plants left, something ate the other four hills...but both have got little ears of corn forming. It is regular sweet corn and I know my hubby is gonna enjoy his very own specially from the garden. Had to move my little miniature rose Sun Sprite into a large pot in the fall. It was much closer to the house and the front door where I could enjoy it more. The deer began stripping it the minute it set the first bloom. Now for the past few weeks it has been enjoying the safety of the screened porch. The little darling is growing like a weed and sprouting new growth daily. Happy Birthday to me! My sweetie took the day off to spend with me. After going out for breakfast, we headed for the Museum of Arts and Science. Was a super day wandering through the museum exhibits and watching a presentation in the Planetarium on the "Explorers of Mauna Kauai", I think that’s the spelling. Was about the various observatories on the big island of Hawaii and the telescopes view from that location being so clear because of the altitude. Some of the constellations were pointed out and Finally I am better able to figure out just what I’ve been seeing when we are star gazing. Hubby has dinner plans in mind to make the end of my day as sweet as the beginning.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 07:55 am:

Happy Belated Birthday, Karen! I hope you'll come out and share in the fun on the rest of the site. I enjoyed your journal and I'm sure we'd all love to see more photos of your yard and garden. Your profile says you've only posted in your journal... maybe you could pop over to the Social Gallery and say hi. We are missing out on your company. P.S. - I hope you don't mind that I posted this in your journal. Some of us do that.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 12:41 pm:

Thanks DJ...
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 07:55 am:
Your profile says you've only posted in your journa
I started originally posting asking questions on the Identify this plant site and also on the Nature in the Garden site. I really like this site and all of the people. I especially like to read your posts in your sure seem to have a lot of energy!! Your place sounds beautiful and I know its a lot of work. I run our tractor, but only with the bush hog mower or boxblade...we haven't picked up any of the farm attachments to date. My garden is only 25' by 10' so I don't have much room to use the tractor, I have a small tiller attachment for my Toro weedeater. It also helps that my DH brings me new fill dirt for my garden area. Makes it soooo easy to work. Thanks again for the birthday wish...yours is the same as my ex...but that's cool, my son shares a birthdate with my second husband and my current husband's ex wife! Don't ya just love being born on the 13th?!!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 01:31 pm:

Pulled my first Turnips Sunday Feb 24. They were about the size of tennis balls and very tasty. Since I don't care for the greens, I've snipped them and given them to my sister and a few friends who enjoy them. Decided to see if they will "root" from the tops, so I re-planted the four tops I cut. Guess we shall see in a few days whether or not they will re-root. If not, no big loss. This garden has been my experimental garden. I have been trying to see just what will grow for me and when each plant does the best. So far the results for my October planting: Tomatoes: Big Boy Variety-- these have done well and currently are loaded with green tomatoes. Now to see just how long they will produce. Celebrity Variety-- was very disappointed with this one. Produced a very tall lanky plant that while still struggling to live produced only one tomato. Might cut it back and see what happens before I pull it out completely. Yellow Squash: Not good for fall planting this time around. The plants grew well, bloomed like crazy and set squash that developed to about two inches and some bug destroyed the squash and the plant. Will try again for a Spring planting here in another week or so. Cantaloupes: Same as the yellow squash, not a good time of year planting them in October. While they set numerous blooms no fruit appeared and the plants were wilted and withered by bug damage. Potatoes: These did surprisingly well considering I was using eyes from potatoes in the fridge. Again, some bug destroyed the plants, but I did get several small potatoes even though the plant didn't make it. Have re-planted eight hills and to date the plants are looking great--already five to six inches tall and beginning to bush out a bit. Can hardly wait for the new potatoes. Turnips: Another excellent October vegie-- these have given beautiful greens (some bug chewing but not bad) and the four I pulled on Sunday were about the size of tennis balls. I'm keeping the greens trimmed back and sending them to my sister and friends who like them.... the bug chewed ones go to the chickens. Sweet Corn: Not good for October planting. All but two hills withered and died. The two which are hanging on have developed one ear each, but just don't look very promising. Will be re-planting this again for the Spring garden. Carrots: So far they are looking pretty fair, but have not grown large enough to pull at this date. Some of the garden area will be re-worked over the next few weeks and I will be trying a few different things when I re-plant this time around. I'm hoping to keep the garden going year round if possible. Just one of the really nice things about living in Florida...things grow all year. We are continuing to work on the front walkway and the beds around the front of the house. Only using the weekends though has a major disadvantage...rain right now being the biggest. Seems all the fronts move through our area on weekends!! I have purchased several "Butterfly Mats", pre sown mats of seeds for my Butterfly garden. Everything in our yard seems to draw the Butterflies. From watching the birds the past couple of years, what attracts the Butterflies also attracts the Hummingbirds. My biggest headache is trying to prevent the deer from eating everything. My poor Hibiscus has suffered the chewing and it is right at the porch. Poor baby used to be so full and will bloom like crazy if only the deer would leave her alone. Two other hibiscus out in our side front yard have been terrorized by the deer as well. Only one of them has managed to bloom a few times before being chewed on again. Both of these are in "cages" to help deter the deer. My miniature rose had to be moved to the inside of the screened porch to prevent further damage. Was looking very good, showing new growth and had even set two buds when the deer began munching on her again. Since her move to the inside, she has filled out with new growth and is beginning to set buds again. DARN DEER!! I love to watch them and they are welcome in my yard, but I do wish they'd chew on the "wild" stuff that grows instead of my Hibiscus and Rose. So far, they don't seem to care for my Rosemary, which they pass on the way to the Hibiscus. (I've followed their hoof prints) Guess I should be glad for that since the Rosemary seems to like her spot. Hmmm, wonder if I put Rosemary around the Hibiscus if they would leave it alone, or would they then develope a taste for the Rosemary as well??? Maybe I'll have to try hanging some Rosemary from the Hibiscus and see what happens. On the plus side, one of our boys who works on a tree crew brought me several Hibiscus starts from a few of the jobs they were on. Was too funny when he was telling me about them and then brought me the starts with flowers. He thought the flowers were neat, and was very surprised to find out they were all of the same family even though they were different colors, sizes and shapes. Each of them took root and so far are holding their own. Several of the Hibiscus cuttings I saved this fall have rooted in the bucket where I stuck them. The only one not looking too great right now is the Rose of Sharon. Once she dropped her leaves I decided to go ahead and hard prune. She was so damaged when we brought her home from the job site that I was surprised she lived. My DH is just sure that I have killed his "tree" with my pruning. Poor darlin' just about cries when I start trimming the dead out. As much as I cut back, it was all dried wood and I tried to take it back until I hit green. Not sure if she's gonna make it or not, but at least with the dead off she can try. Guess DH has forgot about doing the same thing with the Ficus the year the frost almost killed it. I had to cut it back very severe in order to save it. Once the new growth started from the roots and he was able to see that the truck was indeed dead, then he finally agreed to finish cutting the trunk back. My dog Spike finally managed to kill the Ficus by using the pot for his personal restroom when he was a puppy. Didn't figure out what was happening until it was too late. Dang pets are almost as bad as the wildlife! Found a beautiful little Gloxinnia (sp?) in a potted plant that was overgrown one year. Pulled it out, put her in another pot and watched her grow for a month or so and don't ya know the minute she bloomed one of the cats we had at the time decided to pee on it. That was the end of that poor plant to say the least. Didn't make me any crazier about the cat either. The "Chicken Condo" is now complete and the girls are able to check it out. That's what a couple of our friends have dubbed our new coup. DH brought home some very nice boards from a demolition job and the new coup was built from them. So far, the girls are still investigating the new structure and since only one is laying at present, she has accepted the new spot. Can hardly wait until the other two start laying. One is still just a wee bit young, but should start laying any time now. The other is a Banty and was laying prior to her coming to us. I know she is being picked on by my Rock since she is the smallest and newest. I'm hoping things are about back to normal now for her and she will begin laying again soon, she's been here for almost two months now. We're hoping the larger coup will help, especially now that the nest boxes have dividers high enough to keep my Red from picking on everyone else. Red is a Rhode Island and Banty mix. She's just flat out mean...but she is a consistant layer and only a month or so older than the Rock. Really can't gripe much...all three of the hens were given to us and all three are under a year old.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:21 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 12:41 pm:
Don't ya just love being born on the 13th?!!
Your post about all of those birthdays is hilarious. Sort of tragically hilarious. LOL.
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 12:41 pm:
I run our tractor, but only with the bush hog mower or boxblade...
How I wish I had a brush hog mower. I use the finish mower like a brush hog. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 12:41 pm:
It also helps that my DH brings me new fill dirt for my garden area. Makes it soooo easy to work.
I have been daydreaming about getting a shipment of something... anything... to make the gardening easier around here. You are very lucky!
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 12:41 pm:
My garden is only 25' by 10' so I don't have much room to use the tractor, I have a small tiller attachment for my Toro weedeater.
Well, that just means you need to tear up some of your yard to put in a garden that is big enough for your tractor. HAHAHA! But 25x10 wouldn't stop me. I had great fun running my tractor in circles around the 4x4 posts at the corners of my 25x25 garden plot last year, dodging and weaving, in and out. Clipped one or two with the bucket loader, though. LOL! It's nice to read about someone else's chickens for once. I can just picture them! I feel for you with the deer. My Mom has the same problem... deer eating a Hibiscus outside her pool cage. I don't know if she finally gave up on it or what. Maybe you could dangle a snipping of hair on yours, or some soap, or spray it with some hot pepper mixture, or put one of your chicken's eggs there and let it spoil. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:21 pm:
Well, that just means you need to tear up some of your yard to put in a garden that is big enough for your tractor. HAHAHA! But 25x10 wouldn't stop me. I had great fun running my tractor in circles around the 4x4 posts at the corners of my 25x25 garden plot last year, dodging and weaving, in and out. Clipped one or two with the bucket loader, though. LOL!
That would seem the most logical...but I think I shall keep it small. The summer heat makes being outside way too miserable and by the time I would get the energy to go weed...the poor garden would be nothing but weeds!LOL I'm pretty good with the tractor, but it sure would make my little spot challenging...I'd have to pull the fence down in order to make the turns...our old International just don't make those tight turns, specially hauling the mower deck. I do love the brush hog...goes through everything...but I miss my that's a mowin machine!! Hope DH gets it back up and running before the grass starts to grow! I've been using the tractor, but it just doesn't manicure the yard the way the Yazoo does. Sure do miss it and hope we can find the parts for it.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:21 pm:
Maybe you could dangle a snipping of hair on yours, or some soap, or spray it with some hot pepper mixture, or put one of your chicken's eggs there and let it spoil.
I tried the hair on it and the others as well as the rose bush last year...sorry to say they continued to eat away...must have liked my hair shampoo! I'm tempted to try covering it with my castnet, which surprisingly looks like the deer netting I saw at the Tractor Supply. Have you used the deer netting? Figure my castnet isn't getting much use right now anyway, couldn't hurt!! Also considering running a livestock wire around it...let the daring darlings get zapped when they go for it. Hmmm, rotten chicken egg huh?...only bad would be the proximity to the porch...its right outside the screened area and I do enjoy sitting out here...grin. As for the Birthdays...awww, geezzzz...I thought it was pretty cool myself! Now for the kicker...I'm 2/13 my first hubby is 1/13, my son is 12/13, my grandma is 3/13, and I have an uncle who is 4/ the 13th wrapped up tight!! My son got married on Friday 13th at the 13th hour (1pm)...we are 13th nuts...LOL
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 03:30 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
I'd have to pull the fence down in order to make the turns...
Pfft, that's what I did. Haha!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
our old International just don't make those tight turns
Oh, yeah, good point!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
The summer heat makes being outside way too miserable and by the time I would get the energy to go weed...the poor garden would be nothing but weeds!
It's hard to say. We had a drought last year and even the weeds didn't grow. HAHA!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
Have you used the deer netting?
I have, and I can't say that I particularly like it, although that doesn't stop me from using it. Just makes me complain every time I use it. It does keep the deer, mice, moles, woodchucks, and whatever else away, but it is a royal pain to work with. It gets caught on itself and everything around it. Not just once or twice, but constantly, and it's hard to untangle it. I would guess that probably wouldn't be an issue with a cast net, though, or else there'd be a lot of suicidal fishermen in the world. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
Also considering running a livestock wire around it...let the daring darlings get zapped when they go for it.
That'll show 'em!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
only bad would be the proximity to the porch
Maybe put a cloche over it while you're out there. LOL.
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm:
we are 13th nuts...LOL
That's pretty cool. My Mom always sends me care packages full of weird things for Friday the 13th, whether or not it happens to be my birthday. Now I have to go look up Yazoo.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 10:52 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 03:30 pm:
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 02:46 pm: The summer heat makes being outside way too miserable and by the time I would get the energy to go weed...the poor garden would be nothing but weeds! It's hard to say. We had a drought last year and even the weeds didn't grow. HAHA!
well unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we are in the path of most summer hurricane rains. Even during drought conditions, which we seem to perpetually be in, one good Tropical storm puts this yard under water. The garden plot is pretty high, but heavy rains would definitely water log everything. My weeds always grow...thats what I mow...LOL
Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 03:30 pm:
Now I have to go look up Yazoo
Yazoo is a Commercial Mower. Mine is pretty old, it is a sweet rider that mows like a champ. This one turns on a dime and gives back 9 3/4 cents the zero turn. And I miss it dearly.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 07:33 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 10:52 pm:
My weeds always grow...thats what I mow...LOL
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 10:52 pm:
This one turns on a dime and gives back 9 3/4 cents the zero turn. And I miss it dearly.
Cute. I saw one for sale on the Orlando Craigs List yesterday. Don't know if it's the same model as yours. It was an antiquey-looking thing. I saw lots of web sites offering parts, though, so hopefully you will get lucky and get yours running again sometime.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, March 02, 2008 - 09:00 am:

March has entered like a very sleepy lamb...the weather has remained pretty chilly for the past week or so, the end of February saw lows in the mid thirties and highs in the fifties to very low sixties. Brrr, since the prior week broke the records for the high temps, we had highs in the upper 80's. Such is life. The tomatoes seem to like this weather. Had to pick several that were so heavy the branch was breaking. They will be fried as they are still green. YUMMMM. Had several deer out in the back pasture the other day. Looked like the youngsters were playing around the adults as they grazed. The running movement was what caught my attention. So far, they don't seem to have discovered my garden... at least I haven't seen any prints inside the fenced area. My yellow rose called "Sunsprite" is doing very well in her new location on the porch. As a thank you for rescuing, she has grown several inches and is now showing a beautiful bud which should open in another week or so. Poor red Hibiscus... she continues to show new growth and had a very nice bloom last week. Every day the damage from the deer seems to be in a new spot. I did read something in one of the Jerry Baker books about egging the plants that deer were chewing. Now it looks like I'll be purchasing another of his books. Some of the "old remedies" are pretty interesting. For the Hibiscus, I'm willing to try anything at this point...went so far as to have DH urinate around it last year...still had the deer. The Rose of Sharon Hibiscus we brought in last summer from a job site isn't looking very good. I cut it back several weeks ago to see if it would begin setting new far only the small area that was green is all that seems to be growing. DH wasn't too happy that I cut it, but hopefully it will begin to grow again soon. Now that we are in March our chances of having any further frost is extremely slim so I will be working on the garden area this weekend and will get the Butterfly garden mats set out as well...I hope. Today has started out with the promise of being a beautiful Spring day. Expected highs are in the mid to upper 70's with lows around the mid 60's tonight. Great weather for all of the Bikers down this week for the Bike Week festivities.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, March 02, 2008 - 10:18 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, March 02, 2008 - 09:00 am:
went so far as to have DH urinate around it last year...still had the deer.
Oh, that reminds me. I used commercially bottled coyote urine around my garden last year. That did wonders for keeping the deer away. I forgot all about that until I read your post. Maybe it would work for you.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, March 09, 2008 - 09:01 pm:

March 7, 2008 The plans to work in the garden this weekend are now on hold. The temps are expecting to be in the low 60’s through next week. What worries me at this time is the forecast for possible frost early Sunday morning. I truly thought I was in Florida!! The last weeks of February were in the mid to upper 80’s!! Now March has begun to roar...we have had temps in the low 70’s today and rain is on the way. The heavy rain began around 2:30 this afternoon. Glad DH decided to bring home the load of dirt last night. The dump truck sure would have sunk the way the yard is beginning to hold water. 4:40 pm - we have had several rounds of heavy rain and it doesn’t appear that it will be letting up anytime soon. Our county and numerous others are under a tornado watch at present. The winds have been pretty strong, piles of pine straw from the roof are strewn across the back porch. Several times the crack of branches and the thud as they hit the ground has startled me as I watch the deep blue gray clouds fill the sky. The storm that was forecast has spawned tornadoes in several areas north of us. My girlfriend on the north side of town called and says the storms have been pounding her area most of the day. Sounds like this one is running almost exactly as predicted. 5pm - Glad to see DH made it home safe between the heavier storms. Since he came in, we have begun to hear the pine cones bouncing off the roof as the wind has picked up once more. The local weather shows us in the darkest portion of magenta at the moment. Outside the raindrops sound like a pressure washer as they are blown into the metal of our mobile home. The steady chink – chink of hail has had me bouncing from window to window checking the sky for signs of tornadoes forming. All the years spent growing up in the Midwest have helped to hone my weather eye where tornadoes are concerned. I may listen to the news, but I rely on my own senses. The hail has disappeared now, but I did manage to grab one piece during the onslaught. They were all about the size of a nickel. Glad that’s all. I would have hated to have seen what larger sized would have done to the vehicles and my yard and garden. 10 pm – News is forecasting rain well into the wee hours. Guess I’ll sleep pretty good as long as the wind stays pretty calm. Rain on this roof is very soothing to me. Saturday March 8, 2008 WOW!! We sure did get a ton of rain last night. I slept like a log listening to the rain on the roof, but WOW...I sure never thought we’d have the standing water like we do this morning. I recall at one point the weather guy was saying something about us getting around 13" an hour in some areas...but the storm did move through pretty quickly...just kept dumping really massive quantities in separate storm cells as it moved off the coast. Guess we can be pretty thankful though, our neighbors north sure got some weather as well. At least ours was just much needed rain. Big laugh...after all the rain...we are under Red Flag fire conditions today due to high winds...what a hoot!! Yes, I am aware of the reasoning, but come on, you couldn’t keep a firecracker lit in my yard right now...standing water everywhere. Sure did put a damper on the final days of Bike Week. Went to work with DH today...he had several loads of construction debris to haul due to a blown hydraulic line Friday afternoon. Seems it happened right about the same time as the rain, so at least his day would have been done anyway. He managed to get the line replaced and the tank partially re-filled before coming home. The wind has been wild all day and made raising the bed of the dump trailer real spooky. Only three loads before we had to call it a day. The places we take the debris and concrete close at 2 pm on Saturday. Was a pretty sweet day with DH. I enjoy hanging out with my sweetie and have really missed it. Sunday March 9, 2008 The day has been beautiful, but very chilly. The temps didn’t drop as low as expected for us, but the wind remained steady throughout the night. Our yard is pretty soggy, standing water in many places. Makes it looks as if we have a pond in the front and east side. Sometime while we were out yesterday our mailbox was knocked down. At first we assumed it could have been the wind, but then late this afternoon after we had got it set back in place the dogs kept going off. When I went to check I could hear the banging of metal and young voices. Went to the end of the driveway and found two young teens on a go-cart riding it down into the canal. Before I left the porch I could see them close to the end of our drive near the mailbox. Little hooligans! I don’t think they live on this side of the main road. Most of the people on our street are older and those that do have kids have very young kids. There are several around the area that choose to run their dirt bikes up and down our road but none of them live on this road. Wish the cop that lives next door would step in.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, March 10, 2008 - 11:05 pm:

Temps are still chilly for us today, the wind has had an icy feel since Saturday when the front moved through. Water is still standing in the yard in several spots and the area where we turn the vehicles around is pretty mushy and starting to rut. The high today was around 72 or so, but the chill from the wind had me in a light jacket and long sleeves most of the day. To think, I once laughed at people who wore jackets and thought temps below 70 were cold!! Now I am one of least as long as I'm not having a "hot flash"!! It took me a few years of living in Florida to realize what was happening. My body has become very acclimated to the warm weather. We have almost nine months of warm balmy summer type weather and only about three months of cooler fall type weather. By the time the cold weather actually starts, its over. Only a few days where the temps don't get above 50 degrees. The night time lows rarely hit the freezing mark here in the Daytona Beach area during the winter months. When we do get a freeze it is usually gone within a day or two. Rarely do we have freezes lasting more than three days in a row. The body never has a chance to adjust to the cold. The heat on the other hand is a beast in its own right. While I do love the warm weather, the summer heat and high humidity can be brutal when one is in and out of the A/C. Better to leave the A/C off for as long as possible or by the truly hottest part of the summer there is no relief. My windows stay open most of the year, only being closed when I am freezing and turn the heat on or when I'm melting from the heat and finally turn on the A/C. DH works outside in the summer heat or I probably wouldn't turn the A/C on until the middle of July or beginning of August. I really hate to have the house closed up. My planting is on hold until some of the water is absorbed. Decided working with mud while fun, would not accomplish what I am wanting to do without lots of effort. A few more days and the water should soak in. Sun Sprite is looking like the bud will possibly open tomorrow. I have taken pictures of her and the water standing in the yard and also of the chickens with their new condo and yard. Now, if only I could remember where I've hid the charger for my camera...wouldn't you know, both batteries are dead and without a battery, I can't finalize the cd so I can download them to the computer...gggrrrr...must have taken it to the "dead zone" also known as my spare room. THAT will be a chore in itself just trying to figure out where in there it might be. Tis the room of pain...its a royal pain trying to find anything in there. Unfortunately, that's where everything I have no clue where to put ends up. Barely a path enough to open the door. Its also where my bookcase, desk and other neat things if only I can get it dug out and dealt with. A project that only gets larger with each passing day. I work a bit in there getting things sorted and tossed out and then put something else in there to store. Never ending cycle...feels like I'm going in circles. Wish I could find some extra energy to work it for about 8 hours straight. Doesn't help that I'm a bit ADHD...some days I am positively useless when it comes to focusing on any task.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, March 14, 2008 - 03:22 pm:

The weather here in "Sunny" Florida is chilly and gray today. Was supposed to be warm 79 degrees and sunny. So much for the weather... Was going to continue trying to get the garden area re-worked with the new dirt DH brought in and also the front garden/walkway area as well. The chilly temps and threatening rain have chased me inside. Current temp is only about 60 degrees and its misting rain. Saw the deer herd this morning...about 12 of the little darlings...out front at the edge of the wooded area. Only one decided to get closer to the house at that time and since it was staying away from the poor Hibiscus I didn't bother it. So sad that their habitat has been so destroyed by the builders and developers out here the past few years. One was hit out off the main road going towards town the other day. Seeing the poor thing laying off the side of the road almost made me cry. Sunsprite has opened her first bloom of the year...this would have been her third or fourth had the deer not chomped on them. A very perfect looking bud that has opened into a beautiful full bloom. Her fragrance was filling the front porch the minute she began to open. So glad I have moved her to the porch where I can enjoy the fragrance as well as her beautiful blooms. The tomatoes we have harvested from the garden have been excellent. The taste of fresh tomatoes just can't be beat in my opinion. Looking forward to some yummy eating all summer long. Now if I can just convince the rest of the garden plants to cooperate I'll be ecstatic!! Still hunting for the charger to my camera so I can download the pictures of Sunsprite. Been reading some of the threads on Roses here on GB and since some of the members there helped me identify her I'd love to share with them again. Now if I can just figure out where I hid my energy...

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Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, March 16, 2008 - 08:52 pm:

March 15, 2007 The weather today has been beautiful...highs have hit the mid 80’s and the wind has blown fairly steady for most of the day. Don’t know where this wind is coming from...the weather didn’t mention wind at all for today. For a short time this morning it looked as if we might get rain with all the clouds that filled the sky. The down side of the high winds has been the report of wildfires. They say it might be another bad year for wildfires. With all the pines we have and the palms...looks as if we are going to be doing quite a bit of cleaning around the yard. All the pine straw and pine cones sure make pretty mulch, so my new flower beds are going to be looking sweet. I worked on the new beds in the front this afternoon. We had spread the dirt a few days ago so I started setting the border blocks and laying out how I wanted the beds. Got the Cannas, Poinsettias, and some of the Aloes set in their new beds. I’m wanting to separate some of the Fire bush and make a border at the west end of the trailer. I’ve set one at each side of the walkway from the driveway and hope to set one at each end of the fence in front of the trailer as well. After moving all those border blocks my hands are aching. Should have worn my gloves...DUH!! I’ve only moved those blocks a million times and know they eat my hands. Poor hands and wrists are all puffy and swollen from the raking and digging. Came in and took some Advil so maybe they will ease out a bit before I go to bed. Haven’t had a bout with Carpel tunnel for several years, but the numbness is ever present and there are days when I have no grip strength at all. Tomorrow is promised to be as pretty as today so I hope to work on the beds more. I’m wanting to put in some mint, basil, yarrow and possibly a few more herbs...depends on what I find... I’ve been wanting to put in an herb garden there since we’ve been here. Once I’ve got this side how I want, the other side is in for a complete overhaul as well. Oooohhh, my aching body...I can feel this ache beginning just thinking about the work that is going to entail. Hauling more dirt to that side and preparing for the butterfly garden in front of the Philodendron, bananas, Crepe Myrtle, and Shell Ginger that cover the septic mound. Should work out pretty well. The soil on that side of the house is mostly sand and shell mix. Those beds currently have Spethaphyllum, (sp?), Aloe, Coleus, and have been over run with the Mexican Petunia from one end to the other. My Yarrow once lived in that bed until it was crowded out by the Petunia. Would love it if only it wasn’t so invasive. I have cut it to the ground with the weedeater, hacked it out with the hoe and dug it out numerous times. One tough plant to get rid of or keep in control. The Hummingbirds and Butterflies love it and I really hate to cut it all out, but, it just keeps choking everything out. My Rosemary is in a planter and even it has had to struggle to keep above the Petunia. work is cut out for me on that side. I’m wanting to transplant some of the Yellow Carolina Jasmine that grows wild in the back pasture to the front split rail fence on that side. The Confederate Jasmine that grows off the back porch needs moved there as well. I think the green vine wrapping around the fence will look nice and the fragrance from the Jasmine is divine. Its far enough away from the porch to be enjoyed without being over powering. Looks like my weekends are going to be full...between the planting and picking up the yard, running the mulcher, spreading the mulch...then cutting the yard...hmmm, maybe I’ll manage to drop that twenty extra pounds I’ve been carrying around for the past least then my clothes will fit again. After all that, I’ll still have the vegetable garden to work. My tomatoes are doing excellent. Now the rest of the garden is about to be reworked and more seeds planted. Still thinking about what I want to eat fresh from the garden. The body is whupped, my hands ache and I do believe I’ll see if I can sleep if I go lay down. Some nights are easier than others...once I get to bed it seems as if my brain wakes up...hopefully tonight won’t be one of those nights. March 16,2008 Some varmit killed and took Goldie, the Banty hen. Best we can figure, may have been a Opossum. Looks like it may have drug her under the fence. Needless to say, we worked on their yard and the coop this afternoon.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, March 17, 2008 - 06:32 am:

After waking up yesterday and finding only feathers left of Goldie we made sure to pen the chickens in their coop last night. What a chore as they have been roosting on the bar out in the pen since day one. Figured with it being an enclosed pen they would be ok. Was pretty interesting this morning when I went to open the coop. Since it was still dark at 6:30 am and the coop faces South, even the rooster was still sleeping. I took down the outside roost bar so maybe tonight they will head for the coop when they are ready for bed. Worked on the front flower beds most of the day. Picked up some mint, basil, cucumbers, thyme, rhubarb and lavender when we went to Lowes. Got the aloe, some type of lily that DH brought home and the bird bath set where I wanted. Planted the mint, thyme and lavender. Working on getting the other side of the front garden cleaned out now. WOOHOO!! The Stevia I got last year has come back. Wasn't sure if it would or not, the ants have invaded the pots for sure, but it has grown back nicely. Will be putting it in the ground soon. Once I get the area cleared out, I have plans to move my Rosemary to a much larger container. Had several Hummingbirds humming around the Bottle Brush tree and the Hibiscus this morning. Love to hear their squeaky sounds. Will have to keep an eye on my brat dog Spike who has decided to start killing birds in his old age. He caught and killed one of the young Cardinal females this morning.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, March 21, 2008 - 12:35 pm:

The body has finally forgiven me for all of the unusual demands I've been making on it while getting the front garden laid out. My Rosemary has been re-potted into a very large tree pot and seems to be adapting well. Poor baby had very cramped feet in the old pot where she has been since I brought her home. Since she really likes the location, I have left her in the same spot as the old planter. Now to work at shaping her up a bit. The longest pieces are about three feet long and I'm hoping to be able to get a few of the cuttings to start. For now, I've put the Rhubarb into a large pot so I can move it if our hot Florida sun proves to be too intense. Currently it is in the same area as the Rosemary and I'm hoping it will be happy in this area. If so, then I will put it in the ground in that part of the flower bed. Its on the south side of the house, and will have sun for the majority of the day. After 2 pm, it will begin to get a bit of shade as the sun moves behind the trees on the west side of the property. I've placed the mint, lavender and Thyme where they will be receiving the same morning sun, but will get shade sooner. Sometimes things that "say" they will tolerate full sun, just can't handle our intense summer sun. DH helped me get some of the new dirt in the vegie garden moved last night. I'm wanting to get the new cucumber plants in and begin planting my seeds again. Still working on the lay out for where I want certain things. I have decided though to leave the silt screen we put around the fence during cold weather. Seems it "hides" the garden from some of the deer. I also think it will help keep the humidity a little higher as the sun is absorbed by the black material. It will also provide a bit of shade around the edges for some of the more tender vegies. We shall see. The tomatoes are wonderful!! As fast as they ripen, I'm bringing them in to eat. Those that have been attacked by critters, the hens enjoy. Haven't picked any of the green ones for frying yet, but looks like my girlfriends are going to hang me by my heels if I don't do it soon! Been checking on the carrots...they are looking good. Thinned them out some last night and pulled several that were finger length and just a bit longer...the taste was yummmyy...DH loves carrots right out of the garden, so of course he was chomping these. Gave the hens the tops and carried them a couple of almost ripe tomatoes that had been bug chewed...what a hoot watching the girls scrap over the tomatoes. Miss Piggy, the barred rock pullet, is always the first to investigate what I bring in to the pen. Red waits for Piggy to attack it and then comes over to run her off. Piggy has become very wily about distracting Red and then snatching the treat for herself. I could sit out there for hours watching them. DH brings them his leftover V-8 drinks, and chocolate milk that's set in the truck all day. Piggy is always the first one to meet me at the gate and trying to grab whatever is in my hands. Shutting them all in the coop at night has worked out well. Barney the Banty rooster, has been herding the girls to the coop around sunset...Piggy is always the last one in and usually Barney has come back out several times trying to coax her in before he gives up. She is such a busybody. Discovered from one of the neighbors that we have had quite a wide variety of wildlife in this area over the years...from the Deer and turkeys to Otters and Alligators!! Whoa!!!! Nobody said anything about gaters!! So we are still trying to figure out exactly what might have take Goldie. I'm leaning more towards a Opossum, but we'll never know for sure I guess. DH mentioned getting my mower ready for use last night...hope he gets in gear soon! The yard is beginning to look pretty shabby from all the growth. We've had a good bit of rain the past couple of months and combined with the warm weather...well let's just say the weeds are growing tall. The grass is getting pretty thick in spots so if he doesn't get it fixed soon I'll be using the tractor and brush hog mower. Just doesn't look the same as the manicured finish the Yazoo puts on it. Not to mention that I have to use the weedeater in more areas when I use the tractor. The Yazoo gets much closer to trees and such. Time to get my body in gear and see if I can get the garden worked a bit more so I can set out the cucumber plants before they wilt and wither from being in the starter pot. Beautiful Spring day here...bright blue skies with high puffy clouds and the temps are steady climbing...supposed to hit around 75 degrees f. today...already about 73. The humidity is pretty low at the moment so I shouldn't be too hot working in the garden today. Guess if it gets too bad I'll have to turn the sprinkler on while I'm pulling weeds...wheeee
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, March 22, 2008 - 10:05 am:

After having almost summer type weather yesterday, the temps are staying cool today...its almost 10:30 am and currently only 66 degrees f. Looks as if we have a front moving through that is supposed to be bringing rain later this afternoon and on into Sunday afternoon. For now, its very overcast and dreary looking. Never did get out to the garden yesterday...seems like everytime I started out the phone would ring. Finally did get in to town to the bank, but that was about the extent of any productive type behavior. Was hoping DH would finally get to finish the chicken coop...he still has one more access door to finish and the remainder of the trim. I can run the saw and screw gun, but this is his project so I'm keeping my hands off...sigh..just wish he'd finally get it finished...there's only about an hour's worth of work left. The girls and Barney have really accepted it well and seem to understand that it is to help keep them safe. The first few days they were unsure about it, but now I am able to tuck them in well before the blanket of darkness surrounds my yard. When it gets dark out here, it is very dark. There is a security light that we could have turned on by the power company, but I really enjoy the solitude of the country and don't want to disrupt the feel by having the light glaring throughout the night. We have solar lights at the walkway and in front of the house and for me, that is plenty. I can barely see the glare of the neighbors' outside lights through the trees at the front of my yard and at times find even that small glare offensive. The night sky here is full of sparkling stars and that is what I prefer to see. The rhubarb may have to be moved from its current location...seems even this mild spring sun may be too intense. During the "heat of the day", it seems to droop and looks wilty. Later in the early evening, after the area has cooled, it perks back up. Sigh...I've seen this before in our old yard and know that even though the "instructions" say it likes "full sun", that isn't always the case in Florida. Fortunately, there is space in that front garden that get shaded quicker so I'm planning to move it there for a few days and see how it reacts. If it does well then that is where it shall be put in the ground. The mint looks as if it will do long as I can keep the dogs out of that bed. Animals!!!! GRRRRRR... five acres to romp and run on and where do they prefer????? the exact space I plant anything!!! The very reason for the fence around the vegie garden...but I refuse to fence the flower beds...border blocks mark the areas and I'm fixin' to get the hose out and start nailing them with water every time they cross the border. I've already moved the birdbath on one side to help keep them from stomping on things as all the dogs seem to gravitate towards the birdbath for a quick drink...constantly refilling the birdbath as a result. Gluttons are what they are!! There are water containers around the yard for them and yet they insist on sucking the birdbaths dry...there are three birdbaths in the front yard. Hmmm, just had a possible idea...may have to enclose the area around the new beds with more of the split rail fence like we put out front...that might look pretty nice along the walkway to the door without detracting from the new beds. My plan for the other end of that area is to make a natural fence with Firebush...could just be enough of a deterrent to keep the dogs out...have to see how that works out. Watching the weather now, looks like the rain is definitely moving our way...should be a good time to get on out to the garden and get a few seeds out before the rain moves in...if only I could manage to make myself more organized... still have areas in the garden to rework. SIGH...
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, March 23, 2008 - 06:15 pm:

Happy Easter... Never did manage to get out to the vegie garden yesterday. We got a tiny bit of rain, but only enough to keep me inside. When I did manage to get out, I worked on the front flowerbed until dark. Got the second birdbath in place and DH moved my Artist cherub to his new place. Not real sure who the cherub represents, my Greek mythology is pretty lacking. We rescued him from a demolition job at one of the fraternity houses. Little sucker doesn't look like he would weigh took three of us to load him and unload him off my little truck. He is plaster over concrete and weighs a ton...well that's what he feels like... in any event, he looks over my garden, brush and palette in hand, now placed behind and between the two shell shaped birdbaths that both happen to sit on fish shaped pedestals. How that happened is beyond me, they were acquired like everything else, from demolition jobs and at various times over the past fifteen years. We have had the one for almost fifteen years and the second one only five or six years. Amazes me at times how things seem to find us. I managed to get the border blocks more into the shape I want and set the pots of Thyme and Basil closer to the shade of the Bottlebrush tree. I had to move the Rhubarb...moved it over a bit yesterday, but it was very wilty this afternoon. It now resides for the time, in the bed beneath the Bottlebrush tree. That isn't where I want it...sigh...maybe out by the chicken coop...hmmmm...might try that in a few days and see how it does. Managed to get out to the vegie garden and get the new dirt spread so I could plant the cukes... they are now in their new space and I have put tomatoe cages around them in an effort to help keep them off the ground... we'll see. Decided early on today to pick up the wind blown branches and pine cones so I could make mulch for the new flowerbeds. Got the bed of my pickup full from just the front part of the yard...sure does look better. Found that one of the whoomps we heard during the wind several days ago had dropped a fair size branch straight through the roof of my topper. Good thing it no longer fits any of the trucks, it was for my old Datsun pickup...but we did have it on a short bed and had been using it for storage... two toppers down...both for my trucks. After all the time spent picking up the yard, the chipper decided it truly wasn't willing to work today. DH spent almost an hour trying to get the carburetor to stop flooding...the shutoff valve seems to have sucked trash...what else is new??? Once he finally got it running, it kept trying to throw the belt...what a pain it was being. We had a bet going as to how long it would take me to get that truckload run through the chipper...but of course I had to cry foul when the chipper refused to work without DH constantly fooling with it. Not quite a fair showing at that it kept jamming because of the belt as well. We'll see how long it takes to shred that pile once he gets the new belt on!! Back to work for now...break time is over...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, March 24, 2008 - 09:37 am:

Freaky weather...we are expecting some very chilly weather for this time of year!! A cold snap is forcast for tonight and tomorrow with the northern area getting possible frost...the temps today are only supposed to be in the upper 60's. Got sun kissed yesterday while out in the yard...very light pink on the back of my neck and shoulders...its gone this morning faded to tan already... Ah well...need to go into town to pick up a new belt for the, fun...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, March 24, 2008 - 12:10 pm:

Got the new belt for the mulcher...not too let's see how long it takes for DH to get it put on....yes, I know how to do it myself, but its his baby, so its his job. Brrr is it chilly outside!! Thought it looked cold, but this IS Florida... my widget says its only 58 deg. f....but the tv says its 64...yeah, right and all of MY thermometers are wrong. Just heard that our high for the day is supposed to climb to 74 f...but, I don't see that happening. The wind is out of the north and definitely has a cold bite behind it. Tonight is going to drop back into the low 40's to high 30's...welcome to Florida!! Last week we were sleeping with the windows open...this week the heat is back on. The new mulch I brought up to the new flowerbed is going to look real nice. I just love the color of pinecone mulch. My sister says she doesn't want any type of mulch around her house because someone told her it draws bugs...yippee...don't mind a few bugs and if they get too far out of hand I can always turn the hens loose. Besides, I plan on working it back into the ground as it gift to the garden. With our abundance of pine trees there is a never ending supply of pinecones in my yard. Personally, I don't have any problem running them over with the mower...after two years of mowing them DH has begun throwing a fit when he hears me drive the mower over them. GRRRRR...its ok when he runs over concrete, steel posts etc...but let me hit a pinecone or stick and the whining begins....keep telling him if he doesn't want me running over them then pick them up. I try not to run over obvious branches laying out in the yard, but pinecones...come on...the mower just whings them across the yard for me to hit Picking them up for mulch is ok by me though. I like running the mulcher. Was the best trade we ever made...old engine just sitting around rusting to the ground for a working little machine...hmmmm, no brainer for me. The new belt should have me back to mulching in no time and my new beds will be looking sweet once I have it in place. Still haven't managed to move the Wax Begonias to the new bed, or the Peace Lillies...can't spell their real name today. Hoping to get them moved this week. The Rhubarb is looking much happier today in its newest spot...could be due to our overcast skies blocking out the intense sunshine....I'm seriously considering planting it by the chicken coop. It would get sun most of the morning, but by afternoon would have shade, even though its on the west end of the house. I'll move it later this week and see how it does. Time to go down to the fish farm and get my afternoon going...little part time job is more of a pain in my neck than its worth...but its my spending money so off I go...
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 03:07 pm:

My widget says its 63 degrees out right now...kinda feels about right. It does feel good as long as I can stand in the sun and let it beat through my sweatshirt. One more night of this coolness and then back to the heat...YEAH!!!!...I'll be able to turn the heat off and re-open the windows for at least a couple of months hopefully before it gets too humid and hot. Two more ripe tomatoes from the garden today... I can barely wait to slice them up for tonight's supper. The rhubarb is getting moved to the chicken coop continues to get very wilted even in the more shaded portion of the front garden...good enough as I wasn't wanting to plant it there to begin with. The cukes look very happy in their new space in the vegie garden. New Canna sprouts are showing in the new bed, as well as the unidentified lillies that we've had now for the past five or six years and have yet to bloom for me...DH said they were in full sun on the beachside when he rescued them...DUH!!!...ok it has just hit me today that hello...the building they were around sat on the East side which means they were probably shaded by other buildings in the afternoon...ok, they can stay...but I'm really getting annoyed that they aren't I have them where they get a fair amount of filtered afternoon sun...let's see if they manage to bloom THIS year! The Aloe has really spread out since it was placed in the bed...may have to start looking for someone to take some of them off my hands very soon...they are huge! I have another Aloe bed in the very front of the porch that really loves the afternoon heat. Guess we best get the front done so I can finish the back patio area and have additional space for the Aloe. We use the aloe constantly around here for various burns...seems we both are clutzy around hot stuff!! Awesome plants Aloe...about four years ago DH was trying out a "new" mower his brother brought down...of course DH runs barefoot when he's home...and decided to cut the grass barefoot using the "new" dropped the muffler off and he stepped on (never saw it)...needless to say he was dancing around like he stepped on a ground hornet!! He actually thought he had stepped on a hornet at first. The hot muffler laid a severe burn on his foot right where the ball of the foot meets the that tender arch area as well...looked like raw steak. DH being the person he is hates to go to the doctor...comes in and says "fix it"...I'm insisting he go to the ER because I know how nasty burns can be to heal...infection isn't hard to set in on any burn. He refuses and I promptly begin treating it with sterile water (which we happened to have) and head out to the yard for the aloe. After two weeks of rinsing the area three to four times a day with just water and lightly wrapping it with a raw Aloe leaf he was able to wear his shoes again. Couldn't wear the shoes for long while using the aloe leaf...made it feel slippy. The burn healed beautifully with no infection and even now you can hardly see the scar. Yes, DH still runs barefoot and occasionally still cuts the yard without shoes. Do I recommend not seeking medical treatment for that type of burn? NOOOOO!!! We definitely were very lucky. I've used the Aloe on my self for smaller, but similar type burns...laid my wrist on a hot exhaust pipe (the chrome was blue-hot). Went straight past blister...I popped a piece of Aloe immediately...again no scar to speak of. On the other youngest sister breaks out in hives if she uses aloe in any form. The new belt on the mulcher did the trick...the bet was off though due to having to drag it off the truck the night the mulcher went down. At waist height it would have been way faster than having to bend down and pick the stuff up. DS pitched in and we made fast work of that pile...DS does this for a living so I was very happy he didn't mind pitching in...he had just got off work. What a way to end your day...doing the same thing you've just finished doing for the past eight hours, except now you aren't on the clock. Got a nice pile of mulch now that should cover the front garden nicely. Had a wild thought while we were discussing a side job...he's bringing river rock to a friend and since the rock isn't costing us anything I'm wanting a load dropped here at the house so I can use it as part of the walkway to line the pavers between the border blocks and the split rail fence. I'm also wanting a walkway across the front of the porch area and think that would work well there also...ideas are easy...its the energy to apply them that wears me out.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 11:22 am:

Got the new mulch put down Tuesday night...the area looks awesome. Love how the new mulch looks in the carried away and decided to put it under the split rail fence and around the plants that sit next to it as well. I also ran some around the end of the flowerbed and where I want to put the Firebushes. Figure I might as well keep the new dirt from drying up and being washed away. Looks great and I'm very pleased. On the down appears I may have an allergy to the Pine!! Ever since we mulched it on Monday and I put it down on Tuesday my sinuses have been giving me a fit...both eyes are swollen and the pressure in my cheeks and ears has been terrible. Been taking sinus meds, using moist heat and eating Advils...the moist heat really helps. Switched to ice for a bit, but it doesn't relieve the pressure like the heat. Moved the Rhubarb to the chicken area and it seems to definitely like the area. Figure I'll go ahead and put it in the ground this weekend if it continues to do well there. Already knew I'd have to fence it off or the dogs will destroy it and while I was scoping out the area decided on a new use of an old very large bird cage that was left by the previous people. it is almost five feet high and about three feet wide by two feet...figure this will protect the Rhubarb until it gets going well.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 01:03 pm:

DH came home last night in major pain. Seems he overdid it trying to help get a fire in the shop yard under control. The injuries from his accident in 2004 have left him dealing with major back and neck pain most days. When he got home, he could barely walk...came in took the muscle relaxers and pain pills and went to stretch out. Finally got him to put the heating pad on the area a bit later. The injuries are nerve related...pinched in chipped vertebrae areas...neurosurgeon wanted to operate but without insurance the hospital wouldn't even consider him for patient assistance...the money he got from the settlement won't even begin to cover the surgery and time he would have to be off to it has to be up to him to say when things are not within his abilities now. My guess is he really aggravated it running up the dirt hill carrying the fuel for the piece of equipment that was sitting precariously on the side nearest the fire and had been run out of fuel. His first thoughts of course were to get the machine up and running so it could be used to help control the fire. So today he is home in bed trying to ease the pain. While trying to get our tv in the bedroom working for him last night, I ran across the charger for the camera...hmmm, guess I stuck it in our room to keep from losing much for not losing it!! Finally got to download the pictures I have taken YEAH!! Now if I could just get the thingy on here to upload like it used to...hmmm, may take a bit to figure out again. Ahh well, such is life.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 01:26 pm:

Okay...that was pretty simple...I knew it was probably just me that couldn't recall how to upload the pics...duh Soooo, let's try this again...These are my chickens: Goldy the Banty hen, Red the mix and Barney the Banty rooster at the back. Garden Shots of the Carrots and Tomatoes The east side of my front yard... affectionately referred to as "The Pond". This was all from the heavy rain we had in one of my earlier posts around March 9th.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 01:42 pm:

More pictures: A fuzzy shot of Ms Piggy, my Barred Rock Hen, she's always moving... Some of my mystery rose that I believe is called Sunsprite...
Seil Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 04:24 pm:

Great pics, Karen. I love your chickens and I think you might be right about Sunsprite.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 05:29 pm:

Aaawww, sweet chickies!! Hope your husband feels better soon. That sounds awfully painful to live with... chipped vertebrae... ow.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, March 29, 2008 - 10:46 am:

Seil wrote on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 04:24 pm:
Great pics, Karen. I love your chickens and I think you might be right about Sunsprite.
Thanks share the same birthdate as my sisters (twins)...
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2008 - 08:03 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Friday, March 28, 2008 - 05:29 pm:
That sounds awfully painful to live with... chipped vertebrae... ow.
Thanks DJ... I'm sure it has its days for him for sure...but quite a bit of his pain issues are a direct result of him acting like "macho male"..."but I know I can do this" kinda crap. Keep trying to remind him that the injuries have put a limit to what he is capable of doing without pain. Even running equipment causes severe pain because of the jostling around. He's been playing driver and even that depends on which truck he's in. Got the Rhubarb in the ground next to the chicken yard...complete with the old bird cage as its "fence". Worked on the front area a bit while my allergy headache was less bothersome. Felt nice to move around a bit out in the yard. Little hesitant to do much at this point for fear of kicking the allergy back into high some nice shots of the flower bed area though... This is what is now seen when approaching the house... A view of my front yard as seen from the porch... This is my rubber tree plant growing wild in the yard.. Looking back towards the house...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, March 31, 2008 - 06:43 am:

The kids were here on Sunday. Was a very nice warm almost "summer" type day. DH got the last door on the chicken coop for me so now I can check the nests without having to go inside the fence. Got the Lavender and the rest of the mystery lillies in the new flower bed and started working on cleaning out the area in front of the porch. Pumpkin sprouts!! Of course of all places they are in the Chicken yard...will be transplanting a few of these to the garden. Helped the neighbor move their huge Staghorn Fern to the new pole DH finished for them last week. Took the loader down to lift it from the old location to the new pole. The neighbor gave us a couple of fronds off the plant, but his wife told him she didn't think they were the ones that rooted. After a bit of research, I believe she is correct. I put them in the bend on the Bottlebrush tree and covered them with some of my mulch... we shall see if they decide to take or not. Beautiful plant, the wife says she thinks it is around 100 years old. From the size, I'd say she's probably close. Rhubarb is looking happy in its new spot. Hoping it will grow its little heart out there. Would really like to get the mower up and running...the yard is beginning to look scraggly from all of the weed growth....ah well, maybe soon.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 - 02:10 pm:

April Fool's Day...what a beautiful day...the high today reached about 83 f. Looks like a typical "summer" day...must be our "April Fools Day" from nature...all the windows are open welcoming the breezes. Heard the sounds of pretty heavy thunder a few minutes ago...very light rain has begun. Sun is still shining between the rain splashes. Stops about as quick as it starts...just enough to push the humidity up a bit. Thunder continues to rumble...typical Florida the ocean breeze colliding with the gulf coast breeze bringing us the much needed rain. We are still in drought conditions in spite of the rain. Wildfires are already beginning to spark in the dryer areas and of course there are a few idiots out there who are actually starting the fires. One of these fires was pretty close to my sister's place this past weekend. Burned 100 acres and they are reporting it is arson...hope they hang the idiot. Sis said though it was close, she at least wasn't affected by the smoke. Was only a couple of miles from her. Fires of 1998 are still in my nightmares... one of the things I don't like about Florida is the fires.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 - 09:22 pm:

The rains came finally, after being announced by rumbles of thunder for over an hour. In spite of how hard and the length of time it rained, I doubt we got much more than ½ an inch. Rained hard enough that the end of the driveway looked fogged from the porch...that’s only about 275 feet...was sure glad I wasn’t driving in it...on the down side, my sister probably was...she had a trip to Jax Mayo clinic for an appointment this the time she was ready to leave Jax and head south, we were in the middle of a storm cell. Waiting for her to call anytime to let me know they got home safe. Could call her cell and check on her, but figure since her hubby is driving they may have decided to make it a pleasure drive coming home. I can wait a bit longer. Puddles are standing in the low areas of the driveway, glad DH decided to stay in front tonight instead of driving around back. The side yard where we have "ponding" during heavy or steady rain is pretty spongy right now. Hate it when he makes road tracks in the yard. The temperature dropped about ten degrees once the rain began... it’s currently 73 f at 7:30 pm. Everything is looking very bright in the new spring green. Since we have such mild weather during the winter, our area stays green year round. Only a few of the trees drop their leaves and are bare. Most of our Scrub Oaks seem to stay green and in full leaf year round. My yard is always green, not because it’s a beautiful grassy lawn, but because of the wild weeds that co-exist with the grass. I don’t believe in chemicals on my yard and can’t justify wasting my efforts to maintain grass. What ever makes the yard green is welcome and if it can tolerate the mowing, even better. Water restrictions don’t bother me because I don’t water the yard. Yes, I water the flowerbed areas, but even there it must be pretty dry before I water. That is why I choose the native type plants for my yard, also because if I have to constantly keep after it, I’m going to lose interest and it will die. Makes way more sense to stick with things that like to be left alone. We have invested in soaker hoses for the garden and flowerbed areas, that way I’m not watering the air...humidity stays so high in the summer that the ground watering made so much more sense. I become enraged when I see idiots wasting water by running their sprinklers during the rains, or watering the streets and sidewalks. These are the very people who scream the loudest when they are fined. Can’t dwell here, the thought makes me nuts. I’m wanting to add more soaker hoses to the new beds and the vegetable garden. Currently I’m running a sprinkler setup in the veggie garden. It’s ok, but I think the soaker will be much better. I water fairly late in the day so I don’t worry about the water getting sucked back out by the intense sun. My next project out in the front garden area is to pick up some of the edging for under the split rail fence. I plan to continue the pinecone mulch along the porch side beds and under the split rail. A walkway is planned, but I haven’t decided exactly what I want...maybe the flat fieldstone we had at the old house...that would look good next to the fence with the red mulch. Figure the edging will keep the new dirt and mulch from being washed away during heavy rain and will also help me keep the grass away from the fence...not so much weedeating when I mow. Rain kept me from doing much. Was able to finally get the Troybilt paperwork found so I can get the trimmer to the shop. Its under warranty so we shall see how that goes. Got a ton of work to do with it as soon as its up again. Looks like I’ll be investing in dust masks to keep the allergies from
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2008 - 05:34 pm:

Another beautiful sunny day. The temps remain in the low 80’s, today reached around 83 f. Afternoon brought the rains that we see during normal summer months...and as the sun begins to sink in the early evening sky, we are currently enjoying a slight breeze, temps around 78 f, and a bright cloud filled sky that is beginning to show signs of clearing. Everything around the place is showing bright new green growth. The rains make the yard sparkle with new life. Tonight’s lows are forecast to be in the mid 60’s so the windows will remain open again tonight. I hate to have to close the house up when its cold out...I can’t hear the night critters serenading. My pup, Mojo, hates when I have to close the door to his favorite hangout...the screened porch. This is where he spends hours watching the yard and waiting for the deer and turkeys to appear. Its pretty cute actually...I have pictures of the dogs all sitting on the porch looking out the screen at the herd of deer feeding just off the front porch. Every one of them was sitting quietly...Mojo was only about four months at the time. He’s now 16 months old...have to watch for the wild life because he has learned it is great fun to chase. I don’t think he would hurt the deer, but if he caught a turkey I’m sure he would kill the bird. Never can tell though...his mother was a Bull Mastiff/Irish Setter mix and his father is a Shepherd/Yellow Lab mix. Our other large dog, Bear is a Shepherd/Red Setter mix as best we can tell...beautiful dog, but tends to have an attitude. The littlest one is also the oldest... Spike has the heart and soul of the biggest baddest pit that ever walked the earth...problem is, he’s a Dashound(sp)/Peek-a-poo mix. Been a real bad ass since he was born. Willing to take on any and all comers, regardless of size...matter of fact, the bigger is preferred. Crazy mutt...even at three months he thought he was the baddest thing on four legs. Wouldn’t have made a mouthful for the ones he was going after, he only weighed about five pounds then, if that. But he’s just had his tenth birthday and even though he gives 100% when he wants, he’s slowing down. Playing with Mojo and Bear wears him out pretty quick and he’s soon ready to head in for his spot on the chair. Got to give the little guy credit though, he will run as long as the other two and those little short legs cover a whole lot of yard when he’s in the mood to play. All the afternoon rain has kept me out of the garden for the past few days. The squirrels have nipped the blooms on the Bottlebrush tree and have them everywhere. The tree doesn’t seem to just throws more blooms. Right now it is loaded with red brushes. Its close to thirty feet tall, which is one of the chores for this summer, trim the limbs from over the roof...ok, not this "summer", but just not real soon...which of course translates to "right before the first major hurricane is due to smack us around." I can run the chainsaw, but I can’t do heights, ok, only if I want to be on the ground looking up...heights make me dizzy. But one of our boys does tree work and DH does as well, so they need to get in gear...hahahaha. Yeah, right...sigh...guess its time to whine. But then again, DH also has the roof to pressure wash so we can get the roof coating applied before the summer daily rains set in....hmmm, might be able to hit three with one stone...something to consider
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 01:17 pm:

Finally got in to town and picked up the soaker hoses at Big Lots. Now the only thing is to get them placed in the gardens. The weather has been very nice during most of the day for the last week. The rains come later in the afternoon and are usually gone by dark or just before. On the plus side, at least I'm not having to water the new plants as much. On the down side, it really puts a cramp on the things we are wanting to do outside after work hours. This weekend is forecast for rain both days and on into the early part of the week. So far, just breezy, warm temps under a partly cloudy sky...we have hit 85 f at this time and are expected to hit 86 f for the day. Was hoping to get a few things finished up around here this weekend, but DH has decided to sleep the day away. I can get very agitated about that. Makes me pretty upset that as long as he isn't planning on working for anyone else that he feels he can hang in bed. There are tons of things to be done around here but he doesn't feel the need to drag out of the bed. If he stated that it was because of pain or headache I might be a bit more sympathetic...but this morning it was nothing but pure laziness. He's bored so he must return to the bed....I'd like to slap him stupid. More tomatoes ripen every day, I'm enjoying the rewards of my efforts there. I'm sharing the tomatoes with the chickens and really enjoy the show the girls put on when they scrap over the tasty treat. Ms Piggy really loves the tomatoes and that is one thing she will not relinquish to Red. Funny to watch Piggy snatch the tomato piece and run from Red while trying to eat it. So much to do and yet I'm doing it by myself as usual. This is beginning to get very old. One of the reasons I keep getting from DH is that the landlord is dragging his feet on giving us a because of that he doesn't feel inclined to do anything around here. At this rate, I'm ready to sell off everything and move to our mountain property. DH won't agree to that as he is hell bent on remaining in Florida. Makes me wonder why we bought the land there to begin with.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 01:22 pm:

Continued...I've been looking around online at some of the properties up for sale in the area. At the current prices, it looks like we will either have to stay here and pay rent, or get in gear and have a place built on the mountain. Although, looking at the properties around the area I feel gives me a pretty good position when and if the landlord ever decides to give me a price. I have found several spots with block houses and at least ten acres that are in the same price range as the places on our road that are only five acre parcels...will definitely keep that in mind for negotiation...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 07, 2008 - 09:02 am:

DH should have slept on Sunday instead of wasting Saturday morning. Rained most of the day here which kept me inside. Yard was way too soggy to do much of anything. Still waiting to hear from the repair shop on my Troybilt trimmer. I'm truly hating Mondays right now...I don't work at the farm until after noon on Monday, but it sure does screw up my day...about the time I get started on something, its time to quit and go to the farm. I am seriously thinking about quitting. Figure if the landlord can't get off his ass and just give me a figure, it sure isn't worth the piddley money he's paying me to come down and piss my time away working for him. If I'm gonna have to work, then I need to be making some serious cash, not minimum wage...getting way too old to be pissing away my time for minimum wage...too much experience for that. Besides, I'm out of my element doing the job of bookkeeping. Yeah, I have been able to wing it but it just makes me nuts not feeling like I'm doing it right. I've told him since the beginning that I am NOT a bookkeeper. He still begged me to come and work for him. Now I'm over the job, over the BS and rapidly losing interest in being on his property, regardless of how much I like the property. He knows how I feel about the place...but I refuse to allow him to continue dangling the place...either give me a price or tell me you aren't going to sell it to me and I'll move on. Guess that's what he's afraid of, us moving on...this place has been a nightmare with some of the people he has let move in here before us. For the past two and half years he has had his rent like clockwork when it is due. Every appliance in the place belongs to us, the stove crapped out before Christmas, the refrigerator was mine to begin with and the washer and dryer are also ours. Once we decide to move out, he will be having to replace it all. DH has refused to do any type of repair work at this point so he'll be having to do repairs as well. I'm really feeling frustrated at this point. I HATE to move, but I hate wasting money as well...maybe I should just invest in a new tent and head for the mountain...and then invest in a camper for the property there. DH can stay here and waste his, I know I can find work anywhere...slap a generator on the property for electric when I want it and truly get back to primitive living...we have a spring on the property, so water won't be an issue... I'm just tired of having everything continue to seem just out of reach no matter where we are financially. Was thinking alot about that last night...there are an additional twelve vehicles/trailers/equipment...that would have to be stored someplace if we move. We drive three vehicles and the rest of the crap is just sitting waiting for him to work on it. I think I'm ready to do a major downsize of personal items...its just getting to be too much junk to haul around. I'm in the mood to throw stuff out. The garden is looking empty...right now I have cleared everything except: Tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes and cukes. Got five more ripe tomatoes Sunday between raindrops. Was hoping to dig some of the pumpkin starts from the chicken yard this weekend, but the rain kept me inside. Was also wanting to swap some dirt from the chicken yard to the garden. Ahhh well, such is much to do, so little time and never enough energy.
Valia Posted on Monday, April 07, 2008 - 10:25 am:

I was just looking at your dog pics ... Bear looks a lot like Sam, a wheaten terrier we once had (our first dog). I don't have any digital pics of him, and our photo albums are still up north or I'd post a photo. Sam was the smartest dog I have ever known -- smarter than we were, sometimes, and he knew it. Talk about attitude! Sounds like that fellow you work for is just taking advantage of a good thing. It's a handy job, but you're right to be on the look out for something better. Anne
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 - 02:12 pm:

Valia wrote on Monday, April 07, 2008 - 10:25 am:
Bear looks a lot like Sam, a wheaten terrier
The dog pic you are referring to is the one of the Red and Black dog? Hmmm, I'd love to see a pic of your dog, we really aren't sure of Bear's ancestry, its been a guess as to what he is mixed with. The brindle is Mojo my pup and the blonde is Spike the Dashound(sp?)mix.
Valia wrote on Monday, April 07, 2008 - 10:25 am:
Sounds like that fellow you work for is just taking advantage of a good thing
thanks for sharing my opinion. I've been feeling that way for a bit and to be honest, I'm on the verge of quitting working for him. DH and I were discussing things just last night and the time seems like it must be right because HE actually brought up moving to the mountain property. Things in this area both job and house wise are just getting ridiculous. As he so aptly stated last night, "we seem to be working just to live here". That I think is what bothers me the most, knowing that in order to live on this piece of property here, we are having to work our butts off just to stay here. The mountain property is within a couple thousand dollars of being paid in full and that's five acres free and clear. We would not have a mortgage or rent payment, no water bill (mountain spring), no sewer (septic). The electric is cheaper there and the work possibilities for both of us are going to be the same as here. Both of us can do many different types of work. On the plus side, without the expense of rent, that will free up a thousand dollars a month. Paying off the property will free up another 350/mth. So we could both be semi-retired and only work when we want to. He tinkers with anything mechanical and if he can't make it run, then it won't ever run. His CDL also gives him well as mechanic for heavy equipment and equipment operator. His Resume goes on forever. Mine is varied as well...and neither of us is afraid of hard work. So this could just be what we are supposed to do at this time. His job here is beginning to get scary slow, demolition is going on, but work seems to be bid by out of state contractors and for some reason they are the ones getting the work instead of the locals. DH's boss has been in the business in this area for over forty years and has a super reputation for his work. Things are just really tight in our county...mostly because of the over inflated housing that went that had been assessed the year before at say $60k jumped up to over $200k on the tax assessor's tax role. Even if we were to go ahead and try to purchase this place, its assessed at over 192k and its a 1972 mobile home...just chokes me to think about that price for a mh that didn't cost 5k brand new. The 192k is the land value...the mh is assessed at 28k. The taxes would eat us alive, especially at this rate...the exact reason so many in Florida are in the foreclosure state. The mountain property wouldn't require much, and I'm comfortable with setting a camper up on part of the property and living in it until we are able to get the cabin built. A cabin was what we have intended to build up there since day one. Getting accustomed to driving in the ice and snow on mountain roads...well that could be very interesting and possibly dangerous...DH has never experienced driving on ice and snow and definitely not in mountain conditions. I have been in Florida now for twenty one years and before going back to NC spent fifteen years driving on snow and ice in Indiana...but WAAAHHHHH, I hate snow. Love the mountain, hate snow...guess I shall become like brother bear and hibernate during the snow season....on the other hand, I might just have to try my hand at that I'm old enough to break a hip and really mess myself up!! About the time I decide to get excited about moving back to the mountains, DH chirps me and says one of the guys knows of 7 acres with a house, etc...for only $70k...the kicker, its got wetlands...oh yeah, that's exactly what we need in on wetlands so I can watch my dogs get eat by the we really need to do this? He's disappointed that I'm not more excited, but I guess that's just because he doesn't truly understand how over Florida I have become. My only reason for wanting to be here at this time is my youngest sister who was diagnosed with cancer in 2005...she's doing ok at the present and its only an eight hour drive and of course there is an airport close to where we are. DH understands that...his family is in Jax and Daytona. His baby sis though is just across the mountains a little way...maybe a couple of hours from the property. He'd get to see her more often.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 - 08:19 pm:

Ok, enough of the liquid sunshine for a few days...I'm ready for the sunny blue skies...the rain has been most welcome, but I'd really like to be able to finish the weedeating so I can run the tractor and mower through the yard. Don't need to be making soup out of the yard. The possibility of moving to the mountain within the next year has put me into a zone of feels like we are about to embark on an adventure. We've had the property for almost twelve years and have wanted to get a house up since the first year. The kids of course were still at home and then we were concentrating on our previous home trying to get it remodeled enough to move into. So far, all we've been able to do is camp for short periods of time every year or two. This is the longest since we have been back, July 2003 was the last time up. I'm excited to go, the mountains call my heart and my heart calls them home...I have always been connected to those beautiful smokey mountains, they are in my blood. My soul sings when the smells of the mountains tickle my nose. My heart races as the mountain peaks come to my view...this is where I belong. I wrote a poem several years ago after coming home from the I need to find it again...God I hate moving...takes years to find things and now I'm looking at doing it again. This time will definitely be doing some major downsizing. My horoscope for today said that I was thinking about the past a lot and that now would be a good time to lose some of the baggage and move on...funny how sometimes they can really hit the nail square. I have been thinking about life in general a lot the past few weeks and about things that I was ready to move past...the planets are lining up in my favor so I guess its time I pay attention. New beginnings are what we said when we moved out here... our first real alone time with the kids finally out of the we're looking at a really giant step...moving to an area where we really don't have anyone but each other. Guess we'll see how strong we truly are. My family in NC is in a different part and the friends whose property is next to ours are wanting to move closer to Atlanta...yuck. So we will really be on our very own for the first time. Funny when I think about it...I'm 52 and getting ready to be away from everything I've known for the past twenty one years...I came to Florida from NC and now I'm going home...this time its just us and the mountain...
Yasmeenjohl Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 05:27 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 - 08:19 pm:
the mountains call my heart and my heart calls them home...
Beautifully put.. I was abt to compliment u on ur poetic abilities when u mentioned ur poem..
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 09:50 am:

Yasmeenjohl wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 05:27 am:
Beautifully put.. I was abt to compliment u on ur poetic abilities when u mentioned ur poem..
Thank you, below is a copy of the poem I was published a couple of years ago through the International Society of Poetry in one of their anthologies. I think this is the one I got the Editor's Choice award for. I've submitted so many I forget which ones get what sometimes. Hope you enjoy. Misty Mountain Misty mountains reach for the sky Through your peaks my soul does fly O'er valleys winding deep below In Summer sun and Winter snow You call my name I hear your cry Wings of wind bring my reply Mountain beauty wild and free I close my eyes and this I see Misty mountains reach for the sky Through your peaks my soul does fly Snuggled deep in Natures nest You bring me peace and needed rest
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 12:16 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 09:50 am:
below is a copy of the poem I mentioned...
Very nice! It's such fun to see the creative side of people.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:24 pm:

Its a beautiful afternoon here today...the clouds have finally moved on and the temps are close to 80 degrees. With the decision to make the move to the mountain, I'm almost hesitant to continue doing much around here for the gardens...after speaking with DH last night and asking just what he was wanting to get rid of, I guess we shall be moving all of my pavers and border stones...DH reminded me that we had just priced these items recently at Lowe's in case we needed more...duh! Forgot about that, must have been because I was looking at plants as he was looking at the pavers and such. On to plan B... our first trip up is going to have to be done according to the "list of things to do". My thoughts are to check out the closest storage facility to the property and see what one will cost/mth. That way everytime we get the chance to go up, we can pack the vehicle with things to stay at the storage unit until we have something in place on the property. The brain is whirling and spinning wildly out of control with all of the things that will need to be wonder I feel dizzy... My biggest chore is going to be getting DH to cut loose of some major junk he's been holding on to for so many years...yes, it sucks to say that we are BOTH packrats. I've come to the decision that I am personally ready to lighten my packrat load and be able to do without the junk. Besides, since we've moved out here almost 2 1/2 years ago, I've still got so much stuff packed away that I don't even know what's packed. If I haven't had a need for it by now, then obviously I really don't need it. The electronics are my downfall and there will be many computer related things that will no longer hog my space. I'm very happy with my laptop, so the rest can go...ok, well first I might just have to see if I might have an future need for some of it, but the most of it can be pitched. Yeah I know, there's always the yard sale out this far much easier to cart to the Goodwill or other type of thrift store. Might even consider just calling in an auction house and having them cart the crap off...there are a couple of antiques that I may call a dealer on. Easier to pick up "new" than to haul it all. The only two appliances that will definitely go are the new washer and dryer...and of course our new bed. The rest of the stuff can go as far as I'm concerned, I'm through hauling it around. Getting the rest of the veggie garden ready to plant I'm just trying to decide if I want to continue the garden for the rest of the summer, or just keep up with what is already there...if DH is planning to be taking time off every couple of weeks or so, then I won't be able to keep up with the garden...decisions, decisions...guess I'll plant a few more things and see how things go. On the plus side, if it gets too far out of hand, I'll just turn the chickens loose in it for awhile. Reading my poem before I posted it earlier really brought back the memory of the reason I wrote it. When I first moved to Florida, I really missed the changing of the seasons. Fall colors and smells from "up north" just don't happen here the same way. We were coming home from a camping trip in the mountains when the first verse popped in my head...I was just gazing out the windshield, not really watching the road, but the sky and poof!..the next thing I know I felt like I was soaring through the mountain peaks around our area. I recall wishing at the time that we could stay up on the mountain longer...but the feeling of "flying" through the mountains as if I was an eagle or hawk...that was what inspired the poem... it was if the mountain had heard my soul crying and it gave me the opportunity to briefly continue my visit. By the time the "vision" had passed, we were entering the Daytona area. Talk about being minute I'm soaring above the mountain peaks and the next I'm smelling salt water and seeing the familiar roads that led to our house. I'll be glad when my "block" is gone where my writing is concerned. Seems I can't sit and write the poetry the way I used to. Phrases come to mind and just as quickly disappear. I carry a pad and pen or have one near just for that reason...but sadly at this time once I pick up the pen the words refuse to flow...even using the laptop has proven to be the same...the brain goes blank the minute I decide to try and write. Ah, well...guess once I have something to say again the words will begin to flow freely once more.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:27 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:24 pm:
Very nice! It's such fun to see the creative side of people.
Thanks DJ, some days its easier than others as I'm sure you know. You strike me a being pretty creative yourself.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:45 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:27 pm:
some days its easier than others as I'm sure you know
Haha, you got that right! ... If you do head for the mountains, I hope you have Internet there. I wouldn't want to miss out on what you're up to.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 03:15 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 02:45 pm:
I hope you have Internet there
Oh, yeah that will have to be among the first of things to be hooked up...I pay everything
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 - 05:08 pm:

Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 11:20 am:

Sitting on the front screened porch listening to the birds calling from all around. In the noon time heat of today, most seem to be hiding in the shade of the trees that line the east side of the property. Now and then I might catch a quick qlimpse as one flits across from one side to the other. Looking out at the yard it sure is hard to believe its only April. The weedy wildflowers have grown almost knee high and one weed by the feeder is already over three feet high, I think its common name is "false thistle". Looks like it would be sticky to touch, but its not. Has puff balls like a dandelion and even the leaves are just doesn't set flowers, goes straight to the "puff ball". I like the texture of this weed, so I tend to let it grow for a bit before I pull it out. The little purple wild iris looking weeds, can't recall what they are...are growing thick by the feeder. I'm considering digging them up like I did in our old yard and putting them in a bed of their own so they don't get cut when I mow. Not that that will be likely to happen anytime soon...the weedeater has whipped my back, neck, shoulder and rib muscles are still screaming from using it the other night. Need DH to "pop" my back for me so the kinks will go away. SIGH...guess that's what I should expect after sitting behind a desk for too long...seems I've let myself get pretty far out of shape at the moment. But I'd just as soon blame it on Truly believe that age has a hand in how long these muscles are screaming...never has bothered me before like this...falling apart at the seams I Managed to clean out more of the Mexican Petunias around the front flowerbed and walkway yesterday afternoon...hmmm, that could be part of the muscle issue...carried them out to the chicken yard and watched them attack the new green sweet to watch. Picked some dead off the tomato plants and some of the ripe tomatoes, pulled a few large weeds in the garden and headed for the chicken yard with those as well...Ms Piggy met me at the gate as usual, straining to see what I was bringing...after tossing the green stuff I started out of the gate. Ms Piggy decided she just had to see what else I was holding and attempted to "fly" up...I just about dropped the tomatoes laughing at her...persistant little thing. The other two were already in the midst of the pile of greens checking them out. Once she found that I was not giving up the tomatoes, Ms Piggy joined them. Love to watch my animals, they are such a great source of entertainment. Getting to be a bit warm sitting out here on the porch thermometer says its 88 f...and the widget on my laptop says its 77 f. We do have a bit of a cool breeze flowing through now and then and I have the windows open and a fan running to keep the house sundown I'll be dropping the windows and turning off the fan because the air really gets a chill then...or maybe not...the forecast low for tonight is only around 62 f, so might get to leave the windows open again...been feeling very chilly the past few nights, humidity must be dropping as well. But for now, the heat is tolerable and welcome...just hope it doesn't jump to the 90's like it has been known to do around here, before June. I'd like the chance to have a low light bill for a couple of months anyway. And then again, we could be enjoying the nice mountain breezes by the time it gets really hot here, at least for a few weeks at a time anyway...can't help but feel excited about going to the mountain...
Valia Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 01:39 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 - 02:12 pm:
blonde is Spike the Dashound(sp?)mix.
oops --- think I was figuring the blond was Bear. Spike is the one who looks like Sam. Sounds like he has Sam's personality, too. Are you sure there aren't any wheatens in his ancestry? Over in Ireland, they have field trials where wheatens are required to face off with a badger.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 05:28 pm:

Valia wrote on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 01:39 pm:
oops --- think I was figuring the blond was Bear
Lol...that's what I figured when I read Terrier... We had Spike's momma, a papered Dashound(sp?)and my BIL had his daddy, a papered Peek-a-Poo... it was an experiment to see what the pups would look like...she had two, a male and female. The little female looked just like her daddy...Spike got his name from his "spikey" hairdo.
Valia wrote on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 01:39 pm:
Over in Ireland, they have field trials where wheatens are required to face off with a badger.
cool, Spike would have no problem there I'm sure...its in his blood...his grandparents would kill any animal that came in the yard...opossums, raccoons, cats, etc.(the Dashound side). He's a great rat catcher and at the moment has moved to birds, for which he ends up having to stay inside.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 - 11:54 am:

Another very warm, summer type day. The temps are at 81 f and heading for around 83 f. The weekend is forecast for what else...rain and cooler temps by the beginning of the week...ok, what has happened here???...we are said to be expecting lows in the 40's this rate, I'll never get to turn the heat OFF! Finally got to the feed store to pick up a bale of hay for the chicken coop. Have decided it is much easier to fork the hay out than to constantly clean the coop. Besides, I needed to pick up more scratch as well. Pulled three more ripe tomatoes yesterday, sure are some tasty toms!! We seem to be eating them as fast as they ripen, so this is good. Cukes are looking great, can hardly wait for them to start setting flowers. The Rhubarb continues to hang on...started with 3 leaves, now down to one....its in the ground and been watered the same as everything else...oh well, if it chooses to die, then that way, I don't care for Rhubarb anyway...DH is the one who likes it and for whom the plant was purchased. While still in the planning stages regarding the move to NC, we are also having to consider which vehicle to take when we go up for the first visit this time...I am wanting to take Mojo and have the others dog-sat by a friend who will come by and take care of things for us. The older ones are used to being home alone when we go away...the boys usually come by and feed when we leave. But Mojo has only been left alone for a couple of days and doesn't really appreciate being out in the pen with Bear. Spike is used to staying in the house, can't leave the little bugger in the pen because he can clear the fence when he chooses. Hard to believe without seeing it, but that brat has no problem going "over" a four foot chainlink fence. My friend has been asked to house sit, so she would be here to let him in and out after she gets off work. I have a large carrier that Mojo will fit...DH is thinking he would not be happy in the carrier and would prefer to just let him ride "loose" under the thought is: Mojo hates to ride anyway, so let's see if using the carrier will help him feel more far, the only vehicle he's halfway liked is the van. Even then he was trembling and trying to sit as close as possible during the ride. Hate to leave him home...he's the "baby". If we take my Dakota, which gets the best mileage, we would only have him in the carrier for about three hours before we would need to stop for fuel anyway...usually make about three stops for fuel between Daytona and the property...only has a fifteen gallon tank. Decisions, Decisions...guess I shall just load him up and see how he reacts...he never used to have any issue about going into the carrier. That was where he spent the first two months when we were at work or when he went to bed every night. Really helped with the house training....of course Mojo has always had a strong "yearn to please"...he hates to be scolded and truly acts remorseful for mis-behaving...if only the kids had been so willing!!! Wouldn't have near the grey hair!!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2008 - 02:47 pm:

Feels like summer here today...88 f. according to the weather and it most certainly feels like it standing out in the sun. Says the humidity is only 37% but it feels "stuffier" than that. A light breeze blows in now and again, the widget says its out of the SW @ 15mph...feels nice. Sure hope the front that is expected in tomorrow just brushes on by, we're expecting rain and the temps to start dropping once again to low 40's at night and mid to upper 60's during the day with rain of course. The ground is still spongy in spots, which is one of the other reasons I don't care to run the tractor in the front of the house, tends to push the spongy areas out with the front tires and the weight... WAHHHH!!! I want my Yazoo...sigh..hopefully soon. Picked six more ripe tomatoes this afternoon. Had to go ahead and slice one of the others so I could snack on it...sure was yummy. Just one of those things I could eat anytime of day. Sure hope they keep this up all summer. The sweet potato plant is looking pretty good, hope it produces for me. My cukes are looking like they are about to set blooms...yummm, more of my favorite things, I can hardly wait. Got Mojo to jump up in the bed of my Dakota last night. Closed the tailgate, gave him his treat and lots of praise. The truck was in the back pasture and I pulled it back out front with him in the bed...poor baby...he was cowered and trembling when I went to open the gate...gave him another treat and lots of loving when he got down...I don't know if we'll be able to get him past this by the time we want to head out or not. We had stopped by the boys' place this afternoon and brought their dogs home with us as they were following with other stuff on their truck. Once here, they both decided to hop back up in the bed while they were all hanging outside. Mojo hopped up for a few minutes but decided not to stay long. I'm really leaning towards the carrier more and more for him...I think it might make him feel more secure. Temps on the mountain right now...66 f with expected low of 37 f tonight...with highs in the mid 40's tomorrow and Monday...low Sunday night is expected to be 29 f....brrrr...still too chilly for me at the moment. We'll definitely have some adjusting to do with the weather. DH plans to make the move at the end of Spring/beginning of Summer next least that way I can adapt as the weather changes from Summer to Fall.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2008 - 05:15 pm:

After a fairly mild morning...temps at 7:30 am were 71 f...the afternoon brought clearing skies but much cooler 6:45 pm it is now warmer than it was at 2 pm...currently as the sun is getting ready to set the temps are 68 f. Barely spit rain on our area, not enough to really measure. With the cooler temps I decided to make a big pot of pinto beans, ham and rice with a big skillet of favorite meal. Looks like we won't be eating on it for long, the boys are here and the GD wants to stay for supper, " because I like your food"... was pretty sweet. I think she's more interested in the sliced tomatoes than the soup. Of course, her father is the one who once asked for a cornbread birthday cake...guess they just are "cornbread Kids", the same as I am and my son was/is as well. The way they act, they could definitely be mine by We did a small job for DH's brother helping him remove a very large branch from the neighbor's roof...its a Hackberry tree that is about five to six feet around and sits dead on the property line. The tree really needs to be taken down, but neither of them has the cash that is required. One of the huge branches dropped and was still attached to the tree. We have a friend with a tree service who loaned us his machine to reach it. Pretty cool little self-propelled thing called a Polecat. Made the job go pretty easy without having to walk on the roof. Has been a very nice, peaceful weekend... harmony seems within my reach finally.

Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 06:47 am:

At 8am its now 58 f...while listening to the weather this morning I heard them say that our weather for the next couple of days is going to be more like what we see in January rather than April. In the morning we are expecting temps of about 45 f...the wind is also expected to pick up and be bringing quite a chill with it. Understand that its part of a front sitting up in the midwest that's dragging Arctic air in from Canada....brrrr. Got up this morning to find one of my bird feeders had been broken first thought was the deer had been in it...a short bit later was confirmed when I spotted three of the little darlings out front at the feeder. I haven't been putting seed out for just this reason. The birds have all been hanging out at the chicken yard and I was attempting to draw them back to the front. SIGH...guess I will just have to put less in the feeders. I truly adore the deer and other wildlife, its just aggravation when they destroy things, even though unintentionally ...they are afterall just critters doing what they do. Wandering around the yard over the weekend checking out what is growing...Blackberries are in bloom and already beginning to set fruit. Lots of little wild flowers in the back pasture...a wild Pitcher plant has bloomed near the area where we park the tractor. Told DH to NOT run over it when he moved the tractor for me...he can park it in some of the tightest spots... Found some toadstools/mushrooms growing pretty numerous in one area. Of course I didn't have the camera as I made my way around the yard...maybe later...we'll see. Frustrating not to know the mushrooms that are edible with all of these marvelous specimens popping up in my yard... Talking fire threat on the weather at the moment...I swear they would start with the fire threat garbage if we were sitting under ten feet of water and the temps turned cold... every time the humidity drops and the winds pick up we get red flag warnings for fire. Is it any wonder that people here ignore warnings of any nature at this rate? So much garbage to filter through just for an idea of what the weather might do. Its the same during the hurricanes...lets do the overkill to the point no one listens. Guess even the news is just about ratings anymore. DH let the chickens out of the coop for me this morning when he got ready to leave for work...says they sat real quiet until he was back outside the gate and they heard the latch fall...hahaha...must have been a shock for all of them, usually Ms Piggy hits the ground the minute the door opens...last in, first out. DH doesn't mess with the chickens much except to stop and speak to them when he passes by... he is so good with animals and most of them adore him. Several of his friends get the biggest kick out of Ms Piggy's habit of coming to the gate to see what treats are being given. She is the only one that will take what is offered from your hand. Found a tick on myself last night after we had come in and got settled for the evening...had to call DS and have him check the GD really good before she went to bed. I think one of the dogs carried it in as it wasn't "stuck" to me, but was on my neck...must have been a "vampire tick"....LOL One more reason to keep the yard under control. GD was busy picking up pinecones and playing hard in the yard with all of the dogs for the better part of the afternoon. I'm sure she slept like a rock after being outside running around all day...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:26 am:

Continued for April 14...The day is actually turning out to be pretty has actually warmed up to about 68 f...still has a chill on the air though. The skies are blue and clear with puffy clouds floating high. Had a nice chat with an old friend this morning and she may have a solution for our "temporary residence" on the mountain... her husband and she own a small cabin RV like some of the ones I've been looking at....the best part is they are looking to sell it due to not being able to put two RVs on their property and this one being smaller than the one they live in...the price is right, now all I have to do is get DH to go look at it... things seem to be falling into place....
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 01:02 pm:

Another very chilly day here in Sunny Florida...the temp at 2:30pm...62 f....the wind is definitely cold. Only one more day of this before the temps begin to climb back into the 80's. Can hardly wait...on the other hand, I checked the temps around the this time, its only eight degrees warmer here than the mountain!! Of course, its way colder for the overnight temps there...getting down around 29 f tonight there. Tossed the idea of checking out my gf's rv to DH and he's not thrilled. SIGH...guess I'm back to square one. I don't know at this point what to even consider doing. I also asked about setting a tentative date for our first trip up and was informed that we still have to get a vehicle ready...DUH!!! like I don't already know this, but how can I get the ball rolling if I don't know WHEN he's wanting to take off. Maybe I should just crawl back into bed and let him cope with all of the crap. Yeah, the speed with which he moves to do things I'll be dead before we make the move. So frustrating. If he isn't going to take part in any of the pre-move stuff, then he just may have to sit his happy hiney here in sunny Florida and work until hell freezes over so HE can live here. I don't need the stress!! I'm trying to be good and work through my own emotional garbage so I can get out of this funk depression that I've been coping with for the past five years...this is just uncalled for stress that I am not going to accept. Fine, if he wants to make the move, then HE is going to have to get involved and make some decisions instead of tossing the ball in my lap and then saying he doesn't like my ideas or the results from any of my research. I've only been online for the past week since he made the decision about wanting to move, checking out different options for us so we can have a place to live while we are setting things up besides the tent. After all, neither of us are kids anymore and HE is the one who has to pack all of the conveniences of home when we camp...if we could get a signal on the mountain, I'm sure he would take the tv, I'm actually surprised he hasn't requested the DVD player...give him time I guess. But,I am not about to spend the entire time we are setting up for the house living in a tent, I know how s-l-o-w he is about doing things. NOW, I AM definitely depressed...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 03:41 pm:

I hear you, sister. Ugh... some people! LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 10:20 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 03:41 pm:
I hear you, sister. Ugh... some people!
Thanks DJ... at least I know I'm not alone....just very frustrating to deal with... The weatherman was right on the money about the wind for today...blowing like crazy at the moment...its 67f at ll:47 am and the sky is cloud free and beautiful blue. That wind sure has a chill in it though. Expected high for today is only 70 f, but tomorrow is supposed to be much warmer as the front moves on out to sea away from us. Took a walk around the property, through the back pasture... was wanting to share a wild Pitcher plant with one of the gals I work with. While we were walking around, we discovered several more groups of the Pitcher plant in a few different spots...way cool. Will have to take the camera out and get some shots of the bloom on the one group before something destroys DH or the The blackberry bushes are in full bloom and a couple are starting to set fruit. Hopefully they will get enough rain this year to be good. We lost several that had been loaded with berries our first year here because of the drought conditions last year. But, being the wild things they are, we have them all over the place, grabbing unsuspecting bare legs as they are passed. I just love being out in the yard here, it has a very calming effect on my soul. That has been one of the reasons I fell in love with this piece of property. The healing of my battered emotions after the loss of my mom, the accident a year later involving DH and his oldest son, the diagnosis of cancer in both of my younger sisters two years later and then losing my one sister last January, has been, in my opinion, due to the peace I feel when I gaze out at the beauty I see in this property. It has become my safe haven from the world, where I can draw into myself and sort through all that troubles me. My hopes and prayers are carried high on the wings of the wind. The songs of the birds visiting throughout the day lifts my spirit when I am down. Whispering pines catch my attention as the wind gently caresses the sun kissed ground below. All within my sight brings joy to my soul and the healing continues. This place is the closest to what I feel when I am on the mountain where my heart calls home. Days like today when the pines are talking in the wind I can close my eyes and see the mountain peaks around the property as if I am there.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 06:18 pm:

You have had some very rough times! It's good that the mountain will offer you the same (or better) peace as you have now.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 02:58 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 06:18 pm:
You have had some very rough times!
Thanks is slowly getting better and time does help with the healing. I know things could be worse and I know there are many others dealing with similar and even harder issues. Sometimes I just get over whelmed by life in general. The temps have climbed to around 75f here today. Lots of puffy clouds in our blue sky. The wind is still cool, but in the heat of the sun it sure feels nice. The cukes are growing like little weeds and looking very nice. The Rhubarb has decided to grow afterall...spotted a new leaf yesterday...right next to the only leaf that remained from the three original ones, which also is curling up and getting ready to drop off. If it grows it grows and if it dies, well okie, dokie then. More ripening tomatoes are on the way...looks like three, maybe four more will be ready in the next couple of days. Carrots are still growing pretty well...pulled a couple the other day and both were fair sized. On the carrots, I think I need to continue waiting until I see the tops of the carrots begin to push up out of the ground...those are the ones that have been the largest so far....also worked quite well with the Turnips waiting for them to push up out of the ground before I pulled them. Sometimes I am not very patient. The new front flower beds are continuing to look very nice. Everything is spreading out and seems to like the area. My Aloe has really went nuts in that bed and appears to have almost doubled the size on most of the plants. The Cannas are spreading out as well and looks like the space they are in will be very full in no time. I think I recall having about a dozen when I put them in the ground and now I am seeing three to four in each spot where I planted for me!! The two Poinsettias that were hanging on in the pots have also come back to life since being put in the ground. They obviously love their new spot as both have sprouted much new growth. I'm trying to decide if I want to find a really huge pot for the Stevia, which self seeded in its current pots, or do I want to put it in the ground and then dig it up when we decide to is looking so good at the moment that I really hate to mess with it at this time. The basil definitely needs to be put into the ground for now and I know I can always dig it out and pot it when we get ready to move...basil seems to grow well for me regardless. The Thyme is doing good in its pots and I love the smell...kinda funny when we mow for our friend, cause the stuff grows wild and so does a variety of sage and I smell both when we cut their pasture...just haven't been able to Id it when I'm on the ground.LOL My mint would probably do better if the dang dog, Bear, would stay off of it and STOP peeing on it...grrrrr, fixin to nail him with the water hose!!! Other than the dog, it looks as if it is trying to spread out in its spot, which is what I want. Will probably pick up a few more varieties later this spring/summer. Had a Chocolate mint that was soooo yummy a couple of years ago, but lost it during the summer months after I had put it in the ground...probably had something to do with one of the dogs. Same with the Lemon Balm...the neighbors' cats would come right up on my deck and chew it to nothing every single time...could have been the cats on the mint as well. The Crape Myrtles in the front half moon garden are leafing out as is the one on the end of the plant group at the end of the trailer. They are so pretty when they bloom and we do not cut ours back like the ones on the medians and other places. I did some reading on them and there is much discussion about them being cut back so far every year. The last time these were cut like that was when we transplanted them after rescuing them from a demolition job. We have a red at the end of the trailer, a purple/lavender and white ones in the half moon garden. The last two were very mature when we transplanted them, being over six feet tall at the point where they were being cut back every year. Definitely need to get some pictures posted of that bed also...the Rubbertree cuttings I put out there our second winter have developed into very nice little bushes. So far, the Firebush plants in that garden are coming back slowly...DH says its my fault because I don't keep the grass off of them...okay HE is the one who wanted them there...but its my job to take care of them...grrrr...get a life dude!...or at least help out.LOL They will grow as they want and seem to be coming along least they are still showing growth. Guess it just kills him because the two that we didn't think would make it are doing fantastic in their huge pots...of course I had to cut them way back because they had been so damaged and broken during the demolition job. DH just hates to see perfectly good plants get trashed...some I can save and some I cannot. But I do think it is sweet that he brings them all home to me to "doctor" back to living. No further blooms on my little "Sunsprite" rosebush...she is putting out some nice foliage right now and is probably just enjoying being able to set new leaves without having them chomped on constantly. Should probably pick up some Rose food to mix for her every now and then...she loves bananas and I put them around in her pot occasionally...momma is the one who told me Roses love bananas and she was sooo right... I had a Blush that would absolutely set blooms within two or three days after placing a banana around her ground. Now if Sunsprite follows in that one's footsteps that would be awesome...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 - 06:20 am:

WOOOHOOO!!! The warmer weather is returning!! While yesterday was very pleasant after our dip back to brrr early in the week, today should really feel like our Florida weather. We are heading back up in the 80's today and by next week, we shall be in the high 80's which will feel more like summer weather...just got the electric bill and it has begun to drop...YEAH!!! Had to laugh when DH came in last night...HE actually was the one closing the windows and doors and turning on the heat because HE was cold!!!...hahaha, usually its ME that is the popsicle... told him he just needed to put long sleeves on. The temps had begun dropping as the sun was setting, but it was still in the low 60's. Trying to get the Confederate Jasmine to root, took some cuttings a couple of days ago...hopefully I will have success. Its really planted in a bad spot and I need to dig it out and move the entire plant...but at this time, I don't want to kill it either and that's what worries me. Don't know why anyone would have planted it that close to the back door knowing how crazy it becomes and how heavy the fragrance is. I love the smell, but know that it can bring on some very nasty headaches. DS finally remembered to bring me the cuttings he has had for several days...ooohhhh, how pretty they are, now to see if they will root and then maybe Id them. Got some very different looking flowers on these cuttings...I hope they take root. One of my Hibiscus cuttings that I had out in the bucket has popped its first bud open...very different color than the parent plant which is RED...this is a pale pink...wondering if it has to do with the fact that the cutting is in water rather than dirt? Those cuttings have been out in the bucket since what, September or October??...wasn't something I intended to grow, was just hating the idea of tossing the nice long cuttings when I pruned her so I dropped them in the bucket and now it looks as if I have some new plants needing to go in the ground. These will probably end up in pots as the deer will chew any new plants like that clean to the ground. Looking like the "green thumb" may be Bout time...was beginning to wonder if anything would ever grow for me again!!!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 09:14 pm:

DH's youngest brother's youngest son got married this afternoon...makes me feel old!! When we first got together this kid was just starting kindergarden, now he's got a two year old of his own and finally marrying the girl he's been with since middle school...seems this family has luck with marriages lasting even when they start as kids, that's a good thing and I wish them happiness and a life full of love for each other. The party after was great fun and even got DH to dance with me finally... one of the nieces got me on video dancing to "Electric Slide" and "Mony, Mony"...two of the songs that I love to dance to...too bad DH wasn't up to the dancing, cause the music was sure in my feet tonight. Looks like the kids will be partying long after all the "old farts" poop out...little do they realize, all of us have already been there and done Was a very beautiful warm day and even though the clouds grew dark and threatening, the rain never came...worked out perfect as the wedding was outside. Had a very large American Kestrel outside the chicken yard yesterday. Was sitting on the porch visiting with my sis when the chickens started making all kinds of racket...very unusual for them so I went to check...both dogs went along and as I got close to the pen, I saw the Kestrel fly up to a close pine...looked ruffled like she had attempted to get through the fence. Made Spike come in, he is small enough for her to attack, and Mojo hung out near the pen for a bit. Saw the Kestrel finally give up and head out across the neighbor's pasture. Glad the pen is fully enclosed. She sure was upset to be run off, screeched all the way out of the area. On a different note, we have one Mourning Dove that is totally stupid...keeps getting inside the pen and then can't seem to remember how to get back out...I feel sorry for the little thing because it keeps banging its little self into the top and the sides of the pen. I usually leave the gate open when I go in to close the coop after they go in...the dove will bounce off every side and the top before finally finding the open gate...goofy little stuck in there yesterday, landed near the food, promptly got pecked by Ms Piggy, bounced off the side hard and then finally walked through the'd think it would learn. It is the only bird that seems unable to find its way out. Hoping to get a chance to work in the garden tomorrow...wanting to get the Basil in the front garden and get some of the seeds planted again as well...still considering just exactly how I want to lay it out. I have a fair idea of what I want where, just a matter of getting it done....
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 07:33 am:

Seems the Kestrel has taken an interest in the chicken pen...makes me very glad that it is totally enclosed. She's hanging outside on the ground next to the pen as if she is looking for an opening...I turned Mojo out as he is large enough to scare her off without becoming her next meal. He thinks its great fun to chase the wild turkeys and make them take to the trees, so figure he will keep her on her toes as well. The chickens aren't scared of Mojo since he usually just sits quietly outside their fence, unlike Spike and Bear who get great pleasure out of charging the fence and watching the chickens scatter. As many squirrels as hang around the chicken pen, I'm surprised she didn't go for the easy meal...there were three or four right on the top of the pen and one of the close trees...guess she just had her mouth set for Picked four more tomatoes, checked on the cukes...they are setting blooms already...WOOHOO!! another of my favorite things to munch on!! Grilled some hamburgers and cooked potatoes with onions wrapped up in foil on the grill as well...sliced up several of the fresh tomatoes and that was supper last night. DS and GD stayed to eat with us...she loves Nana's tomatoes. DH brought me home several dust masks Friday, so we got to run the mulcher Sunday. My new headset worked well and at least I could hear after we were finished. Got all of the stuff run through and now I have a very nice pile of mulch to use again. DH ran the mower around the firepit and swing area as well. All in all has been a very productive and pleasant weekend. The temps have returned to the low to mid 80's during the day and the nights are mild, only to the low 60's to high 50's. Sunday night it was still 71f at midnight...summer isn't far behind at this point.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 10:00 am:

More Monday stuff continued: Almost forgot about our experience with the Scorpion Friday... had sis's gbaby out playing on Mojo's dirt pile with the buckets, shovels and cars while they were here...we had set the lawn chairs under the shade to watch her play. One of our beach chairs that sits very low was placed where the little one could get in it. Sis happened to spot a critter, which of course turned out to be a brown scorpion about 2 inches total...the body was over an inch long itself. We got it knocked off the chair, put the chair away just in case there were more. Next thing we see is Mojo playing with something in the dirt...he's jumping back and then checking it out again....wasn't until he did a little "crow hop" that we saw it was the scorpion...sis thought maybe he had got stung, but I think it just spooked him good. We squashed the scorpion to keep it from hurting anyone. I don't think about these things, I know they are around, I tap on the bricks and pavers when I get ready to move them and usually wear gloves when I handle that stuff...I wasn't even thinking that the baby would run into one on the dirt pile area. DUH!!! Sis is very allergic to bees and we keep the Epipen handy for her. Would have hated to have needed it for the baby. I also had three black snakes the following day that came right up to the new flowerbed area, across the front right after the other...was pretty cool to watch. Each was about 3 1/2 feet long and could very possibly be the prior owner of the snakeskin I found out in the back pasture last week. And DH wonders why I grab the rake instead of putting the hands where I can't see. Maybe the snakes will help get some of the rodents under control...if not, guess the Kestrel will have black snake on her menu as well. The snakeskin I found was pretty cool...totally intact including the tip of the tail and the eye caps...usually find bits and pieces, but never an entire skin in one piece. DS, who collects snakes and other reptiles, tells me that in order for the skin to come off like that the temps and humidity have to be just right... I just thought it was a cool find. Got Mojo to hop in the front seat of the truck when I headed for town this morning...he wasn't shaking quite as bad as usual this trip. Had to laugh at the bank...the teller at the drive-thru asked if he was the only "puppy" I had with me and then stated that "he looks bigger than you"...he is bigger than me when he's sitting on the seat...she sent him a treat...small Milk Bone, which he wouldn't boy usually inhales the dog cookies. He finally took it when we got home and he was out of the hated "monster" that he just knows is going to eat him.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 10:50 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 10:00 am:
Almost forgot about our experience with the Scorpion Friday...
Ugh, I had forgotten about the scorpions there. One day while I was out at the pond behind our apartment in St. Pete, my neighbor came running out and showed me a nasty sting on her chest and held up a scorpion in a canning jar. She asked what she should do. I said she should go to the hospital because you just never know if you're allergic to these kinds of things. She'd gotten stung fluffing up the sheets while making the bed. You just never know where you'll find them. I am glad you are all okay. Frightening!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 11:23 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 10:50 am:
Ugh, I had forgotten about the scorpions there.
LOL...I tend to watch for them like I said...looked of course for snakes when I picked the chair off the ground...but never thought about a scorpion hiding in it...definitely will look from now on tho!! Sis was more concerned for Mojo since he was crow-hopping around in the driveway...I figured he has so much hair that unless the scorpion got a pad, his nose, or the soft part of his belly he'd be ok...Mojo just got up and got away so "momma" could squash it. I have found one or two on the front porch now and then...and I always knock my shoes before I put my feet in them...spiders and scorpions...oh my!! if my DH would practice this I might be able to lower my stress level many degrees....
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 11:44 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 11:23 am:
Mojo just got up and got away so "momma" could squash it.
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 11:23 am: if my DH would practice this I might be able to lower my stress level many degrees...
Aah, if only it worked that way. *sigh* LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 11:06 am:

Looking out my front door you'd swear its summer here in Floria already. Everything is beautiful shades of green, things are blooming and the yard is looking pretty "wild" at the moment...looks like I need to cut the yard again already. From what I heard on the weather the other night, we have been without rain now in our immediate area for about thirteen days...hmmm, I'll have to look back through here and see cause I'm sure I would have written about rain... With that in mind, looks like we could be entering the dry season now...wild fires are already starting in Brevard county which is south of the Daytona area on the east coast. Darn!! There goes my "hawk deterent" idea...was going to pop bottle rockets her direction when she harasses the chickens. Not now tho, cause with all these pines a spark from that would be ugly. Back to the drawing board there. Will be watering the garden again this rain means I water at least twice a week for about ten minutes in the garden. Everything in the front garden will get a bit of water as well. With the mulch the front doesn't get quite as dry as the veggie garden in back which gets sun all day. But our "sandy soil" just lets the water run right through so if I want to have the garden this watering is a must. My furthest garden area has soaker hoses which I really love and they get turned on when I water everything else. Since they water at a much slower rate, they are usually left on for at least an hour. Still need to get them set up in the veggie garden. At this time I have almost a dozen tomatoes that are almost ripe enough to pick...think I'll let them stay another day or two, probably pick them sometime Friday or Saturday...we shall see. Hate to leave them long once they begin to turn bright red because it seems things begin to chew on them. The cukes are all in full bloom so I'm thinking we could see fruits in a couple of weeks or so...hope those darn boring worms don't bother them, I really don't want to have to go to looking through the books for my natural stuff and see what I can find. Duh...and I bought those books why? if I'm not going to use them... SIGH...another reason I need to get that back room I can at least get to the bookcase!! Its on the "to do list" which of course means it may be there for a very long it does have to get finished.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 02:17 pm:

More for Wed April 23.... Got some scary news regarding DH's job...they are currently out of jobs to do...his boss is scraping metal so he can make payroll and selling some of the equipment off to help take care of the bills. DH doesn't know just how long he will be able to continue working at this time...on the plus side, DH has many talents and is really good at picking up "side jobs". Me, well I'm taking this as a "sign"...we've been discussing the move almost daily and making notes on the things we will definitely need to do in specific order on our first visit up to the property. With this new twist, it seems as if we are being "pushed" to go ahead and make the leap. We normally take the attitude of "if its meant to happen then things will fall into place easily and if not, then it means we should wait" work is definitely a good reason to look elsewhere. Financially, its do-able without hurting ourselves too badly. Even the initial costs of getting everything there is something we could handle, right now...if he's out of work here for very long before we get things rolling it will be another story...even traveling back and forth, we will still have to pay the bills here while we are getting things set up there...things will work out if this is indeed what we are to be doing at this time. The afternoon weather is sure looking different from this morning...the sky has grown full of dark, ominous looking rain clouds...the temps have dropped back to the high 60's ... was 78f earlier...the wind has really picked up in the past hour or so as well. From where I'm sitting, sure looks like we could see a bit of rain possibly by dark...unless the wind pushes it past us. I'm hoping it goes ahead and throws a bit of "liquid sunshine" our way...will save me from having to water the gardens tonight.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 02:23 pm:

addition to Wed April 23...checked the archives and seems the last "real rain" we had was around April 9...looks like we may have had some little spits of rain on the 13th from what I I can see we are definitely due for rain...hope we get it tonight...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 05:47 am:

Rain, beautiful rain fell last night about 11 glad I decided to wait about watering the garden. It came down pretty hard for about twenty minutes and then was gone. Makes me glad I don't have any tender seedlings sprouting at this time. Not sure how much we got, but at this point, I'll take whatever we get. Saw a very large Raccoon in the yard last night before dark...this is the first and only one I've seen out here...makes me think it could have been it when Goldy disappeared. Could be what Spike has the scent of when he is exploring behind the coop. I worry about the coons because of rabies...constantly seem to hear of them being rabid here. A family near the Orlando area had their kids attacked by a Fox yesterday according to the news...the fox was killed, but now they are waiting to hear if the kids are going to have to take rabies shots. Several of the kids were bitten. Just one more thing to watch for. Weather so far is beautiful once more with loads of sunshine bouncing across the early morning sky... looks like the beginning of a fine day.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 12:32 pm:

The afternoon is as beautiful as the morning... the temps have hit 80 f at this time, with a light breeze to cool the sunshine. Last night's rain doesn't appear to have been much, maybe 1/4 inch or so. The Confederate Jasmine has popped into full bloom on the back deck...the starts I took aren't looking very promising at this point...but we shall continue to watch for roots. DS has told us he has seen rabbits at the end of the drive the past two nights when he leaves...haven't seen the rabbits but once since we moved far they haven't discovered the garden out back...I'm hoping they don't. DH continues to deal with the allergy flare-up caused by the pine mulching over the weekend...tried to get him to use the dust mask that night to no avail. Guess he'll just have to deal with it until it passes...lucky him. Spent the morning at the farm going through things with the boss...glad I'm done for the week now, I'll just have to remember not to answer the phone Friday morning without checking the caller id...I'm behind on so many things here at my own space that I need to concentrate on our needs right now. Went into town and picked up the sticker for the trailer so DH can make a scrap run for us...he has finally got his junk picked through so he can start cashing it in...just had to renew the tag. Really don't understand what everyone whines about when they go to the tag office...I've rarely been there longer than fifteen minutes was no exception, took a number and before I could get sat down I was directed back to the clerk. Took me longer to drive in to town than it did to get the kind of service. Noticed that quite a few of the new plantings that were put in last summer in one of the new developments had been pulled out...good to know that I'm not the only one who "kills" own plants are looking pretty good at this time. I need to take the truck out back to the new mulch pile and load it so I can spread it out front around the new beds and walkway...seems DH has the back pasture blocked with the loader right at the present time...he has it parked square in the middle of the drive area so I can't get my little truck past it...grrrr...and of course its one of those pieces of equipment that only HE knows how to start...its kinda luck, its probably out of gas. Got quite a bit of mulch around the new plants in the bed, but was needing more to complete the walkway and remaining area in the new bed. Hopefully, I'll have enough to continue along in front of the other front beds off the screened porch area. So hard to get in the mood to do this with knowing that we could actually be making a move later this summer if the job situation doesn't improve. Reality bites, but I'm excited about the prospect of moving to the mountain...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, April 25, 2008 - 11:28 am:

Woke up yesterday with the allergies flaring a bit, today is not much better. Sure would like to know what is triggering this for me!! I've been trying to stay away from things like the mulch for this very reason...oh well, shall be eating allergy/sinus pills again until it is past...was hoping to get out to the garden today, but with the nose dripping like a leaky faucet that doesn't seem likely...and the headache that comes with it, YUCK... DH and I spent the evening getting the trailer loaded for our scrap run on Saturday...he has been hanging on to some of this junk for years and is finally ready to let it go...WOOOHOOO!! He showed me how the loader is started (HA!! I knew it was rigged!)and I finally drove this one for the first time...he definitely needs to work on that thing...hard to steer is an understatement. But we have only a few more things to load tonight and then off to the scrap yard first thing Saturday morning...looks like this weekend will be a very full working weekend... A friend called late last night wanting to know when we might be available to run the brush hog on her back some trim work to do for her as well... so that will be our Sunday chore this week... looks like the tractor service is back in business for a short time!! We were supposed to go cut for her last summer, but she never was ready then... ah well, better late than never I guess. I'm just curious to see how high the pasture has grown. Can't seem to get her to understand that it really should be cut even during drought conditions just to allow for new growth and to get rid of the dry dead tops. Our back pasture remained green last year because I kept it trimmed. Only had to cut some areas once, but at least it took the dry off the top. Today is kinda odd...the temps are pretty warm, even at 8 am they were already in the mid 70's, yet it was very cloudy and overcast up until about an hour ago. If it is gonna rain, I hope it does it today instead of the weekend.

Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 04:15 pm:

Another allergy day, altho it does appear to be lessening...great weather very nice and warm with cool gentle breezes temps around 80f ... Got our scrap run completed, was a pretty fair haul...guess its worth looking at all that junk Had an unusual looking egg this afternoon...light tan with dark speckles, like splatter painting real light...could it be that Ms Piggy might have laid her first egg??? If so,then Red hasn't laid today, which isn't unusual as she lays about 6 days a week. I'm more curious as to the coloring of the egg!! Red lays a very light tan colored egg, almost white...never has had any with specks of dark brown...which is what Ms Piggy is supposed to lay...guess we shall see. Still no rain...maybe I should go water the garden areas...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, April 28, 2008 - 06:03 am:

April 27,2008 Another beautiful sun filled day...perfect temps, low 80’s, light breeze...what else can a person ask for? DH and I took off to go do our mowing job around 10:30 am...was a pretty long day, we didn’t get home until around 5:00 pm. My friend had asked us to do more than just the mowing, of course for extra money how could we say no? DH loves driving the tractor, so for him its like a play day, the money is just a perk of doing what he enjoys... my part of the job was running the weedeater along the front fence line around the house portion and a bit around the house. Should have been a pretty quick job, except that the dang weedeater that I JUST had in the shop began acting up again...same as my original problem...loses the prime and acts like its fuel starved. The plan is to have DH change the bulb and recheck where the lines go in...once that is done if it doesn’t run right it will go back. Figure since the bulb isn’t a "warranty" item that will be the first thing they want to charge a million dollars to change. HA! Already have the part. Gearing up for "round two" with the repair place...they aren’t gonna like me at all by the time this warranty runs out...GGGGRRRR. Used my friend’s weedeater until the line jammed and I couldn’t get the spool off to fix it... hands had gone to the numb stage from the vibrations of the weedeater... just wasn’t meant for me to run the darn thing I guess. Got quite a bit done tho and went out to help DH in her pasture instead. We cut several small saplings out from around the barn and DH pulled them with the tractor to her brush pile. My friend was tickled with the way things were looking...her horse looked like he was pretty happy to see the low grass again as well. April 28, 2008 Looks like it will be this coming Saturday when I get back to finish the weedeating. We are forecast for rain Monday and I work this afternoon. Got a bit of "first sun" sunburn yesterday while we were out...both of us came home "sunkissed" pink...its tanned nicely this morning. Saturday is really looking like the best day for finishing this job...the hands and arms are crying a bit from using the weedeater...still have about 200 ft of fence line, a dozen trees and then there is around the house... if the weedeater will run right, shouldn’t take but maybe and hour and a half to finish. It was really zooming right along when the weedeater began acting up. So far, its 66 f at 7:45 am... looking pretty cloudy at the moment. Hope we get the rain that is forecast, we are moving towards 21 days without rain... not good for more than one reason. Wildfires are beginning to pop up and that is never good...come on rain!! I think I may have figured out some of our allergy issues the past week...the Confederate Jasmine on the back deck is in bloom... didn’t have any real symptoms while we were cutting Sunday, but the minute we came home, the sneezing began... so sucks cause I really like the Jasmine.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 12:39 pm:

Brrr, the air has a chill in it today!! Started out feeling very nice this morning around 6 am...was already 71f...says its still 71f, but gee that breeze sure feels colder!! Its a very overcast cloudy day as well. The rain hit all around us yesterday, we got maybe three drops that actually touched anything. Its thundering off and on, but so far, we have seen nothing in the way of moisture. SIGH...looks like I'll be needing to water the garden today...held off yesterday as it kept showing signs of a good downpour. Checked the cukes...WOOOHOOOO!! Looks like we have the beginnings of baby cukes at the moment. Tons of blooms on all three plants...funny tho that the one without the tomato cage around it seems to be growing the slowest...its in the middle of the two with cages...may have to scrounge another cage if I can find one not in use. Tomatoes are looking great and I'm picking two to six almost every other day....YUMMMMM We seem to be eating them as quick as they ripen, so looks like I have planted the perfect number for the two of us....guess if I was planning to can them I'd have to be planting more...good thing I prefer them "raw". The broccoli seems to be doing ok, this is the first time I've ever grown it, so we are still waiting to see what happens. The Sweet Potato vine is growing nicely...can't wait for Sweet potatoes... On a different note, the potatoes just continue to be eaten by some bug...the potatoes themselves haven't been much bigger than a quarter...ah well, it was an experiment anyway just to see what if anything would happen from the eyes on store potatoes. Only a couple of carrots left...need to re-seed the area, looks like they like the spot. I'm behind on where I wanted to be with the garden at the moment. Had hoped to already have the ground prepared and re-seeded by last week. Between the allergy attack and work, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. Was wanting to get my new mulch around to the front area yesterday and had just started out the door when I was called to come in to work...grrrr...wasted the entire afternoon waiting for a phone call that never came until late. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...seems to be me lately...sigh. Sis said I should ignore the phone when he waits like that, but the customer who comes in on Mondays usually has a very large order and it has been screwed up numerous times when it gets added by hand. I hate having to send out corrected invoices. My morning began badly up to find that one of my brat dogs...won't name names...SPIKE...decided to climb into the huge planter and sleep on my miniature rose, Sunsprite... he managed to break her off right at the ground. Talk about seeing red!!! I wanted to literally kill something this morning once I saw poor Sunsprite. Before coffee, I'm screeching at Spike and Mojo since they are the only dogs inside overnight...Spike does know better, he's been run out of my plants since he was a baby and he's ten now...grrrr, if he wants to live until eleven, he best stay away from my plants!! Guess this was my straw that broke me this morning. The boys dogs were here Sunday and after they all left, I'm finding broken four o'clocks...they are surrounded by fence and planters...pulled bromiliads(sp?) and stomped Aloe in the new my rose, which was on the porch to protect her from the chewing deer. To be almost in tears before I've finished pouring my first cup of coffee... I can say I haven't been very pleasant to be around this morning. I still want to cry for poor Sunsprite. Told DH I'm about to cage or chain all of the dogs right now, and the boys are about to be informed the dogs can't come out....hate to be that way, but they have sat their butts right here and watched as I'm screaming at the dogs to get out of the flowerbeds...can't keep them under control, can't bring them to my yard. Still growling about my plants....poor DH, hope I can shake this mood before he comes back in tonight...he felt as bad as me over the rose, he knows how much I've babied it back from the deer and he loves how she smells and how pretty her bright yellow blooms are. Guess I need to hop over to the rose forum and see if there is some way I may be able to start the pieces that broke off...
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - 02:07 pm:

Another chilly morning...we woke up to the furnace running...of course several windows were open...temp inside the house had dropped to about 50 degrees...DH got up, closed the windows and kicked the thermostat up a bit...temp outside was only 50f as well...brrr, where has my warm Florida gone?? Still cool most of the day, finally warmed up to about 74f, but the air has a definite bite of cold in it. Kicked the heat off once it reached 60f, hate the idea of getting it too warm and then having to turn the fan on...just opened the windows back up and it has stayed quite comfortable...around 65f...will have to drop the windows again tonight with the temps expecting to drop into the 50's again. Have received a few words of encouragement on the rose forum...but still not sure if the broken canes will take root. Only time will tell for sure...hate to lose the little thing, she's become very special to me. DH is almost as upset as I because he knows how much effort I have put into keeping her from being chomped to the ground the past two years...and now the dog tries to destroy her. DH really loves how she fills the porch with her sweet fragrance and like me, he likes her sunny blooms. I do hope she makes it.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2008 - 02:55 pm:

Happy MAY DAY... wow, the beginning of a new month...where does the time fly off to? Woke up again to the furnace running, luckily I had dropped the windows last night and kicked the thermostat down to 60f...was in the 50's again overnight. By 7:30am it was beginning to warm up nicely although the wind for some reason sure has a cold chill in it. Still no rain to speak of...the weather the other night said that our area had only received about 1/10th of an inch...yippee skippee...barely got the top of the grass damp. Just means I'm watering the garden areas more than I want. My Aloe that was transferred when we first moved here has begun to see the bell shaped little flowers. The Hummingbird loves to visit them also. The Hibiscus has numerous blooms as well...finally what ever was chewing on it seems to have moved on. The bucket starts have bloomed two or three times also. My cuttings that were planted into pots continue to hang on. No real growth showing, but I figure as long as they have leaves, they are still living. The Confederate Jasmine continues to fill the air with fragrance. Either I'm beginning to desensitize to it, or else it was something else kicking the allergies up. This is the first year I've had the Jasmine blooming this close to the windows. Still have loads of blooms on the Cukes...a few look as if they are beginning to form little cukes!! Woohoo! Something got on the screened porch last night and made off with all but two of the tomatoes I had sitting on the shelf to finish that was left, had chew marks on it and I found a half eaten one on the floor. GRRRRRR!!!! Critters!! Tomorrow will be a busy day...have my weedeating to finish so I can collect my pay for that job and one of our neighbors has asked about doing some work in her yard as,money,money!!! Looking forward to getting the landscaping service back up and running again...DH came in last night and says that one of the other guys has been told they are going to be laying off a couple of them... DH is also the mechanic as well as one of the drivers, so who knows...could be him as well, but not very probable at this time....but ya never know.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 02, 2008 - 11:54 am:

After another cool start...temps were in the low 60's this morning...the day has warmed up nicely..we are currently at 80 degrees with a cool breeze and puffy clouds against bright blue, sun filled skies. No rain in sight...sigh..and the news last night indicated that we are indeed under drought conditions once more...wildfires are beginning to pop up in the counties south of us much more frequently now. Just a preview of what could be for the rest of us. Lower humidity is one of our fire factors and the wind of course only dries things out as it spreads any embers from the fires. Palmetto trees and Pines both burn rapidly even green... unfortunately, pine also burns below the ground in some of the swampier areas creating "muck fires". One area has begun diverting lake water to one of the muck fires in an effort to get that fire out underground...they are using a huge pump to force the water to the area. Not a good thing to live near. My day has not gone as planned...DH never got around to fixing my weedeater, so my plan to finish the job from last Sunday is on hold. Wish he would do what he says...I was hoping to have the entire weekend to work in the yard and help him get my truck ready for our upcoming trip to the mountain. Guess I'll just have to have him out there with me to finish the job of Got the parts last night to replace the rack and pinion on my truck....jeez, the core charge is more than the darned part. DH had best get it in gear and get it swapped out so I can get that core turned in and get that cash back. Finally let my boss know that we are planning some time off yesterday...he takes off whenever he I can do what I want when I want as would have thought I'd said I was moving by his expression. Seems this man thinks all who work for him are sub poverty...with what he pays it isn't far off...but, unlike the rest of the crew...I work because I want to...DH doesn't care if I work or not. So for this man to act as if I can't survive without the pennies he pays, just makes me laugh. I let him know that DH and I haven't had any time off for over five years and are making plans to do some "visiting". He doesn't need to know everything about my life. DH's job right now is somewhat secure, the boss has told a few that he is cutting back, one of the guys is his brother, and the other is one who was on the way out of a job anyway. But, with his boss's vacation plans coming up as well, this is going to be the best timing for us to take off anyway. Plans are beginning to fall into place. My poor little rose "Sunsprite" has been cut back all the way now. The big pot sure looks empty without her nice foliage spreading out. I do hope she makes it and I'm keeping her watered and checking for signs of life daily. Looks like I need to move the Stevia plants that came back...they are looking a bit wilty even after watering...poor things get all the afternoon sun in that spot this time of year. Figures, about the time I think I've found a perfect place for a plant, along comes the strong summer sun and proves me wrong once more. That I believe is the most challenging about gardening in this crazy Florida weather...things just get way too much sun here some days.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 07:04 am:

The morning started out at 60f when I got up at 7 am...was hearing the furnace run and of course I had left all the windows open and even the door to the actually didn't feel all that bad. Watching the weather last night, looks like by the end of the week we could be having our first 90 degree now getting to turn the furnace off and now its trying to get hot enough for the A/C. Wouldn't be so bad if it was our old HOUSE...but in this tin can Gods!! it gets very smothery very quick when the sun is directly overhead... ah well, such is life...makes the mountain look that much more inviting... Looks like the countdown for days without rain is on...feels like Deja vue...shades of 1998 when we had the horrendous wildfires burning everywhere...realistically, where are you gonna go? North is the only way totally out of the state...three sides surrounded by water sure doesn't give many alternatives. When the fires jumped the Intercoastal waterway, even those on the beachside began to panic...they never thought the fire could jump the waterway and many were very smug in their mistaken opinion until it happened. Guess we shall see...on the same note, the 1998 wildfires were at least preceded the years prior with fair amounts of rain from tropical storms and hurricanes...we haven't had any real weather from hurricanes since 2004...hope it rains soon...I truly don't want to experience that again...cause I feel this time would be much worse. Tomatoes seem to be slowing down a bit...only one ripe one and fewer green ones showing. Will be trimming the tomatoes up a bit later today. Cukes continue to bloom their little hearts out... of the three plants, only the one WITHOUT the cage seems to be growing slow. The other two are almost double the size of the one without the cage...interesting... Broccoli is getting pretty it ever gonna set the "flowers". Dang, a couple more months and it will be in the garden a year!! Looks like I'll be using the last of the carrots this month and planting a few more...those were soooo tasty!! Only have a couple of plants left in the mound. I'm almost hesitant to try the Cantaloupes and Yellow Squash again in this garden spot. With the boring worms that took out every plant last time...and the new knowledge that Sevin does NOT help with the boring it gonna be worth the aggravation? Found the information on the boring worms when I was looking at a plant site for NC... pretty cool site I thought...and there are some journals for record keeping there as well. I'm hoping to have better growth with the herbs once I get things set up on the mountain. Florida is ok for lots of things...but there are just some plants that can't take the heat here. Even my Purple Coneflowers looked wilty at times from the harsh summer sun....reminds me, I really need to plant more of those...the dogs (what else)destroyed the last ones. Time to see if I can get DH moving so we can get our day started...he is going to be helping with the weedeating as he never got my weedeater looked at until last night...same old problem its isn't getting fuel to the spark plug...fuel starved sure ain't gonna let it work...grrrrr...just what I want, to go fight with the repair guys who swear its fine.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 07:13 am:

Gorgeous morning...light breeze, temps about 65 degrees at 7 am...had a small rain shower last night...only lasted about 5 minutes...forecast for today is for rain...I'm not holding my breath. Spent the late afternoon spreading mulch in the front around the walkway and in the new beds...sure looks nice if I do say so myself. Of course the mulch never seems to go far enough...still needing more...guess its a good thing we have so many pinecones falling in the yard...LOL. With the drought conditions, the mulch will be watered occasionally to keep it from drying out too bad...I'm just looking forward to the weed control it will offer. Went through the tomato plants yesterday and did a bit of trimming. They have grown so wild and several had bent from the weight of the tomatoes... found an odd insect on the fruit...will have to see if I can get a picture and get some type of ID on the bug....bright red, thought it was a ladybug at first...segmented though and then I saw several smaller ones on another tomato...could be what is chewing on them.... Gave the clippings to the chickens...they sure do enjoy stuff like that...Dumb Dove continues to bounce around the cage almost'd think the goofy little thing would smacks the fence pretty hard and I'm surprised it doesn't knock its self out!! Got most of the stuff on the To Do list accomplished yesterday...only a couple of things on it for today. WooHoo! The replacement for the TV that went out will be delivered sometime Monday. We ended up purchasing a new tv, and with the old on being under an extended warranty, the new tv with a five year warranty plan ended up being less than the listed price....I don't think I care for Circuit City as a company...everytime I have been in that store it is next to impossible to get the sales help to do their job. Was informed when I called that all I needed to do was bring in the claim number and it would be taken care of. Took them the number, the CS person gave me another number to take back to the tv people and everyone acted as if they had no clue what to do. We were there for over an hour before we could finally get things taken care of. Personally, I have never liked that store or the staff that works there. Wouldn't have been there in the first place, but that was where the other tv was purchased and who the warranty was through. The new tv is way lighter than the antique table will appreciate that...someday, it may even be hung on the wall...yeah, got a flat panel...wooohooo. About time DH and I get something cool for ourselves... our old tv lasted for over fifteen years and the kids didn't help it much. The current tv was picked up second hand from the landlord and he just bought it in, I don't think that I should have to replace a tv every couple of years and that is exactly what I informed the sales person way this tv should be dead already. Either way tho, DH and I will now be enjoying our brand new set Monday night.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 05, 2008 - 05:52 am:

Grey and dreary looking at 7am...sure do wish it would go ahead and rain...doubt that will happen though. Was supposed to rain on Sunday, but we had beautiful sunshine instead. DH and I finally got the weedeating completed at my friends'...took about 2 1/2 hours...but we did go back over the east fence line and my friend also asked for a bit more to be done...she also paid for a bit more to be done. Got home and both of us were pretty whipped...I seem to forget just how demanding the weedeater can be...both of us switched off and ran it so neither got too tired... would have been nice to have mine running so we could have got it knocked out even quicker...that was the original two. But on the plus side...we did get everything on the "To Do List" completed...I will definitely be doing that pretty well with DH. Will be working on cleaning a bit this morning as the new tv will be delivered some time this morning...eeeewwwwww...I hate housework. Beat me, kick me, call me bad names...just don't make me do housework. SIGH...might as well begin...
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 08:50 am:

Monday went continues to be warm and sunny without rain for our area...temps are climbing into the mid and upper 80' what I need at this point...summer weather so I can turn the A/C on. Upgraded my cable/phone/internet on Monday...lost the ability to connect to the internet until this morning....grrrrr...wish the people who work on tech support actually knew what they were doing...took three calls before I got a smart person who noticed that my modem wasn't showing that I actually HAVE internet...duh...aggravation. Called off from the farm this morning...DH is home with a nasty stomach turning headache... wish there was more I could do to help him when it gets this way...its accident related and there are some days when bed is the only relief. The new tv was delivered on time the new look and how great the picture is. Wow, sure did change the look of the room moving that huge old set out...this flat panel is only about six inches thick... really looks nice and fits so well against the wall. Caught another rat critter last night...this is the third one using the glue traps...really hate the glue traps, but I'm over the rats destroying my house. The live catch trap has worked ok, but again, ya turn the critters loose and just end up catching them again...I'm tired of playing that game...Spike has caught several, and while that's fine, I do get tired of picking up the slobbered dead. He acts pretty possessive of them at times. Chickens are all growing like weeds...Red continues to be the only one laying...Ms Piggy is looking very plump and I'd love to see her begin laying...she's getting close to the eight month old age...when????? Ah well, off to check for today's eggs...need to get up and move around a bit and see if I can work this aggravation off....
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 10:54 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 08:50 am:
Ms Piggy is looking very plump and I'd love to see her begin laying...she's getting close to the eight month old age...when?????
Good question. Rocks usually lay around 20 weeks I think, but most chickens lay by the time they are 26 weeks. Is she egg bound? Are you sure she isn't laying? I had a big Rock get enormous, stop laying eggs, then lay one huge egg and die sometime after that. She wasn't egg bound, so I don't know what went wrong. I hope Ms. Piggy is okay.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 12:59 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 10:54 am:
Are you sure she isn't laying?
Best as I can tell, its Red thats laying...Ms Piggy has only recently completed getting her adult plumage...She doesn't exhibit signs of being eggbound...that was the first thing I researched...I'm really thinking its just an age thing...she's being slow to mature...LOL.. best as I have figured, she's just at eight months...from what I read, it said around 7-8 months for her breed...still waiting...LOL
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 08, 2008 - 12:46 pm:

HOT!!!...the only way to describe our current weather...feels like summer has hit us full force already 87 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be our first 90 degree day for the of joys...from the heat to the A/C...just what I want to see on the electric bill. The promised rain was only that...a promise...sure didn't rain in our area...I've watered the front beds, yesterday, and will be watering the vegetable garden later this afternoon/early evening...just gets sucked back up if I water earlier in the day...the ground has quite a bit of sand under the new topsoil we put in the garden...can water for ten to fifteen minutes, dig down a few inches and its dry as a bone...really need to get the soaker hoses done in the gardens. Noticed yesterday when I watered the front beds that once I pushed the mulch away, the ground was not even damp...SIGH...looks like I will be watering more until I get those hoses laid out. My rose, Sunsprite, is showing signs of new growth...she's currently entered in the "International Run for the Roses" on the Rose if I can just keep Spike out of the planter, she may have a chance...had four little nubs when I entered her, noticed this morning that two have been knocked not catch that mutt in my planter. I have the cuttings that were broken off originally in water at the moment...maybe there is a chance they will take root...we shall see. If they don't, I'm not out anything...but if they DO...then I will be a very happy camper. The starts that DS has been bringing home from various Hibiscus and other flowering shrubs they work around are all taking off like weeds. The newest Hibiscus starts are ready for potting and looks like I'll be doing that sometime this weekend. Finally got the Basil in the ground...another pot that just was dry as a bone a few inches down. Glad to have that done so the Basil will take off and grow now. The Peppermint acts pretty happy in its spot...was worried when it began looking thin, but seems to be doing just fine at this time. The Thyme has put little purple/blue flowers too is doing well in its pots...need to trim it again soon. WOOHOOO!!! Got baby Cukes showing on two of the three plants...yummmmm...can hardly wait! The plant without the cage is growing very slowly compared to the other two...right now, its "reaching" for its neighbor's to see if I can scrounge another cage for it. Finally got a bloom on one of the little Hibiscus that my SIL got us the first year here...something was eating the poor babies, but now I have a bloom... So far, DH has learned that his job is fairly secure at this point...his boss told him after laying off a couple of the others, that he appreciates the fact that DH can do more than one type of job...driver, mechanic, equipment operator, fabricator, his job is secure for now. We still are making plans to head to the mountain real soon for a vacation, and to begin getting things ready for us to make the move there. Guess that's why I'm having such a hard time getting myself to continue with the vegetable garden right now. What's the sense in growing stuff if I'm not gonna be here when its ready to eat? I dunno, maybe I'll just wait until after we come back from the mountain to do anything more there...I'll have a better idea of how long before we make the move by then as well...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 08, 2008 - 02:34 pm:

4:30pm May 8,2008 continued... ok, so much for tomorrow being our first 90 degree day...right now it is holding at 89...feels every bit of it too. Just came in from watering the front beds...made sure I watered them really deep this time...also watered the potted plants really deep as well. Turned the sprinkler on in the vegetable garden during this time and currently have the soaker hoses on in the half-moon garden...since they water much slower they will be on for about thirty more minutes...that garden never seems to get remembered for water. While watering...noticed that one of the sections of screen had lost the bead entirely and was drooping to the inside of the porch...can't believe I'm having to rework this already...stupid frame is definitely loose and no apparent way to tighten it...grrr...oh well, at least this time I could locate the ladder and the screen tool...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 08, 2008 - 06:34 pm:

May 8, 2008 continued.... It is currently 8:23 pm and the outside temps are currently 85 degrees...the weather just said tomorrow through Monday we are looking at temps in the low to mid 90’ inside temp this afternoon was 85...with windows open and a fan circulating...I close the door to the porch once the temps get above 85 on the porch...just sucks in too much hot air...that usually lasts from about 1 pm to 4 pm...after that the sun begins to move behind the trees and the porch begins to cool off. At this time of the night however, 85 is just muggy hot sun to make it sizzle. Looking for any breeze that happens our way. With temps this warm already, looks like we could be in for above average heat here this summer....hurricane season is just around the corner and while I don’t wish for damages, we sure can use the rain that is generated from these storms. Come on says a front is moving through Monday bringing us rain...I sure hope it drops a good bit...noticing the yard out front is getting brown and crunchy around the split rail fence...its mostly weeds that keep it green there, but I don’t care as long as its green. I don’t water the grass, figure that’s not a high priority for field grass...its been growing just fine all these years without extra water...but just watering the garden areas is still more than I really want to be doing. SIGH...guess as long as I want plants I’ll be having to water and need to quit my whining... I do enjoy the plants... The soaker hoses barely drip and after 1 hour I checked the half moon garden and discovered the hoses had not even begun to get the ground damp...had to literally pull the hoses out of the growth...yeah, that’s an area that doesn’t see much weeding, the things out there are pretty self sufficient...two Crape Myrtles over eight feet, four Fire bushes, two Hibiscus, two native Yucca type "trees", and four starts from the Rubbertree plant, and the two urns with the Crown of Thorns....everything out there is able to deal with drought conditions...and we also have several inches of pea gravel over good topsoil around those plants. The pea gravel has really helped hold the moisture, and it only stings for a little bit when I run the weedeater through that garden...LOL Note to self: the soaker hoses need to run for a minimum of two hours ... make sure and set the timer so you don’t forget to turn them until the area around the plants shows wet...jeeeeezzz, I truly forgot how long these things can run before showing results....last time they got forgot, we had a small "pond" on that side of the driveway below that garden..."but I ‘thought’ I turned them off..." DH is such a airhead some days....even tho I specifically asked him to go turn them off....DUH!!!!...grin. Ok, just checked the areas around the soaker hoses...repositions the hose to cover more area, still very little moisture showing from the hose and its on full blast at the faucet...the hose itself it good and wet and I can see the droplets dripping to the ground...I've just forgotten how slow this is which is why I bought them to begin with...this has been running for over three hours already and the ground isn't showing much sign of moisture....just now getting dark, will go out and turn the faucet off at 9:30 pm.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 05:48 am:

Early morning...6:30 am...temps outside are at 71 degrees...overnight it only dropped to 69 degrees. Smelling the wet smoke smell from the wildfires south of us. Yesterday the county north of us was experiencing the smoke from the county south of us where the fire is burning...pretty wild how that smell carries on the wind. Not sure what I'm going to do with Spike getting in my rose planter. Looks like he's decided to sleep in the pot which of course is NOT doing the poor rose any favors. He keeps knocking the new growth off and at this point, I'm ready to do serious damage to HIM. Looks like he will be spending time in the kennel carrier at night since he won't stay off the rose...its getting warm enough to leave the door open to the porch and Mojo enjoys hanging on the porch at night. Spike can be such a hard head when it comes to my plants even though he knows it results in his being confined when he persists. Time to begin the day before it gets too hot. I'm dog sitting for my boss and its time to go let the little girl out for the morning...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 08:12 am:

10 am and the temps have risen to 83 degrees already...wind is blowing quite hard at the moment, but the humidity is rising as quickly as the temps. Mixed some of my old coffee grounds into the soil around Sunsprite...seem to recall mom telling me years ago that the roses enjoy the grounds...we shall see...might just help deter the dang dog as well...the cage is going to be the best for him at this point I believe...otherwise, he is going to upset me to the point of wanting to hurt him...can be more aggravating than a wild critter at times. DH is in agreement on the cage for him...LOL...guess he's getting tired of me waking up mad when I see the evidence of Spike being in the planter. The cage is on the back porch...waiting for little brat dog....its time for you to visit the cage tonight instead of the rose planter....
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 01:38 pm:

Afternoon temps have crossed the 90 degree threshold...currently at 3:20 in the afternoon temps are at 91 with a 21 mph wind out of the SW...says it feels like 92...yippee, what's one degree when its above 90? The wind is gusting pretty hard...the shades on the porch have been blowing into things since I dropped them down before noon (when it gets the hottest on the porch as the sun bakes through the front screens)....keep hearing things fall as the shades strike them...oh well, what's one more mess to deal with? Finally got the weedeater dealt with...called the Lowes service number on my warranty, very nice man said take it to the local store and let them decide how to handle it...the cashier put my receipt numbers in and "poof"...refunded the price of the machine, my extended warranty is still in effect and I have a brand spankin new weedeater, plus cash in my pocket on account of they were having a sale on the trimmers in the store...Works for me!!! I'll just be happy if the new trimmer works until the warranties expire... Shame its way too hot to try it out...I think I'd be passing out from the heat in this intense sun we are experiencing today.... But, the weekend is wide least until the day becomes above really having issues with the heat at this point...sigh...must be an "age"thing...sure sucks getting older, but the alternative...ehh, well, guess I'll just put up with the ravages of aging. The body will just have to adapt or refuse...its the refusing that has me whining..."but, I've always done......never bothered me before.." Now, where is that RAIN that the weather moron keeps yapping about???
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 02:01 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 01:38 pm:
Now, where is that RAIN that the weather moron keeps yapping about???
I have it. And 52 degrees that you might like some of. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 02:15 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Friday, May 09, 2008 - 02:01 pm:
I have it.
LOL...well send that rain my way PLEASE...I'd really enjoy NOT having to water everything for a few days and my front yard is looking kinda crunchy as well as thirsty!!! The 52 degree temps were our night lows just last week...last night we not only had the windows open and the front porch door, but had to turn the fan back on once I went to bed because of the heavy heat hanging in the NOT to turn the A/C on til July when it really gets HOT...

Heirloomgardens Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 06:53 am:

Whew, that is far too hot for this time of year. I wonder how bad it will get this year? Hopefully you'll be on the mountain before it gets too much worse. Maybe the rain is on its way... the bulk of it looks to have changed its mind about coming here. A nice switch since it always seems to go out of its way to rain on the weekends here. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 08:27 am:

Was 77 degrees at 11:30 pm when we went to bed last 9:30 this morning it was 74 degrees...sometime overnight, it supposedly dropped to 70. High for today is calling for 90 and a 10% chance of rain...yippee...right now it looks pretty overcast, but the sun is blazing through. The wind continues to be quite strong at times, but it sure is welcome as it moves the hot air around.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 06:53 am:
Whew, that is far too hot for this time of year
We are actually pretty close to normal temps for this time of year DJ...just glad the humidity is remaining low right now...who needs the sauna? We had consecutive days over 90 degrees in 1998 that contributed to the wildfires...those 90 degree days that year began I believe around March and continued far into the summer. At least this is tolerable for the moment.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 06:53 am:
Hopefully you'll be on the mountain before it gets too much worse.
Yeah, I'm dreaming of cool mountain we get things together soon!!! My hold up is DH, he is the one who will be making the final decision as to exactly when we leave. Me, I'd already have blown this popcorn stand a couple weeks, but that's just me. I "visit" the area almost daily online...checking out what's going on, what the weather is doing and looking to see what's coming up that I don't want to miss, since we are going anyway. Here's a link to the area where we will be the beautiful scenery everywhere.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 04:27 pm:

Oh! My husband and I went rafting down the Nantahala many years ago. It is gorgeous there. No wonder you're chomping at the bit to get back to that area. I'm a nature girl and places like that always steal a piece of my heart. Love the pics on that website.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 07:59 am:

Saturday May 10, 2008 The day has been heavy with heat. From about 1:30 pm until just after 7 pm, the temps were above 90 degrees. The highest reading I saw was 93 degrees and that remained constant from the times mentioned above. Felt like it was over 90 as well. Our saving grace is the east wind blowing in from the ocean. The gusty winds cooled the heavy air. Being overcast did not only seemed to make things heavier. Rain is still said to be in the forecast, but until I feel the drops or see them with my own eyes, I won’t hold my breath. Currently, the temps are about 87 degrees and its 8 pm. With the sun setting, it feels much cooler already. But if this keeps up, I’ll be having to turn the A/C on just to be able to handle it during the day...being in a tin can is hated in summer months without the A/C...the house reached over 86 during the hottest part, and even the fans could not keep the damp perspiration from flowing in little rivers down the back of my neck. Oh, for the cooler breezes on the mountain tops...the temps near the property today are in the mid 70’s with lows tonight in the low 50’s to upper 40’s...we’ll be lucky to drop below 80 by midnight. Been thinking about my granddad the past few days...tomorrow May 11th, marks the 33rd anniversary of the date he was buried...he passed on May 8, 1975 and was buried on Mothers day that year, which happened to be May 11th. So much has happened in those thirty plus years, yet I miss him still as if it had just happened. I’m missing my own Mom as well. This marks the fourth year we have seen Mother’s day without her. For all who have gone, you are missed and still loved...Happy Mother’s Day... Not sure what our plans will be on Sunday...DH is trying to get my little truck put together, he’s changing the rack and of the last things we will be having to replace for awhile. The boys may come out, but then again, we never seem to know when they may show up. The oldest has been here most of the day with the granddaughter... not sure if he will be seeing his mother tomorrow or not...they tend to hang here on most of those kind of days. The granddaughter is a little tomboy...kid after my own heart...rough and tumble girl who’d rather chase after her papa and daddy than sit...she’s rarely quiet, but does enjoy the books on the porch and playing with the other toys. She’d rather be out digging in the dirt or riding her four wheeler, flying around the yard...she’s almost five and it’s a "power wheel" four wheeler...won’t be long tho and papa will have to get the little dirt bike up and running for her and she will learn on the same one her daddy learned to ride on. She’s almost tall enough. Put a cage around my rosebush Sunsprite...thought when I moved her to the porch I’d be done with that. But, Spike is getting awful stupid in his old age, he continues to jump into the pot, in spite of the fact that he has been smacked, sprayed and caged for doing this. I’d love to zap him and see if that cures his butt. So for now, the cage is back in place and hopefully little Sunsprite will begin showing signs of life again. The cuttings that I put in the water are continuing to show life and even appear to have a bit of growth showing...still keeping a very close eye on them to see if they will root... No watering the gardens today. I left the soaker hose on overnight and barely could tell it had been on...I hope it is doing some good. There was a small puddle of water around one of the firebushes so I know they are putting water on the ground. Just so very dry that every drop is greedily sucked up by the parched earth. To DJ, glad you are familiar with the area and also that you enjoyed the link...I too am a nature girl and those mountains are part of my soul...been visiting them since I was very young and as there is said to be Cherokee in my ancestry it makes sense that I have always felt such a strong connection to them. My mother could never understand my love for that area until I began doing the family genealogy and discovered the connection on Both sides of the family tree...both families came through that area and settled...later moving on into Georgia, Kentucky and Indiana and beyond. One day I’ll get back to getting everything in order for my grandkids...perhaps once we get to the mountain... Happy Mother’s Day DJ and may you always know the love your son has for you.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 08:06 am:

Sunday May 11, 2008 ~~~~~ HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY The morning is starting off quite nicely...temps are in the low 70’s...the sky continues to be overcast, yet the light breeze is very nice and cool. Expected highs for today are again around the 90 degree mark. Have tried to log in at GB, but keep getting an error message...tells me I’m either not online or there might be a problem with the site...well, I know I’m online cause I can go to other places, just not GB. The cuttings from Sunsprite continue to amaze me. Both pieces are holding up well in the vases. Each cutting is showing leaf buds and the larger cutting is actually beginning to open a new group of leaves!!! YES! I am excited. The potted Sunsprite continues to fight to live as well. I have returned the cage to Sunsprite’s pot in an effort to help protect her from Spike...we shall see if the cage deters him....this little rose has two tiny nubs of green showing on her crown, there WERE four or five of these.....SPIKE!!!! Got little baby cukes about an inch long so far...loads of blooms on all three plants...finally got the center plant a cage and it sure looks happier. The tomatoes have slowed down a bit...should have a couple more about ripe. I went through and trimmed all of the tomatoes back a bit a week or so ago. Still have tons of blooms there as well...probably just need to water a bit more. Too bad the heat will be suffocating on the porch the moment, the gusty breeze is making things feel very nice. Still overcast, but the sun is shining brightly through the clouds...won’t be long before the heat makes itself felt once more...
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 02:35 pm:

4:15pm...Mother's Day has gone well, both boys and the granddaughter have been here and my son in Indiana called earlier this morning... so far the gusty winds have helped to keep the heat from being so only remained at 93 degrees for a few hours today, its currently 90 with very gusty winds. The sky remains heavily overcast although the sun continues to blaze through. I have put the soaker hose around the tomatoes and cucumbers in the vegetable garden...looks like it will do well there. a pretty decent size cuke on the largest plant!!! These are a pickling variety, so I don't expect them to be monsters. Won't be long now!! Got a couple more tomatoes that are ready to be picked, and several more that will be ready in the next couple of days. The broccoli looks like crap...not sure what needs doing there...oh well, I'll probably end up pulling it out and giving it to the chickens...doesn't look like its doing much. Turned the soaker hose on again in the half moon is really dry. The front beds are holding the moisture well now that I have begun watering it heavier. It will be able to go a couple days easy between waterings now...seems I wasn't watering the areas deep enough to penetrate the mulch. The cage around Sunsprite seems to be detering Spike...added a bit of eggshell to the soil around her this morning. DH has been working on getting the rack and pinion installed on my Dakota, its going well, just very hot and windy. The job is almost complete....Woohoo...the core money will finally be reclaimed on Monday!!
Seil Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 04:40 pm:

Happy Mother's Day Karen. I hope it cools down and rains for you real soon.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 05:00 pm:

Thank you Sharon...Hope your Mother's Day has been special...the way the wind is gusting today, the heat hasn't had a chance...LOL...keep hearing distant thunder off and on and in the past hour or so, the air has begun to feel cooler as it blusters through the open windows. Come on rain...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 05:20 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 08:06 am:
this little rose has two tiny nubs of green showing on her crown, there WERE four or five of these.....SPIKE!!!!
Maybe that's just Spike's way of complaining about the heat. LOL! I am so glad that you had a nice Mother's Day with the family. It's a bit late in the day, but I wish you a continued Happy Mother's Day. (and thank you for the Mother's Day wishes!)
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 07:59 am:
Been thinking about my granddad the past few days...tomorrow May 11th, marks the 33rd anniversary of the date he was buried...he passed on May 8, 1975 and was buried on Mothers day that year, which happened to be May 11th. So much has happened in those thirty plus years, yet I miss him still as if it had just happened. I’m missing my own Mom as well. This marks the fourth year we have seen Mother’s day without her. For all who have gone, you are missed and still loved...Happy Mother’s Day...
Oh, boy, that was very teary. (((HUGS)))
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 05:40 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 05:20 pm:
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 08:06 am: this little rose has two tiny nubs of green showing on her crown, there WERE four or five of these.....SPIKE!!!! Maybe that's just Spike's way of complaining about the heat. LOL!
Don't think so...he's just a BRAT ... thinks he's part cat is the problem. Spike is the climbingest dog I've ever known. He sleeps on the back of the loveseat, or chairs...
Heirloomgardens wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 05:20 pm:
Oh, boy, that was very teary. (((HUGS)))
Thanks DJ...(((HUGS))) to you as well.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 06:16 am:

Goodness!! The below 70 temps this morning actually feel cool. For the moment, the wind has calmed. This is bad... 1051208.htm I'm hearing that currently there have been almost 1000 acres burned at this moment... In addition to this fire which is north of us, actually about 10 miles...there are several others burning out of control in the county south of us...Fires really freak me out. This is like deja vue...very similar to the fires we had in 1998...and once more, we are planning to travel...same as then. At this point, I don't think I'm willing to leave just yet for the mountain. When we go, we will be having a friend come in to take care of the animals...but the fires have me concerned...I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened while we were gone. Just showing that they have closed I-95 N from US-92, which is the main road off which our road sits...its on the North end of us. The interstate is being closed from the south as well... oh how I hate this high anxiety that comes with the smell of smoke. At least I don't have to go that way to go into town. DH's brother lives fairly close to that area...only on the other end. Won't worry too much unless it crosses I-95... So far, not smelling the smoke on this end...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 07:00 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 05:40 am:
He sleeps on the back of the loveseat, or chairs...
LOL! As for the fire article... no rain in the forecast? How typical! I remember seeing scorched areas when we lived in St. Pete. It was always shocking to see because one day it would be all green and tropical-looking and the next it would be all black with the skeletal remains of palmetto trunks everywhere. That was usually from cigarettes thrown out of car windows, though. It's hard to imagine your humidity being so low. I don't really remember any days like that. LOL! Well, I really hope it stays away from you. I've seen that tin cans (LOL!) go up in smoke before you know it. I'd hate for you to be asleep when something happened. I wonder... do the air alarms sound when there's a fire in the area?
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 07:00 am:
I wonder... do the air alarms sound when there's a fire in the area?
If you are referring to something like the "tornado warning sirens" then no...we don't even have those for tornados...our warning is a reverse 911 call where they call the people in the affected areas...ok, so now they need to figure out how to call if the lines are all out because of the fires...according to the news, several of the huge power lines are currently burning also..the last update I heard says the fires have jumped across LPGA to the north side and are burning along 95 N as well... there are still scars from the fires of 1998 all through our area...some has been cleared to make way for new development, but there are signs all over the area from the old fires... we do have smoke detectors in the house and with the windows open all the time, I'm convinced that the smoke detectors could warn us...of course they could also become a nuisance if the smoke becomes heavy because of the wind shift...sigh..just one more thing to cope with. So far, the smoke remains north of our area...the news channel is showing it blowing to the sucks for those folks in that area...several hospitals in the smoke path... if it jumps further south...won't be pretty. I had wondered yesterday late in the afternoon when the winds were so gusty why anyone would be foolish enough to have the helicopter out... thought it might be the hospital life line or even the sheriff's chopper...neither are unusual for us to hear...but in all that high wind I was very surprised...then when we saw the news it all made sense.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:46 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
If you are referring to something like the "tornado warning sirens"
That's the term I was looking for. Thank you. LOL!!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
then no...we don't even have those for tornados...
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
ok, so now they need to figure out how to call if the lines are all out because of the fires...
Or for people like me who keep the ringer off. Or are connected to the Internet all day and only have the one phone line. Doesn't sound like they thought that one through. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
the last update I heard says the fires have jumped across LPGA to the north side and are burning along 95 N as well.
Oh, great, sounds like things are moving right along, and not in a good way.
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
we do have smoke detectors in the house and with the windows open all the time, I'm convinced that the smoke detectors could warn us...of course they could also become a nuisance if the smoke becomes heavy because of the wind shift...sigh..just one more thing to cope with.
Ah! Very good. (They could also go off from pollen. That's what happens around here and it scares me half to death every time.)
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:18 am:
...then when we saw the news it all made sense.
Ooooh, yeah. Ugh. Scary.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 10:19 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:46 am:
Doesn't sound like they thought that one through. LOL!
They are just now beginning to install the warning sirens...for the life of me I can't figure out why they haven't been using the old Civil Defense sirens to warn of tornadoes like they do in the Midwest and other god, you can hear those sirens for miles...just another way to waste taxpayer dollars I guess. So far only a couple of the counties have installed the new warning sirens...this coming after two years of tornadoes hitting the Daytona area hard during different times of the at Christmas and one in February the following year... For having so many transplants in the area, you'd think SOMEONE would have thought of the warning sirens way before now.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 08:46 am:
They could also go off from pollen
teeheee...mine would go off from the steam coming from the bathroom shower....
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 10:46 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 10:19 am:
So far only a couple of the counties have installed the new warning sirens...this coming after two years of tornadoes hitting the Daytona area hard during different times of the at Christmas and one in February the following year...
The tortoise and the hare... slooooowwww, but sure. LOL. Actually, I bet they were threatened with a lovely lawsuit because of those two years. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 10:19 am:
mine would go off from the steam coming from the bathroom shower
LOL!! I can tell you what doesn't set them off... smoke. LOL!! Last week, I was boiling a big pot of water for pasta. It sent up quite a stench for a good long while before I realized that a potholder on the stove had worked its way onto the burner and was glowing and smoking. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 12:46 pm:

Monday May 12, 2008 The trip into town brought the smell of smoke... from the news, they think there is a good chance of the fire burning along the southbound side of I-95 as well as the north side...the fire has only been 20% contained as yet. The memories of the wildfires of 1998 seem to be on everyone’s mind. Being south of the fires at this time, my eyes are constantly on the watch for the telltale haze of strongest memory of the 1998 fires is one of driving southbound on I-95 back into Daytona as the interstate was being closed...when I reached the LPGA exit, the western sky was a gruesome red tinged black/grey as the fires consumed the dry brush... the fires were burning on both sides of 95 and on the west end of LPGA...we were only a few miles from the fire at that time...smoldering ashes dropped into the yard and the heavy smoke filled air made breathing difficult. The high anxiety caused by the proximity of the fires kept me pacing for days until it was under control...I had hoped to never endure that anxiety again. Being on constant alert for evacuation is not my idea of fun....especially when the entire state was burning at that time. Today’s weather has been relatively mild compared to the it is almost 2pm and the temps remain in the low 80’s...the humidity is very low as well which has resulted in the red flag warnings as well. So far, the wind remains much calmer than the weekend...only an occasional breeze today...this should help with getting the fires under control....we shall definitely be watching for more updates. Th sound of the helicopters is very distant...must be using them to help with the fires...nothing like yesterday when the sound was almost like that of a war zone when they zoomed past. Wet smoke smells are beginning to drift our way now...hope the fire stays north of 92...way too many pines out south of 92 heading towards us... some days I do not understand the logic of how the fires are fought here... seems for the most part the theory is one of if there are no homes close, don’t worry about putting it out...and then of course it becomes a major firestorm, jumping through the treetops and closing in on homes...just put it out already. Only those who stubbornly refuse to evacuate seem to keep their homes from burning to the ground...this was evidenced during the 1998 fires...people stood their ground and kept their homes from being destroyed even tho the firefighters would have let them burn. Crazy is the only way to describe it. Haze from the smoke is beginning to fill our skies...makes it look overcast, but that is not the case....the grey haze is directly above us as well as behind....behind is the north end of the property, the direction of the fires...I worry about smoldering embers being carried by the wind...our back pasture and the pasture to the east of us is tinder dry...didn’t realize how crunchy it was until I went to check on the berry patch...haven’t mowed out there for over six weeks, but the weeds aren’t even able to grow without rain. Guess I won’t allow myself to worry unless I begin to see the red glow in the night sky indicating that the fires are moving our way.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - 11:15 am:

BRRRRR....chilly this morning compared to the hot weekend!! Woke this morning to an inside temp of 60 degrees...I had shut the fans off last night after the sun went down as the air began to have a chill. DH actually shut the window and turned the heater on in the bathroom when he went to shower...(snicker)...usually its ME who is the popsicle! So far, its only about 80 degrees at 12:30pm... way big difference than just a few days ago. The fire that was here in Daytona has finally been brought under control as of about 10pm last night. The wet smoke haze was drifting over us a bit earlier this morning and the smell of wet burned wood was very strong. Now, the air seems to have cleared and the smoke has blown on out. No homes were lost in our Daytona fire, or lives...South of us in Brevard county is a much different story...the fires are being compared to the fires of 1998 and many have said they have never seen fires reacting like this far the last I heard was about 70 homes lost and several firefighters being treated for minor injuries such as heat and smoke...many are in evacuation centers and some have lost everything except each other. One of those fires south had burned to the edge of the river and they were trying to keep it from jumping the river this morning. We saw that happen north of us during the fires in 1998...everyone on beachside felt safe because of the river between them and the fires...until the fires jumped the river...where are you going to go? The ocean? Since then, that false sense of security has been tossed... My sis told me this morning that the wooded area directly across the street from her house had been on fire over the weekend as well. Fortunately, it was quickly extinguished and only the underbrush was affected. She wasn't even aware of the fire until one of her boys had stopped in to pick up the grandkids!! He called 911 to report the fire...she had to go outside to check it out, simply because she couldn't believe that a fire was that close and she had no clue! Scary stuff for sure. The rose cuttings were potted up last night and look pretty happy this morning...I'm going to try a bit of something with these cuttings and see what happens...I used the new dirt DH brought me for the flowerbeds, and added some of the dried chicken manure and then finished filling the pots with Miracle Grow potting soil...added a couple handfuls of my pinecone mulch to the pot and mixed it all together well...put the cuttings in, watered well and put a layer of mulch across the top... This morning, they are still looking nice, the new growth is still leafing out...I have placed them near the beds on a step ladder that has several other pots on it...this way I can keep an eye on them and they can soak up the sunshine most of the afternoon they will begin to get a bit of shade. My experiment for the roses is going to be using Manure tea to see if that will help them grow...will be using chicken manure to make the tea...I've used horse manure tea on some of my plants before and they seemed to respond it, might as well use it!! LOL Now all I have to do is find the container to use...that could be tricky around here as DH is known for taking every bucket available for whatever....even broken bottom buckets get used for parts and stuff...just lets the water drain I'll be on a "mission" for a container before I go clean out the chicken coop again....will have to be one with some type of lid or I'll never be able to keep the silly dogs away from it...eeeewwwww. Several baby cucumbers on each plant...WOOOHOOOO...they are looking good!! Tons of blooms as soon!! The one little one that didn't have a cage is now perking up and trying to catch up with the other two...gave it a cage the other day and now its happy!! Even it has baby cukes showing. The rhubarb continues to hang on...finally putting a second leaf up, only the leaf that's been around looks chewed on ...but looks like at least its still alive and trying!! It is near the chicken pen, so when I water the chickens, I water it as well...usually about every two or three days since we are so dry. Moved the pineapple plant from the back porch to the end of the flowerbed out is in its own pot, but....I have neglected to water the poor thing...looks pretty good considering this...figure if its out front, I'll water it when I water the flowerbed...can't believe I forgot about the poor thing...I started it from a pineapple top one of the guys I work with gave me...he grew the was yummy...can't wait til this one grows a pineapple!! Also potted up the newest Hibiscus starts DS brought me a few weeks ago...they were ready and are looking great. Hoping to get the big pots ready for the Hibiscus starts in the bucket...I know they are more than ready!!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 11:13 am:

Temps remaining very nice...another early morning house temp of 60 degrees...currently at 1pm it is 79 degrees with a very light breeze...what a major difference from the past weekend temps of 90's!! The skies are clear and filled with sunshine...still no rain. The fires to the south of us are being investigated as arson...loss of houses is around 160 and I've heard that around 10,000 acres has burned in that area. Sunsprite is really looking good...the new growth continues on the main plant and the new sprouts are continuing to do well outside in their pots. Crossing my fingers and toes that the cuttings will develope roots soon and possibly even have a few blooms before fall. Ran the new weedeater last night until my hands were numb...finally ran it out of guess that's one way to end the weedeating! Getting ready to pick up another on as Lowe's had them on sale...DH agrees that a second one would be a good thing...that way we have "his and hers"...yeah, like that would ever happen in real life....giggle.
Valia Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 05:46 pm:

The fires and arson investigation are receiving big play in our little newspaper way out here in Southern Utah. If they catch the rotters who are setting these fires they're going to need an army to keep the residents from stringing them up. Anne

Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 10:17 am:

Valia wrote on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 05:46 pm:
If they catch the rotters who are setting these fires they're going to need an army to keep the residents from stringing them up.
I agree Anne...I know I'd be ready to horse whip anyone caught setting fires myself... here's the latest from our local paper Link to the Daytona News Journal: 3051508.htm Thursday May 15.... Another day of lower temps...currently at 11:45 am the temp is a very pleasant 79 degrees...beautiful sunny blue skies. By tomorrow, we are forecast to be back in the 90’s again and expect to remain there thru next week....we shall see. They are also tossing a possibility of rain into the mix...but again, we shall far they sure haven’t been able to call the rain...moving towards 40 days since our last rainfall. But aren’t we supposed to be "tropical"? Beginning to look and feel more like a desert. The biggest news in our area for the day is Palm Bay police caught an who was witnessed setting a fire... this is in the area south of Daytona... but he is of course claiming innocent on the major fires...remains to be seen just how much of the fires he will become the scapegoat for. Not taking his side, but there is quite a bit of acreage down there that is burning in many different spots...they do think there is more than one arsonist at work. Watered the vegetable garden a bit this morning...cukes and tomatoes are looking real nice. The sweet potato vine is full of pretty light purple blooms...hope its doing its thing below ground as well...the few carrots that remain continue to look just fine and the broccoli remains the same. Still holding off on planting any other things out there...DH hasn’t decided exactly when we are taking time off...don’t want to take off with baby seedlings sprouting and no one to make sure they don’t dry up and blow away. Need to do some serious hoeing out there...but right now, by the time I get home from the farm its already pretty warm and the sun is beating down on the garden spot...DH and I are helping a friend with an engine for a couple nights after work, so looks like it will be put off at least until the weekend. Sunsprite and the cuttings are sure acting happy...all of them are putting new growth out with surprising speed...feels almost like I can see it grow!! Lol...I’m sure its just my desire for them to come back healthy, but they truly are growing leaps and bounds at this time. Figure I’ll give them a few more days before posting new pictures, just so they can be compared.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 11:49 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 10:17 am:
moving towards 40 days since our last rainfall
Wow, that's a long time.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 02:52 pm:

Yep, over forty days of no rain..sure has been a long is looking like we might accidentally get a bit, but so far, nothing...was pretty nice first thing this morning, temps got up to about 81 and then as this front moved in the temps began to drop back as the clouds rolled in. Currently its about 78 at 4:45 in the afternoon. New pictures of Sunsprite as she begins to rise like the Phoenix from the destructive attack of Spike the rose killing dog...grin...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 05:34 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 02:52 pm:
Sunsprite as she begins to rise like the Phoenix from the destructive attack of Spike the rose killing dog
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 10:05 pm:

The day has ended without rain in our area... weather just reaffirmed that it has been over 40 days since any significant rain in our area. Possibility of rain tomorrow is greater...of course, we have things to do outside planned. Low temps tonight in the low 70's. Got the new light bill today...woohoo, under a hundred bucks...that's what I've been waiting next month we will probably have to start running the A/C...the highs tomorrow and through next week are forecast for the low to mid 90's...with humidity....uuugghh, not ready for that at this point. DH has finally set a time frame for our first trip to the mountain...two weeks...which means the end of May...possibly the first weekend in June will be our leaving date. Still working out the details...sigh...why is it that DH can't seem to understand that there are things that need to be planned out and organized? As usual all of the organizing will fall on my shoulders. Looks like its time to start getting the lists together...pre-trip things to do...stuff to take...things to be done while we are there. And any other thing I don't want to forget at this point...of all the things I've lost over the years, I miss my mind the So many things running through the mind at this point...thoughts of what I want to do where on the property are beginning to crowd in with the rest of the things I'm trying to recall. Been thinking of digging out the last pictures we took when we were there five years ago...just for reference points...figure I could better determine if what I'm recalling is going to be feasable in reality. Got pictures taken at various times of day so I can see if the idea for the gardens will, where did I put those pictures?? Probably out in my old desk in the shed...will have to remember to look tomorrow, if I can get to it and manage to open the drawers...too much stuff jammed in front of it. BIL has a riding lawn mower he can't seem to make run any longer, sis asked if we were interested...said it ran until he decided to "tweak it" and make it run, sounds like something my DH would do, except he hasn't ran across an engine yet that he hasn't been able to make run, as long as it isn't locked up totally. This will make about the fourth mower we have ended up with in this manner. Our first one was a clean out for a had sat in his yard where it stopped for over five years. DH replaced a .25 piece of fuel line and we used it until I finally wore it out after six years. Found another one just like it that another friend had blown the engine in...I wore the transmission out in the first one. We swapped some parts around and I ran that one for three years before it finally gave up. So since this one ran before the "tweaks", should be ok. I don't really care as long as I can get the yard cut without running the brushog...or the walk behind. Guess I'll wait until we get through with our running around tomorrow before I water...maybe we will be lucky and the rain will drop on our area a little bit. Thinking about some of the possibilities for the mountain: A friend has given me three books for reference about living on the was put out by the Dept of Agriculture in 1978...some really good stuff is on building log cabins...haven't got into that one yet...and the other one is also about living on the land, right down to giving detailed instructions on dressing a deer. Pretty cool reading. Got some good information on things to consider once we get the house up. Lots of other areas to research information is given as well. I'm going to be researching on what herbs will do good in that area. From one of the sites I've bookmarked, the state has a lot of programs for different agricultural things. The one book I've been in gives some pretty good directions for cold frames and greenhouses...both will be a must if I'm going to try to make this a money making venture. Figure I will also acquire a few more hens and that will give me additional eggs to sell. There is a campground not far from the property that has a nice little store...possible outlet for extra eggs and produce. Lots of things to research and many will have to wait until we are there. This is a small community and there are always neat little gatherings going on...time to remember how to socialize in Southern company. My friend who's property joined ours on the mountain had a real culture shock when she moved up there from Florida. The people are so different in this part of the country. Luckily, my family has southern roots and we were raised around the culture so I have a good understanding of what to expect. I'll just have to dust off my southern
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 06:06 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 10:05 pm:
A friend has given me three books for reference about living on the land...
Do you read Mother Earth News? I love their web site.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 03:50 pm:

Hey DJ, thanks for the link...its been ages since I've been on that site...had it marked on my old computer and when I lost everything on it, well, that was in it too. Got her marked again now thanks to you!
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 05:51 pm:

May 18, 2008 Another hot humid has remained overcast and very humid...highs today reached 92...even the breezes blew hot as the air was coming in from the WSW. Still no rain, rerouted the soaker hoses in the vegetable garden and turned them on for 2 hours...turned the front half moon garden hoses on as well. Broke the sprayer nozzle on my front water hose, can’t seem to locate the good one, so found my soaker for the moment. Got everything in the front beds watered and the birdbaths filled. The Rhubarb is starting to show another leaf...yeah!!! looks like it will live after all. The baby cukes are beginning to look pretty fat...could be plucking a few soon.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, May 19, 2008 - 06:37 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 03:50 pm:
Got her marked again now thanks to you!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 19, 2008 - 11:21 am:

Morning began with temps around 74 degrees at was dark and threatening with rain...yeah ok, big deal, I've seen those clouds pass on by for weeks now. Headed into town to make the bank deposit...fighting a losing battle with DH over this deposit garbage. Stopped on the way home and picked up Scratch feed for the Chickens...jeez is that stuff getting high! Over $12 for a fifty pound bag...was only half that amount just a few months ago. Took the back road home...washboard bbbbbuuuummmmpppyyyy and noticed as I reached our crossroad that the truck wasn't throwing the plumes of dust any longer and the color of the road was darker...humph!! what's this? puddles on the paved road? When did that happen? I was only gone about 45 minutes...then as I unloaded the bag of feed it began to drop big drops....RAIN!!!! YIPPPPEEEE!! ok, so it only lasted about ten minutes, just enough to make it really muggy once the sun hits! But we had RAIN!!! The chickens just shook it off and continued pecking around the chicken pen...Ms Piggy ran up to the fence when I put the feed in the can...hahaha...PSYCH!!! Didn't open the bag as it was beginning to rain harder. Clouds are still black to the west of us and I'm hoping that more rain will decide to land in my parched yard. Beginning to sound very crunchy. At least I won't be watering today. So many things to get organized for the upcoming mountain camping trip. DH makes me nuts when he acts like things just magically organize themselves and load up with no help. HA! Don't I wish!! Got sleeping bags to fault cause when we came in from the Thanksgiving camp trip we weren't speaking...tossed the totes out in the driveway when I unloaded the truck and that's where they have remained since I didn't put them in the shed. Part of my beef with DH. The remaining camp gear should be ok. Its all in totes and the tent is in its bag inside a tote. If not, the DH will just have to deal with replacing it. I'm done with it all falling on me to set it up and tear it down and then put it away when we get home. Will be checking out storage facilities close to the property once we are there. On our list of things to do: check on Septic installation check on permits for septic ****go to courthouse/permit office and check on what we need to do to put a camper on the property and whether or not we can.****this one is TOP priority...could just throw a wrench in the plans if we can't. get a storage unit DH is only planning on taking a week at this time. I'm ready to jump and go now...just walk away and start over...nothing I own has that much sentimental value any longer. SIGH...this could take way too much time if DH is only willing to go for a week at a time. I may just have to move myself and my dog up there so I can keep things moving. LOL Hmmm, just had a "wild" thought...wonder if our friends who split their time between the mountain and the west coast of Florida still have their house on the mountain....might be a spot to land until things are ready for us on our spot...shall have to give them a call and see what's going on with more thing to add to the list. this list is becoming a NOVEL...
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 09:40 am:

Today has begun as pretty much a repeat of Monday...overcast, black clouds...sun is breaking through at 11:30 am...its 83 degrees with a light breeze. Supposed to have the chance of rain again today...after the little spit yesterday...come on RAIN! Re-potted the Stevia last night...put both plants into a very large pot. It has done so well and I'm hoping that by keeping it in the large pot until we get ready to head for the mountain that any seeds that fall will germinate in the pot. Moved the pot to the herb side of the front flower bed to help keep the Stevia from baking in our "summer" sun. Little Sunsprite continues to push new growth on the original plant...Sprites one and two are hanging in there...Sprite 2 may not make it...the little leaf set had turned black so I pinched it off. Sprite 1 continues to look ok. figure if they both make it that will be awesome and if they don't, well at least I gave it a shot!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 01:40 pm:

Heat, heat and more heat...that's our forecast at the moment. Supposedly we are to expect rain by Friday and Saturday. After the tease of only a few drops the other day, yippee...I'll believe it when I feel the rain pouring from the sky. The breeze is even hot today and from the temp of 93, I guess it should be. Feels like a convection oven when our winds come out of the west...must be because its bringing all the heat and hot air from the concrete jungle of Orlando. Sure will be glad when this wind shifts and brings the cool ocean breezes back our way. I'm still fighting the urge to turn the A/C on....although with the temps above 90, its getting harder during the hottest part of the day to resist. If I turn it on now though, by the time we really get the humidity and heat in July and August I'll be unable to bear the heat, even with the A/C. At least its still dropping down cool at night...this morning it was 69 degrees at 6 am...I was after spending the entire day sweating rivers in our record breaking 94 degrees yesterday...yep, Daytona broke a heat record at 94...69 was a big change in temps. We have been leaving the fan run in the bedroom window at night just to help circulate the air a bit...our room is a dead air zone even with the windows open. Won't be long though and we will have to leave the A/C run even during the night because of the heat and humidity. And this months light bill has dropped to just over seventy bucks...what I've been waiting for!! Dreading the heat already and its only the beginning. Got the list going for the mountain things to do...time is getting closer!! Still deciding whether or not to replace some of the camp gear or just wait and see what we are gonna need...leaning towards the wait and see side. Figure I'll just load the camp gear we have and once we get things lined up on the mountain then I'll make the decision. The way things seem to happen, that will probably be the best anyway. Lots of ideas running around in the brain about what I want to do where on the property...of course I still haven't found the pictures so I can really play. Thinking about getting the sketch pad out and working it out on that. Of course then I'll be hunting where I stuck the sketch Never ending fun trying to locate things I haven't seen since we moved almost three years ago....sigh...guess that means I don't really need all that junk I haven't touched in the past three years. Looks like its time to downsize. The Stevia is looking happy in the big planter. At least now I can reach the pot to water it when I water the other things in the flower bed. The Rhubarb is starting to take off real nice...more leaves are appearing...WOOHOO! And here I thought it was dying...PSYCH!! The patch of Cannas continues to get thicker every day...wish they'd hurry up and throw a few blooms out...I really like their little yellow faces. The Lavender doesn't look any bigger, but it doesn't look bad either. Just is taking its time doing its growing thing. I've never grown Lavender before so I'm not sure just how long it takes it to grow and bloom. This plant hasn't been growing long. Won't be very long and the Peppermint will be taking over its corner of the bed. Looks like it has decided it likes its spot....seeing new sprouts here and there in the mulch around it. I've been debating on trimming the red Hibiscus and shaping her up a bit...seems like I get her trimmed up and the critters start munching again. She's getting a bit leggy in spots and when she's not being chomped like a salad, she's very full. An old plant that has been moved several times now...her main trunk is as big around as my wrist. Got her starts in the bucket ready and just waiting for me to get them into the pots. This is one plant I'll be taking with us for sure. One of the books I've been looking at has some very excellent plans and designs for cold frames and greenhouses...already told DH that I want some type of greenhouse area so I can protect tender stuff during the winter and also be able to grow vegetables from seed. Looks like I'll be "whipping" myself into shape again one way or another working on the mountain property. Lots of ideas, just chomping the bit to get things I don't run out of energy chomping the bit... I think right now, the biggest advantage to moving to NC will be the ability to shed a few unnecessary expenses. Our main expense here is pretty much the same as most people...housing. The property is almost paid off and to build something or have a mobile home put there should still allow us to free a huge amount of cash each month. I know the initial expense of getting things together is going to be a bit costly, but these will be one time expenses in most cases...permits, septic, water, etc. I haven't actually sat down with the calculator and paper to figure it to the penny, but I know that not having almost a thousand a month going out for rent will be wonderful. Plus, if we have to take out a mortgage loan, it won't have to be for a huge amount like it would down here...and the place would be brand spankin new. With the way we purchased the property...1.75 acres and then 3.5 acres...the first lot is paid in full already...the second lot only has maybe two more years before its paid in full. The original parcel was split for us when we bought the first 1.75...I'm hoping to consolidate the parcel again once we get the house started. Got to hang on to the bottom parcel, that's the one that gives us river access... Since we don't have vehicle payments, or major credit card expenses, our only real bills are daily living, utilities, fuel, insurance...we already live pretty simple, so losing a huge rent/house payment will really make life easy as everything else continues to increase. I plan to try and grow what we need for food and (god forbid)even plan to give canning another try...just wish mom was still around to give me pointers. Eh, oh well, whatever don't can, will get frozen, or dehydrated, or eaten...grin. The electric bill will be the only "outside" bill...will be on spring water and isn't a huge expense with us already and the area has many close vegetable stands for fresh produce if mine doesn't work out. Figure I'm taking the hens, so we'll have eggs available most of the time...any extras could be sold locally...IF Ms Piggy ever decides to begin laying...will definitely be obtaining a few more layers with this in mind. Monthly Bill projection: electric $100/mth phone/cells 150/mth cable/dish 100/mth food 150/mth property payment 350/mth mortgage vehicle insurance 400/mth fuel for vehicles 400/mth TOTAL w/o mortgage $1650/mth After looking at this, we're still coming out ahead, because this is about what we are spending now, plus the rent and once we get the property paid off the $350/mth will be available as well. Should be able to work this out and depending on the pricing, even combine the phone/cable like we have here. Changing the cell plan will help also, but want to check a few things before I make changes. Groceries are the biggest flexible expense...don't always spend the budgeted $150...but between the two of us, we should have no problem living there. Even part time work would allow us to live pretty comfortable. Won't know til we get there and see what the difference is in costs. Having the wood burning stove (yes, I kept my stoves) will help keep heating down during the winter months, and we have a big supply of trees on the property to keep me in full supply of to move a few anyway to put the house up...and of course there's always one that's needing cut because its dead or dying. Wood to burn won't be an scraping for firewood before. The heat is smothering at the 3:15pm its 94 degrees now...funny, the forecast high was only supposed to be 92...think we passed that around noon....ah well, off to find something cool to drink and maybe even start a load of laundry so I can get it in the dryer after dark...sure hate to heat the house up if I don't have to...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 05:57 am:

At 6:30 am the temps are mild...72 degrees already and the sun is barely showing in the eastern sky. Watching the weather this morning...looks like we will finally be seeing a bit of rain if the map is correct. Showing a big system coming across from the gulf. Its just coming onshore now at 7:20 am...temps are supposed to be cooler because of cloud cover today...guess we shall see... Thought I smelled smoke yesterday afternoon when I re-opened the porch door...the sky had that weird hazy, grey-red cast...even looked like bits of ashes floating. When DH came in, he stated that "We have a fire nearby"...he was seeing the smoke plume billowing as he headed home. Turned out that the fire is west of us, in another county. From the way it showed up on the weather map, you could see the way the wind was pushing it straight across and on out to sea. So far, that fire has burned over a thousand acres and appears to have started in the Ocala National Forest. Looks like they are checking out a homeless campsite as possible suspects. What bothers me is the way the fires are allowed to consume everything with minimal attempt to stop the spread. Same old stuff that makes me crazy. Link to the local news: HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT this one is the local tv station: Little Sunsprite is really making progress!! I took her picture yesterday for the Intrernational Run for the Roses race and I swear she's jumped up a few more fractions just since last night. Go Sunsprite!! Watered the vegetable garden as the sun began to drop...clipped some dead from the tomatoes and supported a few that were bending from the weight of the fruit. I think the next time I do the Big Boy variety I will do things a bit different. These have grown well above their cages and some are over five feet high. Checked on the carrots that remain...looks like they are getting nice size around at least at the top. Will have to remember to take pictures when I pull them so I can share with DJ and Sharon the benefit of mounding the carrot rows. My girlfriend here told me I wouldn't be able to grow them more than just a couple of far, the largest has been about eight inches long. Still watching the weather, 50% chance of rain today through Saturday night...hmmm, might actually see a few drops land in our area afterall. OH WOW!!! COLD SNAP!! The temps are only going to be in the mid 80's next week instead of the mid 90's. How in the world are we going to get through this? Looks like I won't be turning the A/C on
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 06:39 am:

Update on the rain: WOOHOO...we have moisture falling very lightly at 8:30 am...the weather map is showing the rain is over our area at this time and I have droplets falling in my yard...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 01:42 pm:

Afternoon weather update: The rain seems to have found my yard!! Its only light rain, but with stuff being as dry as it is, light is the best for now. The temps have been hovering right around 84 most of the day...forecast said 85 for the high...could still happen. The humidity has made me feel like the temps were still in the 90's tho...felt like I was melting when I went to the sun, just muggy hot. Picked up a second weedeater and my garden tiller attachment...woohoo, can hardly wait to try it out...rain is my delay at this point. DH and I talked about it and decided that two would be better than one when I picked up the replacement one a few weeks ago...has it been that long already? Fed my Sunsprite a little drink of the chickypoo tea, gawwwd,that stuff smells...hope she enjoys it...makes me almost gag when I take the lid off...ok, it might just get poured on the garden area...don't know if I can handle that stench too long on the porch area...whew! May have to re-think this and see if there is another way I can use it in the gardens without choking from the odor while I'm applying it. Never dreamed of THAT
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, May 23, 2008 - 09:23 am:

Woke this morning to temps around 68 degrees...the rain stayed with us a bit through out the night, got little puddles standing in a few spots. Forecast is for more rain through Sunday, we shall see...looking pretty cloudy at the moment, and the temps remain comfortable at 10:45 am hovering around 81 degrees at this time. So far, the humidity hasn't been too unbearable...although once we start seeing the sun, it could change quickly and become the sauna again. Had a pleasant surprise when I got up...went to let Mojo out and as I turned to come back inside, I noticed one of the Wild Turkey hens with two young chicks out by the birdfeeder... she paid me no mind when I went outside to get Mojo...he likes to chase the Turkeys so I brought him in before he noticed them... didn't want him hurting the babies or scaring her away. In past years, the hens have had a dozen or more little ones when they come to feed in the yard. Must have lost several to the predators...could be that gnarly looking raccoon that is the culprit, or could be the opossums that live in the neighborhood, or even stray cats and dogs that seem to be cropping up out here...just sad to think that she's down to only two. The babies are about the size of Mourning doves right now. DH said last night that our date to leave for the mountain is going to be next Friday...May 30...WOOHOOO!!! We're going to the mountain!!! Still have a ton of things to do before we leave, but that is my specialty it seems, getting everything done and organized in crunch time...thank god I have the lists to follow!!! I'm arranging for one of my friends to come out and house/dog sit while we are gone. She works down at the farm with me and I asked her awhile back about taking care of the dogs and chickens when we took off...since Mojo is still not doing well with riding, I've decided that this trip we need to leave him home. Way too many things to do once we are up there to keep track of Mojo. He's good to leave home during the day alone, but if someone would just be coming in to let him out a couple times a day, I'd be having to leave him in the pen with Bear. Mojo hates the pen with a passion. And then there are the chickens...with the loss of Goldie, I've been closing them in the coop at night and letting them out first thing in the morning. So I've decided that we really need to have someone here to keep things going smoothly. My GF has agreed to stay out here for the week. It will actually be to her benefit as she won't have far to drive to go to work. Being right here, she will be saving on gas too. Figure whatever eggs are laid during that week, tomatoes that ripen and cucumbers that ripen will at least be eaten while she is here. Now all we have to work out is how much she expects to be paid for doing this. I know she is an animal person, so I don't mind paying her to stay with my animals...she's very dependable. DH is fine with her being here and He's the one who said offer her cash...DUH! I wouldn't expect her to do it for free. Much better situation than last year when we were trying to do this... the boy's dogs were here and one (Mojo's father) is very aggressive towards people they don't know. Didn't feel like I could leave them for someone else to deal with knowing how the dog dogs are pretty cool with most people and since my GF has been here alot, all of my dogs know her and slobber her just like family...don't foresee any problems there. Another thing in her favor...I won't have to worry about WHO is being dragged into my home... with the kids, ya never know who they will bring out, or what they may decide to do while they are here.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 09:15 am:

RAIN,RAIN,Glorius RAIN...the temps are comfortable 78 degrees and the rain has begun once more. We had rainfall of almost an inch yesterday according to the weather, looks like I need to get the raingauge back out, so I can keep better track for myself. This is about the third set of showers this morning, its almost 11 am. Only drawback to the much needed rain is the timing, so much to do before we leave next weekend. Trying to get a motor job finished so we can collect the cash for that, mowing to do, minor things to finish on my truck, tires, topper and in DH's mind the most the inside...ok, so I don't dust or vacuum the truck, or keep the windows still isn't the trashpit he I ride in his truck I'm having to kick trash out of the floor and move junk off the seat...but he thinks mine is bad because it needs dusted and vaccumed....At least I know what a trash bag is for...grin. The fires down in this area are beginning to be contained. The smell of smoke is no longer hanging heavy on the air and unless we have the lightning as this front moves through, the rain should help immensely. No human lives lost but I'm sure there was wildlife not as fortunate. Excitement is growing leaps and bounds as the days get closer for us to head to the mountain. I don't ever recall us going up this early in the year, normally its closer to July 4th. With this in mind, I might actually get to see the Mountain Laurel, Dogwood and others in bloom this time. Usually by the time we get up there its the tail end of the blooms and only one or two can be seen drying on the plants. It has been what seems like eons since I've seen the mountain in bloom... I think the last time I was in the mountains during the spring was many years ago at Easter when I was about my age now, it is definitely eons ago... Hoping that the wild Strawberries will still be either coming in or still in fruit...jeez, looks like I'm gonna be having to learn what comes in when all over again...grin. Hope it don't take another 20 years to figure it back out...hahahaha...hoping that my common sense will kick in and say "but you know this from when you were here before"...guess I'll see just how much garden knowledge has took root in the memory. Of course I know my GB's will be around to give the memory a kick in the pants if I need help. (ok DJ...might be calling on your knowledge and experience)So glad I found this forum and all of the great people who are part of it...has really helped my poor plants survive while my green thumb had time to return...
Growit Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 04:03 pm:

Well just in case I don't get to GB again before you go, have a good trip up the mountain Karen. I look forward to your journal entries from there.
Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 09:15 am:
but he thinks mine is bad because it needs dusted and vaccumed
I can take a picture of the inside of mine for you to show him. There is more soil and plant matter in there than in my garden. That would stop him complaining lol!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 06:44 am:

Thanks Moira, I'm hoping it will be great! We leave this Friday and I won't be online for the week we are gone...No electric or internet on the mountain at this time...we camp primitive when we go up, including hauling water while we are there. Can't wait to get a permanent structure up.
Growit wrote on Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 04:03 pm:
I can take a picture of the inside of mine for you to show him. There is more soil and plant matter in there than in my garden. That would stop him complaining lol!
Hahahaha...sounds like my old car, had more sand than the beach in the back seat from hauling the kids...if you saw his truck you'd wonder why he's so whiney about open the passenger door to his and no telling what trash will fly out to attack. It isn't just the floorboard, its the seat as well, empty containers, some with milk still in wrappers, parts and don't even let me get started on the bed...can't hardly find his tools because they are scattered in the bed of the truck instead of in the toolbox...silly
Valia Posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 07:00 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 06:44 am:
We leave this Friday
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 06:44 am:
I won't be online for the week we are gone...
Our place on Huckleberry Mountain is off the grid, too, but we make our own power (part diesel, part wood/steam). For Internet, though, we have to go down into town with our laptops and hang out in the library. Have a great week!

Stormdancer Posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 07:12 am:

8:30am and the temps are around 75 degrees. We had more rain last night, or early this morning. So glad to see it is finally back! June 1 marks the beginning of hurricane season here...after reading the news this morning about the bad storms in the midwest, I'll take a hurricane over a tornado any day of the week. At least we have time to prepare and decide whether or not to stick around. That's one thing I don't miss about the midwest. The rain has really made things perk up the past few days. Even the crunchy spots are coming back to life...the yard is looking shaggy from the various weeds that are almost knee high in spots. Was thinking the other night that I really want to cut the yard before we go, just in case the rains decide to hang out...don't want to have a jungle when we come home. Had a neat nature happening yesterday in the back pasture...seems two black snakes were tangled up making babies...saw the dogs investigating and made them leave the cool...a first for me. Was my day for neat things...had a rather large bullfrog inside the screen porch sitting outside the cage around my rose, Sunsprite. Still haven't figured out how he got on the porch. Opened the door and spritzed him off the step into the bushes to keep my killer dog Spike from grabbing him. Didn't think about getting a picture until he was already under the bushes... The fresh pork shoulder ham that I had on the smoker grill yesterday came out awesome...the flavor of the oak was throughout the sweet and juicy...normally don't buy fresh pork like that...but with the prices going crazy, ninety nine cents a pound I couldn't resist...looks like I'll be getting more in the future. Only thing I notice about smoking the meat on the grill, it really looks burned long before its done...but it isn' crunch at all, just blackened from the smoke. Was still smelling the sweet smoke smell late into the night from the grill as it cooled down. The wood was almost ash when I pulled the meat from the grill. Have been thinking about modifying the grill a bit...its a store bought smoker...but I'm thinking about using some of the firebrick I have to line the inside of the firebox on this grill. Figure that will help me maintain a more constant temperature, especially when I'm cooking large pieces like turkeys and hams. I don't use this grill as often as we used to...the gas grill is much quicker for little pieces. I personally like the flavor of the smoker the best, its just more work keeping the fire right.
Valia Posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 07:22 am:

Mmmmmm. You should post this down in the recipes forum. Make 'em drool. Susanq has a grilling thread going in the "WFD" subtopic.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 09:54 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 09:15 am:
everytime I ride in his truck I'm having to kick trash out of the floor and move junk off the seat
Grrr. That is all too familiar. Drives me up a wall.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 08:55 am:

Valia wrote on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 07:22 am:
You should post this down in the recipes forum. Make 'em drool. Susanq has a grilling thread going in the "WFD" subtopic.
I read through the thread, and decided not to jump in at this time, thanks tho, glad it sounded good to you. It was mighty tastyMight just have to start a thread there myself when I get back. I adore my smoker grill.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 10:53 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, May 26, 2008 - 09:54 am:
Grrr. That is all too familiar.
LOL...and DH thinks I'm the only one who finds it irritating...
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 02:06 pm:

Tuesday May 27 The morning began with cool temps in the mid 60's and dark threatening clouds. That passed by 9 am and the blazing sun is now alone in the bright blue sky...temps are currently a nice breezy 81 degrees at 3:30 pm. Has turned into a beautiful day. Went to get new tires for the front of my Dakota since that's the one we'll be driving...not too bad on price...jeez those guys sure get almost pushy about tires tho. We have one of the back ones that has been plugged for over two years now, and still holds air and runs down the road beautiful...the little guy mounting the new tires came in to tell me that HE just wasn't comfortable with me riding around on that tire because of the plug. I just smiled sweetly and informed him that I was aware of the plug and where it is located...DH is the one who plugged it(I keep trying to pull the plug out everytime I see it)...the kid is almost insistent on replacing the tire...wrong woman to play that game last remark to him that finally got him to go away..."That tire has been plugged for over two years and I've driven it to Indiana twice since the plug was done"...guess he finally figured out he was not going to "scare" me into buying another set of tires. Did tell him that I have two more just like it from the front and it will be replaced soon. Eh, what's a plug on a rear tire anyway...this set is way better than some I've driven long distance on...had real "may pops" on my Road Runner and drove it back and forth to NC a couple of the snow. Just love livin on the edge!! Plucked three more ripe tomatoes and gave them to my GF that will be house sitting. They are really looking good right now. The Rhubarb is beginning to make its self known as well, adding several more leaves and stalks at the moment. Gave my landlord/boss the "good news" about us leaving this morning...took it pretty fair...what's he gonna do, tell me I can't go? That would just be the icing on my cake as I'm taking the time off without pay anyway. Told him I'd call him when we got back in...and I will, to tell him I quit...well, maybe not quite that harsh...I still may have to live here for a bit longer...although my rent has nothing to do with me working for him...that is TOTALLY separate. Summer is the reason I've worked doing taxes for the past ten years...I work for four months and then I'm free to travel or whatever in the summer, unless I just wanted to work. This job at the farm is really messing with my free time though. I've decided that I really just want to be able to play in the garden, work with DH, and take off whenever we have the chance. Our finances will allow it right now and he is really looking to slow down and only work when he wants to...I don't mind going back to something full time, but I'm not doing it while we are renting. If I'm working full time, then its going to be to improve our own property. I think DH is pretty ok with that, if not he needs to speak up...grin.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 06:44 am:

Turned all the fans off last night including the one in the bedroom...brrr, the temps really felt cool this morning, even though at 6:30 am it was already 67 degrees. Won't be long though and the temps will jump back into the upper 80's today. Forecast is calling for mid 90's by next glad we will be on the mountain!! DH came in last night and says we might extend the time he's taking off...ok, but that doesn't necessarily mean we can stay on the mountain GF might not want to stay longer than a week...but we shall ask and see what she says...just means I'll be leaving more cash in case the feed runs out. New Sunsprite picture!!! Can't help feeling like a proud mamma since her recovery... At this time, she's almost a foot tall...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 07:53 am:

Ooooh, Sunsprite is looking good these days! Whew!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 08:03 am:

Thanks DJ...for now Spike has been given a "stay of execution" best keep his hiney out of my Sunsprite! Otherwise, he might not see eleven!
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 06:43 am:

Ok, the weather must be trying to get me psyched for the mountain...another morning with very nice, cool temps of 63 degrees at 7:30 am...the high yesterday reached about 85. Looks like we may have our first Tropical Depression forming across from the Pacific side. Right now it is coming across Costa Rica area. Figures, about the time we get ready to head up they forecast some wild weather. June 1 marks the official beginning of hurricane season for us. Cool, maybe this system will bring us the much needed rain across the state. Very pleasant sitting on the front porch at this time of day. Its still cool enough to want to be out here. By noon, the heat is falling through the tin roofing pans and it becomes a bit of an oven. The little Dakota that we will be taking on our trip got new tires on the front as I mentioned the other day...WELL...yesterday when my GF was getting ready to leave I noticed the Dakota had a flat tire!! Now for the best...its NOT the tire that has the plug!!! Seems I picked up a screw in it from somewhere. It was almost as if the Dakota was telling DH, 'look, its time to get these OFF of me!'. Good thing I had another set for the back...we had to change the size for the original tires and rims for this truck were wide and this just didn't work for the now we have the skinny tires on the front and the wide on the back which gave us two matched sets for the back....clear as mud. After he changed them, DH was saying that the other set of tires was better than the ones he changed anyway...well isn't it a good thing I picked up a screw then... I've asked him for over a year now to change the one he plugged...its plugged in a bad the sidewall at the tread line. I understood the kid at the tire store perfect when he was concerned about that tire. My first husband had to go through a training seminar for one job he had as a mechanic...Goodyear was the brand of tires they carried and the company did a seminar for the employees...the materials he brought home of course, were like a magnet to me....I'm a car to tinker on engines, or at least I used to love to tinker until the hands decided grip strength at all now. I do minor things with DH on the vehicles now...he's the mechanic. Got the dash put back together on the Dakota...DH has been dying for me to get the antenna wire run again so the radio will work. DS installed a Cd/Stereo in it several years ago, but at some time when they were messing with an engine before we moved out here, someone managed to snatch the antenna off. Been without a radio in her now for over two years. The sucky part is that the entire front of the dash has to be dismantled in order to do this...ROYAL PAIN!!! But now its done and the tunes are rockin the truck once more. Hmmm, seems I've cracked a speaker again...couldn't be because of the way the volume is cranked up HUH? Still sounds ok to me, just have to remember NOT to crank it to the max. List for today: Wash sleeping bags Go through camp totes finish Laundry run into town to Radio Shack for bulbs on flashlight go to Big Lots and check out camping gear Just a few things to pick up, figured I'd grab a couple more of the collapsible water containers and a couple more of the solar showers...that hot water sure comes in handy. We use several of those when the family camps together. A camping we will go...a camping we will go...hi, ho, the merry oh, a camping we will go...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 01:55 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 08:03 am:
...for now Spike has been given a "stay of execution" best keep his hiney out of my Sunsprite!
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 06:43 am:
...hi, ho, the merry oh, a camping we will go...
Woohoo!!!!!!! Wheeeee!!!!!!!!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, May 31, 2008 - 02:16 pm:

Camping update: The truck is packed, fueled and ready to hit the road. We had planned to take off around 5 am this morning. At 6 am, I decided to relax...its a vacation afterall. DH who will be driving (I'm the navigator) was sleeping pretty good when I got up to let the dogs out and open the chicken coop. I've just got a huge case of pre-trip adrenalin that makes me zoom...I'll probably crash and burn sometime Monday ready to roll out before the sun breaks light across the mountain tho on Tuesday morning...just something I tend to do when we camp. DH went ahead and slept in til almost 10 am and while we would have still had plenty of daylight left (we would have arrived around 6 pm) the temperatures here at 10 am were already close to 90 degrees. Kicked the A/C on and decided to wait until after dark to head out...this will put us on the property about daybreak...5-6 am... no biggee. This gives us all day to clear whatever has to be cleared for the campsite and once we have a clearing, we can set the tent and crash for a bit if we want. Trying to make this as relaxing a trip as possible. In one sense, this trip is almost bittersweet... the last time we were on the mountain was July 4, 2003...we came home and I left the next day with my sister to go to Indiana to be with the end of August, mom was gone. This is going to be a healing trip in a sense. So for now, unless they have WiFi at the campground down the road, I won't be online for at least seven the camera charged, the discs packed and the laptop available to download if I get the discs filled up...I think I'm set. Yes, I have remembered to pack a power source for the laptop...we don't have anything on the mountain except cool breezes and trees...really looking forward to that after cooking my brains out here today...even with the A/C, this tincan is still 85 inside today and both fans are running as well...good bye $70 light bill, I'm sure this month will see to that...oh well, its only money.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, June 07, 2008 - 03:41 pm:

WARNING...Long and Winding post...Enjoy at your own risk!! Mountain journal Sunday June 2 We left out Saturday night about 8:30 pm. After six hours of driving, both of us were pretty tired, we pulled off the road around Macon, GA around 2:30 am and got a few hours of sleep at the rest area. The Dakota is not real comfortable when there are two people trying to curl up on the front seat. Back on the road around 6:30 am, we pulled off to eat just outside of Atlanta. By 11:30 am we were pulling up the road to the property. looks like a jungle...we knew it would be overgrown, its been five years since we have been up here. But WOW... Started to head up to the second clearing where we normally camp...the Dakota said absolutely not and we backed down the hill to the first clearing. Decided to go ahead and walk up to the rest of the property...good thing the Dakota said no...across the driveway about a third of the way up is a huge fallen tree... a second one laid across just a few feet higher...the storms of 2004 were not kind to this area...Ivan came through and really tore things up just down the road from us here. As we continued to explore the property, we are amazed at just how much things have grown. The driveway to the upper lot was once able to be driven (with a four wheel drive) but now the little pines and poplars are growing everywhere. We will have to clear that or else it will need the dozer to make it passable in just a few much to do so little time. DH has decided he’s only staying a week at this time. Wandered back down the hill and began setting up camp...that is, after we broke out the brush cutter and weedeater. Didn’t take long and the first clearing was suitable for the tent. After setting camp, we decided to wander on down and see if our neighbors just below us were still here. They have been wanting to sell their place here and move closer to Atlanta. We were very happy to discover that they were still here and actually were home. They live in Florida part of the year while their daughter is in school and come up during the summer months. As luck would have it, they have been here just two weeks. So glad to see them once more. This was our first day on the property...Sunday. June 3 Monday...We headed up the mountain towards Highlands...jeeeezzzz, I’ve been living in low country way too long. I have forgotten what that road is like with the hairpin turns and sheer drops below....was a bit spooky to be sure. Drove around there for a bit and then headed back towards Franklin...again the hairpin turns....its really beautiful though...great shots of the mountains with the valley below, the water falls, the river....but I was too busy hanging on to take many pictures...I did get a few and then ran out of space on my camera.(that’s what happens when I get crazy taking pictures.) Finally got all of the discs downloaded onto my laptop and cleared off so I can take more pictures. June 4 Tuesday...Fixed DH some breakfast and the day began with more brush cutting on the second clearing. Wow does it look different. Another big huge tree down across the area where we usually put the camp. Good thing we brought the chainsaw. After spending most of the day running the weedeater and brush cutter, we got cleaned up and headed into town for some food. We were supposed to go shopping for groceries once we got here, but so far, DH has just been running us in for meals. Aaaahhhhhh....broke my glasses right where the bridge connects the lenses...great. Good thing they are wire least they will sit on my nose somewhat as long as I don’t move....looks like we will be heading to Wal-Mart sometime Wednesday to see about replacement frames....I am way too nearsighted to do without them. Found a really nice place to eat in town...Cody’s Roadhouse...was a very interesting place and the food was excellent. Came back to camp stuffed to the eyes. Lit the campfire (all that downfall wood is good for something after all) and hung out just enjoying the sounds on the mountain. So far, the weather has been pretty great. Daytime temps are in the low 80’s and at night its high 50’s. No rain to speak of since Sunday and most of that hit before we got here. We drove through a bit once we got past Atlanta, but was clear by the time we got here. June 5 Wednesday...Spent most of the morning trying to find someplace where I could get my glasses replaced...the local Wal-Mart doesn’t have a Vision first place we went was just across the parking lot...very friendly gal tried, but had no luck locating a frame that would fit my lenses. She gave us directions to a regular Eyewear chain....finding it however, was a real challenge. I have forgotten how people in this area give directions...they all assume that you are familiar with the area. Fortunately DH managed to find it without my help...I’m way to near-sighted to try and run around without the glasses. The guy at Optical Illusions was great....found a frame and got us out of there in good time. The frames are similar to the old ones, will just take some getting used to as to the way they fit my of the reasons I despise changing frames. Once we finally made it back to the property, DH grabbed the chainsaw and headed up the mountain to the second clearing...he got the huge trees cut that were laying across the driveway and I dragged and rolled them to the side as a border to the ravine side. Figure we will burn them at some future time. That wood was really tough even though it has been down for at least four years...once those were cut, we moved on to the clearing its self...a huge tree had fallen across the clearing from the ravine all the way to the slope behind the clearing. Took a bit of time getting that one cut...not sure of the species, but could be a black walnut...the grain on that wood is very tight and exceptionally smooth. Again, I dragged the cut pieces to the edge of the ravine as a border. We burned several pieces in the campfire. Once everything was cleared away, we began breaking down the campsite on the bottom level and loaded the truck to drag it to the second clearing. The tent and shower tent we waited to drop until last. As we brought the gear to the second level, we went ahead and set them up...the tent went back up real easy, but the shower tent managed to snap one of the rods that forms the top. On to plan B...on this lot, because we are tucked way back, we decided that the shower tent wasn’t really necessary. We hung the shower bag from its pole next to the fire pit and used the remainder of the log as a shower chair...drug the heavy rubber mat next to the log and presto, heated shower area...the fire made it very nice. My main objection to camping on the lower lot has always been the lack of privacy...the site is wide open and next to the road that goes up the mountain...everyone who passes is looking right into the camp. Fortunately there aren’t many who live up there year round, but our neighbor on the next peak was home and that gave us no privacy as he drove up and down...not to mention that his place has a bird’s eye view of the lot. We’ve always tried to use the second clearing for this reason. Can you tell, I’m tickled to be on the second clearing? June 5 Thursday...Was a wonderful evening spent around the campfire last night. Finally the tent is on more level ground and the air mattress didn’t feel as if we were sliding down hill all night. We left the outer flaps pulled back on the tent last night and this morning the brilliant sun woke me. Won’t be long until the clearing is full of sunshine. The campfire is still smoking a bit from last night, about half a log remains, smoldering, drifting smoke across the campsite. The birds are chirping and calling close by...sounds of someone running equipment drifts up the mountain as well. For now, just enjoying the sounds and smells of the mountain. That was something I almost forgot to mention...the things that are blooming right now are combining to send a very intoxicating perfume into the air...everywhere is the heavy sweet smell. I haven’t identified the one bush, but I believe it is Mountain Laurel...if so....oh, my God is it heavenly...we have these everywhere on the property. I have pictures to help me identify them when I get home. The downside of this trip so far has only been the lack of signal for our cell matter where we are we have no signal at all, not even in town. I will be calling Sprint to complain...a week of no service is unacceptable as I do have a nationwide plan and Sprint is in this area also. The last time we were here, it was Nextel and I did have service on the property in spots and I could get a signal in town. Not on a contract with anyone at the moment and while I do like my phone, won’t hurt my feelings to change service right now, both of us are really fed up with not being able to use the phones inside when we are home, and the signal is always being dropped. This has been an issue ever since Sprint took over. June 6 Friday...The neighbor below us came up last night and invited us to come down for breakfast this morning...and a hot running water shower if we wished. We declined the showers as the camp shower has worked wonderful...even managed to get our hair washed last night. The neighbor lives in the Tampa Florida area for part of the year while the daughter is in college...she’s a senior in college this year and has just turned 18!! What an accomplishment for anyone in my book. Enjoyed the company of old acquaintances for several hours and then headed back up the mountain...while we were there, we did get a phone number for a local several very desirable species on the property and with the size and positioning of several, if we are to build, they need to come down. Its also a way to help finance the building of our future house there. We scoped out several areas that looked like a natural path and began hacking our way down the mountain with the machete...finally reaching the lower lot. How cool...the area we cut the path on is a huge rock ledge...ideas a spinning wildly about the building possibilities there. Went on up the drive to the upper level and trimmed back both sides where the saplings are getting out of control. Did I forget to mention...DH has decided we should head back to Florida tonight so we can have a day to rest and regroup before he heads back to work on Monday...BUT, BUT, BUT...I’m NOT ready to go home yet....Can’t I stay just one more week now that everything is all cleared back again???? We began breaking the campsite down around 3:30 pm...figured we’d leave around sundown. Took our time repacking all the gear, got the truck packed up and headed down to the bottom site...the campsite sure looks empty. On the bottom site we cleaned up the store of firewood and made sure everything was is right on the road going up the mountain after all. Got lots of pictures of before and after the clearing that I will be posting after I go through all of them and get them sorted out... I have some really neat road shots going up the mountain to Highland, NC which is a very narrow, twisty two lane, sheer drops off the roadside and mountain rock on the other...been living flatland waaaayyy tooo long....I’ve been down that road before with no problems, but this time .... well let’s just say I had to keep reminding myself to BREATHE...beautiful scenery though and I’ve got some fair shots. June 7 the rest of the trip was the most peaceful, restful, healing week I’ve felt in a very long time... the ride home was doing very well until we were about three hours away from home. Blew the right rear tire, running about 70 mph, in a construction zone with concrete barriers and no real place to pull off. Oh, and did I mention...its 1:30 AM. DH did an excellent job of getting us off the roadway safely, without ruining my rim. So, NOW WHAT?...the spare that’s in the rack under the truck is TWENTY ONE years Dakota is a 1987... DH gets the truck jacked up (we are FULLY loaded in the eight foot bed with tools and camping gear), gets the spare off the rack (he was amazed at that, we’ve never had it down). Gets the old tire off and realizes the spare needs a bit of air...great...ok, don’t panic, I have the boost box with the emergency air compressor (my power supply for battery stuff)...JEEEZZZ...this thing is a pain, I’ve only been using it ALL WEEK, so of course it is needing sweat, got the power cord for the lighter...get it charged and the tire somewhat aired...everything back in the truck and the tarp restrapped. Traffic was very light so we were just pulling back on the roadway and the spare blows out...tough...that’s a crappy donut rim so we are getting off the highway, tire or not...but where the hell are we??? I spot the mile marker...42...ok, but now where is the next exit??? It is pitch black dark along 75 S once you get between Tifton, GA and Valdosta, GA...finally spot an exit sign...ok, but there is NOTHING out here once you get off the interstate...hmmm, ok, let’s go down the hill to the lit parking lot of the community Christian school. I get a signal on my phone thankfully and get AAA on...the gal is trying to be helpful I realize, but she was really beginning to get under my skin at this point. First I tell her my location and the direction we are heading on 75...then she starts hunting for someplace to tow the truck so I can get a tire...ok at 1:30 am I don’t expect much to be open...I say any truckstop south will be fine. Now she’s talking about hauling us about 60 miles NORTH of where we are...NOOOO, SOUTH...towards VALDOSTA...she names a spot I say fine, she sends the driver...sweet kid. The truckstop he hauled us to was only a few miles from the state line of Florida, that’s how close we were. We had to sleep in the truck ...DH was having severe pain in his lower back that created major pain in his right leg...he opted to stretch out on top of the stuff (totes mostly) that we had packed in the bed...I took the front seat....the tire place was across the street from the truckstop, but we had to wait until they opened at 8 am...was a pretty long night for, I took full advantage of the opportunity to close my eyes for a few was 2:30 am when the driver left us. The tire guy had a problem locating a tire for my rims, of course...that’s what I get for having different rims are wide on the back...finally located one, got it mounted...its bad...forgot to mention, we were just getting a used tire to get home on...back to looking for one that will fit...finally located one that was pretty nice and got it back on the truck...on our way at last.... The next stop was for fuel...only about an hour from the house, but we are starting to run very low...when we stopped and DH went to get out of the truck the pain was too intense...the nerve must have been aggravated by the long drive and his entire leg was shooting pain to the point he could barely straighten his body, let alone him to the other side, I pumped the gas, got him some Advil and took over the driving...I had asked once we got past Atlanta if he wanted to swap and see if he could ease the pain by sitting different, he said no... Got home around 11:30 am...DH could barely make it from the truck to the house, the pain was so intense...brings tears, then it must be hurting pretty him inside and gave him his muscle relaxer...he’s stretched out on our bed watching or should I say listening to tv...the muscle relaxers really let him rest and usually he will go to sleep. He got up for a few minutes and has been stretched out for the past couple of hours now...he’s had a full week of work on the mountain and then what amounts to a full week of aggravation driving home...poor guy... Ending...while being home is nice and my dogs were glad to see me, I miss the mountain already. The light cool air, even though the temps were in the mid to upper 80’s the entire week....the fragrance of everything that is blooming, mingling together creating a very intoxicating perfume...the peaceful setting deep in the wooded mountain terrain... it was a week of work, but I feel refreshed, relaxed and ready to......go right back and spend much more time there. We are planning to try and head up again in July...we shall see what happens...... Note: I’ll be posting some of the pictures soon...way too many to post them all here, so I shall see if I can find a spot to link to where I can post all of them.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 06:38 am:

Hi, there, and welcome back! Thanks to your last journal entry, I finally got to go camping for the first time in many years. LOL! Even though you sawed and hauled your brains out, I think it sounds like you had a fantastic time. I can't believe how hot it was there already and that you still managed to do all of that work. I bet you slept like a rock every night! It sounds like you live on the edge of the world up there... no cell phone coverage, trees down, the forest taking over... People pay big money for that kind of seclusion. LOL! Mmmmm, yum, I think Cody's is what they put in near us when we lived in St. Pete. Cody's Roadhouse Grill or something like that. They made one of the best enormo salads on the planet. Pfft, I can't believe your glasses broke. I'd be up a creek, too. LOL! Glad you found someone to get you back in order. I hope there is a hospital near there, what with all the dangerous work you two will be doing up there once you move, and your DH's lovely back problem. Eek. Oh, my gosh, your trip home... What a nightmare! That almost defeated the purpose of spending a pleasant week on the mountain. HAHA! Well, if it weren't for things like that, some parts of life would not be memorable. Thank goodness you didn't have an accident during the blowout. That's one reason I can't stand travelling in the middle of nowhere, at night, on a Sunday. Might as well be the only person on the planet. Been there, done that. LOL! I think you're going to have withdrawal this week, if you haven't already started. HAHA!! Can't wait to see your pics. I hope your husband is feeling better. I also hope he enjoyed the trip as much as you did.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 06:38 am:
Mmmmm, yum, I think Cody's is what they put in near us when we lived in St. Pete
Probably right DJ, according to the "info" on the menu, the person is from the Clearwater FL area...and you are soooo right about the salad...yummmmmmyyy!! We both had the chicken fried steak and a baked potato loaded with sour cream and lots of butter...and the rolls were delicious with the cinnamon butter. It was such large portions that we carried it back to camp and had it the next night for supper as well. I carry my cast iron dutch oven when we camp and my cast iron skillet as well. This time though I picked up some of the parchment liners for the dutch oven and used them in the skillet when I re-heated the came out real nice, although since I'm not used to cooking on gas any longer I did almost scorch the bottom of the bread. It was still very much edible and the liner kept everything very moist as it re-heated (I had the lid on the skillet while heating so it acted more like an oven). DH is much better this morning, although the nerve spasm is still making it difficult to sit for very long.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 06:38 am:
Oh, my gosh, your trip home...
LOL...and this is exactly why I belong to AAA...just thankful that I was able to get a signal on the cell so I could call...they are programmed into my phone due to my Nissan being such a pain...the reason I got AAA in the first place. Hateful truck that Nissan (but I loved it still)...couldn't drive it any further than I was willing to walk...hahahahaha...we had originally got it running with the expectation that it would make a great mountain truck since it was a 4x4. SIGH...but it was such a money sucker and never could get it to run well enough to take out on the highway. Finally sold it to one of the kids so they could get around town...they sold it to their cousin who wanted a toy for the woods....the truck finally got the rest it needed when they broke it....much as I liked the truck, I was ready for it to be out of my life after watching DH beat his head against a wall trying to get the thing right. Way too many hours into that truck for it to not be right. As for going through hit the nail on the head there girl...I'm missing the sweet fragrance of the mountain air and the cool air, in spite of the higher temps...its 85 here today and because of the humidity, it feels like 93...after being out among the trees and nature for the past week, I'm stuck inside now because the heat is making me queasy. The air is on and the fans are running, but I'm feeling the heat today. On a different note: All of the clearing we did was very thick with poison ivy and virginia creeper...and while the second morning I did notice two small blisters on my left ankle I was thinking I would actually skate by and not break out since I was trying to be very careful around the stuff. Socks, jeans and gloves were part of my basic wardrobe while we were clearing, as well as boots...but the last two days I was running about in sneakers with my socks turned down to my ankles and shorts. Needless to say, until we left on Friday, I was still doing good...but before we left the mountain, we decided to explore a bit of the rock shelf that is below the camp site. I had pulled my socks up at that time thinking I would protect my legs a bit more since I was in shorts and sneakers when we began exploring. Well, DUH...I had been running around the property all morning, brushing against who knows what while the socks were turned down. Pulling the socks up apparently gave me the contact to the stuff...I'm broke out with the little blisters where my socks were, my wrist and crease in the right elbow, and one of my, the hands and wrists were stupidity on my part...we had a super hot bed of coals in the fire pit and a nice log that needed a bit more small stuff...I began finger raking the yard where we were chopping some of the smaller stuff...well...DDDUUUUHHH...there was creeper and pi in that stuff originally when DH cleared the site...I began with the Technu soap the minute we got back and I also have some Calagel which works well for the itch...its beginning to dry some and the blisters are shrinking already. Now, I'm hoping that it doesn't spread much FACE...seems I have one or two spots that might be blisters...ah well, it was fun.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 12:32 pm:

A few of the pictures of the mountain...this is the bottom campsite before... and after from above on the road from below on the road
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 02:48 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
...and the rolls were delicious with the cinnamon butter
Oh, yum, I had forgotten about those!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
I did almost scorch the bottom of the bread
LOL! Cooking with fire... you'd think that'd be ingrained in us. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
DH is much better this morning
That is good to hear.
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
...couldn't drive it any further than I was willing to walk...hahahahaha
Pfft, hahaha!!!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
the truck finally got the rest it needed when they broke it
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
after being out among the trees and nature for the past week, I'm stuck inside now because the heat is making me queasy
Oh, boy, I feel for you. It has been hot and sticky here for two days now. I do not miss this kind of weather from the days when we lived down south. I can't get anything done in it. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
All of the clearing we did was very thick with poison ivy and virginia creeper.
OMG! I didn't even think about that.
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
but the last two days I was running about in sneakers with my socks turned down to my ankles and shorts
Oh, no, I'm not sure I want to read what comes next... LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
I'm broke out with the little blisters where my socks were, my wrist and crease in the right elbow, and one of my fingers.
OMG, ick, ugh!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
there was creeper and pi in that stuff originally when DH cleared the site
Eeek! Well, at least you had the Technu and realized what you had done. I shudder to think what could have happened. Rubbing your eyes, brushing the hair or bugs off your face, uugghhh!! Now you're making me itch! LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2008 - 11:17 am:
Now, I'm hoping that it doesn't spread much FACE...
Oh, oops! HAHAHA!!! Just don't forget to carefully handle the laundry and your shoes. I bet this isn't one of the things you're looking forward to on your next trip. HAHA! Oh, my word... you did a great job on cleaning up that bottom campsite in such short order. And look how treesy it is! That looks like so much fun. Well, not the hard work and PI and creeper, but the part about being out in the woods for a week.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 09, 2008 - 05:40 am:

Sunday Evening June 8...The heat of the day sure made me miserable...I am missing the cool air of the mountain sorely. Tomorrow is supposed to be 90...sigh...looks like another yuck day even with the A/C...finally got to kick it off around 9 pm as it was beginning to have a nice cool breeze out and the humidity dropped once the sun went down. Finally got the truck unloaded and most of the gear stowed. Pulled the sleeping bags to wash...don’t want to get poison ivy the next time we use them. Now there will be a mountain of laundry to start tomorrow morning...looks like my day will be starting early so I can get it all dry before the day turns miserable. Forecast is saying it will be hot and is advising people to stay indoors to avoid the high, makes me miss the mountain that much more. Looking through the pictures today it came to mind that one of the reasons that I enjoy being on the mountain so much is that it brings out my inner child...the pictures reflect how I see the mountain...every rock, plant and tree is something to inspect and oooh and ahhh over, much like my kids and grandkids have done...the blooming things catch my eye and off I go to see what smell this wonderful looking plant may have. Sparkling, shiny rocks catch my eye in the grass or up on the hill and I must stop and pick it up to see what makes it catch the sun. The majesty of the great trees that tower all around make me feel very tiny as I look up in time to see the puffy cotton ball clouds pass close enough to almost touch. Around the campfire, tiny sparks rise as the wood pops over the hot coals...the flames dancing in shades of deep orange, yellows, and blues....I gaze into the fire and am hypnotized by the dance of the flames as they consume the wood. The trees frame the sky and the stars look like diamonds on black velvet, again so close you can almost reach out and touch them. The shadows of the nearby mountain peaks are visible through the tops of the trees if you look just right. Night birds call from just behind and up the mountain...down below, another answers and the chatter begins and continues throughout the next few hours. Its hard to want to go to bed from being so excited about being here...I want to touch, listen, see and smell everything around this beautiful spot. Exhaustion finally wins out and I head off to the tent...The next morning brings the same exhilaration as I wake to the brilliant light of the sun shining through the tent door...its barely 6:30 am, yet I am unable to remain in bed...there’s too much to see and I might miss something...where is that bird that is singing so sweet? Wow, the Mountain Laurel is sure smelling good this morning...and the hint of the Honeysuckle and blooming Yellow Poplars mingling together makes me feel like a giddy little I go to explore the mountain in the early morning sun, stopping to admire the way the light plays on the leaves of the trees and picks up the glitter of the mica and feldspar scattered all around. I stop to oooh over a group of fern growing in the middle of the upper property road and look, there’s another species...oh, so many new plants to identify!! Again I stop to admire a patch of moss growing in the road to the upper property...oh and check out the way that tree is growing on that rock outcropping...its roots are growing out and have wrapped tightly around the rock ...granddaddy longlegs are cool to watch as they hurry along the ground...back I go to the campsite and begin the day with DH who is now up and ready for food...more exploring will come as I help with the clearing of the stuff he has cut.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 09, 2008 - 06:14 am:

More of the mountain: These Daisy looking flowers were all over the bottom lot before DH began clearing. These are growing along the road as well. Beginning of the driveway going to second campsite All of the next few are before the clearing first tree across driveway second tree across driveway Second campsite before clearing
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 09, 2008 - 11:40 am:

It's 1:15 pm and the temperatures have climbed to 88 degrees...with the humidity it feels like 95...the sky is clear with no trace of clouds or rain...I miss the mountain...even with the A/C cranking, the fans running and house closed tight, I'm still hot and sweaty. Each of the big dogs has staked out a vent and are hogging all of the cool A/ wonder the house is so hot!! Got a surprise visit from my landlord/boss a bit ago...HOORAY!!!!!!!....he has finally decided to replace me with a real live bookkeeper!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! I'M FREEEEEEE!!!!! I've been telling him for the past year that this is an area I am totally unfamiliar with as well as trying to learn the Quikbooks program...seems I've got a few things messed up and the accountant is having to straighten it out...oh, well...I told him in the beginning that I didn't have a clue as to what I was strong point is being computer literate and able to learn the various programs...all of which takes time when you are trying to learn on your own. But, now he is ready to hire a real live bookkeeper to come in...that's what happens when people try to be cheap...he only wants to pay minimum wage and expects what??? I'm truly relieved to not have to be working for him any longer. On the other hand, he did ask about our property in NC and why we didn't just move up there...had to explain that we have a ton of work up there to do before we can put any type of structure there...then turned it back on him and asked again if he had ever decided on a price for this GF who works at the farm had already told me that he had brought the subject up to her while we were gone and she told him I was pretty ticked because he wouldn't give me a figure on the property...he told her that the reason he hadn't given me a figure was because HE doesn't feel like we could afford it...HA!! I can afford to pay him rent for the place, but he doesn't think I can afford a mortgage???? THAT pisses me off to no end as he has NEVER even pulled my credit record. But, I'M FREEEEEEEE!!!!! Told him I had been thinking about it all the way home and that I was actually on my way down to talk to him about finding someone else to do the job anyway as I didn't feel I needed the stress that this job brings to me. I know I tend to stress over things when I don't feel I understand what I'm doing well enough to suit me. Just glad that's over with now...I'm planning to go back to the mountain next month anyway...woohoo!!!

Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 07:50 am:

Nice cool start to the day, wish it would stay like this, but there's no way that will happen. At 7:00 am its already 73 degrees...the skies are overcast, but the sun is beginning to break through the clouds. We are having storms across the state around us, but not directly in our area. The forecast is for highs in the 90's today with 50% chance of afternoon rains. We watered everything last night after the sun began to drop. My GF who housesat had said my cukes weren't looking too good while we were gone...checked the garden and it just looks like they could have used a bit of water...they are all still hanging on though and should perk back up. The vegetable garden looks terrible at this time...DH asked me last night why I don't just till it all under and re-plant...might just do that if I can find a cool enough day. Hmmm, something that might just happen now that I don't have to go down to the farm... In the front beds things are looking pretty good...the Lavender has had something gnawing at it, noticed the white foamy looking sappy stuff between some of the leaves while I was watering...hard spray knocked it off and I "washed" it down as good as I could. The Cannas still haven't set blooms, but look very nice as they are filling in their space. Looks like something has eaten two of the Basil plants down to ground...had four when I left and now there are two... The mint is spreading out a bit, I just think it has grown way too hot too quick and most of the gardens are beginning to suffer from the heat and lack of rain. Checked my Sweet Potato vine when I was in the garden and something has been feasting on that as well...every single leaf has been nipped off. When we left, it was blooming and full of leaves, growing like a weed. DH came in with some pretty interesting news last night...his boss had asked about the trip and while they were talking, mentioned that he knows of a fifth wheel camper for sale very cheap. We shall have to take a look and see if we think it will do. Will still have to get a vehicle to tow it as nothing we own is set up for fifth wheel towing. We are also looking into picking up a small 4x4 jeep type vehicle for leaving on the mountain. Just something that we can use while we are there to run stuff up and down. Speaking of the mountain...when I told DH what the landlord had said about why don't we just move up there, it almost made him mad...can't say as I blame him, it almost made me mad. I mean, I could understand the landlord saying something like that if I was always late with my rent or he was having to chase me down for it...but, I've been there like clock work with my rent check the first of the month and he hasn't had any problem with my checks. I think the man is just pissed because it didn't bother me when he said he was replacing me. He just doesn't realize how much of a relief it was to hear those words...he is the one who begged me to come down and help them, even after I told him it was an area I wasn't familiar with. Actually, its his loss...I'm the one who has been making his airline reservations when he and the wife want to travel. So, now he can use a travel agent or have his son do the booking for them. Pretty sad, the man has five kids, four of whom live in the area and only the oldest, who doesn't live in state right now, comes to visit his dad or comes in to help out. None of his grandkids, who are adults, even come out to the farm....sounds to me as if they all have realized that the man wants everything done for nothing. More mountain pictures: DH at Second campsite Middle of second campsite before clearing Second site after cleared and getting setup
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 09:48 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 07:50 am:
...when I told DH what the landlord had said about why don't we just move up there, it almost made him mad...can't say as I blame him, it almost made me mad.
I don't even know you two and it made me mad. LOL! I've always despised people who make assumptions about other people. But now you are FREE!! Hooray! (Your story reminds me of when my husband and I were looking for a house to buy. We had found one in NH that we liked, on a river. We decided that we also wanted the adjacent lot; I have no idea why the homeowner was selling it separately. The homeowner told our agent that we needed to put X amount of extra money down on our loan. His reasoning was that we had never owned a home before and he didn't think we'd be able to make the payments without putting more money down. I was ticked and couldn't figure out what business that was of his, what he was basing it on, or how he'd even be able to make such an assumption, especially since we were already pre-approved. I was royally ticked, so we took back the deposit we'd already put down to hold the house and said no thanks. Our agent called us a few days later to say that the homeowner had changed his mind and we could have both properties without putting any extra money down. We said no thanks again. We bought our current house (for a whole lot more money than that house and lot were going for) just shortly thereafter, and that other house and the adjacent lot just sat around on the market. The guy reduced the price after awhile and it still sat there for months. Meanwhile, he'd already bought a house somewhere else, back before we'd even looked at the house, so he was paying two mortgages that whole time. Served him right, IMO. Some people apparently have a lot of nerve and no brains. LOL.)
Valia Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 10:11 am:

Re: the landlord -- What goes around comes around. I love your camping pictures. Reminds me of our spot on Huckleberry Mountain. I sure hope we get to spend more than 4 days up there this year. The plan is 10 weeks, but I'm not counting on it. The trailer sounds like an answer to a prayer, if only you could find a way to get it there.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 09:48 am:
I don't even know you two and it made me mad.
LOL...thanks DJ...hearing that makes me feel much better, sometimes I think that I'm just being too critical or opinionated about things, but hearing from others that my feelings are justified about things like the landlord is uplifting to say the least. If I hadn't already been down this road prior to renting this place I might have been a bit blindsided by this man...our old house before this one had similar circumstances...the owner who we originally rented from had told DH that once we got the house fixed (we had to totally rebuild the inside)he would apply ALL of the money towards the purchase of the house...we had over ten years of remodeling and around 60k in that house and it was needing about 30k more to make it finished. Actually lived in the place for nine years while we continued to work on it. We were married in that house three years before we moved in. The last year we were there, he decided he wanted triple what we had in it written contract basically meant we were screwed. Told DH I'd live in the truck before I gave the man one more dime and began looking for a new place at that time. We walked away from the place and all of the hard work we put in it. That was the year everything in Florida jumped crazy high property wise...he thought he was going to make a million dollar sale on that piece of land...took him over two years to get someone else in it and HE had to spend cash to get it completed. Told DH I'd never go that route again...I'm a firm believer in current landlord did write a lease for us, but I think it expires this fall...this Nov will mark our third year here. He also has known since day one that I really wanted to purchase this place eventually...just needed a price to see if it was something we would be able to handle...taxes here are so outrageous that while I might be able to handle the mortgage, taking care of the crazy taxes could have been the stopper. Looks like I won't have to worry about that now...he can continue to pay the higher tax because its a rental instead of being homesteaded.
Valia wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 10:11 am:
I love your camping pictures. Reminds me of our spot on Huckleberry Mountain. I sure hope we get to spend more than 4 days up there this year.
Glad you enjoyed them Anne...this is the first trip we've made to the mountain since July of 2003...I'm hoping you get your ten weeks on your mountain...I'm also hoping that we get the chance to go back up in July as planned...I'm missing it very much as the heat increases daily here. You are also very right about the camper...I'm hoping it will work out and as for a vehicle...not really an issue...DH is a mechanic and we seem to live a bit of a charmed life when it comes to horse trading...if his boss knows of the camper, could be there's a fifth wheel setup that we will be able to use either on DH's worktruck or another vehicle we are currently putting together to sell....and of course we also have junkyard connections and both of us love going through junkyards looking for usable parts....might be able to find what we need in a broke truck. Otherwise, could just have to make an offer to a couple of friends with fifth wheel connections on their vehicles to haul it up the mountain for us...we shall just have to wait and see. More mountain pictures to be posted soon...I think I have about 200 to go through and edit so I can post a few of the better a good many of the dash in the truck and my grimy windshield with streaked trees whizzing by that no one but me would know what and where they were taken. Guess that's what happens when you try to slide under the dash to keep from seeing the cars zooming down the steep, narrow mountain roads heading at what seems like straight at you!! As I said...looks like I've been in low country waaaayyyy tooooo long...once loved flying around those mountain curves...about twenty years or so ago...hahahaha...age is taking a toll on this old woman...hahahaha...just can't seem to stand the sight of a ravine dropping straight down right outside my window as we whiz around a curve....told DH I'd have to drive that road every day for a month straight before I got comfortable on it again. I spent over fifteen years in Indiana driving on snow and ice when I was much younger...but I'm not too sure I want to really drive on snow or ice just yet...definitely need to be up there for several months (ok, YEARS)...before I attempt that type of adventure. Will take a bit of time before I am comfortable on those steep, twisty roads again. I know it comes right back...but it sure is a long slide down the mountain if I happen to miss a curve up there!!
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:51 pm:

Sis stopped in on her way to pick up a friend coming in to town by bus...seems the gal got bumped due to over booking on the bus and won't be here now until after of joys...we could always run over to Orlando and pick her up, but neither of us even has a clue where the bus station is in Orlando...doing good to keep up with where they've moved it in Daytona. About the time sis left to pick up her friend the weather started moving in...the power actually flipped off for a few seconds as she was pulling out of the driveway and again just a few minutes later. Of course it just had to start storming when she was leaving...thunder had been rolling in for almost an hour before she left, but around here, sometimes that is all we get...noise. The storm only lasted about fifteen minutes, dropped a tiny amount of rain and gave us some pretty sky to ground lightning strikes...ok, I can live WITHOUT the lightning thank you. A couple of those cracks were pretty close. As dry as we are...lightning is NOT welcome...just another way for wildfires to start. According to the weather...we are back up in the high 600's on the drought index again...not good if we are having lightning. Come on tropical storms...bring us some good rain!! From the looks of things, the afternoon rains should be coming our way all week...of course this also means the humidity will be miserable as the sun turns it to steam...uuuuggghhh...Mountains, take me AWAAAYYY!!! The A/C is still cranking and the fans are on...with the rain outside, its almost comfortable inside at the moment...but I do need to get the yard mowed...our first morning back, DH let the dogs out only to have to call them back in due to a pygmy rattler who was being investigated by my youngest dog Mojo...DH spotted the snake next to the foundation at the front steps and chased it off into the brushy stuff to keep the dogs away from it...two days later we heard a tourist was bitten by a rattler in Orlando at one of the resort hotels...just because they are in town doesn't mean they are safe from snakes...there are numerous tropical plants around the landscapes and the snakes have to live somewhere. The one DH ran off was pretty fair size for the species...about 18 to 24 inches and probably as big as my thumb at his widest area. I'm not real scared of the snakes, but I do have a healthy respect for them and try to watch where I'm walking out in the yard because I know they are around. Later yesterday, DH and DS spotted a three or four foot black snake in the back pasture...looks like everyone is either looking for a mate or water to shed their skin...we've found several full skins out back...each has been over three feet long. Got the laundry started while sis was's ready for the second wash now...I'm not taking ANY chance of spreading PI/Creeper by coming in contact with it through our clothing or camping gear the next time we use it. Everything is getting washed in HOT water and ran through with an extra rinse and then ran through the wash cycle again before it goes to the dryer. Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm going to use on my boots which are leather and have padding on the inside...the sneakers are getting tossed into the washer and if they live good...otherwise they'll be replaced as I have several pi blisters across the top of one foot. By the time its all over, I'll probably be just getting this bout of pi cleared up about the time we decide to head back to the least if we go back in July this year it won't be near as overgrown and I'll be able to SEE the stuff before I get near it!!
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 03:20 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:
Told DH I'd live in the truck before I gave the man one more dime
I love it! LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:
took him over two years to get someone else in it and HE had to spend cash to get it completed
Anne hit the nail on the head: what goes around, comes around. That guy got it really bad. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:
sometimes I think that I'm just being too critical or opinionated about things
I know what you mean. Sugar and spice and everything nice... Some people apparently know how to drag out the spice in us. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:
looks like I've been in low country waaaayyyy tooooo long
Have you ever been to Bok Tower in Lake Wales? It isn't anything like the mountain, but when you've been living in the flatlands for so long, it's quite a treat to finally have a bird's eye view. It's one of my favorite places.
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:19 pm:
just can't seem to stand the sight of a ravine dropping straight down right outside my window as we whiz around a curve
One of my earliest memories is of riding in my Grandma's lap in an old red truck with my Mom and Dad on some curvy mountain road in CO. There was an indentation in the road, as in part of the dirt road had slipped away down the mountain, and my Dad managed to hit the nothingness with one wheel of the truck. I thought we were all going to die, either from falling down the mountain or from banging our heads on the ceiling of the cab. That was traumatic enough that I guess I will never forget it. (Maybe I should have kept that story to myself, what with you already dreading the curves and dropoffs. LOL.)
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:51 pm:
Mountains, take me AWAAAYYY!!!
I think you can buy that kind of relief in a store. It's called Calgon. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 12:51 pm:
I'll probably be just getting this bout of pi cleared up about the time we decide to head back to the mountain.
You know it. HAHA!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 09:15 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 03:20 pm:
One of my earliest memories is of riding in my Grandma's lap in an old red truck with my Mom and Dad on some curvy mountain road in CO.
Hahaha...I can relate to that very well...I've been riding on these mountain roads in NC since I was about three or four years old...we lived in NC when I was young and my father would take us on day trips to the mountains...he was a cop at the time and loved to show off his driving taking the curves as fast as possible...with four very young kids in the car. This was in the early 60's when the interstate roads were nothing like they are today...the route we used to travel between NC and KY/IN where my grandparents lived is a very treacherous route...DH and I ran that road in 1998 and I can tell you it is one twisty road. The last time I travelled it as a kid, I was in fifth grade and it was winter when we moved back to IN...many accidents that time due to heavy snow and mom was an emotional wreck because of my father's driving.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 03:20 pm:
I think you can buy that kind of relief in a store. It's called Calgon. LOL!
Hahahahah...yeah, but it just don't feel the same!!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 09:27 am:

Another muggy, humid,day here in central Florida...85 degrees and somewhat overcast skies at the moment. Our forecast is for afternoon storms again...hope we do get some decent rain...the lightning sparked a few fires yesterday and there were some very heavy storms west of us in the Orlando area that caused quite a bit of damage. NO MORE LIGHTNING!!! My Sunsprite is really beginning to pick up speed in the way she is growing...only a little over a week ago, she was just over 8 inches tall...when we got home, she had shot up to almost 18 inches tall and had produced a little bud!!!! I'm so pleased with the recovery she has made in such a short time. this cage is 17 1/2 inches tall and she's almost to the top!! Her little bud should open in about a week or so...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 10:58 am:

That's a nice cage you have for Sunsprite. What kind of mesh is that? I'd like to find something like that for my cucurbit seedlings. Some of them have already gone missing.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 11:09 am:

Its some type of what is called Screen cloth and you are correct in that it is pretty fine. I've only seen it here in very small quantity lengths at Lowe's and the Tractor Supply. For some reason ya can't seem to find the stuff in any type of real "roll" about 25 to 50 feet...only seems to come in less than ten foot pieces here. This cage was already here when we moved in...lots of this type of stuff hidden in the grass, and left in the shed...who knows what they were trying to "capture" with all of the cage stuff...I'm still trying to figure it
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 11:49 am:

Although the rain has held off, the skies are beginning to fill with more clouds...its 87 degrees, but with the cloud cover, not too bad. Managed to get half of the front side yard cut before I ran out of gas...ooopppsss!...I'm sure DH will fuss about that, although I did managed to get the mower back pretty close to the shed area before it stopped completely. This is one of the mowers we picked up for free just before we left and was my first time on it today....not a bad mower, but still isn't my Yazoo...the 'zoo has a four foot deck out front and this is about a three foot belly deck...the 'zoo is still my favorite. The yard is looking much better on that side, so I can hardly wait to finish the front...just have to locate the gas and see if I need to go get more...may have to "chirp" DH and see if he recalls what they did with the can. Ah, well, can always fire up the weedeater and do some of the trimming that this mower least I know where that gas can is...grin. I'm sure I'll be hearing DH fuss about the tree debris I ran over...its ok if HE mows over it, but I must pick it up...yeah, right...been running over pine cones and little branches since we moved here, and I ain't about to stop now. Besides, when I'm done, the yard doesn't look like a fresh mown hayfield...I prefer the more manicured look and will ride over the clippings repeatedly until they are spread pretty thin. Just a difference in how we mow... If I don't get the backyard done soon, I'll be having to break out the big boy...tractor and brush hog mower...its getting pretty thick and high as well. GF told me we got a pretty good amount of rain here while we were the grass is really growing, in spite of drought conditions. I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and till under everything in the garden, except the tomatoes, which are still producing. The cukes are looking pretty sad and the Broccoli, well who knows what's going on there. Since the Sweet Potato vine has been stripped, I'm not sure it will do anything either. The remainder of the garden I've already chopped out with the hoe, with the exception of the few carrots that remain. They shall be plucked out in the next couple of days. SIGH...looks like I really need to break out the weedeater and run it along the back side of the trailer...the grass and weeds are taking over and have surrounded the A/C unit and back patio area. Snake haven for sure...just hate to hack out the fern that grows there, but I am not sticking my hands in that wild growth to weed it out. Can't wear my gloves at this point with a huge, whelpy, pi blister on my one finger...already tried to knock it open while I was on the mower. Will sure be glad when this stuff is gone...tired of the blisters already...grin. I know the fern will just come back that much thicker once its cut out...been cutting it out since we've been here and its come back thick as ever...its a wild growing species here. At least I won't have to miss the fern when I move to the mountain...I have several varieties growing wild there as well. Almost have all of the laundry from the trip caught up...sleeping bags are the last of the things left to wash. Everything went on a super long wash cycle, with an extra rinse...then I re-ran the same load in the same cycle a second time before drying. Should make it safe to use once more...was washed in hot water as well. My hands, arms and legs are shiny tight from the drying effect of the soaps I'm using to wash the pi areas...I'm considering cutting some Aloe and see if that helps...I thought I recalled reading somewhere that Aloe does relieve the pi itch and helps moisturize the skin as well...always seem to forget about my Aloe being such a great source for healing...I already know how useful it is for other skin issues. For now, the use of the Tecnu (I always seem to misspell it, but this is the correct spelling from the label) and I'm also alternating with good old Ajax for dishes (grease releaser should work on pi oils)...slather that stuff on and let it sit before I rub it in while rinsing in very warm water...holding the itch to a minimum and very little new spreading of the pi due to weeping. That stuff really dries my skin out...hopefully its doing the same to the
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 01:25 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 11:09 am:
Its some type of what is called Screen cloth and you are correct in that it is pretty fine. I've only seen it here in very small quantity lengths at Lowe's and the Tractor Supply.
Thank you very much. I'm going to have to see if I can find that around here.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 11:09 am:
who knows what they were trying to "capture" with all of the cage stuff...I'm still trying to figure it
LOL. Sounds like some of the stuff we find lying around this place. Mostly sheep torture devices, as far as I can tell. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008 - 09:31 am:

My computer crashed on Thursday morning...lost everything once I had to re-format the hard drive...jeez, you'd think after all these years and the number of computers I've owned that I would be a fanatic about backing up the system...but, sigh...I'm not and as a result have now lost roughly a thousand or so pictures that were on the system when it crashed. still limping along, but will hopefully be back up and running well in another couple of days. Posting may be a bit sketchy until I get things back to normal
Heirloomgardens Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008 - 03:09 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Sunday, June 15, 2008 - 09:31 am:
My computer crashed on Thursday morning...lost everything once I had to re-format the hard drive... [...] as a result have now lost roughly a thousand or so pictures
UGH!! What a nightmare! I am so sorry to hear about that. You seem remarkably calm, though. You must have had quite a nice little tirade to let it all out. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 06:12 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Sunday, June 15, 2008 - 03:09 pm:
You seem remarkably calm, though
Hey, calm is not a word to use when describing fussed and cussed for four days before I finally caved and took it to the Geek that time, the computer its self was giving me the message that the hard drive was failing and to replace saving grace...the system is still under extended warranty until next summer...WOOHOO! They replaced the drive with a much larger one, went from 80 gig to 240 for me. I did have them upgrade the memory while I was there, so now should run much quicker. On the plus side, if it dies extended warranty with Best Buy will replace it completely, the entire computer. I LIKE that in a warranty...grin. This has been my year for extended warranty replacements. Just glad I have them! Got lots to post to catch up the journal so be prepared to have tired eyes when I'm done...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 12:04 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 06:12 am:
Got lots to post to catch up the journal so be prepared to have tired eyes when I'm done...
LOL. I am glad to see you back. You were out of commission for quite a while. It's summer already. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 07:06 am:

Hey DJ...felt like an eternity without the computer...had to laugh when I took the laptop in to the Geek of the comments on the service form was regarding the "heavy use marks on the keyboard"...well DUH...I'm only on the thing like most of the day...and why shouldn't there be use showing after two years? Just struck me odd that the wear would be unusual... will try to get my journal caught up later today.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 09:26 am:

Sounds like my laptop. When I gave it to my son, I had to explain that the keyboard really DOES have an 'N', it's just been worn off. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:

Computer Crash Journal...part 1 Thursday June 12: Computer crashed…have attempted to recover the system…finally found all the software…SIGH…have forgotten how long loading software can take. Sad part…I’ve lost pictures, almost 2000, some of which are not replaceable. You’d think after all of the computer issues I’ve had over the years that I would be backing up my system daily…Unfortunately, I had just uploaded several discs while we were on the mountain and the computer crashed before I had a chance to burn any of them to a cd. Sunsprite continues to grow like a weed in our high humidity and heat. We’ve been getting some afternoon rains…WOOHOOO!! Temps are in the low 90’s during the day and low to mid 70’s at night. Friday June 13: Still working on the computer…Seems its having issues loading some major component- GREAT- on the plus side, its still under warranty, so if this doesn’t work, I’ll be taking it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Will Re-format the drive and see if I can get it up and running. Another HOT, miserably HUMID day of 90 degree heat. The A/C is cranking, but sure doesn’t feel like its doing much….GREAT…now I’m just running it so I can fork out more cash to the Electric Company. DON’T THINK SO!! DH will need to look at the stupid thing…it acts like its freezing up again. Just had the A/C guy out at the end of last summer for this very reason. He just gave it a shot of Freon. Hope to get more mowing done, began last night. The mower is on the battery charger for now…got part of the front yard done yesterday evening before the rains began. HOORAY!!! The mower decided to start for me!! Got the rest of the front yard cut and part of the back yard before it got too hot and the mower ran out of gas. Good enough for now. By the time DH gets in, the heat should be starting to drop some. No rain today, just heat…low 90’s most of the day. 9pm: Got the rest of the back yard cut and the front portion of the pasture. Had to stop when I ran out of daylight as the mower does not have lights! Made sure to tuck the chickens in…something killed a Dove in their pen overnight…same way as Goldie…just feathers everywhere. Saturday June 14: My GF who house sat is coming in to have DH do her brakes…part of her payment for house sitting. Guess I need to go pick up the parts. OH JEEEEZZZZ!!! Can’t believe I made the trip all the way in to town WITHOUT taking my wallet…NO DRIVER LICENSE, NO CASH, NO CARDS!! Didn’t even realize it until I went to pay for the parts! DUH!!! Where IS my brain today? I picked up my keys and phone, but totally missed my wallet, which was UNDER my keys! SIGH…must have been a "senior" moment…OH NO!!! SAY IT AIN’T SO!!!! By the time I got home to pick up my wallet, the oldest son was here wanting me to take him to the bank and cash a check for him…Off to town one more time! My GF was here when we got back…DH can finally start on her brakes. The oldest son left to pick up his younger brother...JOY…they brought the dogs with them and the GD’s pup…who was here earlier and pottied on the area rug in the house…DH and DS pulled the rug outside…YUCK!!! DH plans to pressure wash it later. Turned the A/C off, it isn’t doing much…barely feel any air…must be frozen again. The youngest son came to work on his project car out back…hope he gets it out of here soon. It was only supposed to be a TWO WEEK project and has now been here over THREE MONTHS. GRRRRRRR….his dogs are Destroying my front flower beds and it seems I’m the only one who cares!! I’m ready to take a STICK to them and HIM! Great…NOW WHO is in my driveway?? Looks like the guy DH has done work for in the past who has been calling for the last month….CAN YOU NOT TAKE A HINT???? If you don’t get the calls returned or answered, do you NOT understand that WE ARE NOT interested in doing work for you? DH had stopped doing work for him after having several items, which were supposed to be part of his payment, sold before he could pick them up from the guy. The last was a truck that the man sold to a scrap yard we deal with. The man told DH that the crew who did the demolition had destroyed the truck…found out from the scrap yard that the man contracted with them to remove the truck…even though he knew DH was coming to pick it up…The man SOLD it for scrap and DH was just out the cash that was owed…I get VERY evil when people do things like this to my man. Double dealing, two faced people don’t need to expect an answer when they call wanting more work done. Makes me mad when DH gives a price, which is usually WAYYYY below everyone else and then the person wants it done even cheaper…LOSE THIS PHONE NUMBER!!! These are my first words to them!! DH agreed to look at the machine the man had towed out here…and left in my yard….I AM NOT happy with DH over this. Finally, the kids and their dogs have left. I told the youngest if he isn’t going to keep them under control then he doesn’t need to bring them out here. A VERY STRESSFUL day. On the plus side, DH pulled the A/C unit apart and discovered it just needed cleaned…had about an inch thick "fur coat" on the inside coil…got that cleaned off with the shop vac and he cleaned the area around it as well. WOOHOO!! Back to blowing ICE COLD AIR!!!! Hasn’t worked this well since we’ve been here! I am truly surprised that the A/C guy who was here last year didn’t even bother to see "WHY" the darn thing was freezing, especially as I had told him it had been ran WITHOUT a filter for God knows how long and I had just installed a new one. Shouldn’t surprise me though, we’ve had to repair the vent system from one end of the house to the other. Sunday June 15: Happy Father’s Day!! Ok…the computer is now giving me a very Familiar message…"Hard drive failure imminent- Back up your information and Replace the Hard Drive"…GREAT, just what I figured…SIGH…Looks like I will be heading to Best Buy at the beginning of the week. DH slept in and was only out of bed for a short time before the boys, granddaughter and three dogs showed up. Of course the first place the dogs head for is my flower beds….I AM SOOOOO over this crap! Spent my entire day screeching at the youngest son’s dogs and MINE about the flower bed. Finally DEMANDED that the boy get up and deal with his dogs….after six hours of me screeching and him ignoring his dogs’ behavior. Told BOTH boys…DO NOT BRING YOUR DOGS out here again. DH got mad at me because I was mad over the dogs…her ran OUR dogs off the porch out in the rain because I was still yelling at the BOYS’ dogs. WHAATTT???? Why are you mad at ME? THEY are YOUR sons and its THEIR dogs that are destroying MY plants. Don’t I count? NOW I AM FURIOUS!!!!! Monday June 16: Same ol same ol…Still upset over yesterday. DH left for work without saying a word…this only makes me more upset as he is refusing to deal with the problem. Spent my morning on a rant, screeching to myself about the situation. Got to get this anger out. Mostly its hurt feelings, but the lack of support over things the boys do that upset me really makes me mad. Have decided to go shopping…make me mad…ok…now I’m spending YOUR cash! Had to go to the bank anyway to make a deposit that WASN’T made when DH cashed his check….another sore spot with me. Have decided to really work on cleaning the house…something I’ve let go because of working. DH doesn’t help much when I’m working…SIGH….amazing sometimes just how much changes over the years….DH used to help keep things up when I worked. Any more though, it seems its expected that I do the yard, the house, the bills, the shopping and WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME….I NEED a husband WHY??? We’ve had this discussion several times. So as he has stopped helping out, I’ve stopped cleaning the house. Figure when HE"S tired of looking at the mess HE can clean it. Right now though, I’M the one who is tired of seeing the clutter. Went and bought a NEW Vacuum cleaner so I could begin the hated chore. My old canister model is such a pain as it barely sucks dirt, let alone dog hair. The ancient Kirby upright that DH brought home from a motel Demolition job is an even bigger pain to run. I’m tired of having to fight the machines to clean the house, so I bought a new one that I think will work out just fine. Picked up a Eureka Capture…has the cyclonic action…works extremely well getting the dirt and hair out of my carpet. I am tickled to be able to clean without aggravation!!!! DH came home in a better mood…still won’t speak about the boys though. Seemed surprised to see the new vacuum box, and even more so when I told him I got it because I was through fighting with the old ones….his remark "I didn’t know we needed a new vacuum cleaner"…told him the others…ALL of them…were junk as far as I was concerned and he could do whatever he wished with them. I understand his not wanting to throw away working appliances, but I’m over having to dismantle and work on them just so I can sweep a floor. As I had spent the entire day moving furniture and using the new sweeper, he didn’t say much more…Guess HE’S just glad I’m in the mood to clean.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 12:30 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
Can’t believe I made the trip all the way in to town WITHOUT taking my wallet…NO DRIVER LICENSE, NO CASH, NO CARDS!!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
Have decided to go shopping…make me mad…ok…now I’m spending YOUR cash!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
I NEED a husband WHY???
Too funny. I read something just recently that said that women do about 16 hours less housework per week than X number of years ago (don't remember how many X was), but that husbands have added 7 hours of housework for women to do per week in those X years. LOL!!
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
Figure when HE"S tired of looking at the mess HE can clean it. Right now though, I’M the one who is tired of seeing the clutter.
Yeah, you should probably get used to that. I've read that men don't see the clutter. *snort*
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
The ancient Kirby upright that DH brought home from a motel Demolition job is an even bigger pain to run. I’m tired of having to fight the machines to clean the house, so I bought a new one that I think will work out just fine. Picked up a Eureka Capture…has the cyclonic action…works extremely well getting the dirt and hair out of my carpet. I am tickled to be able to clean without aggravation!!!!
I wonder how long it'll be before you change that tune. LOL! All I've wanted for years is an old Filter Queen like my Mom and Grandmother used to have. Modern day vacuums are garbage, IMO. We just had our Oreck repaired. I've had it for several years, which is more than I can say for most other modern vacs I've had (well, since a Singer I had as an undergrad, anyway).
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:41 am:
As I had spent the entire day moving furniture and using the new sweeper, he didn’t say much more…Guess HE’S just glad I’m in the mood to clean.
*snort* Pfft! ROFL!! Do you have one of those inflatable punching bag clowns? My husband says I need one, and after reading these last entries of yours, I think you sound a lot like me. LOL!! (No offense meant, obviously! LOL!)
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 01:04 pm:

Computer Crash Journal…part 2 Tuesday June 17: Another HOT, Muggy day…We’ve been getting afternoon rains since Sunday. The A/C is cranking once more as I have spent my morning dragging furniture around trying to decide if there is some other way to arrange this living room. There isn’t…SIGH…I miss my huge old house… With the new TV being a flat panel model, it has worked out well in its "new" location. Got things set finally where I am happy. Still haven’t made it to Best Buy to take the computer in for repair….maybe tomorrow. The PI/creeper has finally dried out and is gone…YAY!!!! Record time for me on this stuff. Ms Piggy has laid her FIRST egg!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! FINALLY! It was about the size of those that Red lays, but a soft shell, kinda reminded me of a super size turtle egg. She laid it in the box where they all roost at night. So glad she’s going to start laying…was beginning to worry about her becoming egg bound as she is nearing one year old now. Wednesday June 18: Got the living room straightened and vacuumed early…started on the porch after that. Today is forecast to be another scorcher with more afternoon rain. Laundry is started and its not even 8am yet! DH is about to discover how OCD I can be when I’m in cleaning mode…Sis discovered how anal I am about keeping things picked up and organized when we shared an apartment for a short time. If I’m going to take the time to clean…Don’t you DARE mess it up! Just waiting now for Best Buy to open so I can take the computer in. Two stops while I’m in town today… Best Buy and the Grocery. Haven’t been to the grocery since we got home from the mountain…we are out of everything. Finally home again…WHEW…it is miserable outside. Seems every time I go to Best Buy it rains. Dropped the computer off…estimated time is about a week…way better than the month it took for my last one. It is still under extended warranty for another year, so it isn’t going to cost me anything…..YEAH!!!! Got to really appreciate extended warranties…its been my year for having things replaced under extended warranties it seems. Ran into the rain going to Best Buy and out of it as I headed back towards our end of town. Made it to the grocery, only have to go back now for dog food in a few days….only have room for one bag in my can and this one is still over 1/3 full. The rains have been coming late in the afternoon…today is a pretty bad storm that’s heading towards us…high winds, lightning and possible hail…not good. So far, our area isn’t in that watch…glad for that. With all this rain, I’ll be having to mow again this weekend. Got the chicken coop cleaned out and new hay in…carried the old out to the garden area….I’m ready to till it all under and start again…pulled all but three tomato plants and the sweet potato vine out. Had DH get the tiller attachment out and ready for me…WOW…I REALLY like this little thing! Got about half the area tilled under…rains are heading in and I spotted sky to ground lightning in the western sky…ok, I’m through playing now…The sky has turned a wicked shade of grey green and the winds are beginning to swirl around…not a good sign…reminds me of being in the Midwest during Tornado weather…I’ve seen that sky before!!! Put the machine away and got the chickens in the coop early, just as the rain began to fall in big, hard drops. The temps have really dropped as the sun dropped and the rains fall…turned the A/C off and opened the windows and porch door. Small power outage…only lasted a few minutes as the storm moved through. Thursday June 19: The morning is starting out very nice…cool temps around 70 degrees, very low humidity right now before the sun begins baking the rain soaked yard. Rained quite a bit through out the night. Got Sis to go online with me over the phone so I could take care of some bills…life sucks without my computer, especially since I do everything online. Watching the birds out front at the feeders…we have a pair of Yellow Belly Sapsuckers with a young one visiting daily right now…will have to see if I can get a picture…never seem to have the camera handy when they are all at the feeder. There is also a pair of Ruby throated Humming birds that visit the Shell Ginger, Hibiscus, Crape Myrtle and Bottle Brush tree everyday. They seem to enjoy many of the same plants that attract the Butterflies. The newest pair of birds hasn’t been seen this morning…we may have a pair of Florida Scrub Jays taking up residence close by….Haven’t made a positive ID as yet…will have to wait until my computer comes home. The pair is a gorgeous bright blue with a rusty coloring on their breasts…not quite as dark as the Robin, but rusty just the same. Would be sweet IF they ARE Scrubs as they are endangered. The Wild Turkey hens haven’t been here much the past few days. Have two hens that bring their hatchlings to the feeder. A lone Tom comes in every now and then. Several Cardinal Families bring their young daily and even the Blue Jays hang out squawking and screeching. Mourning Doves seem intent on suicide as they somehow manage to forget how to get out of the chicken pen and wildly slam into every side and the top of the pen before exhausting themselves and dropping to the ground. The squirrels have a great time raiding the feeder….until I open the door so the dogs can chase them back to the safety of the pines. It has become a great game for the boys to play chase the squirrels….too funny watching my big dogs trip over each other as they race down the steps and round the corner of the porch as they head out across the yard after the squirrels. By the time they make it out the door, the squirrels are usually within a few feet of the pines. Don’t mind sharing with the squirrels, but the little buggers start sitting in the feeders hogging everything and chasing the birds off…well, enough is enough. The day has grown more humid and as the temperature climbs to 90, the air feels like a sauna and very steamy. Is it any wonder I have no desire to be outside? Looks like another day inside doing house cleaning….my least favorite chores…it is progressing though and may soon be done….if I can make myself keep going…and the A/C doesn’t die. Got the newest electric bill in yesterday…not as bad as I had expected…still under a hundred bucks…the next one will however, break well over the hundred dollar mark I’m sure….especially with daytime temps well over 90. These aren’t anywhere near record breaking temps for us…noticed the other night on the news that our record temps for this month were set in 1998…we were over 90 degrees that year for some 60 odd days…several of those days were above 100 degrees….and no rain for like over a hundred days or so…bad year 1998. At least for now, we are getting the afternoon rains pretty regular across the entire state and things do cool down when they come late in the day. No more word on the fifth wheel camper…DH’s boss took off a few days when we got back and haven’t had a chance to catch back up with him as yet. He’s due to be back today, so we shall see. I’m still missing the mountains’ peaceful, calming affect. The past week has made me feel as if I’d never even left. The stress level rose right back to where I’ve been for the past several years. It’s been a tough time emotionally. After all is said and done, I really want to be far away from all that stresses me. I’m positive that our kids ALL need to stand on their own ADULT feet. Every one of them are over 25 now, as of this year. Its time DH cuts the cord on his two and demands they assume responsibility for their own lives. My 31 yr old knows he has to deal with his own problems and has been since he became a father at 18 and fresh out of High School. I can sympathize and am willing to listen, however, when each of these kids begins to whine about finances… I tune them ALL out. Each one will gripe about Not having money to pay bills and then in the next sentence begin listing all of the new things they just HAD to have…in spite of not being able to pay rent, buy groceries, or put gas in their vehicles. " I didn’t have all the money, so I decided to spend what I had cause I really wanted this" NONE of them want to work more than one job…yet all have watched their dad and I work side jobs to take care of them and help us have a little extra to do things with them and get things they wanted. I could SMACK each one for being so ignorant acting!! They were NOT raised that way!! So from where I stand, they are all on their own. Each is an able bodied adult capable of working to support their own self. The fact that they CHOOSE to be irresponsible idiots is now THEIR problem. The check book is closed …they can earn their own money or starve…THEIR choice. Maybe some day they will figure it out, but WE are NOT going to provide support for them so they can be LAZY individuals and spend every dime they earn and ours….NOPE, No way No how…NOT in this lifetime…or the next! 7:45pm…had a storm move in after 4:30pm that wasn’t really all that severe…knocked the power out around 6pm after a very close clap of thunder sounded. Didn’t really see any flash of lightning though, so could have been on our south side and distant…we were sitting in the living room facing the north windows when it happened. Its now closing in on 8pm and the power is still off…the power crew truck has been up and down the road for the past hour or so…DH is so bored with no TV, and even though I switched our emergency weather radio to the local rock station, he can’t stand being inside when its still daylight outside. 8:30 pm…Lights are finally back on and I can begin supper at last. Friday June 20…Happy Summer Solstice!! Another nice cool morning to start the day…was 71 degrees or so at 7am. Yesterdays rains have perked up all the plants in the yard. The power finally came back on around 8:30 pm last night…still not sure exactly what caused the outage, but after working below our place, the power crew headed back towards the main road…shortly after we heard the bang of the transformer they had worked on below us as it blew out once more. After they returned to repair the transformer a second time, things returned to normal for the remainder of the night. DH helped me pull the Broccoli, cukes and most of the tomato plants that were finished out in the garden. The chickens were real excited as I opened the gate and DH brought their treat inside. Ms Piggy has now produced TWO soft shelled eggs. Found the second one this morning. Something had punctured this one in one spot. Such nice size though…she’s already laying the same size as Red. Looks like when she starts laying regular, we could end up with Jumbo eggs from her eventually. DH brought home some very nice pavers from a demo job…the boss actually saved them for him since he knew DH wanted them. These pavers are 24 x 24 inches and about an inch thick. I think I counted a dozen on the truck. He put a couple at the chicken pen…one under the water containers…and one under my feed barrel. Once he had finished that, he began raking the chicken yard and brought in several shovels of dirt to fill in around the edge where they are always digging around. Something keeps trying to dig in from the back side of the pen…DH put some pieces of rock around several areas and then filled in with more dirt. Guess if I catch what it is, its gonna find out I have a bullet with its name all over it…not going to play with a chicken killing critter. 3pm…Finally decided the porch was just way too hot and headed inside to the A/C. Porch thermometer is reading 94 degrees and the humidity has really been steamy. Sunsprite decided to open her first bud this morning…What a Sweet smell she has! She’s teasing me with the sight of one petal uncurling at a time…my pictures look almost like time lapse as I stop to check on her and take pictures several times during the day. Can you tell I’m tickled to see how well she’s recovered??? Once this bloom is finished, I plan to trim her back a bit as she has grown quite spindly shooting up so quickly. The Cannas are looking great, they have reached about 3 ½ feet tall and should be putting out blooms anytime now. The unknown "mystery lilies" are coming along…much better than they’ve been since we’ve had them. Now if I can keep the boys’ dogs out of them, I just might get to see them in bloom this year. My Lavender has yet to set blooms, but the foliage is very fragrant. The poinsettias have come back very strong in their new bed. Should be beautiful and tall by Christmas this year. Shall have to get the white and pink to plant with these that are red. My Aloe in that same area was looking great before the dogs stomped through and broke several pieces from three of the larger plants….Makes me want to BEAT the OWNER!!! The mint is doing very nice and continues to stretch and spread in its space. The Thyme looks nice and thick in its pots….shall be trimming it back a bit real soon. The Stevia has almost doubled in size since being placed in the large pots. Another plant I need to trim back…this time though, I’ll be drying the cuttings for use as a sweetener…maybe…need to research a bit more on this. The two remaining Basil plants continue to slowly grow. Two of the newly rooted Hibiscus plants are setting buds already…WOOHOO!! Another of the "bucket starts" has also bloomed again. SIGH….I really need to find pots for those poor things…either that or put them in the ground…I know where I would like to put them, just way too hot right now to want to do much of anything. Maybe later today once the sun drops back a bit…and the afternoon rains hold off. Might even consider mowing again this evening…shouldn’t take near as much time since I just mowed last weekend. All the rain sure has brightened the green all around my yard. So glad to have the rains return. I worry about the back pasture area when its so dry and the neighbor, who rents from my landlord also, on our east side, never bothers to cut the pasture area behind their house. We cut it last fall and it really should have been cut a second time as the area was over six feet high with growth in many spots when we ran the brush hog through it. Had been more than three years since it had been cut. My concern is the dry dead tinder that lays out there just waiting to be sparked by lightning. At least on our side it is nice and green. The landlord doesn’t care though and I’ve offered to do it on a regular basis since our tractor is made for that type of growth. Guess if I do it for free he won’t mind, but THAT ain’t about to happen ever again!! DH did it last year as a "neighborly" thing. He loves running the tractor and spent two days cutting the farm, house lot and the rental lot next door…got a Thank you, but not even an offer to pay for the fuel used, or his time. Won’t ever happen again! Won’t be discounting the cost either. Our tractor doesn’t leave the yard for less than $125 for anyone else and with the cost of fuel now…it will probably have to go a bit higher…DH’s truck that pulls it around also runs on Diesel and here in our area, its already right at $5 a gallon.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 08:50 pm:

Saturday June 21: Happy First day of Summer Was a very wet day...spent the day watching movies with DH as the rains moved in during the early part of the morning. The oldest son brought the granddaughter and pup over after calling and finding out we had rain..DUH...why? We've seen him every day this week.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 07:34 am:

Saturday June 21 continued: The day began muggy and hot. Temps reached 91 before the rains began. Grey skies moved in early and by noon the rain was pouring down heavy. Had planned a trip out to the local U Pull It salvage yard to see if we could locate a few parts for our project truck and parts for a friend...not to be on this Saturday. The Geek Squad has called...WOOOHOOO!!! my computer is ready to be picked up!!! That was fast. Now if it will just stop raining for a bit, I can go pick it up...ok...looks like the trip in to Best Buy will be waiting for a bit. That rain is coming down by the bucket...sigh...hopefully tomorrow. I'm missing my laptop severely. Sunsprite has opened her bloom!! She began yesterday and this morning it was fully open. So pretty and smells so "Rosey". Got part of the front yard cut on Friday before the rain began coming down heavy...hoping to get the rest of the yard cut before the end of the weekend...not at the rate this rain is falling. Sunday is forecast for a repeat of today...I hope not...calling for a 70% chance of rain. this rate, my yard will not only be flooded, but the grass will be way taller than needing the brush hog. If we keep getting rain like this, my yard will be looking like a swamp!! On the bright side: At least I get to turn the A/C off for a bit since the outside air is nice and cool once the rains come through...overnight brings very nice temps. I'm sure on Sunday the A/C will be cranking as the sun begins baking the rain soaked yard. Sunday June 22: With the forecast calling for a 70% chance of rain, we have made no outside plans for today...the sky looks pretty clear as we both were out of bed by 7 am...what a change of our normal weekend routine...usually try to sleep in a bit on the weekend. HUMMMPHH!!! So much for the 70% chance of rain...the skies have shown heavy dark clouds all day long...but so far, not one drop of rain has fallen...we managed to head on out to the yard and I got the mower fired up. At least I'll get the yard finished before we get rain what is going on with this crazy mower??? After about an hour of mowing the darn thing acts like it is out of fuel...DH checked it, still has 3/4 of a tank...ok break time then...I'm needing a tall glass of ice tea anyway...after a short cool down break, I went back out to see if the mower would start...back to work as the mower fired right the front yard finished and headed for the back...again the mower shuts off about an hour into the job...DH went ahead and topped the tank with the remaining fuel we have on hand...another glass of ice tea while the mower cools off...I sure miss my Yazoo!!!! This stopping constantly makes the yard take forever to Yazoo and I could get the ENTIRE property mowed in about four hours...and that's because I prefer to "manicure" the yard as I across in different directions until the yard looks as if it has been bagged while the yard the look of a golf course when I'm done. At this rate, I'll be using the tractor to cut the pasture...did get the back yard cut finally and moved on to the side yard next to the chicken hasn't been cut on that side for awhile and I'm trying to discourage critters from using the growth to hide in...finally got that part cut and the front portion of the pasture area...caught the only piece of rope in the yard and managed to jam the blades on the I'm two for two on jamming rope in the mowers...last time it was bailing twine from an old hay bale...that twine stopped my mower in its tracks...took a bit of work to get that out...this time it was a piece of ski rope...where did that come from??? I know exactly where I hit the rope...oh well, guess DH and the boys need to pick up after themselves...DH got the rope off in just a matter of minutes. Finally the yard is mowed...DH started a fire in the burn pit and began burning some of the yard debris that has piled up. With drought conditions prior to our mountain trip, we had been under a burn ban. Now with the rains coming daily...burn baby burn...need to get this stuff dealt with... The fire was nice and even though some of the stuff was pretty wet, it caught quickly and before the sun set for the day, most everything in the pit is now smoldered a bit throughout the night, but the fire pit is lined with firebrick so it is contained well. I did manage to get over to Best Buy and pick up my computer this afternoon before I began cutting the yard...was very proud of myself for the restraint I showed once the computer was home...I brought it in, set it on the table and went out to get my mowing done....was a hard thing for me as I've been experiencing severe computer withdrawal. The oldest stopped by after he had taken the granddaughter home...DH was working on the project truck and I had came in to finally give the computer my sooner fired up the computer and DH was inside asking for my I go once more...leaving the computer. Only took about ten minutes for me to help them get the tranny jack in the right place so they could get the transfer case bolted to the frame...scary how they do things sometimes...that transfer case is darn heavy and the two of them were having to balance it as I pushed the jack forward into place. Glad that part is I can get back to my computer! The hard drive that was replaced was 80 gig...the new one is 240 gig...woohoo!! I can live with that! I also had them go ahead and install another 1 gig memory strip for me...might as well get this thing the way I want and the new memory will make her faster than ever. So glad to have my laptop home. Monday June 23: Another nice start to what is forecast to be a very mugggy hot day. After the power was off the other day, I never bothered to check the alarm...figure it has battery back up, no need...HA! went off this morning and the time read 6:00 am like normal...however...the actual time was only 5:45 am!! Looks like the battery backup makes it jump I reset the clock. DH is not crazy about getting up quite that early as he doesn't have to be at work until 7:30 am. Spent the morning playing on the computer and getting things set back up the way I want them. Need to go to the bank and stop and pick up dog food...knew that one was coming when I went to the store last week. Now the rain has started, so I guess I'll just wait a long as I get the dog food before tonight there is no real rush. The rains stopped around 1 pm and off I went to get my errands done. One of the guys stopped by to drop a small engine off to DH...its the person who gave me the chickens...had a nice visit and managed to get one piece of equipment gone from the yard...swapped out a tiller that we really didn't need (actually, I think he is the person we got the tiller from in the first place)...was a nice visit...he left us some fresh corn for the animals or us...they pick up vegetables from the flea market for their livestock...DH decided that the corn looked good enough that he wanted to try for me...was pretty tasty. The chickens were thrilled and polished off three ears in no time. Tuesday June 24: I'm sooo over all this humidity!!! The rains make it nice, but the sun sure blisters the yard this time of year. Feels like a sauna very early in the day. Temps remain in the low 90's. DH tossed several ears of corn out by the bird feeders before he left for work this morning. The squirrels are loving life as they gobble the corn and drag it across the yard....OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Just now a deer wandered in from the back side of the yard...ooohhh and look!!! Its a young buck!!!! WOOHOO! The first buck I've spotted...his antlers are about six to eight inches and he has one spike on each...small little fellow, one of the does popped out a few minutes ago and they are about the same size...what a treat! The buck started towards the corn, but the squirrel snatched the ear and ran towards the driveway...the buck wandered around for a few minutes and then he and the doe disappeared into the trees on the east side of my cool to see them...even though they make me insane when they are chomping on my Hibiscus. The deer were back right before dark...didn't stay long.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 08:10 am:

The morning has been nice...again the rain cooled everything and now the sun has begun to bake the yard. DH put more of the corn out for the chickens and the other critters...the squirrels are having fun dragging it across the yard...two deer showed up, and left within just minutes...maybe they will come back later. Forecast is calling for low 90's again and more far I think I have heard that the rainfall amounts are close to 4 inches for our area in the last couple of days.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 03:34 pm:

Its almost 5:30 pm and the rains are beginning to threaten...figures...DH will be in from work soon and the rain will delay anything he plans to do tonight. I almost forgot to mention, I have made a positive ID on the suspected Scrub Jays...they ARE NOT Scrubs...instead it turns out they are Eastern Bluebirds...not a bit disappointed as the birds are delightful to observe. Noticed that some critter found the corn...probably a rat or squirrel judging from the teeth marks. No biggie as the corn was outside...will be gone soon anyway. DH is home now, so shall see what the plans are for the evening.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 06:02 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 12:30 pm:
Do you have one of those inflatable punching bag clowns? My husband says I need one, and after reading these last entries of yours, I think you sound a lot like me. LOL!! (No offense meant, obviously! LOL!)
No, but we once owned a regular boxing body have to be careful when I think about working it off that way...tend to go to extremes and usually injure offense taken BTW...nice to know I'm not the only ballistic person on this Really liked your "research" regarding the "I need a husband WHY?"...sounds normal for the male population. And Yes, I truly do expect my hubby to give a hand around the house...I tend to work the manual labor type jobs (pay is so much better in this area) and if I'm gonna work like a guy, then my hubby can help like a female...otherwise, I can and have closed my eyes to the condition of the house and believe me, I can outlast any guy when it comes to walking over stuff...but once I decide its time to clean....get out of my way and don't dare bring anything I've tossed back within my sight...dang...that actually sounds pretty evil, huh?...sorry, but I just get bent pretty bad over some things and that is one of them.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 04:37 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 06:02 pm:
No, but we once owned a regular boxing body
Smart! I don't think my husband realizes that an inflatable clown would probably last me only about one round.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 06:02 pm:
I can outlast any guy when it comes to walking over stuff...
ROFL! That reminds me of a women vs. men joke I read recently. The last line of the joke said, "Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests." LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:33 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 04:37 am:
Smart! I don't think my husband realizes that an inflatable clown would probably last me only about one round.
ROFLMAO!! NOW you sound like ME!! Been known to break things with one punch, or a portable washer many years ago that decided to stop agitating with a full load of roundhouse kick put it out of commission first husband about fell out when he came home and saw the dent and heard that it had stopped working period after the kick....such is or "die" so I can replace you is my motto... Normally, I wouldn't have dreamed of kicking an appliance like that...but...that darn thing just got on my last nerve that day and usually a good hard smack would get it back to working. The kick actually landed where I aimed and was near the top edge (figured I'd put my foot through it if I hit the side full force)that was pretty thick metal....surprised myself when I saw the dent I left...
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 04:37 am:
The last line of the joke said, "Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests." LOL! got that right!! My current hubby thinks I'm soooo mean, HE has yet to even scratch the surface of truly mean...keep telling him if he truly wants to know just how mean I can be, he needs to talk to my son's father(my first husband) That man brought out the MEAN in me for sure....which is why we are no longer is way too short for all that kind of nonsense.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 09:29 am:

This morning has started out very nice...the sun rose to an overcast, cloudy sky. Temps at 7am are at 70 degrees. The cool, low humidity really feels nice...wish it would stay like this for longer than just a few hours. Sitting on the porch with my coffee watching the squirrels and birds visit the feeders...put some of the fresh corn out last night in case the deer decided to was still there this morning and the squirrels are really enjoying it as they drag the ears across the yard and attempt to haul them up the tall pine trees. OOOOOHHH....what's this landing out here???...Check you out!!!...its a young American Kestrel...aka Sparrow Hawk...too cool. Just dropped down near the Rubber tree plant and plucked some bug or something small...then flew to the split rail fence directly in front of me for a closer look at what was on the porch. For the moment, he has landed on top of the GD's playset which has a canvas top on the "fort" area...hahahaha...oh, yeah, you squirrels are about to find out just what this bird can do...HUH???!!! Four of the squirrels just climbed up the fort area while the hawk was sitting on the top!!! The hawk flew off as the squirrels climbed up for a visit...dang...can't even rely on the hawk to deal with these ornery little critters...guess he just wasn't very hungry this morning. Have never had one just hop on the fence and visit like this one did. Usually, they are after something and snatch and go. All the rain we have been receiving has really made the yard green. Only real drawback for me, I will be mowing every weekend at this rate...sigh...looks like DH better get the tractor off the trailer cause the pasture is getting pretty high and its gonna take the "hog" to cut it now. With the exception of all of the corn husks strewn across the grass, my front yard is looking as manicured as a golf course at the moment. Mowing it is all I water, no raking, no nothing. My little patch of Four o'clocks has spread somewhat...DH keeps saying that he can't understand where they all keep disappearing to...WHAT???? The ones I have were in a pot to begin with and then put in the ground and they have self seeded and begun to spread. The others are at the end of the trailer next to the huge growth of Split leaf Philodendrons, White Shell Ginger and Plantain Trees...its a jungle on that end with a Red Crape Myrtle on the outer edge...if he would bother to look at it from the FRONT...he might see all of the Four o'clocks that are growing behind the Hibiscus and on across the front of that jungle. "Snort"...hmmph...he's obviously BLIND. Found deer prints in the fresh tilled vegetable garden area...hoof prints from the gate to the back fence...and here I THOUGHT they hadn't found it. Ah well, at least for now there is nothing in there for them to destroy...just means I'll be having to work on a means to keep them out of there now....hmmmm, oh honey...where is the wire for the electric livestock thingy??? Be zapping the little darlings if all else In one of the books I bought by Jerry Baker...he recommends hanging a white cloth about three feet from the ground along the fence...says the "white flag" is a danger sign to the deer...might just be worth a shot...ooooh, there's another idea...load the rifle and shoot the sucker!! I do enjoy "Bambi" better than luck though, the neighbors would turn me in for "hunting out of season"...or for baiting the deer...not my fault they raid the bird feeders. Could always plead out that they are "nuisance" animals I suppose...hmmm...something to consider... So far, Ms Piggy has not produced any more eggs. I understand that it takes a bit of time for them to really get into the egg laying mode...but I'm concerned for her also...would be quite upset if something happened to her at this point. She seems very healthy and is quite the character...of the three, she is the one who comes to the gate to see what's going on and will also come when you call her by name...really tickles some of our friends to watch her come for a treat and take it from your hand...especially if its a nice, juicy, RED isn't real crazy about the green ones. Anything red will catch her attention. She is almost as bad as one of the dogs for begging...the minute she sees one of us with anything in our hand, she's at the fence, following as if to say "but, what about sharing that with ME?" Too funny to watch... Guess I shall get myself in gear and leave the birds and squirrels who are still enjoying the stuff at the feeder...need to get back on the cleaning...YUCK! Still enjoying the new vacuum, can't believe the amount of DOG HAIR it continues to suck off the rug and carpet EVERY day...and yet the dogs all still have full coats...where is it all coming from then???? Would throw them all outside, but they are so spoiled with the A/C that would just not be right...and for the most part, they are all good boys who mind their manners in the house...hmmm, guess I should consider brushing them, but again, that is an outside chore and its just way to muggy at the moment for me to want to continue to hang outside...sigh, guess that's why I haven't done THAT chore yet.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 10:38 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:33 am:
work or "die" so I can replace you is my motto
Too funny!
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:33 am:
life is way too short for all that kind of nonsense
LOL. So is my fuse. LOL! Maybe Ms. Piggy needs more calcium than the others?
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 11:43 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 10:38 am:
Maybe Ms. Piggy needs more calcium than the others?
Hmmm, ya know, I was thinking about that myself...she's so odd about her eating habits though...I was giving them the layer feed in addition to the scratch, but Red was the only one who really acted interested...Ms Piggy would kick it out of the bowl and walk away. We have spread buckets of the crushed shell down in their yard and as we have quite a bit of natural sand and shell already I haven't seen a need to supplement. Judging from Red's eggs, they are getting a good supply of calcium. Takes quite a bit to crack one of her eggs just to cook it!! My GF sent some of my eggs over to her daughter while she was here on a visit...forgot to tell her what "tough" eggs they are...when she asked her how she liked them the daughter laughed and told her she liked them fine once she was able to get it in the skillet...couldn't believe how hard that shell was and how tough that little membrane is...LOL. So anywho, I'm thinking about picking up more of the layer feed and see if that helps, or if she still refuses to eat it...sigh, story of my life, catering to "fussy eaters" We also give them lots of green stuff from the yard...any weed or plant that's pulled ends up in the chicken pen and they wipe it all out. You should see them attack the fresh corn on the cob, still with the time flat its history. I think she's just being a little "Priss"...hahahaha, just wants to stay the "baby". BTW...found out this morning when I went to check for eggs...Red definitely has to have an egg in the nest...I moved the one I leave to the upper box just to see if she would continue to lay in the lower nest...NOPE...she dropped her egg in the upper box with the old one I had moved. I have another "old egg" in another nest box to encourage Ms Piggy to drop them in the far though, she ain't dropping them at all...let alone in a nest. My "old eggs" have red marker all over them so I don't accidentally grab them by mistake. I toss them out after a couple of months and use a new one. Has worked well to get Red laying in the nest instead of the floor.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 10:38 am:
So is my fuse. LOL!
Hahahahaha...fuse? You have a fuse?...I'm more along the lines of Nitroglycerine...very unstable and apt to explode if you breathe wrong...LOL
Flowerfreak Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 01:40 pm:

Whew! I just got caught up on this thread (I think I got it all). It was fun to read.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - 07:34 am:
DH was working on the project truck
hmmm...curious as to what kind & what for... just a fixer upper, or hot rod?
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 02:22 pm:

How funny that Ms. Piggy has the alternate personality of Ms. Picky. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 11:43 am:
You have a fuse?
I have a short fuse and several buttons.
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 11:43 am:
I'm more along the lines of Nitroglycerine...
DANGER! HAHAHA! (You need something along the lines of one of the bumper stickers that came with my truck. It says, "CAUTION: This vehicle may wreck or explode for no apparent reason." Either that or you need to accessorize yourself with the car alarm that shouts, "WARNING! Protected by Viper! Stand back!" HAHAHA!)
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:38 pm:

Flowerfreak wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 01:40 pm:
curious as to what kind & what for... just a fixer upper, or hot rod?
Its a 1963 International 1200 Series Pickup...DH has one that he has owned for over 30 years...same truck but a 1100 Series...he made it to a mud truck for many years and has drove it daily up until a few years ago...its down for repairs, broke all the mounts pulling one of the kids out of a mud hole...engine was sitting almost sideways by the time he got it home. This newest one will be mine, its a sweet little thing...all wheel drive...4 speed. Not sure if the engine is seized or not, but no big deal, we've rebuilt several of these engines over the years and DH could probably put the entire truck together blind folded as he's had his apart numerous times. I'll have to remember to get some pictures now that he's got the running gear together. She's a bit rough, but I think she'll do just fine, make a good mountain truck if its half the truck DH has.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 02:22 pm:
DANGER! HAHAHA! (You need something along the lines of one of the bumper stickers that came with my truck. It says, "CAUTION: This vehicle may wreck or explode for no apparent reason." Either that or you need to accessorize yourself with the car alarm that shouts, "WARNING! Protected by Viper! Stand back!" HAHAHA!)
AAAUUUGGGHHH, Geee, just take all the fun out of just so much fun to "explode" without warning and watch the jaws drop from shock... Poor DH has been embarrassed more than once when someone has jerked my chain at the wrong a mouth that can make hard core bikers blush when someone gets me riled. My FIL said something a few years ago about me being a "lady"...told him that just because I choose to "act" in a ladylike manner, don't ever be fooled into thinking that means "I am a Lady"...I am whatever the occasion calls for me to be. Seems like the older I get the less tolerance I have for certain things...ok, most things. The last few years have really brought out the hard side of my personality and I'm working to bring back the soft side...sometimes Life just won't allow the softness to show...feels like at times the only way people take me serious is when I'm being a b...h. Guess that's why I don't feel a need to live too close to neighbors any longer...people just piss me off...they let their animals just run and terrorize the neighborhood, or walk them through the neighborhood to do their business in someone else's yard...what is THAT about?...their kids are unsupervised, thieving, vandalising brats, who "do no wrong". I keep to my own yard, control my animals, and when the kids were young, kept them under close supervision...when they messed up, they were punished...I wasn't the abusive person my old man was, but I got their attention...taking things they really wanted, restricting them to their rooms without tv's or phone, no them extra assignments...math and reading exercises...having them write essays... People now are just too afraid to do anything to the brats and then wonder why they end up in trouble...seems everyone wants to be a buddy to their kids instead of a parent...climbing down off my soapbox now... Anyway...glad you find my journal interesting...Lisa, where in KY are you? I'm related to about 3/4 of Butler county on my mom's side...they've been in that area over two hundred years, going back to the end of the Revolutionary War...can't go anywhere in mom's hometown without someone asking if I'm kin to so and so...usually find out I'm related to the person asking.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 02:22 pm:
How funny that Ms. Piggy has the alternate personality of Ms. Picky. LOL
Hahahahaha...hadn't thought about that...she eats everything and anything when it comes to weeds and grain, just doesn't care for the processed granule feed at all...she had the starter feed when she was young and the scratch as well...makes me crazy trying to figure her out...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 06:57 am:

7am and the air is nice and cool once more...the early morning temp is about 72...very damp outside from the rains last night, but the humidity doesn't feel bad as a few hours that will definitely change as the sun begins to bake. Todays highs are expected to be in the low 90's....with the rains moving in after noon... My GF who housesat, has invited me to go to the beach with her this morning, depending on the tide and of course the weather. Checked out the beach cam online, the water looked really flat around 7:30 this flat I mean no waves could be seen....the kind of water the little kids can enjoy...we used to live for those days when our kids were younger...they would be able to play in the knee deep water without fear of the surf knocking them, I adore the big breakers and love jumping out in the water to catch a wave back to shore...haven't been to the beach for so long, I've probably forgot how to doesn't hold the same attraction since they have built it all up. Concrete and steel are not what I want to see...but I could get on a VERY long rant about the destruction of the beaches and green space in our of my "buttons". My front yard is strewn with corn husks as the squirrels enjoy the fresh corn DH has been leaving at the feeders. The squirrels have managed to carry several of the ears up the tall pines in my front yard...pretty funny seeing them carry it, as the ears are as big as the squirrels...we only have the smaller grey squirrels in this area. The Sap sucker family is back at the feeder this are the Cardinal families...we have several pairs of Cardinals who bring their young daily. Got an invitation from my Ocala GF to join them for the Fourth of July...sounds like a fun day to me...haven't got to see her and the family for a couple of years now. DH says it sounds good to him also, so we will more than likely go. Looking forward to a good visit as she is one of my oldest friends...I've known her now for over twenty years. Guess I should get moving on this housework so I'm ready to go play on the beach if the weather holds and tides co-operate.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 07:01 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:38 pm:
glad you find my journal interesting
I love it. You have no idea!
Flowerfreak Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 08:44 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:38 pm:
where in KY are you
I am a long ways north from Butler...I am just 10-15 mins from Cincinnati, OH.
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 08:38 pm:
This newest one will be mine, its a sweet little thing...all wheel drive...4 speed
Cool...DH had bought a 54' pickup & his intention was to rebuild it & make it an everyday driver for me...he stopped halfway, it sat for years. I finally told him to finish it or sell it...he sold it. Too bad, b/c I really liked that truck.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 07:01 am:
I love it. You have no idea!
Yes, now, get back on your soapbox...that was great, and oh so true!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 09:52 am:

Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 08:44 am:
I am a long ways north from Butler...I am just 10-15 mins from Cincinnati, OH.
Sounds like you must be around the Lexington area?...I usually take 75 N when I go to visit my son in IN and cut over around Cincinnati...I despise 65N as the highway has always been so rough, since I was a kid and we used to travel back and forth to visit my Grandma in the Morgantown area of Butler county.
Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 08:44 am:
finally told him to finish it or sell it...he sold it. Too bad, b/c I really liked that truck
Understand entirely...we also have a 1979 Malibu Classic that I drove up until we got the Dakota...she's down for restoration...going on six years now...I really hope he gets her back together as the Malibu was such a sweet car...she really squeezed a gallon of gas and ran like a champ...floorboards have rotted out entirely, only the carpet was between me and the road before she was parked...LOL (didn't realize that at the time) Seems like we have more projects in various stages of completion...sigh...maybe some year they will all be complete. DH's main problem was the accident that severely limits how long he is able to bend and how much he can lift...this of course is where his boys would be helpful, IF...he could depend on them to be around when he is working on things...I can help some, but age has truly put a damper on just what I can do...the hands don't have the strength they once had due to Carpal(sp?)tunnel syndrome in both and working behind a desk for ten years hasn't helped either...the fact that I'm not in as fit shape as I could be...well, let's just say that since I was always very "hard bodied" up until my 40's, its now time that I got a bit softer...hahahaha, or as my sis says "fluffier"...I turned 52 this past Feb. Still toss 50 pound bags of feed and if I really want to move things, well I will, but there are many things now that I've told DH, no, I'm not willing to put myself in pain to do that any tickles me to see the amazed look on people's faces when I get to the cashier with a forty pound bag of dog food under my arm...I'm only 5'5" and look like I weigh about 120 pounds...seem to carry the additional 30 pounds very well(I'm pushing the scale towards 150 at this time)...I think its because my mother blessed me with her very long legs...hahahaha, other than that, I'm actually pretty short IMO...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 10:33 am:

The wild turkey hen brought three young ones with her this morning to the feeder...another adult turkey attempted to join them, but was chased away by the hen...the young are getting quite large now...already as large as my Red...they sure seemed to enjoy all of the fresh corn the squirrels have scattered across the yard. The lone adult decided it would try wandering behind the split rail fence towards my front flower beds...I DON"T THINK SO!!...I clapped my hands and hissed to spook the dogs know this cue as one that means they get to chase the squirrels, so all were bouncing around ready for a good chase... the turkey decided to go around the other end of the house towards the pasture next door...momma and the little ones ignored us and continued to feast. The squirrels tried to get close to the feeders, but are a bit intimidated by the turkey hen, who doesn't hesitate to give chase to them when they get to close to the young ones...sights like this really brighten my day... No word from my GF regarding the beach...she lives closer to the beach than I and the weather could be yucky over on her end. Its still very overcast, but bright sun around my yard...temps are nearing the 90 degree mark here at the noon hour. The humidity has definitely chased me inside as it is now very steamy outside. Even the dogs have decided they want to be inside hanging out over the A/C vents, sucking up all the cool air. Every one of them has sacked out next to a vent and are currently sleeping...LOL, reminds me of a bunch of little kids passed out, napping all over the house.
Flowerfreak Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 12:12 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 09:52 am:
Sounds like you must be around the Lexington area?...
I am about 1hr 15 mins or so north of Lex. So what part of IN does your son live; close to the KY or OH border I guess, since you jump on 75.
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 10:33 am:
Every one of them has sacked out next to a vent and are currently sleeping...LOL, reminds me of a bunch of little kids passed out, napping all over the house.
LOL, this reminded me of when my sister & I had to walk to/from our (brutal) soccer practices almost every day in the summer from 8th-12th grade. It was so hot, we'd get close to the front door & race each other to get inside the door first to get to the a/c vent right inside the door. There were a few times I would just lay there for 1/2 hour with my head on the vent.
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 09:52 am:
she really squeezed a gallon of gas and ran like a champ
speaking of classic cars & gas...a few weeks ago, DH & I got out one of the Camaros to go for a ride. He mentioned something about having to get gas first. Well, he passed the gas station up & I said to him, "I thought you were going to stop & get gas." He said, "Nah, we'll be ok...I hope...worst thing that could happen is we'd run out of gas." Yes, we ran out of gas! lol
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 09:52 am:
I turned 52 this past Feb. Still toss 50 pound bags of feed and if I really want to move things, well I will,
Good for you. Yep, if you want something done, you do it. It would take 2x as long (if not longer) waiting for someone else to do it. I learned that a long time ago. DH & others get mad b/c I am stubborn & do not wait for help.
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 10:33 am:
she lives closer to the beach than I and the weather could be yucky over on her end.
I think I'd stay home & enjoy the sunshine! lol

Stormdancer Posted on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 05:34 pm:

Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 12:12 pm:
So what part of IN does your son live; close to the KY or OH border I guess, since you jump on 75.
na...he's on the north side of Indpls...I just am closer to 75 coming from FL and I really do not like 65...
Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, June 27, 2008 - 12:12 pm:
Yes, we ran out of gas! lol
sounds like your hubby believes in the "Gas Fairy" also...mine has run out of gas numerous times and called to have me bring him a can...fortunately for him, he has never played that game with me...I've already informed him...I DO NOT WALK and I will be extremely upset if you make me sit because you can't stop for fuel...he hasn't pushed his luck on that As for waiting for someone to help when I want something done...oh no way!! First off they always seem to want to do it "their" way...even tho I've already worked out exactly how it can be done...then they want to tell me it can't be much easier if I just run them all off while I do it myself..I actually believe they do it on purpose for this very reason...hahaaha...but I'm on to them and will stand on top of them to get things done I can't do myself...demanding it be done the way I want guys are a bit thick when it comes to realizing things...the main one being...While I may not always be right, I'm never Yes I can be a tyrant if I have to. It would really be so much easier if they would just do things without opening their mouths...hahaha, maybe I just need a robot? As far as doing this type of stuff when I'm old supervisor got a bit upset when I became a manager and decided I was going to change the back room around to better improve the space...wasn't upset I wanted it changed, just the fact I was dragging the heavy stuff by the next time I wanted it moved I asked one of the guys to give me a hand...he was shaking his head saying it couldn't be done without a dolly, and several I started without him and got it like I wanted it...again, the supervisor was annoyed I didn't wait for help...and I would need help from someone who obviously has a lower lifting capacity than I for what reason??? Didn't make it to the beach...GF was tied up with other chores and by the time she was done the heat was for enjoying the sunshine...well while its nice and all, right now its just too intense to enjoy without water...thinking about the two of us grabbing my canoe and heading out to the river which is close by...just need to check on the tide times...she's game and I would really enjoy getting the canoe back in the water again...DH enjoys it, but it really bothers him to sit like that since the accident...I can handle it myself, but that's no fun... 7:30 pm and its just as overcast now as its been all day...the sun isn't as glaring, but the heat and humidity are just plain miserable...could be our first night of having to run the A/C overnight...I usually open the house back up this time of day as the heat has lessened. No afternoon or other rain for us today, guess that's why the heat is still hanging heavy. Had a doe wander up close to the back pasture fence and was able to watch her with my GF while she was here...the first time she's seen them come close like that here...wonder if its the same one whose prints are in my vegetable garden area??
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 05:31 am:

The rains came finally but not until after 10 pm...we left the A/C on overnight. Today is forecast for more humidity and highs around the mid 90's...rain is forecast early in the day...we shall see. I'm up early and aggravated already...just woke up thinking about a few things and my mood has really turned dark...should be an interesting day at this rate...I can feel the anger simmering...its over DH's youngest and while I'm trying to maintain...this really has me absolutely MAD...ultimatums are about to be handed down as I'm pretty fed up with the way things are being handled. This kid turns 25 in August. Seems to feel the world must kiss his butt...I'd like to kiss it...With MY FOOT. Things are gonna keep on until DH and I have another huge fight...the mood I'm in, I'm ready.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 06:46 am:

The evening ended with mood from earlier in the day did lift a bit...and managed to get the through the day without exploding. The rain brought cooler temps...went from 90 to 70 in about ten minutes...we actually got a good yard was beginning to hold water in several spots...and the bed of my truck was holding a considerable amount...I'd be willing to say we got about 2 inches. Rains came in fairly some pictures to load and share. This morning the house was nice and cool...70...did leave the windows open last night...mental note...when I begin running the A/C overnight, turn the fan on in our room...once the outside temps drop back, of course the A/C isn't going to kick on. Couldn't figure out why it was so stuffy in here when I got up yesterday with the A/C on...normally when we get up, the house temp has dropped to a cool 68 degrees...80 was a bit toasty yesterday.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 11:15 am:

The day continues to deteriorate...the rains are forecast to be an encore of yesterday...maybe I'll get a bit of the yard mowed before it moves in...right now, the humidity has come back up and the sun is breaking through the cloud cover making it very steamy. Will try to load the pictures from yesterday soon...might get a few more this afternoon if things get real "active"...the winds yesterday were twisting the pines in different directions, very similar to the effects that we have during Tropical Storms and Hurricanes...puts me on watch for tornado clouds when I see that type of movement... only one of the pines dropped a branch...that was in the driveway. Haven't been out to the back pasture to see how the trees out there fared as yet... DH got the driveshafts in the International yesterday before the rain and we got it off the jack to see if the engine is seized...he plans to pull it with the loader to see if the engine will turn over. Crossing fingers and toes...hoping all we will have to do is go through the engine and tune her up a bit...but we do have another engine sitting if it turns out we need it. Its 1 pm right now, the rain moved in yesterday around 5 pm or so...will have to check the time on the pictures I took during the storm to be positive. Guess if I plan to mow I better get moving.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 03:32 pm: most of the front yard mowed...the mower decided it had had enough and shut down about 1/3 of the way through the west side of the yard...I'll give it a bit and go fire it back up if the weather holds. So far, we have not seen a trace of rain. The humidity is suffocating at the moment and even though the sun is behind cloud cover, I seem to have deepened my tan today.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 05:00 pm:

6:30pm...ok, it seems I am not to finish the mowing today. Gave the mower an hour to cool and went back to finish, made about a dozen passes and the mower shut off...ok, maybe I have ran it out of fuel...nope, still have a half a tank...the critters are biting so I'm heading back inside. DH was unable to get the International engine to turn over, looks like its engine swapping time...he's cleaning up around his area so he can get things moved...lots of downfall from the storm yesterday, nothing major, just small stuff that has to be picked up. Can't believe how much the grass has grown since I just mowed last weekend...all this rain will be having me mowing weekly or it will be out of control. The back pasture is looking very lush and green, but it needs cut before it turns into a hayfield...its already going to take the "hog" to cut it...just waiting for DH to get the tractor off the trailer...not enough hours in the day that are free from liquid The vegetable garden is now history...whatever was munching has totally stripped the tomato plants...saw one of the huge munching grasshoppers in the mystery lillies yesterday...plucked him off and tossed him to the chickens...pretty sad, they wouldn't touch him. My SIL says the only way to kill them is to squash them...ok, Spike the rose killer is also a monster bug catcher...he will crunch them for me....but he has a habit of destroying the plants as well...back to the drawing board. The grasshopper had really took a big amount of the lilly he was on and I noticed that several of the Cannas had been gnawed on as well. Be playing squash the grasshopper!!! My mint is doing very well, sprawling out like a weed. The Thyme looks pretty flat today after getting slammed by the rains yesterday. Stevia is ready to be trimmed back, she's grown so thick and tall. Its getting to the point where the heat is so miserable that I am behind on some of the front weeding. I want to finish tilling the garden spot and put out more seed...its just so steamy...I walked out to the back pasture to let DH know about the mower and noticed that you can feel the moisture being sucked out of the ground...the sun isn't even blazing right now. No breeze to help cool things, nothing. So much for the weatherman.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 06:07 am:

Sunday Night June 29…The storms moved in about 8:30 pm…ok, so the weatherman was right when he said an Encore of Saturday…the power is out…winds have been pretty high and as the storm began, it looked like we had a gale moving in, or worse…the sky began to get pretty light and of course my thoughts race towards tornadoes as I hear what sounds like hail begin to hit the house….turn the weather radio on and find out that we are under a severe weather alert…great…way too much lightning to venture to the front porch…while the hardest rain was blowing, we could not open the porch door due to the rain blowing in….all windows are closed due to the A/C being on…and the rain would blow in anyway. Glad I got as much of the yard mowed as I did…the east side has become a huge pond area at the moment…looks like we got another two inches or so just dumped all at once…on the plus side, it has dropped the temps considerable….good thing I know where the candles are in the dark…got several tea lights lit and a large scented candle that I burn frequently…hopefully the power won’t be out long, but it sure sounded like it popped close…I hope it wasn’t on our power pole as that side is so low the water level will be high. Its also hard for the trucks to reach because of the trees on that side of the property…would be easier for them to come through the neighbors pasture, but they wouldn’t the last time they were here to trim the trees… Much of the yard looks as if it is holding water right now, will have to wait until the morning to see if it has soaked in…not a real good selling factor for this property…can only imagine what it must have looked like during the storms of 2004, or during any other major weather…the least amount of rain brings the water level high throughout most of the property…we joke about the house being surrounded by a moat…really should have a retention pond dug to help pull the heavy standing water to one area…but, not as long as we are just renting the place…we have access to the equipment and people who are knowledgeable about digging ponds for this purpose. I did say something in the beginning to the landlord about digging a pond, but he said he would have to ok wherever it went…yeah and I’ve seen how his ponds hold water…not sure just why, but it doesn’t matter any more as far as I’m concerned. Called the power company regarding the outage…they are reporting a tree down on the equipment…Supposed to be back on by 12:45 am. Monday June 30…6:00 am…power remains out. I placed a call to the power company again, supposedly our power is back on as of 1:45 this morning…NOT…got a live person on the line, again…she seems surprised that we don’t have power, explained to her that I tried to tell the person LAST night…IT IS ON OUR POLE…these customer service people don’t listen to anything….7am…the power company crew is here, it turns out that several saplings have grown too close to the pole and tripped the main breaker on our pole…ok…if the idiot had paid attention last night, the crew could have been here last night….issues like this make me insane. All the person on the phone wanted to do last night was as little as possible…read her script for the standard answer…"XXXXX people in your area are affected by this outage" … HELLO…do you not hear that everyone around me has power…everyone on our entire street has power, except us…. And then this morning, "Did you check your breakers?" I truly hate hearing these words from some twit that probably doesn’t have a clue where her own breaker box is even located. WHY do you presume that it’s MY breakers instead of YOUR equipment? Set me in growl mode right off the bat. Power is back on as of 7:30 am. The yard looks like a major storm passed through…reports on the news were indicating we had 60 mph gusts that came through…my yard looks like it….the Rubber tree plant looks like something sat in the middle of it…some of the fencing and the trash bin were blown over…just minor things really. Forecast is for more of the same this afternoon. Right now, we look as if there was a pond put in…the east side of the front yard is holding water…haven’t been out too far as it is still early. Looks like we got about the same amount of rain…judging from the amount collected in the bed of my truck…its holding a couple of inches, from front to back.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 09:12 am:

Finally wandered out and took a look at the yard...not real bad, lots of pine debris and a few downed branches from a couple of the oaks...standing water is mainly in the front yard, a couple of spots around the back yard behind the house are a bit wet, but nothing like the "pond" out front. The dead pine at the back pasture fence dropped more debris in the vegetable garden area, good thing its empty at the moment. Way too wet to try and finish the mowing today, the steam has begun as the sun is already blazing...its only 10:30 in the morning. Kicked the A/C back on as the house was beginning to heat up...sigh...I'd rather have the windows open, but the steam outside is more than I can handle at this point in life...dreaming of the mountain breezes. Speaking of the mountain...our neighbor there called yesterday to let us know he has signed a contract to sell his house on the sad to hear, but I do understand...he wants to be closer to major medical facilities as he is now in his 70's. They plan to look for another place in the Dahlonega (sp?)GA area as he wants to remain in the mountains. His wife really loves their home in the mountains and I know it is going to be very hard for her to let it go. Measured the water in the bed of my truck...shows 1 1/2 inches just behind the cab...there is this much all the way to the wheel we got how much rain last night??? The weather says Daytona only got 1/2 an inch...should have come to my house to measure pictures from Saturday's storm: water running from the porch roof Its raining through the screens!! Water in the bed of my Dakota East side of my front yard (from the porch)this is Saturday evening...Sunday it was dry and I mowed this area This is Monday morning East side of Front the "pond" Poor Rubber Tree...looks like someone sat on it!
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 10:19 am:

Wow, what a storm! What a lot of water in your truck! Good thing you didn't suffer anything worse than the power outage. I hope that all this wacky weather across the country isn't a sign of what the hurricane season will be like.
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 06:07 am:
WHY do you presume that it’s MY breakers instead of YOUR equipment? Set me in growl mode right off the bat.
Situations like that always make me wonder how it is that the customer never gets paid for having done the other person's job for them. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 12:24 pm:

You said a mouthful DJ...I'm glad none of the pines dropped more than a branch or two...and those that fell were away from the vehicles! I've lost two toppers for two different trucks in the last two years because of pine branches dropping through the tops and punching huge holes in them. I'm getting geared up for this afternoon's forecast of a repeat of to get my boost box charged so I can at least have the weather radio and maybe bring in my crank light from the camping gear...candles spook me in a trailer, even though I am careful. Hmmm, maybe I should charge both boost boxes. In case you aren't familiar with a "boost box"...its a rechargeable battery booster...can jump your vehicle from either of the two we has lights and an air compressor...both will also accept the plugs for accessories that you can power in your vehicle...I have invested in two power inverters so I can plug in things like a regular fan or lamp...not willing to try our new tv on either of them...maybe the old one, although with the power out, so is the cable, so why bother? If we want to watch movies, I can always plug in the laptop. Of course, if the power is out for more than 24 hours, DH has the generator ready for action, just have to start her up and plug in. I'm hoping that we do continue to get the afternoon rains, we do need to allow the aquifer to replenish...but as much development as is being allowed and now I just heard that some company out of California is opening a plant where they plan to bottle something like 400 thousand gallons per day from our aquifer system...WHAT ARE THEY THINKING to even consider allowing this? We are already under water shortages in this area and now some company wants to pull this much per day???? The impact is said to amount to some of the lakes dropping by at least an inch...and this should be acceptable why??? Because the spokesperson says it will bring 200 jobs to the area...yippee skippee...and how soon will those of us who live in this state have to be BUYING water from some other area??? DH...GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! Stupidity from our leaders...just what we all need. The humidity is almost as bad as yesterday. DH invited me to come down for lunch with him and off I went. Dairy Queen is a nice little lunch break...we both enjoy their chili/cheese dogs. Temps are pushing 90 and there is only hot wind blowing hot steamy air...ok...bring on the rain so it will cool back down. I looked at the time stamps on my pictures from Saturday...that storm began about 4:15 pm...last night's storm began about 8pm...power was off by 8:30pm. Hmmm, hope it holds off long enough that DH has time to drop those saplings by the power pole after work...hoping to avoid future outages caused by our own trees.
Flowerfreak Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 01:32 pm:

Wow, you really do have a pond there. I read your first post w/o pics & then saw the pics. Way more water than I imagined. I hope the storms are not as bad today.
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 12:24 pm:
Dairy Queen is a nice little lunch break...we both enjoy their chili/cheese dogs
Ok, now I think we are related! lol
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 02:18 pm:

Oh and it does get larger as the rains beat down...its already begun with the afternoon rains now...thunder is booming as I write. Looks like the wind is picking up as well...hope the power at least stays on today...
Flowerfreak wrote on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 01:32 pm:
Ok, now I think we are related! lol
Hahahaha, something as simple as DQ??? Imagine
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 03:39 pm:

Flowerfreak wrote on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 01:32 pm:
Ok, now I think we are related! lol
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 06:05 pm:

7:30 pm...the front has moved through...afternoon rains have barely touched us for now..most are south of us which as I understand, didn't get much of the storm we had last night. Sis said she didn't think they had any rain at all last night and she's only about 15 miles south of us...from tonight's weather map though, looks like she's getting a taste of what we had yesterday, only not as severe, the heavy stuff is quite a bit further south of her. On further investigation of the yard...the old jacuzzi which we had boards stacked on (about 20 or so 1x's) some of which were 12 wide and over 10 feet long...was flipped on its side from the storm... in the back pasture where DH has a work area set up...the awning between the two storage vans was snatched up and tossed, ending up twisted between a few of the pines behind where it once stood...thought it sounded pretty wild out there, but as it was dark and the rain was blowing so hard, looking out a window was futile. The screens were being plastered to the glass...good thing they were closed! We had hail warnings out...dime size was possible, at one point, we did think we heard the "pink" of hail hitting the tin on the trailer. Other than that, we didn't really seem to have much in the way of damage. The weather held until DH and I were able to get that "sapling" trimmed out. Turns out the sapling is actually one of the Scrub oaks that should have been taken out long before now. It has managed to grow up through the guide wires that are attached to the pole. We got quite a bit cut back, but really need to get a rope on the one section and take the chainsaw to it...the gas powered polesaw will help get it trimmed out, but the entire tree should be cut out, so much has been cut off now that its way too lop-sided to be safe....but at least for now, the branches are mostly away from the transformer and the wires leading to the pole for the house...the FPL guy cut the ones closest to the the power pole this morning...DH has been cutting out trees for years, so he told the guy we would do it rather than them sending a crew out...the last time the crew was out, they left a considerable mess and their truck has a real hard time getting between the fence and the full grown Crape Myrtles we have bordering a flower bed out there...they could probably "squirrel it in between the pines...DH could probaly back the Semi with the trailer through there...but the guy this morning I guess bumped one of the pines...don't really see how...he cut the branches out with a long polesaw. DH said he wasn't real crazy about cutting anything...sounds normal for our area. "Snort" The two cows from next door always come running to the fence when they see DH...he spoils them by giving them handfuls of hay, or cutting the Wedalia that they love so much...the entire fenceline has been pushed up as they graze for this weed...I call it a weed, its actually a very nice ground cover if it would only behave...will take over everything it comes in contact with...stumps, fences, machines, you name it...and it covers it so gradually you don't realize it has "swallowed" the item until you begin to hunt for it!!. Has pretty little yellow daisy type everywhere continue with the cows...I get side-tracked way too easy...LOL Anyway, the cows spot DH and come running to the fence...they are wanting the fresh tender tree leaves we've just cut. DH will stop everything to spoil the "girls"...he gets a big kick out them bawling and running to meet him like huge dogs...they are very demanding when they see his truck pull in the drive, you'd think they were ours! Mojo, had a good time trying to figure out what was so special about those tree branches...he chews on any stick, pine cone or whatever falls so of course he was at the fence watching the cows munch the cuttings. Had to call him back as he was being a bit too playful and I'm sure the one cow would have no problem head-butting him the same as she did to his dad. Mojo might not take it too well and I don't want him acting ignorant, so I made him leave the fence...Bear was ready to jump in to help when Mojo bounced...don't need a problem with the neighbor over my dogs. For now the air has cooled, the rains have pretty much missed us and it looks like the "pond" might be gone in another day or so if we don't get pounded by the rain. Looks so bad where it floats all the gunk up to the surface as it dries out...told DH when it was dry I was planning to run the mower over it and redistribute it...everywhere there has been standing water it is like that. Guess I'll go wander out and see what DH is doing...probably trying to get the awning poles apart so maybe we can save the didn't appear to have suffered much and we do have another frame...lucky us
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 07:59 am:

The morning temp was 70 degrees at 7am...not bad...the sky is overcast, but not a bad thing, its nice and cool without the sun and its 9:30 am...the house was a very pleasant 68 degrees when we woke. So nice to be able to turn the A/C off overnight...that is subject to change as July progresses...sigh...won't be long before the humidity hangs on even at night. Looks like we have some pretty wicked storms to the north of us around the Jacksonville area at the moment. The "pond" has dried out for now, the grass where all that water was standing is now covered with gunk that floated up from the ground...looks like scum sitting in the yard...YUCK!! Looks like I will be having to prune the Rubber tree plant back a bit...the storms really flattened the poor thing. It was really looking, what to do with the cuttings...they will be several feet long in some cases and I have placed Rubber tree starts around the yard already...I just hate tossing cuttings...wish I knew several people who wanted cuttings. These things start soooo easy and will tolerate a great amount of neglect and drought....key things in my yard. Sis called and said the storms were pretty wicked in her area last damage to any of her property...had to laugh a bit as she was telling me how hard it rained in her area...they didn't have the winds or the lightning we experienced on Saturday and people were saying we had the equivalent of Category 1 hurricane winds...some hit 77 mph...that's the low end for a Category 1 hurricane...I think the Tropical Storm winds are around 60-70 mph...would have to check to make sure...but winds that high sure make for tons of debris once they pass. DH indicated yesterday that he may have to work on the 4th of July...not happy about that. No reason for him to go in...he is afterall, a SUB if his boss wants to start holding taxes, then I guess he could be expected to work whenever...makes me mad. We were supposed to be heading to the mountain for the 4th, guess he's forgot about that...he wouldn't have been here anyway....the mountain trip has been put off for now...things that need doing just haven't fell into place...usually that's a pretty good sign for us that the timing isn't right. Feels like the temperature is beginning to rise...still no sign of the sun, skies are totally grey..its almost 10 am.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 02:02 pm:

The sky is actually trying to clear a bit...its now just past 3 pm...sun has been playing peek-a-boo off and on...the A/C kicked on around noon...went ahead and closed up the house. Its been a cleaning the floor vacuumed and the kitchen mopped. Pulled the fridge out to clean behind and on top...eeeeuuuuwwww...looks like my critter has been travelling here pretty heavy...dang it and I just cleaned that area not so long ago...the things I found on top of the fridge...several ziplock gel did those get up there?...lots of droppings...uuuuggghhh...will this never end? Traps have been set, glue traps which I despise, have been used...even Spike has caught a great many...where are they getting in???? DH has been under the house numerous times and filled all the holes and cracks we've been able to find. I'm sooo over the rodent issue!!! Hate to resort to poison...had a couple of dogs in the past decide to eat the poisoned critters...they also have a tendency to die inside walls and ceilings...eeeuuuuwww...what a stink that is. My GF says get a cat, yeah and how long do you think a cat will want to hang out with all of my dogs??? Besides, we once had ten cats (including a few litters of kittens) and the only thing they were interested in was each other...the kittens were the only ones interested in the be honest, my dogs have been some of the best rat catchers I've seen....and they make people remain in their to see a cat do that!! Hahahaha...ok, well, Sis DOES own a guard cat...actually, the cat is just pure mean...bites everyone and anyone....she'd love to give it a new home...anywhere but her house...but her hubby says no. Cord chewing, ankle biting, hiss monster!!! LOL, that's what happens when you adopt one of your kid's pets. Weather says we are in for more afternoon showers...temp right now is 89 according to the tv...sure feels way hotter with the humidity and no breeze...hmmm, looking at the map, looks like its south of us like yesterday... another storm cell looks like it could come our way from the Orlando area....things are still moving in from the west coast. Sounds like we will be dealing with the lightning again as well. Ordered a few things for my new to have a car charger, and also found a blue tooth connection for the computer...woohooo, I'll be online on the mountain now!!! Ok, well I guess I won't celebrate just yet, will have to wait until the next trip to see how the phone far, I'm loving it!!! Can actually talk INSIDE the house and haven't dropped a call yet. TAKE THAT SPRINT!! I've never been able to use my cell inside since we've moved here...when Nextel was my carrier, I never had problems like dropping calls...Sprint sure messed things up on this side of the world when they took over Nextel. The new phone also has a camera...yeah, I know, I really didn't want a camera phone, but I did want a flip phone and the camera phone was the only one offered that was a my Motorola phones...they have been wonderful. I've had Nokias and they are ok, but I love the Motorola. The phone I got was one of the refurbished ones, as long as they will cover it on the insurance, I don't care...doesn't have to be new...and the price was pretty fair, about fifty bucks...most of the others were the same price...this is actually about a two hundred dollar phone...I was pricing them for several months. The camera takes very nice pictures..of course I've taken several of the dogs...that's why I was ordering accessories for it today...need a data cable so I can download pictures to the computer, and also so I can connect to the internet when we are away from home...yes I am sooooo addicted to my laptop and being able to stay in, hmmmm wonder if that could be part of why I seem to never get anything done? I know it is...I got more done while it was down than anyone would ever believe....unless they own a computer... DH doesn't see the draw, but then again, he has his screen (the tv) and I have mine (the laptop)...I can't sit in front of the tv the way he does. Time to get back to the chores...working on dealing with the mess that has accumulated on the kitchen table...hmmmm, wonder if I could do away with that...the table...guess not, I don't have enough counter space in the kitchen anyway and without the table it would be much more of a pain trying to find places to set things when I decide to cook. Maybe I just need a new that's a thought!! The news is reporting that we have a death row prisoner scheduled for execution tonight...he's been on death row for 16 years, killed an eleven year old after raping the boy...yeah, the guy looks like he's just a kid his self, but, the kid he raped and killed would be 28 this year...I've got nephews and kids that age. I hope they go ahead and stick the needle in his arm tonight...the scumsucker has been dragging his heels with appeals long enough. The last one was to protest the lethal injection FL they suffer when they execute them YEAHHHHH!!! Make them suffer like the ones they killed and the same as the family has suffered waiting for justice to be served...too bad, should have thought about that when you were raping and killing...don't want to SUFFER during EXECUTION, the don't do the crime. Personally, I'd like to see Public Execution and punishment brought back...might just be the deterrent some of these kids need. The boy being executed tonight is not much older than my oldest son who is 32 this year. I think this kid is 38?...but even so, he had been in prison and had just been released before he killed the eleven year old boy. Why even bother to try and rehab people like that...just execute them and be done. Need to get back to work, all this is doing is making me grrroooowwwllll...turn the news off.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 02:38 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 02:02 pm:
Traps have been set, glue traps which I despise, have been used...
I avoid those like the plague, but now that you mention them, they are sounding pretty good to me. LOL.
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 02:02 pm:
DH doesn't see the draw, but then again, he has his screen (the tv) and I have mine (the laptop)...I can't sit in front of the tv the way he does.
Reading your journal is like looking at myself in the mirror. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 05:56 pm:

Well DJ, I've used the Have a heart live catch trap...still have the problem of what to do with the critter...I mean the whole purpose of not killing it with the trap is just defeated if you expect someone to kill it after catching it live...we usually take them out to the far edge of the property and set them loose towards the woods...probably catching those same ones several times. As for the glue traps...HAH! I think we've managed to catch and HOLD one...Spike killed it, probably before it could escape...but you still have the problem of the critter NOT dying right away...I've had a couple manage to pull off the trap, laughing, I'm sure as it bounced on to wherever....I've got the big heavy wood traps and I'm fixin' to set it with this little bugger's favorite dish...nice piece of juicy, red tomato....little sucker has destroyed about a dozen I've had sitting on the shelf to finish ripening.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 06:19 pm:

8pm The storms moved in around 5 pm or so...rained hard enough that the bed of my truck again had over 2 inches of water standing in it...I keep draining it out and it keeps collecting...told DH I need a catch container so I can store it for future use during dry spells...from what I saw drain out...looks like its close to fifteen gallons of water...maybe I shall drain it into a bucket next time after measuring in inches and see just how many gallons that is...took almost ten minutes for it to drain. The east side of the yard is once again a had soaked in and was beginning to dry...skeeter haven for sure...the rest of the yard has also begun to show standing water after a week of afternoon rains...forgot how quick that happens its been so long...the back pasture also has standing water...DH went out to poke around a bit as it has stopped raining...he's got the big rubber boots on tonight...I'd join him, but the skeeters are fierce and they make me whelp up so bad, it just isn't worth it...besides, did I mention its WET outside?...DH just can't stand to stay inside when there's daylight left. We lost power again when the storm came through...kicked off around 6 pm and was back on by 7 pm...wasn't our pole this time...FPL says there were 61 people affected...our street and the next probably...glad we got that tree trimmed back yesterday as the winds were whipping through pretty strong today also. This is supposed to be our weather through the 4th...including the 4th...looks like it could be soggy fireworks this year...but maybe not...if the storms come through early enough...most of the storms have moved offshore as of now... The child killer/raper was finally executed tonight after sixteen years of hell for that little boy's family. All the news seems to focus on is how humane we need to treat these animals when we execute them...HELLO...its supposed to hurt!!! But I won't get started on THAT again...just glad to see its over for the family now...both families.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 05:45 am:

7 am ...the day is beginning like so many others this week...fresh from the rain and cool...the temp is 70 degrees. This morning's sky is not near as cloudy as the past couple of mornings...highs this afternoon are to be around 90 again. Storms could move in a bit earlier today...I hope they push on a bit further to the west today...the yard needs a chance to recover from the drowning rains...East side of the yard remains a pond this morning and now there are several other spots in the front that are holding water as well...scratch the moat, we've moved to the swamp. SIGH...depresssing today at best. Will have to get to town today before the rains set in...seems DH managed to cash his paycheck but did not make a deposit...what a waste of time and fuel. Now I have to make a special trip just to go to the bank. He also hasn't found out whether or not he's working the 4th yet...I'm about to hand out a big attitude...its this type of behavior that pushes my buttons. If he has to work on the 4th, I may just leave his sorry butt here in town and go visit my GF by myself...supposed to be a freakin' holiday. Just making my blood boil thinking about it. Maybe I should just let his butt stay in Florida and haul my butt to NC...I'm becoming very upset...must go and try to calm down...

Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 06:52 am:

Dur. I hadn't really thought about the animal still being alive on a glue trap. I've always been more concerned with finding only chewed off feet and legs on the trap. We dump our Havahart traps out by the utility pole for the hawks to eat. I don't have much of a problem with that, but a glue trap... ick... What do they expect people to do, dump 'em live in the trash? I can't very well put the animal AND the glue trap out for the hawks... a hawk might get stuck. And I'm not about to try to pull something OFF of the trap... and leave feet and legs behind... and get bitten in the process. LOL. I fondled a rat trap at the store the other day... basically a giant mousetrap. I decided that would be a bad idea. I'd probably break my fingers just trying to set the thing.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 07:54 am:

So far DJ, I've had two pull themselves off the glue trap...was a fresh trap...and yes, according to the directions, you drop the entire thing into the trash... The trap you describe it the type I'm talking about...big wooden..giant mousetrap....yeah, they can be pretty wicked when they snap, but they do the job on the larger critters...we caught a young opossum in the house in one of those types at our old house. Didn't kill the little sucker, even though it had its head and shoulders under the bar and the bar was touching the wood...DH had to shoot the little fellow to get him out of the trap without getting bit. Rats on the other hand die pretty quick in the things, just like mice in the smaller ones...not sure which is worse, getting them out of the traps...yuck...or finding them after Spike has slobbered them and crunched them to death...eeewwwww!!! I usually grab one of the plastic grocery bags to pick them up or when I take them from the trap...use the bag like a glove so my hands don't have to come in direct contact with them...still pretty yuck...IMO. Putting them in the garbage can is a pretty "stinky" way during the hot summer months.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 11:05 am:

12:30pm The clouds are beginning to roll in as the temperatures rise...its 88 according to the thermometer on the porch...the humidity is creating the sauna effect once more. Got my trip into town out of the fuel for my truck on the way home...$47 bucks for eleven gallons...I think this is the first fuel I've purchased since we came home from the mountain...of course, I'm not driving very much either and the last fill-up we made on our way in wasn't far from home...only about thirty miles or so. To think that only a short time ago it was costing me less than $20 to fill my tank...disgusting. Stopped in to drop the rent check to the landlord...he took the check with minimal conversation(fine by me) and as I was turning to walk away, his wife called to me. She's a very sweet person (can't see why she wanted HIM)...I do enjoy her company and we had a pleasant few minutes. She spends time on her property in TN as much as she can...don't blame her...I'd run like a scalded dog and not come back. But I guess for her its a matter of the heart...she's been gaga over him since they were in high school.(both married other people though) He's really not very nice to her from what I've seen... My GF who works for him was down earlier today...she says he had asked her to take care of the dog while he is gone later this month...told her he used to ask me, but feels like I don't want anything to do with him anymore...HMMMM, YEP, I do believe he hit that nail square on the head!! He never mentioned it to me while I was there. He did however mention that he owed our one son for a couple of hours work...hasn't bothered to let the kid know that he doesn't want him working there any longer...gave me cash to give him...I'll pass it on to him when I see him next, and let him know that he's been replaced as well. Tried to tell the boy he needed to drop that job like a hot rock and look for something that was closer to where he's staying...something that will PAY him to work. Was just wasting his gas for an hour here and there...the man has his cell number and could at least CALL the boy and let him know. My GF told me a few weeks ago that he had rehired some other guy and was making his usual caustic remarks about our boy and the fact that this person can work circles around the kid...yeah and the kid busted his butt to get that place somewhat under control, given the fact that the LL only wanted him to work one or two hours a day....oooohhhh, that makes my blood boil...What goes around comes around has been my mantra for years....and this man really has it coming...just hope I'm around to see it hit. All the heat and humidity have chased me inside once more...the pond area is still full of water on the east side...Skeeters bite and buzz the minute I wander out the door...I've gotten bit several places just sitting on the screened I'm back in where the A/C is cranking out nice cool air and the fan is blowing it across the room...time to make myself get back to the house chores I've let go for way too long...even that sounds hot today.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 06:18 am:

The rains passed south and north of us yesterday so the yard has had a chance to dry out a bit. The pond has disappeared, only the outline is made visible from all the ground gunk that floated to the top of the standing water. This morning has begun like the rest of the mornings this week...nice and cool...temps at 70 degrees. The cloud cover could produce early showers from what the weather is saying...calling for the storms today to be slow moving...means whatever they dump will be for quite a while. Talked to my son last night...he and my DIL have designed a My Space page for sweet...DIL posts pictures of the boys on her site and oh my!! How my guys have grown!! My oldest GS has a form of Autism called Asperger Syndromee...I don't know a whole lot about the "disease", but I know that about the time he started school, he was diagnosed as ADHD, and I did caution my son about allowing the child to be labelled by the school...he and my DIL have had the child tested and also has been to the physcologist...I just have a problem knowing that the schools tend to label the kids, which in many cases is just boredom. The schools get federal money for the "special" children in their school...big scam in my mind. Got kids zombified because they expect the little ones to sit for hours. Recess has been taken out of the schools here and no PE classes...give me a break!! Even adults in classes need breaks every few hours...yet little kids are expected to sit quietly all day long. I have a nephew who was diagnosed ADHD when he was much younger...most of his problem was boredom. My oldest GS will turn 12 in August... Definitely looks like his daddy...they both do. DH will be off for the 4th so looks like we will be heading to my GF's in Ocala for the holiday. I'm looking forward to visiting with her...she's one of my longest known friends...I've known her since I first came to Florida in 1987...and for awhile, we were related...I married her cousin...we've remained close and she is like one of my sisters. Time to get moving a bit...trying to beat the storms today.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 07:34 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 07:54 am:
according to the directions, you drop the entire thing into the trash
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 07:54 am:
we caught a young opossum in the house in one of those types at our old house
Ick! LOL. Back when we lived in CA, my husband found a roadkill mama opossum while on one of his morning jogs. I guess he heard noises coming from the carcass, so he checked it out. He found babies in her pouch and brought them home. (Can you imagine rooting through some dead animal's pouch in the dark? Ick!) The parrots absolutely hated their weird squeaking noises. We took the babies to an animal rehabilitation clinic. I was glad to be done with that noise, but it stuck in my head for quite a while after that.
Flowerfreak Posted on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 08:38 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 06:18 am:
Recess has been taken out of the schools here and no PE classes...give me a break!!
I think that is ridiculous. You need a break--even employers are required to give breaks...they expect little kids to stay alert & pay attention without a break? When I was younger, I lived for recess! It woke me back up & I was wide awake to start learning in the classroom again.
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 06:18 am:
My oldest GS has a form of Autism called Asperger Syndromee
My nephew has autism. There are really a lot of good programs around here that have helped him tremendously. My sis is very dedicated to doing what she can to make it better for her son. It is not easy. I don't know how she does it all.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Thursday, July 03, 2008 - 07:34 am:
(Can you imagine rooting through some dead animal's pouch in the dark? Ick!)
lol, that is GROSS!!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 04, 2008 - 07:15 am:

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !!! The rains only dropped a bit in our area last was a very nice light rain...nothing like the deluge of buckets like we've been seeing. Rain is in the forecast today and through the weekend...highs are still forecast for the 90's. We are heading to my GF's place up in Ocala for a BBQ in just a bit...its almost a two hour ride from here...the heat in her area could be pretty high as they are interior instead of on the coast....but, I'm looking forward to visiting her for the day. My sis's oldest daughter is in with her children from out of state and I'm hoping to get down to sis's to see them before they leave out on Saturday...this daughter is the same age as my son. People used to ask if they were twins when they were little...they favored quite a bit. Off for now to get ready to see my friend...have a SAFE...4th of July!!
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2008 - 12:55 pm:

Sunday July 6 So much for a holiday weekend...the trip to my GF's was marred by my DH having a nasty attitude for the entire day. Saturday saw the same from him...and it looks as if the attitude is going to continue. His sons and GD are here for the second day in a row, which only makes me have an attitude towards him. He can not tell me WHY he copped the attitude, so I'm giving him the same in return...can't talk to me, yet will sit and yak with anyone else. Will walk past me as if I'm not in the room and sit for hours with his face stuck in front of the tv. OK...I can play this game as well...I spent most of Saturday in our room with the door closed so I didn't have to see or be with HIS family....nothing I say means anything to him. Its as if I have no rights in this marriage when it comes to what goes on in our home. Depression is becoming my middle name. The rains came late on the fourth, we didn't leave my GF's until 8pm, waiting until the storm had passed. No signs of rain on the way home or once we reached Daytona. No rain at all on Saturday. The temps have been holding at 90 degrees for several days and the humidity makes it miserable. The A/C is on constantly during the day. When we got in on Friday night, Mojo met us in the fear was that they had went through the glass on one of the windows....turned out that our backdoor, while locked, had not latched...the fireworks from the neighbors must have spooked the dogs, resulting in them bumping the door and finding it open, they of course went out. No problems from the being out that have come to my attention. Spike was the only one inside when we came home...he despises fireworks and hides. One of the Canna's has bloomed, not sure if it was Saturday or today...didn't come out of my room Saturday, except to get food and iced tea. Still no sign of blooms on any of the mystery lillies, or the lavender. I'm reaching the point where I just don't seem to have a reason to care about much around here. On the one hand, DH will make plans and then just as quickly change his mind, and on the other, he seems to want to remain with his face stuck to a tv or sleeping the entire weekend away...right now, I am just flat not happy with the way things are between us. No communication at all and he just doesn't think there's anything wrong at all with that. All of our plans for the mountain are on the rate things are going, we seem to have little chance of ever accomplishing anything together there.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 08:04 am:

9:30 am...temp is at 80 degrees and rising...the humidity never really dropped last night, no rain to cool things down...ran the A/C overnight. My mood is somewhat better today...still upset with DH, but not as out of control emotionally as I have been all weekend... Finally got outside for a bit yesterday evening, the humidity has been so thick for the past couple of days that evening is the only comfortable time to be outside...even the early morning has had steamy air. My poor Hibiscus just off the front porch has been munched severely again...this time there are more than just deer tracks around it...something with toes...DH thought maybe a coon, but looking at the print more closely, I think it might be a opossum...looks more like a "hand" type print...individual "knuckle" or "fingertip" like impressions...its fairly heavy judging from the impression, which is about an inch deep in the soil. I trimmed off the broken pieces and we ran a rope fence around it, I'm trying a tip from one of the garden books, also tied pieces of white material to the posts. Now I just need to go back out and rake the tracks over so I can see if it works to keep the deer out. The Canna's are looking so nice as they open their smiling faces...something seems to be laying larvae in some of the leaves...popped them off and gave them to the chickens...take that you chomping critters!! Will have to try and get some pictures to post...I'm still trying to identify the variety...actually think I may have two different ones out there...since they've not really had a chance to show me which they are though, its a nice surprise once they bloom. The Rubber tree looks as if it may slowly straighten back to its original shape...I haven't trimmed it as yet. My four o'clocks in the front garden by the split rail fence are really spreading out...looks like I'll be having to transplant a couple of them or I won't be able to find the planter that sits there! The hummers have been busy humming around the yard this morning, checking out the Firebush, (Hamelia patens)Check this link for more info: the Hibiscus, Mexican Petunias and Four o'clocks...I really enjoy hearing their little squeaks as they hum on by.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 10:54 am:

11:30 am...light rain has moved in as the dark clouds from the southwest begin to pass overhead. The temps have dropped a bit as the cool breeze from the rain blows gently across the yard...temp at this time is 82 degrees and the air feels light and fresh. 12:45 pm...the rain has been intermittent with light sprinkles falling very gentle...this is the type of rain we need the most...the kind that have time to actually soak in, instead of washing away. The birds continue to flit about around the feeders and in the Bottlebrush close to the house...they seem to enjoy the rain. The sky is beginning to show patches of blue behind the grey clouds so our current shower will be passing soon...there will be more to follow I'm sure as the forecast today is calling for a front that is moving slowly across the state. As long as it stays like it is now, things will benefit from these showers. We have our first Hurricane of the season...Bertha is still a considerable distance from us and is expected to make a turn and head back out to sea....but, we shall definitely be keeping track to make sure. Sometimes, the storms don't KNOW they aren't supposed to hit land...kills me when they have to backtrack on some of the calls made with regard to the hurricanes. I'll stick to my gut instincts while tracking them...thank you! So far, I'm holding a real good average for calling what the storm is about to do and where its going to land. More to follow as Bertha defines her course....last report was she's on a due West path, which of course is towards the US coastline....still too far out to make any firm conclusions on her path. The shower has ended and now the air is being turned to steam as the sun hits the fresh rain...behind the blue more grey is heading our way, should be directly overhead within the next half hour or so...more rain on the way. more day to spend inside...oh, well, the skeeter's have been making life miserable every time I walk outside anyway...might as well work on the house chores.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 01:49 pm:

The showers have passed and so have the cool breezes...the temps say 86 degrees, but the humidity is once more suffocating to be in. My better mood has passed as well...thank you DH for the icing on my cake! Some people have a lot of NERVE!!! It isn't over yet...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 07, 2008 - 04:48 pm:

The early evening has cooler temperatures, we are now at 77 degrees at 6:30 pm...but with the humidity from the earlier rains being baked, the "comfort temp" is over 90...even the A/C doesn't feel cool while the fan helps circulate the air...its working though, I can feel the cool air while I'm standing near it...just a hot day. Changing my mode of thinking over the situation with DH...only speaking when spoken to...trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice when I do speak...he knows this issue is a very sore point with me and yet he the meantime, I do not have to like how he is handling this. He almost seemed surprised I wasn't screeching like a banshee...have decided to just give him the same treatment he throws at me...silence...won't speak, even when asked a question...he tunes me out...ok, GAME ON...but lest he forgets...I hold a Master's in Bxxxh!...and I don't even have to say a word...or act hateful...I've been schooled by a few of the best...and he's one of them.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 09:47 am:

Another hot steamy July day...beginning to sound like a broken record, with many more of the same yet to come. Hurricane Bertha is now a Category 3...winds over 120 mph....the weather casters are saying they think she should lose strength and begin a more northerly turn in the next day or so...her current heading WNW has her heading in our direction. We shall see. The front yard is looking shaggy from all the recent rain...mowing is a never ending chore in this yard during the wet summer months. DH did get the tractor off the trailer over the weekend and mowed the back pasture. Haven't been out to that end of the property to see how far he mowed...just doesn't seem to matter right now...everywhere I look all I seem to see is the junk he and his boys have scattered across the pasture area...I get so tired of asking him NOT to bring more junk into the yard, and then here comes one of the boys wanting to leave something else in my yard...and he wonders WHY I stay upset. It's not like any of them pick up after themselves....constantly having to pick up trash and parts before I can run a mower any place they've been in the yard. The Canna's have opened a few more blooms...some "worm" larvae has decided to take up residence in several of the plants...these I've popped off and fed these to the chickens.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 10:58 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 09:47 am:
...some "worm" larvae has decided to take up residence in several of the plants...these I've popped off and fed these to the chickens.
Ewww. I should do that with the earwigs I keep finding on my flowers.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 12:38 pm:

EEEWWWW, is so right!..LOL...I just broke off the entire piece which was "sealed" by whatever laid the eggs that produce the larvae...that was what caught my attention. I noticed that several leafs were wrapped when they would normally be unfolding. Closer inspection is what showed the "web" holding the leaf edges...I of course peeled it open to see gook from the larvae worm which was munching the plant from the inside...figured the chickens would have fun with the leafs and the critters inside. Might be one of those Lubber Grasshoppers even...see this link for more information: After reading this, I now understand why the chickens wouldn't touch them!! My dog Spike just crunches them and leaves them...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 02:36 pm:

Eeewwww!! I don't know which part of that was more disgusting... leaves wrapped together and held with "webs", or gook from larvae worms, or the thought of chickens actually eating that. That last thought almost made me barf. LOL. (When I was really young, I almost shnarfed up a grasshopper when drinking a can of soda. I felt its prickly legs brush my lips. Until that moment, I'd had no idea how fast or how far a person could spit soda. LOL!)
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 10:04 am:

HOT, MUGGY and's temps expected to reach about 93 degrees. No breeze, just steam outside. Ms Piggy has now laid her third egg...beginning to get more of a shell on this was firm, but brittle. Might be needing to add more calcium as DJ suggested... we shall check into this when I go to pick up feed later...just hoping she will decide to eat any additives...hmmm, wondering about possibly adding a bit of supplements to their water...might be a way she would get it...need to do more research on that. Things around here remain the same, as does the mood...just makes me not really want to do much, including write, or even be on the phone with sis...depression has become part of my daily life once more.
Flowerfreak Posted on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 02:21 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 10:04 am:
Things around here remain the same, as does the mood...just makes me not really want to do much, including write, or even be on the phone with sis...depression has become part of my daily life once more.
((HUGS)) Hope things get better. Sorry to hear you are in that depressed mood.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 02:58 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 10:04 am:
...depression has become part of my daily life once more.
I bet a trip to the mountains, even by yourself (or maybe especially by yourself), is sounding mighty nice right about now.
I hope something perks you up soon!

Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 07:43 am:

Thanks Lisa and DJ...from the way things are looking, its going to take me totally losing my temper and acting ballistic before things change...SIGH...I was hoping to not have to go that route this time, but I guess if he's going to be that hard headed, then so be it. DJ, you are so right about a trip to the mountains...I was thinking about that the other day...should have taken our friends' offer of riding back with them in August...just would have been without wheels the entire time...I've also considered just packing things up and driving myself up...might entail purchasing a new tent for that current tent takes two people to set...LOL

Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 08:14 am:

Woke this morning to heavy misty fog laying across the yard...the air is cool and fresh at 8am...the sun is just beginning to break through the glow showing just through the tops of the trees. When I first looked out the window, it looked almost like heavy smoke laying over the yard. 93 degrees is the expected high today...more steam to follow...the temps last night remained at 79 degrees even as late as 11:30pm. The steam had left the air by that time so the windows and porch door were left open all night. I hate having to run the A/C at night. Currently at 9:45 am, the fan is on low, the windows and porch door are open...the steam has begun, but so far isn't too bad. Usually I wait until the A/C kicks on before I start shutting things...the A/C is set at 80. Another of the Cannas has opened...they are so pretty with their Yellow and Orange blossoms. Now if the skeeters would just leave me be I think I might be able to enjoy them....from the back door to the chicken pen and back inside, I'm covered with over two dozen whelps from these flying teeth!! Three does decided to wander in through the back pasture this morning...just nibbling and grazing as they make their way into the back yard and come closer to the back porch...I really don't want them in this close because of the I raised and shut the window pretty hard to spook them towards the back pasture once more...if I really want to see them run, I only have to open the back door and allow Mojo and Bear to give chase...both were prancing and dancing as if to say..."we want to play". I know there is a young fawn in the area as well and I don't want them to injure it. So far, it looks as if the white flags around the Hibiscus might be helping...haven't seen any further damage to the bush.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 01:42 pm:

3:15 pm...the day has only grown hotter and more muggy...temp outside is 97 on the porch and about 90 according to the local breeze, just heat smacking you in the face if you are brave enough to walk outside. Made a trip into the grocery...needed dog food, and chicken feed (stopped at the feed store on the way home)...geez...a gallon of milk, box of cereal, hair shampoo and conditioner, coffee on sale, and dog food...just under a hundred bucks! By the time I got the feed for the chickens I've blown just over a hundred dollars...didn't even buy food for us!!! and our politicians say we are in a RECESSION????....UHHH...'scuse me, but I believe that should read DEPRESSION. Sure sucks when you start having to decide whether you want a roof over your head or food on the table...and our local animal shelters are crying about all of the poor animals people are having to give up because they can't afford to feed them any longer...I just dropped twenty bucks for a forty pound bag that will last my guys for almost a month....the same bag that was only costing 15 bucks a few weeks ago....its the same with the feed for the chickens...scratch feed is running just over thirteen dollars for fifty pounds and the layer feed is just over eleven dollars for fifty pounds...scratch was running just over six dollars a few months ago. At this rate, we should really be struggling by the end of the year...just got the property tax papers today for NC as well as for my DH's business property tax...went ahead and paid both before I let it slip my I am very prone to do!! Usually wait until I get the delinquent notice before I remember to pay these things....SIGH...guess that's what happens when too much stress becomes part of daily life... Still haven't been able to deal with the issues at hand where DH is concerned...the longer I keep my mouth shut...the more he seems to think he can rub my nose in this situation...I am ready to explode at this point!! Just haven't figured out how to get him to understand what this is doing to our relationship...
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 09:03 am:

Another night of running the A/C...the steamy air hung heavy well past 11:30pm, the temps were still hovering in the mid 80's...seems like about every couple of nights I'm leaving the house closed with the A/C running. One of the few nice things about having the rains move through...drops the temp and knocks the steam out of the air. Rain isn't forecast to be back in the area until the weekend...sounds like a normal FL summer. Bertha has been downgraded to a category 1 hurricane...still being tracked but not expected to make landfall...she's close enough that swells are expected to affect our beach, especially this weekend. The morning has begun with sunny skies and a light breeze...the temp at 7:30am was about 76...steamy already...but not unbearable yet. By 10:30am, the A/C is on already and the house closed up once again...just too steamy now. Went out long enough to check on the chickens and give them more feed...even they are feeling the effects of the heat...each of them has a wallow spot and seem to spend a good portion of the day down in the dirt wallow. Red hasn't laid for the past two days and Ms Piggy is holding her eggs like they are far, she's only laid the three. Red usually lays daily, but I'm figuring the heat is a HUGE factor there...I wouldn't be laying either with the temps in the 90's...too hot to do much of anything with the humidity being so high as well. The front yard has become so overgrown in just one short week...I didn't mow last week and now the grass is well above ankle high...snake haven in my yard. The paths from the driveway to the porch and flowerbeds are also needing attention as I have not had the weedeater out for several weeks now. So many things needing attention and yet its just too blamed nasty hot to do much during the daylight hours. Right before sundown isn't as bad, but we've been having rains late in the afternoon, so the yard is usually way too wet to attempt to cut before dark. Another of the Cannas has opened blooms...looks like they are all going to be competing for attention as more begin putting up bloom spikes. My GF said they were the first thing that caught her eye as she pulled up to the house the other least they are bright enough to stand out in our "sea of green" that surrounds the yard...LOL. Usually only the reds or oranges are the only things that really show well. The two Firebushes that are in pots are also in full bloom right now...the foliage is still a bit leggy looking, but they are filling in better than I expected. These were the two that we weren't sure were going to live because they were broken badly during the demolition job. The others out in the half moon garden seem to be holding their own, but have not grown near as much as the two in the pots. My large Crape Myrtles in that area are now in bloom...finally...the one at the end of the trailer has been in bloom for weeks already...we have Lavender and White in the half moon garden and a Red at the end of the trailer. Had a third one in the half moon that didn't make it after being transplanted...would have probably been another red. The flags on the Hibiscus seem to be keeping it from being chomped...glad that worked. DH brought home the wire for our electric livestock fence...figure if the flags don't work I'm ready to zap the little darlings to keep them off my Hibiscus. The deer must be coming into season around here...we've seen the Buck several times and have had the does wandering closer through the back pasture than normal...they usually hang in or near the woods and in the dry ponds heading towards the fish farm. Can hear their "bark" close to the house sometimes at night. The dogs seem to ignore them for the most part...but my spoiled brats stay inside at night, hogging the A/C vents and hanging out on the furniture after we go to bed.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 09:27 am:

A few pictures to share from what I managed to save from our mountain trip...lost a great many when the computer crashed and I had already cleared the disks...ah well, such is life... These butterflys were hovering over this depressed area next to the river... The Cullasaja river... shot from under the bridge...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 10:27 am:

Those butterfly pics are really great, and I'd like to sit in that river right about now.
Flowerfreak Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 10:28 am:

Love the butterfly shots; I love butterflies. I was cutting grass at my parents' farm last weekend & a teeny butterfly landed on my arm. I let him walk onto my hand & it rode in my hand for awhile while I cut grass
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:20 pm:

A few more of the butterflys the Blue Butterfly... The blue butterfly coming in to visit the others already on the ground... Never did quite figure out what was going on here with the butterflys...when I first came under the bridge to the river, there looked like several dozen flitting around this I approached, they all took to the air of course...sitting there watching them for several minutes it appeared they may have been laying eggs and then I could see a white substance excreted by some as they seemed to "pick" through the loose dirt....thought the ones with the blue were somewhat unusual...especially with all of the yellow and black ones. I do adore the butterflys, even when they seem to be acting odd...this river swells to within inches of the bottom of the bridge during heavy summer rains upstream. It is a very popular local place to go "tubing" down the river. Most days it is fairly shallow, only about waist deep (I'm 5'5"). I have seen it myself though when it was raging from storms...looks so very different during those times... The water is pretty icy as most mountain streams seem to be...but so very enjoyable on a hot summer day. In some areas of this river, trout fishing is allowed and even supplemented by local hatcheries. A nice relaxing way to spend a summer day...hanging out on a super size inner tube...floating lazily down the river...only drawback...either park below where you plan to end the journey or face walking back (uphill of course)to wherever you left your vehicle. Some of the sights along the river road in our neighborhood... The Cullasaja River dancing in the sunlight Shots of the river from the road...this area is "below" our road heading back towards town These are shots along River road near Peak's Creek area which was so devastated during Hurricane Ivan in 2004 We decided to drive from Peak's Creek Road and River Road to the other end of River Road which comes out at the Main Highway 64 heading into Franklin....Peak's Creek is up the mountain from us towards Highlands...just about five miles from our road. So glad that we changed our minds about heading up to that area when Ivan was threatening...would not have been a very pleasant camping experience with all of the dogs.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:32 pm:

Karen, those are such nice pics. I like the greenery and all of the water. The hills are great, too. Love the blue bfly. Lisa, that is funny that the bfly helped you mow.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:38 pm:

Thanks DJ...they at least can bring a bit of cheer to me right now....glad you enjoyed them. The rains are beginning to move in now...its 2:30pm...skies have grown dark with cloud cover, the wind has picked up and thunder is booming quite close by. Hope it will cool the air enough to shut the A/C off for the rest of the day...I really hate to have to close the house up because of the heat...its bad enough I have to close it up during the cold months...SIGH...just no pleasing me.
Flowerfreak Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:07 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:20 pm:
the Blue Butterfly
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:20 pm:
either park below where you plan to end the journey or face walking back (uphill of course)
sounds like a good workout!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:44 pm:

Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:07 pm:
sounds like a good workout
Oh it is!!! Especially since the river flows for miles below us...unfortunately once you have bounced across a few boulders, and struggled through a small amount of "whitewater" is usually pretty whipped by the time you haul yourself out of the water...should I also hike back uphill after cooling off in the river makes you want to head...well, right back into the water!! It looks pretty calm in the shots I got, but there is a definite current as the Cullasaja river flows towards the Little Tennessee River...really depends on how high the water is as to how fast the current flows...not too low, not too high...just right or else you end up wiping out on the boulders in the river instead of going over them...loads of fun in any event!! We usually put in around Peak's Creek area above us and then come out below the campground which is about five miles below us...its a good hike for sure...guess I should have also mentioned when you have to hike back up the mountain, you are also having to haul the huge inflated inner tubes as well...they don't sound like they weigh much, and they really don't...but, the black rubber draws even more heat as you stagger uphill...we use the ones for Semi tractors...they are the best!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:57 pm:

3:40pm...the rains have come and now are easing on away from us...was a pretty intense storm for about fifteen minutes or so, dumping rain and blowing very wildly...poor Spike gets so disturbed by the thunder...he's been following me around staying as close as possible during the hardest part of the storm. Barely spitting rain at the moment, I'd guess we got close to 1/2 inch or so...blew rain threw the screens on the porch again as usual and we now have a small area of standing water in the driveway area. The temps dropped from right at 90 to 74 in less than ten minutes...what a way to cool the day!! Of course that just puts the mowing that much further behind...the dog pen area has grass almost to the top of the fence and the yard closest to it has grass coming close to mid calf already...I JUST mowed it two weeks ago today as a matter of fact...looks like a chore for the weekend...of course it will probably have to be between raindrops as we are forecast to have rain all weekend.
Flowerfreak Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 02:36 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:44 pm:
should I also
That would be me, lol
Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 01:44 pm:
...loads of fun in any event
It sounds like a great time. Do a lot of people around there do this?
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 03:00 pm:

Flowerfreak wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 02:36 pm:
It sounds like a great time. Do a lot of people around there do this?
During the summer months when the area is full of tourists the river is full of people on tubes...the bridges are used by the local kids to jump into the river below...scares me silly knowing how shallow the water truly is!! But many people who live in the area do go tubing down the river as well.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 03:07 pm:

4:52pm...the rain continues to fall once update on the amount...we got 1 1/2 inches the first truck bed once more is where I measured...a friend down the road called after the first round and said his gauge was reading two I figure 1 1/2 inches in my truck is pretty close to accurate. The temp remains a comfortable, cool 76 degrees on the porch...just a hint of breeze as the rain now falls gently across the black clouds, just grey cloud cover showing bright patches from the sun shining behind. Had two adult turkey hens wander through the yard for a quick look around the bird feeder as the rains began to fall a bit heavier...didn't stay long and they silently slipped across the neighbor's pasture fence as quickly and quietly as they appeared in front of my porch.
Growit Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 03:59 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 12:20 pm:
A nice relaxing way to spend a summer day...hanging out on a super size inner tube...floating lazily down the river
That sounds like heaven. Wonderful pictures Karen. I feel pretty relaxed and chilled out just by looking at them. Love the butterflies. The blue one really is something sprecial... well...actually they all are. We do not have swallowtails in UK anymore, or at least if we do they must be pretty rare as I have never seen one. I hope things get better with you and the hub and you stop feeling so down. Life is too short for cold wars. I tend to shout it out loud enough for all the neighbours to hear.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 06:56 am:

Growit wrote on Friday, July 11, 2008 - 03:59 pm:
Life is too short for cold wars. I tend to shout it out loud enough for all the neighbours to hear.
Thanks Moira...glad you liked the for shouting it loud enough for the neighbors to hear...that is MY normal mode....get it out and get it over with...if it takes making the entire county hear what I have to say, at least I know that DH should have heard it. But after 17 years of this and him continuing to act as if I've not said one word...well ok...I see no reason to continue wasting my energy...which is why I am now only speaking when spoken to...its hard...way hard...but even though I did end up going off the other night, it was very brief and to the point, he's still acting like nothing has happened between us. So it continues...I don't know what else to do shy of filing for divorce. That's not what I want to do. I do love him even when he makes me want to choke the livin life out of him!!! Just wish he could see where I'm coming from on this.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 07:14 am:

Did a search on the Black and blue butterfly...turns out it was probably a female, which makes sense that they may have been laying eggs or doing some similar mating related ritual along the river bank. 8am...the day sure is beginning with grey, grey and more grey...the air is beginning to feel sticky, but so far it isn't steamy. Guess we will be seeing rain today. Morning temps are holding around the windows open and only the fan running. Hahaha, bet that doesn't last long!!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 09:39 am:

11am...the A/C has kicked on...have closed the windows, well at least most of them...the A/C was set at 76, so I kicked it up a touch...its only 84 outside at the moment, but the steam is beginning as the sun breaks through the cloud cover. In just a bit I'll have to let the A/C run to keep the humidity from becoming a sauna in the house. Another Canna has opened...these are the ones with orange throats...I thought I had some of the solid yellows last year...something is really munching on the leaves. The larvae I saw could be from what is called a Lesser leaf roller...some type of moth least the description is close to what I saw in my own plants. I'm sure the obvious chomping is from those darn Lubber grasshoppers...I don't use chemicals, but they don't respond to much anyway once they are adults...SQUISH is the only method of true control at that stage. The yard remains too soggy to mow for now...might end up putting it off until early in the week at this point. Got a call for a tractor mowing job...WOOHOO!!! A friend has recommended us to someone wanting their pastures cut. Now to see where and how large of an the price of Diesel in our area being just under $5/gallon...our prices for mowing are having to go up to meet the expenses...the vehicle we use to pull the tractor also uses diesel...SIGH...not an easy way to make money any longer with the fuel increasing almost daily...we've tried to keep the prices the same for the past fifteen years...DH enjoys running the tractor and so our minimum price has been $100 for an average 2-5 acre lot without many obstacles. Figure that pays for the fuel generally and gives us a couple dollars. But now...its running $100/week just to fuel the truck so DH can get back and forth to his job...let alone do any type of side work. If its fairly close, and no larger than our place, should be able to keep the price reasonable for the gal. My GF who recommended us hasn't considered that we gave her more of a "family" price when we did her pasture a few weeks ago. I've got the number so will find out soon enough. Too hot at the moment to do much...the steam is increasing rapidly and I'm ready to finally run the A/C.
Greth Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 10:40 am:

Stormy, are things any better with DH? I read back a bit and it didn't look too good. I've had a lot of probs with my own DH, but he has decided to be a good citizen and father now, trying hard. He isn't perfect, but I would give him 6/10 for what he is doing now. We have gone thru everything, I've had a few black eyes, lotsa arguments about money, he even tried to hang himself once - I had to cut him loose, while my young son ran for the phone for the ambulance.. Don't wanna remember that, but its gone now, he is a better person. So spill if you need to talk about anything, sister. Money can be a hard issue anywhere, and with mortgages and petrol prices and groceries going thru the roof, it is harder than ever. My DH has cut down his spending and found some machinery he can sell. He is helping me mind the kids more than before, cooperating on projects which I think will help us in the long run. We do enjoy working together, it was when we were running separate lives that we grew apart. I'm running around paying all the bills, trying to provide clothes and food and toys and stuff for the kids, and he was wondering why there wasn't money left for his personal entertainment! Don't be afraid to charge customers your full cost, plus a goodly amount for profit. You certainly can't afford to work at a loss, or for nothing! If they don't like it, let them find another person who will work for less than the diesel cost. Pfft.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 02:44 pm:

I tried to post earlier, but just when I finally got everything worded the way I wanted it, GB wouldn't let me post my message and it was time to go to a show at the library. So I am sorry that this is so late and probably not worded as well as my earlier thoughts were... Through my own recent experiences and by careful observation of other women's ordeals, I've concluded that men are not like women in any sense, and that by applying the same standards to them that we set for ourselves, we are just setting them up for failure. So, every time my husband does something irritating, I reevaluate him in light of a new set of lower expectations, and peace is maintained. Using this method, I can even laugh about things some of the time.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 10:59 pm:

Thanks Greth and DJ...its not an abuse issue...although at least with that, I know how to react..been down that road in with my exs. This is a problem with him allowing his grown sons, to whom I've been a mother for 17 years, to be absolutely disrespectful towards me and our property...they can do whatever they wish, in spite of my protests. DH will not even say anything when they have got foul mouthed talking to me...I don't put up with that from my son and have never allowed my son to show him that type of disrespect. It's mostly hurt feelings I guess, which is another reason I'm changing my tactics with him...I've fought with him over this for entirely too long, since these boys were teenagers. I refuse to live with them now that they are both over 21...their mother lives in the area, let her deal with them, I raised them...but so far, they've come back to live with us twice now...the last time we almost divorced because of them...they never are required to hold up their end of any deal with us...I've bailed the youngest out of jail twice, paid their rent several times and they haven't even bothered to pay back what they've borrowed once they get working...just a real sore point with me when they show up at my house daily and treat me like I should be glad they exist. Thanks for the emotional support...its comforting to know I'm not the only one dealing with husband issues...being a female, I should know better than to let this male get me down...must be age getting in the way of my brain...
Growit Posted on Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 09:52 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 06:56 am:
I don't know what else to do shy of filing for divorce.
Can't say as I have filed but I have threatened! Seems like none of us can live with them or without them. I am with DJ as far as men are concerned. They are utterly different from us. Their brains function in a manner known only to themselves. Hang in there with the minimum chat treatment Karen. It will probably take him a month or two to notice!
Greth Posted on Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 05:11 pm:

I can certainly live without them! Never had these issues till I married at 40 - I was a single parent with DS, and it was extremely rare to hear a raised voice in the house, unless someone was singing! (At least DS is very tuneful) Probably why I took so long to get married, however it is useful to have someone who can move furniture. Incredibly frustrating when he can but won't!
Growit wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 09:52 am:
Their brains function in a manner known only to themselves.
Their brains function?
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 08:24 am:

Greth wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 05:11 pm:
I can certainly live without them!
I'm with Greth on that. I'd be out of here except that my husband said he'll take my son away if I try to divorce him.
Greth wrote on Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 05:11 pm:
it is useful to have someone who can move furniture
I think that they should be available for hire for brute force as needed and that's about it, although I think I'd probably rather hire a bunch of women for the job because at least I probably wouldn't have to tell them how to do it.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 12:34 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 08:24 am:
I'd be out of here except that my husband said he'll take my son away if I try to divorce him.
And that is why I ended up in FL to begin with...FYI..he who files for custody first, usually gets what they want...hate to hear he's one of those guys who holds the kids over your first ex was that way and a GF here had one like that as well....guess that's why so many of us take the kids and haul butt when we've had enough..just file immediately or they can file for custody and win, from my personal experience...there is what's called "the Uniform Child Custody Act"..the judges have to follow whatever the first judge says, no matter what the circumstances...keeps the parents from "judge shopping"... As for the rest...we all must be Sisters!! These males just can't appreciate gals like us who are obviously willing to work side by side with them doing the same type work most modern men refuse to do, or can't physically endure. I read through each of your journals also and see the type of strong women you are. It takes physical strength to do things like Greth and her rock wall...dragging those boulders around and using hand tools to break the ground...most men won't think about that type of works anymore. DJ and running the farm...farming is hard enough without the care of the house and a child...driving the equipment and tending the crops, worrying about pests and drought...yet look at what you've done. The same with Moira and Lisa...both are doing landscaping, putting in gardens and tending them for, mucky work in our summer heat here...everything that other people just don't care to do. Yet A WOMAN IS DOING IT. Guess that's what has really bothered me the most with DH (and the D sure isn't for Dear)...when we first got together, I had been working as a painter's helper...just prior I had been a Paint maker for one of the major paint companies...throwing 50 pound bags and wrestling 55 gal drums weighing between 300 to 500 pounds each...I'm only 5'5" and at the time weighed about 120 pounds...was in excellent shape at that time and loved my job. Heat exhaustion caused me to leave that job after five years...passing out around machinery and equipment is just not safe. I've also always had an obsession with motors...took Auto mechanics in my senior year of high school and seemed to have a knack for it. DH has been a mechanic since his teen years...we used to do engine jobs in our backyard for extra money...sometimes as many as three or four a week...after DH would get home from his regular job...I can turn a wrench as good as most males, better than a few. I've been certified on forklifts and other machinery...loaders, skid steer machines, short, I've worked with males more than females...figure given the opportunity, I can do any job a male can do and I'm not afraid to learn. In most every field I've worked, its competing with males and usually earning far less for the same job...really rare to have an employer pay a female top dollar around here...unless you are a stripper. Yet women have the same bills as men, especially when trying to raise our kids alone, biggest difference, we are expected to do this with less and usually find a way to do so. Sorry, got lost on a point in all this is that our men seem to take each of our willingness to live in whatever manner THEY choose, for granted. We push ourselves and our "weaker" (yeah right)bodies through whatever is necessary just to survive...and we NEED them why? Just like a rooster is needed...only if you want hatchlings...and to make a big mess and whole lot of "crowing" over their accomplishments..."so it only took you SIX MONTHS to do a TEN MINUTE job"...wooo, and I should be impressed WHY? Ok, I'm done with my immediate rant...these same issues have been covered in my "temper tantrums" endless, countless times over the past seventeen years....seems that's what my DH feels my outbursts closest resemble. He's one of those that seems to think "time heals all wounds"...time just makes it fester, moron...especially if you don't "treat" the problem....I'm seeing him act as usual, wanting to "pick" and trying to get me to kid around so he can feel like things are "back to normal" his mind, if I'm not screeching at the top of my lungs, then I must not be mad any more...yet, he still has not opened his mouth to begin any type of conversation or even offer an apology(I'm sure by now, he's totally forgotten that HE was the one who coped the attitude originally, with NO explanation)...looks like we shall see how long it takes before he caves and gets "mad" about my not talking to him...that's his usual reaction...get all huffy when I refuse to acknowledge his existance...except this time, I'm still cooking, cleaning and taking care of things as normal, just doing it with my mouth shut. Figure I'm only going to react when I absolutely feel like it...picking my battles... Thanks all of you for "nurturing" my emotional garden...we are all flowers in the landscape of life....}
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 05:17 pm:

Hmmm, having issues with getting to GB today...did a post and lost it due to server issues apparently...oh well...such is life. Today has only been a repeat and muggy, afternoon rains have not come at this point...the A/C continues to run even though the outside temps have dropped from 91 to about 85...the steam is still pretty high in the air... Found a Lubber grasshopper munching on my Cannas this morning...flicked him off and squished him...later I went back out to where I had left him and no grasshopper...hmmm and nothing supposedly eats them.... he was gut squished dead, so something must have taken him. Another mystery to solve...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 11:56 pm:

A very grey start for a mid-summer morning...its 8:30 am and the skies are solid grey today. The air feels cool, yet the humidity is beginning to rise. The temps are 78 degrees and rising. The rains came in late yesterday, almost 7:30pm. Was a nice gentle, steady thunder and only small amounts of "heat lightning" flashing occasionally. Shall have to turn the weather on to see what is being called for... Bertha has moved on north of Bermuda, but she still bears watching as she is forecast to make a turn...wouldn't be the first storm to flip around and come back to smack us around a bit. Will feel better once she has fizzled out entirely. Supposed to be another storm being watched also...more to follow.

Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 02:38 am:

WOW. I hear you, Sister. LOL! It's like you read my mind (again). If it weren't so hot outside already, I'd go out and move some big rocks around... take my frustration out on them for a while. Maybe I will anyway. I feel like I might explode if I don't do something strenuous.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:

I hear you DJ!...I'm back to being ready to beat something myself... DH called to ask me to lunch...said ok and off I went...when I get there he's apparently trying to be humorous..."where do you want to eat?"...first off, I don't eat midday except when I go to lunch with him...second...he's the one who is the picky eater...McDonalds is fine by me...I vetoed Dairy dogs just don't sound good today...we end up at a sport's bar...Beef O Brady's...yippee, he knows how I feel about these type places for lunch...way more food than I care to waste...we both ordered salad and sweet tea... No conversation at all...seems I got called for lunch as the rest of the crew was on a job site...Big Deal. Took him back to the shop, thanked him for lunch and headed home...well, first I decided to stop at the grocery while I was out. Figured I might as well pick up the things I forgot the other day...sugar, dish soap...get back out to my truck and it refuses to start. Just what I need in this humidity...I call DH's goes to voice mail...ok, I called it three more times and still went to voice mail...Left a message..."I'm only having trouble with the truck...Guess I'll call AAA". While I'm dialing AAA, I try one more time to start the fires...YAAAYYYY...I don't have to wait for a tow. Not sure what the issue is, my fan comes on, my fuel pump comes on, but when the key is turned...nothing...not even a click. At least she got me home. A half an hour later (I checked the time on my phone when I first called him)...DH decides to finally call me back. Don't know why he bothers to carry the damn phone if he isn't going to answer it. I've griped before about him not answering my isn't as if I'm calling just to yak...I only call when I NEED to speak with him...seems he can answer it for anyone else, including his ex. Guess he's either dumber than a box of rocks, or else he just isn't aware that I DO see the cell bill and it is detailed with the numbers called or incoming to his phone...yet he doesn't answer her calls...ok, then why were you on the phone with her for over ten minutes, while you were at work? Just one more thing to make me see RED...he knows how I feel about this and it isn't a jealousy thing...the kids don't live at home any longer and SHE has NO business calling MY husband for ANYTHING...its just because HE refuses to tell her to stop...and he won't allow me to tell her to stop...I'm ready to beat both of them, just for the aggravation this issue causes. Ok, I'm calming down now...deep breath...maybe if I wasn't so aggravated already with him things wouldn't send me over the edge so wasn't always this way with him...we used to enjoy being around each other. Right now, every thing possible about this man irritates my eyes out.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 07:38 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:
...when I get there he's apparently trying to be humorous..."where do you want to eat?"
I would have returned the humor and suggested the Pink Pony or something similar. LOL.
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:
and sweet tea...
I'd kill for a sweet tea. There used to be a place in Atlanta next to campus called Pero's. They made the world's best sweet tea. They got shut down to make way for dorms for the Olympic athletes. Such a loss. Such character. Everyone there knew us and knew what we wanted to eat, and Red Dog (the SWAT team) used to eat there. The place had real bullet holes in the windows. Ah, the good ol' days.
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:
get back out to my truck and it refuses to start
Is your truck a stick? If it is, I'm sure you've run into this before, but I've noticed that sometimes if the steering wheel isn't positioned just right, a stick shift won't start. I've had that happen with cars and trucks. It used to really irritate me in my Camaro because I could only turn the steering wheel so far before it would lock, then I'd have to put the thing in neutral and let it roll its wheels into a different position before it would start. Obnoxious. Dumb. Definitely not designed by a woman.
Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:
Right now, every thing possible about this man irritates my eyes out.
Flowerfreak Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 08:16 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 12:34 pm:
As for the rest...we all must be Sisters!! These males just can't appreciate gals like us who are obviously willing to work side by side with them doing the same type work most modern men refuse to do, or can't physically endure. I read through each of your journals also and see the type of strong women you are.
Ok, we've got be sisters. I was thinking the same thing about you all! I have had people (guys) get so mad at me for doing heavy work (especially lifting) by myself b/c I don't have all day to wait for them & b/c I think if I can do it myself, why would I have them do it?!
Greth Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 11:06 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 05:20 am:
Not sure what the issue is, my fan comes on, my fuel pump comes on, but when the key is turned...nothing...not even a click.
That click is the starter solenoid (Passing on power to the starter motor) Mine went once, it will eventually need replacing. The short term solution is to discover where it is and give it a hefty tap with a spanner! The things one learns... There are other possibilities of course, just suggesting this one. Don't have problems with where to go for lunch with DH, hasn't happened for years. Had a laugh at him last night. Over the weekend he deleted my computer account (including all favourites) in a hissy fit. There were backups, but he did it in such a way I couldn't access them. So last night when he came home from work I told him with a sweet smile I had deleted all his favourites from his account. Shoulda seen his expression, to think that he might be living with someone capable of being as nasty as himself! Of course I hadn't done anything, I refuse to behave down to his level.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 11:15 pm:

Thanks for the thoughts on the truck problem... yes, it is a stick...but its an older model...still not sure what the problem was. Greth, know what you mean about giving it a good Malibu had that issue with the starter...this seems a bit different. I hate to say it, but I hate vehicles with brains....I think it could possibly be in the brain... DH took a look at it after work last night, but couldn't see anything obvious and of course it wasn't acting up then. Either that or I think there could be a possibility of the ignition switch its self being bad...its a Dodge...I've had a few vehicles where the switch inside the column was messed up...just be keeping my AAA card handy. Although I did make the remark that I don't need a vehicle anyway, so as soon as this one breaks it can be scrapped...I had already explained to him what it had acted like....when I went out to start it yesterday, it was real hard starting and acted like it did over the fourth when he got pissy with doesn't normally act like that...usually, its just hit the key and go. At least with a stick I would normally be able to have someone give it a shove to get me going, but with it losing power when the key is turned...I just don't would think after all of the junk I've owned that I'd have this down pat... At this point though, I'm over it...either it runs, or its junk...DH has already been informed of that...if he isn't going to be able to keep it running where I don't have to worry about being stranded...then the piece of junk don't need to clutter my yard. HE'S the mechanic...who knows how he may have it rigged. I drove the darn thing for seven years without hazard lights working...wasn't til HE was gonna take it out of state that they got fixed...I've taken it out of state, by myself, at least a dozen times...he never bothered to fix those lights...
Greth wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 11:06 am:
Shoulda seen his expression, to think that he might be living with someone capable of being as nasty as himself! Of course I hadn't done anything, I refuse to behave down to his level.
But, Greth! Payback is so sweet!! Don't listen to me girlfriend...I'm an agitator at the moment. Glad mine has not a clue when it comes to the computer...blood would be drawn over my computer. He and I had a discussion somewhat along these line years back when we first got together...he mentioned something about his ex beating all the glass out of his old truck and then sinking it in a pond...all because he pissed her off...I can relate well now....have days like that myself where I want to get his attention... the vehicle will definitely get his attention...unfortunately, it also taps the bank account. Eeehhh, if I want to really tweak his buttons, I'm more than capable...he should consider himself lucky that I still have feelings for his silly ass...revenge is not a stranger to me, and I'm not above getting evil...I give what I get and then some...and for that DH has had fair warning. Although, I must admit, I've offered to go out back and go toe to toe...glove to glove with him...we're the same general size and weight...let's go, I'll date, he's refused...he'll jump all bad and pout like a baby, but push come to shove, he'll leave first...I'm more apt to throw a punch than he is. Yeah, I know, I'm just behaving on his level then, but sometimes, that's how the game must be played...down and dirty. Makes them think twice before going down that road again. It just sucks that you can't play nice and have it get anywhere.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 12:16 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 07:38 am:
I would have returned the humor and suggested the Pink Pony or something similar. LOL.
hahahaha...ok, The Pink Pony is on the OTHER end of town...the area where we were...shoulda told him The Bottoms Up club....I guess I just expected HIM to know where he wanted to go to lunch...I don't know what's in the area out there any more.
Heirloomgardens wrote on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - 07:38 am:
I'd kill for a sweet tea
aaawww, you don't have to do that...I've been told I make really good sweet tea...that's all we drink around here...well, I drink coffee in the morning, but I'm the only one. We go through a couple gallons of sweet tea a day around here.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 12:48 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 12:16 am:
I've been told I make really good sweet tea...
Mmmm, I'll bet it's yummy. Back in my pre- no caffeine days, I used to make a really tasty sun tea... until my glass jug broke. It was huge and I haven't found one since then, so I just haven't had the heart to make it again. ........ Huh. If I go back to drinking caffeine, will that make me get along with my husband again? If so, that would explain a lot... I was drugged!!
Flowerfreak Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 01:15 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 12:48 am:
If so, that would explain a lot... I was drugged!!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:

Hmmm, can't say for sure on that one DJ...its been almost thirty years since I was caffeine to where I was having bad headaches and the dr suggested staying away from the caffeine to see if that would did for awhile...but, as long as I keep the level constant, the headaches don't come. Coffee is my absolute "must"...I can get by with only one cup if I have to...usually make an eight cup pot, which in reality amounts to about three cups of a regular coffee mug...after that, I'm pretty much done for the day with coffee. Ice tea is my next drink of the day...I'm usually carrying it around wherever I am. So if it's drug induced behavior from the caffeine...naaa, he hits the hard stuff...Mountain Dew...we should be getting along wonderful. I think he's just forgotten which woman he's married to...I don't take off for weeks and shack up with who ever (his ex)...I'm the one willing to go toe to toe with him and resolve our issues. I really don't think its asking too much for him to at least address the issues...he doesn't have to agree with me, just acknowledge there is a problem and try to help come to a solution that's acceptable to both of us.... DJ, my recipe for ice tea is pretty simple...can use your coffee maker if you have one...for one gallon...5 regular tea bags...I use Tetley or Louisianne...1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar...I prefer it a little less sweet, but DH likes it at 1 1/2 cups sugar. Steep your tea for about fifteen minutes...pour into a gallon pitcher over the sugar...stir well, add ice and water to fill gallon container. Enjoy. Sun tea is ok, but I'm the only one who will drink unsweetened tea...for a nice change, add a bag of Ginger tea while brewing...I like it better than lemon any day.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 03:13 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:
...he doesn't have to agree with me, just acknowledge there is a problem and try to help come to a solution that's acceptable to both of us....
Good luck with that! That is EXACTLY what I've had my expectations reduced to for years and I am still waiting.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:
DJ, my recipe for ice tea is pretty simple...can use your coffee maker if you have one...
What a cool idea!
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:
I use Tetley or Louisianne...
Ah, and there's the crux of my problem. I think my Mom and I both used to use Cane's (?) tea. It's been so long since we've been able to find whatever it was that I don't even remember how to spell it. For that matter, that might be the backup tea we used for the original tea which I have long since forgotten altogether. I remember Pero's tea was delivered by Cisco. I've always meant to find out if Cisco has their own tea or just exactly whose tea it is that they deliver.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:
Sun tea is ok, but I'm the only one who will drink unsweetened tea...
LOL. I'm a little hummingbird. Sun tea always has to have sugar, and the more, the better. Same for coffee; I won't drink coffee if it's not the palest brown and just an absolute sludge of milk and sugar. But hot tea can go either way.
Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 02:48 am:
...for a nice change, add a bag of Ginger tea while brewing...
Mmm, slurp.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 03:24 am:

Here it is almost noon...the temps are hovering around 84 degrees, skies are full of thick grey clouds...the humidity is bearable for the time. Only fans running this morning, the A/C hasn't kicked on as yet. Yesterday the temps remained comfortable enough that I had the windows open all day without the A/C. Rains moved into our area yesterday around 4:30pm...immediately began to look like dusk as the clouds darkened the sky. According to the weather, several areas received 4 plus inches total yesterday...I can believe that after watching it come down in buckets. Was a slow moving cell, but at least we didn't have lightning. More of the same is forecast for the weekend the threat of rain is supposed to be much lower...only 20%. DH appears to have put the battery charger on the mower if the darn thing will run for more than an hour at a time, I might just be able to get the yard cut before the rains move in...I doubt that will happen though...I really need to fire up the weedeater and run it around the walkway...sure would be nice if I could just run the mower over everything...usually when I mow, DH runs the weedeater, but that hasn't happened since we came back from the mountain...I mow, he farts around with anything except helping with the yard. I'd put him on the mower, but he leaves it looking like a hay field and I can't deal with that...looks like I need to gather more pinecones for more mulch as well. Really happy with the way it has kept the weeds down in the front beds. I like the color of the pinecone mulch as well. So much to do and not much time between the humidity rising and the raindrops falling...and I'd like to get back on the vegetable garden as well...maybe I shall go through my seed box and see what I want to try now...should be able to have quite a few things produce between now and January when we get our first real cold weather....the rains we are getting daily should also help...something to think about here...just need to get the garden plot cleaned back out and tilled under...might just be something to consider, as long as the heat doesn't make me sick I can handle it...just need to get the yard done first...looks like I'm off to mow
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 06:57 am:

So much for mowing and getting it over with...the mower made about two passes and it running again, only to go maybe twenty feet...stopped again...after numerous times of this finally crapped out in the side yard and I ended up pushing it back to the shed. Lasted less than an hour. DH got in and I fussed about the mower...he goes out and tinkers...might have found the problem...the little shut-off valve that's in the fuel line doesn't appear to be allowing the fuel to flow...he replaced the line and the mower didn't shut down until I turned the key off...I managed to get almost all of the front yard mowed before dark, and the rain. The rains came about 9pm...from this morning...we did get quite a bit...the front side yard to the east is holding like a pond once more. So glad I got that area mowed yesterday. My Thursday is starting off nice and cool...almost 9 am now and the air is still fresh from the rain last night. The cloud cover is keeping the steam factor down as the sun hasn't broke through yet. Temps are in the mid 70's at this time. Looks like I won't be doing any mowing today with the yard holding this much water...sure would have been nice to get it done...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 01:39 pm:

Rains have begun to move in early...went out to the corner store and as I was heading home, the black clouds were heading our direction from the north. Got a few sprinkles, but not much else at this point...looks like it will bust loose and rain buckets any second, but so far its all show. Last night's rain left two inches of water standing in the bed of my truck, no wonder we have standing water in the yard. All this water just brings the skeeters thicker and makes mowing take forever...can't begin to take a mower through the pond that's formed on the east side or the other pond areas throughout the that the rider is running half decent, I'd like to get the mowing finished before the house disappears from view entirely. The backyard is in more need of mowing than the front as it didn't get the trim the last time the mower was ran. Getting pretty snakey looking in some places...don't think I'd care to walk inside the dog pen area right now as thick and high as that grass has grown! Some days it just don't pay to get out of bed...everything I am wanting and need to accomplish seems to be an outside chore. SIGH...guess I'll pick up a few things around the house...can always run the vacuum ten gazillion times a anyone but me would even notice. GRRRRRRRR...ANOTHER call from these STUPID satellite sales/service idiots...HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY TAKE MY NUMBER OFF YOUR I punched the 1 to get a real live I explain for the gazillionth time that they have been told to remove my damn number..the yahoo tells me "oh, I was going to remove your number, BUT, YOU cussed"....EXCUSE ME??? I told him I was pretty upset and was attempting to keep it under control..."but you said Damn...goodbye" and proceeded to hang up on me. I wouldn't take one of their Dish systems if it meant I'd NEVER watch tv again.... Come on over to my house BUBS...let me show you just how out of control I can REALLY Be...Be glad I can't reach through the phone and snatch your sorry ass through it so I can dot your eyes and cross your t's with my knuckles. Stewing for a fight about now, and my day wasn't actually going too bad before this idiot rang my house. Wouldn't piss me off so much, but I get these sorry calls from this stupid company at least four or five times a day...tell one I'm not interested, remove my number from your list and BAM...two minutes later I've got another freaking idiot from the same stinking company in a different area code calling me again...and they wonder WHY I feel the need to use VERY strong language with them??? LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Then you won't have to hear me use words that make sailors and bikers blush.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 02:26 pm:

Whew! I think the temp must be well above 98.6 where you are. LOL! Have you ever just said something like, "Hang on, let me put my husband on the phone", and just left the bozo on the phone waiting? Just wander off and do something you enjoy. Whenever you are good and ready, hang up the phone without saying a word. I taught my Mom that one. The other tactic is to pretend that either (#1) you are (or your husband is) very high up in a competitor company or (#2) one of you is retired from the competitor company, and in either case you are already getting the best deal from them. My husband's dad is king of that game.
Growit Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 04:59 pm:

Haha! Good one DJ. I always say I am on benefits, in debt and about to be evicted lol!
Greth Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 04:59 pm:

Most of the calls like that we get here are from call centres in India, some of them hardly speak English anyway. Ya gotta be dead careful not to accidentally agree to a contract before you work out what they are trying to say!
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 05:19 am:

The thing is...they need to comply when asked to remove your name and number from their calling list...there are laws regarding this. I did telemarketing for a few weeks and that was one of the things during the training session that was stressed, that we could be fined for not complying with do not call requests...numerous of these calls now are computer generated and just repeat until someone answers...even if it goes to the answering machine they will call back repeatedly. I'm normally very short and to the point...Not interested, take my name and number off your list. and I hang up because these people will try and argue that you really need their service. I'm not into that...I just want the sales calls to cease...and I'm not going to an unlisted number...why? In Florida they sell our information from the Driver's License bureau...every City directory does the same...that's where the telemarketers get their lists. Its just another aggravation to add to the daily grind.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 05:50 am:

6:30 am Friday...The morning is beginning the same as the past few...grey cloud filled sky. The temps this morning are at 75 degrees and the air feels nice and cool at this part of the morning. Forecast is calling for a high of 92 with the humidity bringing the temps to the point of feeling like its over 100...looks like the A/C will be running today...the past two days, the humidity has been low enough and the cloud cover has kept the temps down so I've only been running the fans. DH made it in before the last round of rain...he decided to head outside to "do something" I suggested he should fire up the weedeater and cut along the front walkway...I looked out in time to see him doing the section behind the split rail...ok, that's not the walkway, but it does need done...he also decided to cut the area in front of the flowerbeds on the other end of the for me. Finally got the walkway cut just as the rains came through once the time he got the weedeater put away and came inside, the rain was letting loose with buckets pouring down. Guess he's trying to suck up by doing more than asked...but then again, it wouldn't have been done at all if I hadn't asked in the first place. The rains moved in about 6 pm last night and this morning said Daytona got 2.62 inches last night...haven't been out to my truck to check as yet...LOL...kinda expensive rain gauge... the yard continues to hold water in several spots. With all the heavy rain last night, I forgot to go shut the coop...started out about 8 pm, but the chickens were still out...playing in the rain...came back inside and it totally slipped my mind. Glad to see everyone was ok this morning when I stepped out to open the coop. Not sure what is going on with DH...since he won't talk to me...but the headaches must be back...was awakened to the sound of water coming down really hard about 2:30 am...turned out DH was in the shower letting the water beat down on his head...sometimes that's the only way he can get back to sleep. The alarm sounded at 6am and he was not acting like he wanted to get out of 6:30 he had managed...hurts to see him like this, but he is the one who has to cry uncle and stop doing the things that cause pain...he won't listen to a thing I suggest...but will try anything that any other person offers...I give up.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 08:21 am:

9:45am...spoke with sis for a bit this morning...she had labs drawn the other day and has been waiting for her results...her Dr is concerned because her last Bone Density test showed the Osteoporis was causing more deterioration in her hips...she's turning 50 next week. The labs are showing she has a Vitamin D deficiency, even though she's been on Calcium and Vit D supplements....seems the supplements aren't being absorbed. Now they are talking about sending her for injections daily to encourage bone cell growth...scary stuff as she has had a round with lung cancer already...her twin also was diagnosed with cancer...the cancer eventually went to the bones...within six months of being diagnosed...we lost her Jan 2007. I'm not ready for this to begin all over again...just not sure I've got the strength to help her get through this again. Emotions are way too close to the some sense, it makes me angry that she should be subjected to the guinea pig treatment..."let's see if THIS will work"...seems like that's all any of the Drs have to offer...with all the research that's been going on for Decades now, there is most certainly an answer for this hateful disease...just getting our stupid officials to allow treatments to be used in this country that are showing good results in other countries...that is frustration of the highest degree, for all types of illness and disease. SIGH...just one more reason I have no desire to allow one of these "medical" persons to test me for anything...many of my friends have asked why I chose not to be checked for cancer...WHY? Can they tell me I will make a full recovery if I do have it? Can they cure whatever they may find? If they can "cure" it, can they guarantee that it will never return? Ignorance is bliss and as long as I am able to get through my days without issue, so be it. I am aware that many forms of cancer have high success rates...but just as many people succumb to the treatments as the disease...I do not care to live the remainder of my days depending on someone to carry me in for some treatment that makes me weak as a newborn and sick as a drunk after an all night bender...what kind of quality of life is that? Should I ever find myself in that position I only ask to be kept as comfortable as possible...pain meds will be my friend til the end...if that is to be my destiny in this life. Too many painful memories of watching my Grandfather, Aunt and recently, both sisters and my mom, going through the chemo and radiation and still nothing but pain and suffering...they each had the heavy drugs towards the end to help ease the pain...and even those weren't enough at times.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 11:36 am:

1:30pm...the A/C has just kicked on...must mean the temps have finally come above 80 degrees inside now...time to close the windows for a bit. No real sun outside...still loads of cloud cover. I did notice the humidity coming up a bit earlier, but figured I'd wait until the A/C kicked on before closing the house. Just feels like winter when the house is closed up tight. The mood has lightened and I'm beginning to once more plan what I want to do for garden areas around here...seems we will be here for quite awhile longer as DH has not mentioned the mountain move since we came home and things began to "fall apart" with our plans. Guess that's one more reason I'm feeling depressed...trapped would be a better word...just don't know what to think about many things any longer. Hopes become raised only to be dashed to the ground in the blink of an eye... must be why I keep coming back for more...I'm waiting for the hopes and dreams to be fulfilled...
Greth Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 - 06:58 pm:

Just plan what to do for next season, even small dreams achieved can lift your mood. Sometimes when I feel like leaving, I head into the garden to sort things out as though the place was gonna be up for sale! If the worst comes to the worst, we would get a better price, otherwise I have a better garden to play in!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 08:47 am:

Thanks Greth...I usually head out back and wander through the pasture for a bit when I'm feeling like this...right now though, the skeeter's are so thick and the standing water makes the air so heavy from the moisture rising that I'm really feeling trapped in the house. One of the things that I'm beginning to dislike about this state as I grow older is the high humidity...I moved down here when I was in my early 30's and now that I'm into menopause...well let's just say I understand now why all the "older" women prefer the temps almost bone chilling cold. The hot flashes so totally suck in this high heat and humidity. Guess that's another factor with the crazy moods as well. But I figure females have been dealing with this since the beginning of existence, and this too shall pass. A bit of herbal tea blended for just this reason does seem to help when I remember to make a cup...guess I should probably make it by the pitcher for the days its needed. As for making the place here better, well, at this point, I'm just satisfied to make it look how I like it sense making any major improvements so the landlord can jack the price up even higher...if he wants that type of improvement, he can do it himself. We've already brought in close to 100 yards of topsoil to help improve the many low spots and its all sugar sand or shell. We also brought in about 40 yards or so of road-base (crushed rock and concrete) for the driveway so we didn't have to worry about tearing our vehicles apart...the driveway was so rutted and soft sand that you almost needed a four wheel drive vehicle to come all the way to the house...its nice now and has packed very hard. The driveway we spread by hand...pulling the crushed material off the back of DH's truck, 2 yards at a time...we did this every night for about two weeks. The body really threw a fit over that...the driveway is over two hundred feet from the road to the house. I'm just so tired of getting things the way I like where we live and then having the rug snatched out from under me...since the landlord here refuses to give me a figure for the place I have very little incentive to spend what little energy I can find fixing a place that will never be ours. That's why I was so thrilled when DH finally said he was ready to move to the mountain. Anything I do there is already I just have to get there so I can begin....SIGH...I'm getting way too old to keep starting over every few years.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 09:18 am:

Rains moved in off and on throughout the day yesterday...the evening was clear and DH finished quite a bit of the weedeating out in the half moon garden and around areas I can't get with the mower...surprised me that he decided to continue without being asked. Today has started out like every day this week, light cool air in the early part of the morning and then as the sun begins to beat down, the humidity rises as the temps begin to climb. The east side of the yard has begun to absorb the standing water, this morning only the smallest quantity is still visible on the grassy area where yesterday Mojo was splashing some cute pictures of him playing in the water last evening. Highs today are forecast to be in the mid 90's, with very little chance of rain...maybe I will be able to get the mowing finished after all. We've had all variety of birds visiting the feeders this morning...several Cardinal families, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, Yellow belly Sapsuckers and even the little hummers. Saw the white Egrets heading towards the neighbors' pastures and heard the Kestrel close to the chicken area...all the birds scatter when they hear the Kestrel screech! Funny how the Blue Jays mimic the Kestrel at times...I was watching the birds the other day and heard what sounded close, but not quite like the Kestrel...looked towards where I heard it and there was a Blue was the one making the racket....the minute everyone scattered from the feeder, he swooped in for his private meal....LOL...I get great pleasure just watching the critters in my yard. Which reminds me...we had a rather interesting visitor yesterday...a very large Gopher turtle...he was about the size of a dinner plate and just a cruising across the yard...I adore turtles and this big boy was awesome...he finally headed out towards the back pasture...I've only seen the turtles out here once or twice in the three years we've been here. Now and then we've had the Painted box turtles in the back pasture. Got a peak at the young Buck again last night right before dark...I had let the big dogs out for a bit and was calling them inside...Mojo dawdles and I actually thought it was him in the woods kinda close to the road...until the head turned and I could see the "spikes" and his was the young this time, Mojo was coming from behind my truck, poking along like a little kid who doesn't want to come inside...he even "pouts" like a little one, hanging his head, and shuffling his to laugh at this big 'horse' of a dog when he acts like this....hahahaha. Well, looks like its time to see if the mower will start or if I'm gonna have to put the charger on...I'd really like to at least finish the front and get a good running start on the house backyard...the back pasture can just wait...its pretty green and DH just cut a good portion last weekend with the tractor...I'm more concerned with the grass closest to the house as the snakes and rodents tend to hang in the thick stuff.
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 04:04 pm:

Ok...well, it seems I have managed to run the life out of yet another poor mower...and it was just beginning to cut so ....well, ok, there was something going on with the mower deck we were trying to resolve...was cutting really low on one side...seems the bearing in the one blade (its a two blade deck)decided to let loose...locked the blade, which stalled the motor. Whew!!! and here I thought I had run over another "rope monster"...I keep trying to watch for Mojo's rope far, so good...knock wood. We only have "four" riders...all of which now have a little something wrong...darn, and I almost had the house yard finished, but at least the front is done. DH is attempting to repair the one my sis gave was running until my BIL decided to "tweak" the far looks like he put the coil in backwards and managed to break the keyway shear pin...and he wonders why sis shudders when he says he's going to "fix" something. Was waiting around while DH worked on the mower and decided that the Mexican Petunias just really need put back in their place...these bad little babies have come back with a vengence...the bed closest to the step has numerous variegated border plants...can't remember what they are, but they resemble "Spider" plants...the light creamy outer stripe with the green inner...I think they send up a small flower spike, don't really know as the petunias have kept them hidden from view. I began pulling them out around the step and front walkway...the rest will have to wait, its just to blame humid and hot out there, the temp was 92 on the porch at 5 o'clock...the wind is being pulled in from the gulf by our newest system sitting off the Carolina coastline...even the breeze feels moist and steamy...yuck.
Greth Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 06:53 pm:

You wouldn't beleive DH got stuck into the housework while I was out shopping yesterday, he cleaned all the floors in half the house! He and DS barbecued some sausages and sweet corn (in the rain!), and DS made pancakes. I also got a full apology for last week's hissy fit. Glad I kept my high moral ground and didn't do anything vengeful. We have to get some roadbase for our driveway too, when we can afford it. Our driveway is about 500 metres long. I've patched the worst bits near the house with buckets of small rocks dug up from the vegetable garden, that works quite well. We did do a short stretch with roadbase, but found it mostly washed away over a couple of years. The rocks stay put, though it looks a bit like a dry riverbed to drive on! Don't have to worry about hot flushes just yet, but our worst heatwave on record was in early March this year, and I ended up having the baby induced as the heat was so awful. You have my sympathy on that one. At least it is rarely humid here, just hot hot hot. And the nights are nearly always cool and pleasant.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 10:30 am:

Wow Greth!! I'm impressed...sounds like he's trying to work things out and make things better between the two of you...I'm happy for you. Ahh, the driveway...yeah, I'm glad for the little "perks" of DH's job...the roadbase didn't cost us anything but the time to spread it...although as it is an improvement to the property, I did charge the landlord for what it would have been per yard to the public...DH's boss sells the was selling for $20/yard at the time. He gave it to us...we took it off the rent and I gave the landlord the receipt for the material....of course at the time, the landlord mentioned that in the past, mulch was used to repair the driveway...his is blacktop. Do you know what a mulch drive would look like in our torrential hurricane rains? No wonder it was so whoop de doo...I've been on trails that were more passable! Your rock drive is great use of what's at hand...we shall be having to bring in loads of gravel for the mountain drive. Rock in our current drive would be swallowed by the sand. With the crushed concrete, the crushed rock, when it rains it packs real hard with the sand...we could stand another few yards as this has settled a bit...just to top it off. We had plans of spreading some nice pea gravel that was available for free, but didn't get it in time...the pea gravel would have been for our liking, so I wouldn't charge the landlord for that...just like I haven't charged him for the loads of topsoil we've brought in to bring up some of the really low spots in the property...figure that's for MY enjoyment at this point and if I want to really have a go at any type of gardens, this is something I need. As to the heat and humidity, that's one thing I really loved when I lived in NC before coming to FL...the humidity was so much lighter, for lack of a better description...I was living inland in the country, but not in the mountains, more like the foothills...we lived in a 200 yr old cabin without anything but fans...loved it and the humidity was so much lower than I had known while living in Indiana...ugh...sauna all summer, like living in a swamp....way too landlocked.
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 02:22 pm:

Another sweltering summer day...the rain is nowhere to be seen, but the steam from the sun baking on the moisture laden ground hits you in the face, the minute you step outside. The temps are hovering around 93 and its 4 pm in the afternoon. We have our third named storm...Christobal, heading north along the Carolina coast...a fourth sits south in the Caribbean...Dolly...the season is in full swing. Meanwhile, Bertha is still around but she's moved off NE in the Atlantic towards Nova Scotia...right now, she's claimed the record for the longest July TS on record...been around over 12 days now. DH and I pulled the shade screen cover over the garden area so I could let the chickens in there for a bit...more of a hawk deterrent than anything....caught the chickens and they are in heaven at the moment with the over grown garden after being in the confines of their own yard which is picked clean. I'd like to see about moving them back and forth daily, but I'm prepared for them to hang out in the garden overnight if need be...they came to me at several months old, so we never got the real early bonding that I would have had if I had them from chicks...they all have been "run" to the point they know if they run long enough, you will give up! DH and I cornered them and caught them one at a time...poor Barney headed inside the coop and that was where I caught him. For now, they are set up inside the garden and the dogs can only see them from the one spot...the gate. The remainder of the fencing is covered with silt screen, a left over from the winter months when we were having freezing winds. I used it as a wind block around the outer side of the fence. Nothing was lost to freeze, so it must have worked. While the chickens are in the garden, I'll go ahead and clean the roost box in the coop and get things ready for when they come home at night... DH has hopped on the backup mower and is cutting the front portion of the pasture. That thing is scary to operate!! Its a Snapper, older model...darn thing likes to pull the front wheels off the ground when you ease off the brake...just about got thrown several times while finishing the yard with it about having poor weight distribution...the engine is in the back...then the deck...the operator sits above at the point where the engine and deck meet on the frame...way too much weight on the back and nothing on the front at all. I want my YAZOO!!!! The Snapper cuts pretty good and has a fair amount of power, but the wheelie popping is un-nerving to say the least. Will take quite a bit to get the hang of this one. We are still not truly talking, but seem to have agreed upon an unspoken, uneasy truce for the time...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 05:47 am:

Left the A/C on through the night, at 11:30pm, the temps were still holding at 84 and the humidity was still very heavy. No rain in our area at all yesterday. Temps this morning are hovering around 75 at 7:30am...the humidity has dropped way back and the air feels light and cool. The chickens seem to have done well overnight in the garden...I moved the large dog carrier out there for them to hide in and to roost in at night...they were ready to be let loose this morning. All the mowing has been finished for the time. DH finished up the pasture with the Snapper...he said it only tried to pop one wheelie with him. I'm glad he decided to finish that part, got allergy eyes going on at the moment from all the mowing I did the other day...they are being itchy,sticky, running and just plain sore...using the warm moist clothes to help ease the irritation. If it doesn't clear within the next day, I've got drops to use...allergies just suck...great..went to check on the eyes and I have developed a sty...breaking out the sty ointment and continuing with the warm moist clothes.
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 21, 2008 - 11:36 am:

WHEW!! 1pm and the thermometer on the porch says 98...the humidity feels about the same...liquid air. A/C is cranking, inside temp is only 82 right now with the heat dropping through the the fans going to help keep the air moving. Managed to get a walk out to the back pasture when my GF stopped in this morning...before the heat came of down pine branches out there, must have been from the high winds we had last week during one of the storms. Noticed the dead pine by the east gate to the pasture dropped quite a bit out of the top when I was mowing the other day. Pine debris everywhere by that gate. Will probably end up taking my truck out there to collect all of the downfall...will be much easier than hauling it by wheelbarrow...its on the far back corner of the property. I don't mow back there every time, but I don't want to forget about it and have the grass grow over my luck it would jam the brush hog mower... and that thing will cut just about anything. When I do get out there, it will be a long task. That area has never been trimmed out. With fire danger and all, it really needs done at least every couple of years. When its really dry, I don't take the mower out there...not til we get at least two good rains. I think last year, I only cut it twice all year because of the drought. At least when I take the truck out for downfall, I'll have a good way to haul all the pinecones back for the chipper. The bigger limbs and pieces will go to our and then we like to sit out around the firepit at night...the stars are so clear out here. Figure a bit of the ash from the firepit can't hurt the garden either since its wood ash...very little paper is ever burned in it...usually only have to dig it out once a year or so...the rains keep it beat down as it usually burns completely. The chickens seem to have adjusted to the garden area just fine. I heard the hawk and actually spotted the Kestrel out front. So far, the shade screen seems to be working just fine. All have adopted the dog kennel for housing and Barney and Red were seen having a spat over the arrangement of the hay earlier this morning...LOL. Ms Piggy was off in the shady portion checking out the variety of snackfood available. Its looking better in there already as the weeds were really out of hand with the past week's rainfall. Figure about a week and they should have things pretty well wiped out.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 05:14 am:

Tuesday July 22, 2008 I know Summer is my favorite time of year...but, I think I'm about to change my mind for the remainder of the time I live in FL...Spring and Fall...any time when the weather is below 90 and the humidity is 9 am the temps were already at 88 degrees and the humidity was rising quickly. Never did get any of the rain we kept "hearing" signs of. Thunder rumbled off and on in the distance, as the sun set and dark wrapped around us. Thought for sure we would get at least a bit as close as the thunder sounded. Without the rain to clear the humidity from the air, the A/C remains on once more overnight. DH seems to be attempting to make things right between us...he hasn't mentioned our spat, but is working at little "to do list" things that we have talked of doing around here...he's been spreading some of the dirt around the shed and outside faucet...laying the pavers next to the shed for additional outside storage. He's picked up and put away much of the "stuff" he's had just sitting around in front of the shed area. Last night he helped me bring the two urns and their posts back to the front walkway...I'm wanting to try the Yellow Summer squash in them...I think they would look nice running down the urns...the split rail fence is close enough that the vines could drape over it as well....oooh, maybe a Cantaloupe in the other one... I'd be able to keep a close eye on them for the boring worms. The Four o'clocks have become the spreading monsters I know and love. The end where they self seeded has a couple plants well above the split rail. As soon as DH brings me a hand truck home (ours has disappeared since the last son borrowed it) I want to move the huge pot with the Firebush. Not far, just away from the Four o'clocks. Will also need to move the long rectangle concrete planter from that area...the Four o'clocks have almost smothered it. Figure I'll just let them take over that spot. Their perfume is wonderful and grabs your nose whenever you walk past that end. Several more of the Canna's are ready to open...I took the scissors out and snipped as much of the damage from the Leaf roller as I saw. Darn Lubber Grasshoppers have left their mark on many of the leaves and the Lily plants also. The Lavender seems to be growing quite well. No sign of buds or blooms, but the plant is looking nice. I'm really impressed with the come back the Poinsettias have shown. They are looking very healthy and seem to like their spot. Last summer was spent trying to keep them alive in the pots...this year; they haven't wilted once in the ground...looking forward to picking up a few more with different colors for this spot. Lots of weeding is needed in the front beds close to the Bottle Brush...skeeters are so thick around that tree. I'd like to get the mulch raked back a bit and put more of the topsoil in that area...its still quite low and there are several "Peace Lilies" from the other side that need to be transplanted. They don't care for as much sun as the other bed receives and look a bit "burnt" on the edges. Purple Coneflower would look nice in that bed and would be able to handle the baking sun it old house had a similar bed out front and the coneflowers loved it...we called our old front yard the "desert wasteland" because very little could tolerate the degree of heat that yard saw daily. Prickly pear Cactus, Shefflera (sp?), Aloe, Purple Coneflower, Asparagus fern and Confederate Jasmine were about all I could grow in that blistered yard. Even some things that said they could tolerate full sun withered and disappeared in those beds. They had western sun most of the day as the front of the house faced almost due west. Living here (in FL) has taught me about "micro climates"...areas around the yard where the growing is my old front yard...the back yard closest to the house was shaded and only received morning sun...the Peace Lilies thrived in that yard and we had them in several spots... on the south side of the house we had a deck...the little "courtyard" formed by the deck and the privacy fence between it and the front yard was another micro my Blush rose grew next to the flourished in the long concrete planters...Basil and Rosemary grew well next to the deck where they received the West sun as well as the South sun during the day. Aloe grew along the driveway edge of the deck and Banana trees grew on the east end of the deck. Fern grew wild in that yard and we moved several to the north side fence behind the house. About the time I get things going good, it seems we move. When we first moved out here, I had visions of someday planting a few fruit trees...of course I also had visions of boarding horses here as well. Now both of those visions have faded into the sunset and an empty hole remains...for once, I'd like to be able to make a plan and have it get worked through to the end. We’ve touched on the mountain and the need to make another trip up. DH is wanting to take the van up the next needs a lot of money dumped in it to go that far....shocks, tires, exhaust...just to name a few. It’s a 1994 GMC Vandura Sporty Shorty conversion van. Another "freebie" SIL's parents gave it to us when they replaced it a few years ago...couldn't get what they wanted for it as a trade in, so figured we might be able to do something with it. It’s not a bad, stereo all works...interior is in pretty fair shape and it runs pretty decent. Gas wise, its fair...gets about 16 mpg right now...could be better. We could sleep in the van if we wanted, but really, I don't care to do that. I'd like to get back up and get to some of the places I noted to see what kind of pricing we can find on a camper of some sort there, as the one DH was told about doesn't seem likely....they've now changed prices several times and we have yet to even see it. The heat today is supposed to feel like we are over 100 degrees...I'm there already and I'm still inside in the A/C...can feel the heat dropping through the ceiling...I need to get to the grocery ...didn't I just go? We seem to be out of most everything. Sure would be nice if we could figure out how to eat without having to go to the grocery...guess I better hurry with the garden...hahahaha, that's one way for me to lose weight...waiting for the garden to produce! 1:45pm…went to post about an hour ago, only to discover that not only is my internet connection down, but the cable and phone are out as well….GREAT!!! Called the cable company from my cell, that only took about a half dozen tries before it went through….seems there is a problem in our area…yeah, ok, so how long before my service is restored?....the gal on the phone couldn’t even give an idea…"its been down for an hour now and its not usually very long, we have two technicians out there now"…I really don’t care for people like that…just say you don’t know how long the service will be out. Found out last night when my GF stopped by to bring goodies for the chickens that some brave soul had swiped the phone cable from the pole up the street a ways… service through the phone company was out up and down the street yesterday as a result. Seems the thieves took several hundred feet of the cable right off the utility poles!! We had seen the crew out in the middle of the street when we headed out yesterday afternoon…they had the street blocked so no one could pass and we ended up taking the dirt road out to the little store. When we came back through a few minutes later, the guys were taking pictures of the lines along our road. My GF said the phones at the farm had been out all morning…now we know why! Can’t believe how brazen these thieves are becoming. Discussed this with DH and we have decided to start closing the gate when he comes in at night. As far off the road as we sit, I don’t think we need to encourage the hooligans to consider our yard…DH’s truck is usually parked in the side yard to the front of the house. With fuel being what it is now, makes me glad we don’t live in town and have to worry about having the fuel siphoned out nightly….with the doors and windows shut and the A/C on, the gate being closed will at least give the dogs a few minutes to wake up should someone decide to come into the yard…may not stop them, but at least it will slow them down. We went ahead and put the reflectors on the gate and the Beware of Dog sign, last night….DH said he will have to inform everyone that the gate is now being closed…guess that means the boys as they are the ones most likely to run over the gate…if they can’t see the gate is closed, then they really have no business driving in the first place. Guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the crime is spreading out here to the rural end…Daytona and Volusia County have had numerous thefts from the new construction sites over the past year. Copper and other metals are fetching a nice price at the scrap yard…DH was saying that now when quantities of wire especially are brought in, they are checking Id’s and taking names. His company turns in large quantities from the demolition jobs….its becoming such a problem as there are people taking the wire from cell towers and even now, the utility poles. I am sure its not just our area, but, I’m ready to leave all the nonsense behind….crime is becoming rampant due to the economy here. People come down for vacations and end up "stranded" here for whatever reason…next thing ya know, they are having to steal to get by….living in homeless camps…sitting on the roadways begging for money, shoplifting and anything else, just so they don’t have to find a real job…life in paradise. Countless times in my old office location we were met in the parking lot by people looking for a handout…strong, healthy looking people who just didn’t see a need to work for the money. There was a labor hall a few blocks away and that’s usually where I would direct them…besides, I don’t carry cash….and that is one of the reasons. May sound harsh to some, but when you see these same people day after day doing this, it makes you wonder why they can’t spend the energy working for the money like the rest of us. And then there’s always the moment when you spot one of these panhandlers up under the shade sucking on a 40 oz brewski, holding their ‘I’m hungry’ sign, yet turning down food when its offered to them by some sympathetic soul….’I don’t want THAT, I want CASH’….no sympathy here from me in cases like this. 2:30pm…still no phone, no internet, no cable…the sky is clouding up with dark grey, and the thunder is rumbling closer and closer. Temps are still holding around 92…sis says it’s raining hard in her area…called on the cell. Could have a bit of rain soon if this is an indication…guess I need to wonder out and check on how the chickens are doing in the garden area before the rains move in. 3:15 pm…the rains moved in right at 3 o’clock…so far, the power has flipped off twice…shut the A/C down and have the porch door open at the moment….the rains are blowing way too hard to open windows at this point. Still no phone, no cable and no internet….having issues even getting online using the cellphone…sigh…just not meant to post right now. Its raining hard enough that not only is the east side yard holding water, but the driveway is holding water as well…everything has had since Saturday to dry out a bit, and while the east side yard was still somewhat "spongy", there was no standing water. The driveway rarely floods since we put down the roadbase. Poor chickies…hope they decide to get inside the dog kennel…its raining so hard I can’t see out the windows. Thunder is cracking pretty close by and occasionally, the lightning flashes way too close for comfort…on the plus side, the temperature is dropping quite nicely with this rain…the humidity has dropped as well and the air is very cool and fresh now…all in less than fifteen minutes!! Of course the storm means that the cable service will just take that much longer to repair…wouldn’t mind so much, but I hate not having the phone. With my new cell plan I get charged for all minutes…the old one had free incoming…sis can call me without using our minutes, but DH is on a different provider, so in effect, we pay for him calling me on both phones…can’t seem to win for losing some days. Figure I’ll give the cable company until 4pm before I call again to whine….after all, they are the ones who said it shouldn’t be long….over three hours is long enough….and they started before the storm came up…my luck, someone probably snagged that cable line off the pole this time… DH should be dragging in within the next forty five minutes or so…about the time the rain moves on out…just in time for the soggy end of a sweltering hot day. Too wet to do anything outside this evening…. 4:30 pm HOLY JEEZZZ!!! I knew it was raining hard, BUT WOWSERS!!! My entire yard looks like a swamp right now!! It’s just barely spitting sprinkles at the moment, but this yard is totally flooded…I’ve not seen it like this the entire three years we’ve been here. GREAT!!! Now I know for sure that I absolutely DO NOT want to try and ride out any type of hurricane weather here…I’ve never evacuated from a hurricane, we’ve always rode it out wherever we lived. BUT THIS!!! Guess there’s a real good reason we’ve been getting the run around on a price…we don’t need to live in a swamp…the storms of 2004 probably had water to the top of the cement porch…be needing the canoe to check the mail at this rate. So very glad to see this prior to having purchased it! For every thing there is a reason….sometimes I know I’m just way too impatient.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 07:28 am:

The rains continued overnight. We had the windows open as the temps and humidity were low. At 6:30 am the temp is 73 degrees, the skies are dark with thick rain clouds. Its currently raining fairly says we received an additional 2 inches yard looks like it!! I'm seriously considering tying the canoe to the splitrail fence...the water is that high. So glad I have the chickens in the garden spot...their yard is totally under water. At least the garden sits high and there is little if any standing water there. I have pictures to load showing just how much of my yard is under water at this time...great yard if you happen to be a duck or a fish!! More rain is coming our way. One of the storm cells that sat over us early this morning was said to have dropped close to 4 inches...between what we got last night before dark and what happened between midnight and six am...looks like we could have received close to six inches of rain...again, looking at my yard I believe it. Storm pictures: Front yard side yard...West Chicken yard west side of yard and west pasture entrance Garden area...back yard and east side of backyard These were all taken yesterday after the storm...this is from one hour of very heavy rain...prior to this, the yard was dry...we mowed over the weekend a bit out back. Worst part of all, we are due for more rain today and pretty much calling for rain through the end of the week...wonder what "water front" property is going for now a days?

Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 08:00 am:

LOL! At least you shouldn't have to worry about fires for a while. I can't believe people are stealing wire off the poles. That seems like it would be a self-solving issue in pretty short order. LOL! They've been running news stories here about people stealing catalytic converters. Thieves get a couple hundred bucks for them, but one woman's insurance paid 7,000 bucks to get the vehicle repaired (it might have been two vans). Insane.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 08:06 am:

The "boys" playing in the "swamp"... Mojo found a "dry" spot to hang out
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 10:03 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 08:00 am:
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 08:00 am:
LOL...yeah, but the minute the wind picks up and we have no rain for one day....they'll be hollering fire danger again. At this rate though, our deficit for the area is being replenished...we were still about 6 inches below normal the other day. As for the wire thefts...the ones for the electric company are always the top ones...the others are phone and cable lines...brazen is all I can say...heard they pulled the line from about six poles...that's a lot of weight when you figure about how far it is between poles. The catalytic converters contain either gold or platinum, can't recall which...but its such minute amounts you have to really work hard to remove it. Some vehicles have more than one catalytic converter...we've seen three and four on some models in the late 80's and early 90's that we have worked on. Could be they are using more of the precious metals than in the past...I know they aren't cheap when you go to purchase one even at the parts store.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 01:48 pm:

And a river runs through it! 3:15 pm Wed July 23...the rains have come with a torrential downpour once more...they began almost the same as yesterday, right around 3pm... its looking more and more as if I live on a river...the water grows deeper with every bucket the sky drops. The chickens should be glad they are in the garden...right now, their yard has close to four inches of standing water...they'd be havin to grow webs just to get around!! Heard them all squawking and carrying on right before the rain began...looks like Ms Piggy laid another soft shell egg and is possible that Red broke it...was pretty empty looking squishy shell laying in the nest...just as possible Ms Piggy broke it...hope this soft shell stuff is over soon and she begins laying regular...the shells are beginning to feel firmer, but the eggs are so brittle. I've been giving only the layer feed since moving them to the garden. Hoping the cable and electric remain on today...yesterday's outage on the cable lasted from 1pm til almost 7 pm...never did get the call from the cable company to let me know the phone was back on...just kept checking every half hour or so. The Symphony of Frogs was quite entertaining last night...they are already warming up as the rain fills the low spots in the 'surround sound' once they all join in. Check out the links for the frogs and their sounds...Make sure you scroll down so you can hear their calls. Barking Frog Pinewoods tree frog p Spadefoot toad oki_holbrooki.php Southern toad hp Green tree frog Fowler's toad Narrowmouth toad linensis_carolinensis.php When you get all of these toads and frogs singing together, its nothing shy of deafening!! Sure did miss this symphony when I stayed in Jax overnight last summer.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 02:04 pm:

River 4 pm the water in my yard is now extending from the woods on the east side to the driveway...the water level continues to inch higher as the rain continues to be dumped by buckets from the dark grey clouds...current conditions find the water has spilled across the driveway and is now joined with the river on the west the north, the river has joined in the backyard and now flows on both ends of the house....the house remains an island behind the splitrail fence....I knew I should have anchored the canoe at the front steps!! The back pasture is now pretty much all under water also....more details and pictures to follow as the weather allows...right now, the lightning is crackin way too close and way too often.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 02:30 pm:

Those pics make the swamp look fun. LOL! Are you getting feeder bands from the hurricane or are these just unrelated storms? You sure are getting dumped on.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 06:36 am:

The rains we are receiving at this time are just a part of the 'normal' summer rain systems...I was thinking about that last night and the rains we are seeing now are no different than what we 'should normally be seeing'...this is how the weather was when I first came down in 1987...they had just come off a year of drought and fire...twenty year cycle...if so, then that means next winter will be pretty cold...the second winter I was here we had windchills at zero around Christmas. The rain we received yesterday amounted to 3.16 inches for us according to the some shots of DH playing yesterday...mentioned the canoe and he went and grabbed it like a kid...just had to see if the yard was deep enough for him to 'float' around the yard...kept waiting for it to dump him out when he ran it aground, but he did good keeping his balance.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 10:09 am:

The heat is rising as the sun begins to bake our soggy yard. The water has begun to recede a bit. Last night after the rains ended, the canals along our road were full to overflowing...several properties on the south side of the road had the canals spilling into their yards...looks like a huge swamp out here. Next door, the pasture looked like a huge lake out front, from the road back almost even with my chicken yard, the water was standing. Had a huge flock of white Egrets come in to see what tasty treats the pasture might offer....the two cows who live there have decided they might need a raft after seeing the water rise this high. More rain is supposed to be coming in around the same time as the past few days...between 2pm and 4pm...good ol' summer rains...what makes our lil' corner of the world so 'lush and tropical'...ok, yawn...send me to the mountain, I'm ready for a Checked on the front garden while I was out feeding the chickens... The Cannas have three more blooms and another one has sent a bloom spike out...woohoo!! The Leaf rollers haven't hurt them too badly. The Lavender seems to be getting a bit 'leggy' with the daily rain, but looks pretty good has begun to sprawl out a bit in its spot. Stevia is so thick and tall in its pot that it has begun to lay over a bit...guess its time to cut it back and begin to dry a bit of it to see if I can use soon as we move to the mountain, this is one plant that will be put in the ground. Right now, there are several that I will be transferring from pots to ground, but not until we are moved. I'm tired of growing plants to leave for another to tear out or ignore. Everything I want to keep is in a pot, several are in HUGE tree pots...will take several strong men to pick those up...takes all I can do to move them with the dolly as they weigh more than me!...HA! Even the Rosemary is in one of those huge pots as I know she isn't crazy about being moved...promptly killed my last one trying to transplant it before the first cold snap. At least in a pot, she will be able to 'find' her perfect spot on the mountain. The Rhubarb has surprised is now beginning to grow numerous leaves and stalks. Something continues to nibble the leaves and before all the rain began there was a bit of crunch on a couple of the leaves from the heat. Shall have to make sure and dig it up so we can take it with us when we decide to finally make the that time, it could be huge. So far, the white flag strips have managed to keep whatever (deer, rabbits) was chomping the Hibiscus away. She's really beginning to fill out with new leaves and little new branches. Still need to get her shaped up...looking a bit lopsided from where she was being munched. Out in the half moon garden, the Crape Myrtles are finally beginning to bloom...the red one at the end of the house has been blooming for several weeks now. One is lavender the other is white. The Firebushes out there are also beginning to look alive...poor things...they looked so nice and full when we first rescued them...I didn't trim them back because of this and the poor babies must have felt neglected. They are pretty scraggly at the moment, but being the survivors they are, all are beginning to come back nicely. Never made it to the grocery yesterday, GF stopped in, Sis stopped by and then the rains moved in after everyone left....could have taken the van, but decided it wasn't a huge deal if I didn't get to the grocery immediately. Everything would have been soaked in the back of the truck....I would have been a drowned rat just packing it all to the house from the truck!! Even the dogs are somewhat disenchanted (thank you DJ!) now with all the water in the just means they have to stay on the porch if they decide to go play in it...well that's no fun! Kinda cute watching them tiptoe around the edges of the really wet parts so they can come back and hang out in the A/C instead of the miserably hot porch. Who says animals are 'dumb'? Must get myself to the store, must get myself to the store...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 10:47 am:

Ok, off to the store as soon as I upload these wonder I never get anything done...pft! More shots of the yard after yesterday's rain... DH's swamp adventure...will he find what he's looking for? As you can see, he's having too much fun!! Little boys never truly grow up, especially when it comes to a 'mud puddle'...hahaha
Heirloomgardens Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 12:08 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 10:09 am:
Even the dogs are somewhat disenchanted (thank you DJ!)
Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 10:47 am:
DH's swamp adventure...
Oh, my gosh, that is hilarious! That looks like so much fun. A fort and a pirate. ROFL!! My son is enthralled.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 12:23 pm:

LOL...if we had this when the boys were little, they would have been trying to see who could make it to the middle of the "pond" FROM the fort!! Splish, splash!! Of course, now, I've just got to keep them from making a 'mud track' out of the can see it in their eyes and on their faces as they begin to drool thinking about romping through the yard with the 4x4 trucks...slippin, splashin, and just plain out ruttin' up the yard, throwing 'rooster tails' behind as they would see how much water they could throw...DH would be right out there with them if any of them THOUGHT I might allow it.
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 07:38 pm:

Finally made the trip to the of roadwork on the main road in front of the shopping center...I saw a bit the other week when I was up that way, but thought they were just installing a new traffic light to help the flow of extra traffic from the new store they just put in. Should have known they'd be making that stretch wider with all the new construction out this way. SIGH...the country life is getting closer to the city day by day as the sprawl continues. The thunder rumbled most of the evening, but the rains moved on past without much more than sprinkles...yeah!!! my yard can continue to lower the water. The canals that were overflowing last night are back to normal levels today. Water has been absorbed in the heavy areas to the point the grass is once more showing bits above the water. The ground is still real spongy and even a light rain will have no where to go. The chicken yard remains a black, goopy, mud bog more suitable for a pig than the The chickens remain high and dry in the garden...all the extra topsoil we brought in for that sure made a huge difference...only added about thirty yards to bring the area up. Still pretty humid at 9:30 pm, got the A/C set at 75 so it will feel fairly cool...the fans are running to help keep it circulating....another night in soggy paradise....
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, July 25, 2008 - 07:35 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 12:23 pm:
they would have been trying to see who could make it to the middle of the "pond" FROM the fort!!
I can picture that. LOL.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 25, 2008 - 11:06 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Friday, July 25, 2008 - 07:35 am:
I can picture that. LOL. to thinking about that last night as I watched DH 'playing' with a couple of toy boats he brought home to see how they looked floating out kids, we would have had that area full of stuff and been 'bombing' it from the fort!! Its actually one of the swing sets like you got for your son...just can't see the swings because of them being 'hidden' by the fort the way its set up. If your son likes how this looks, might suggest putting a wading pool under the slide for him to splash into while he's playing 'pirate'.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, July 25, 2008 - 11:40 am:

1:10 pm...the morning began cool and light, after an evening that ended very humid...the early morning temps were hovering about 73 degrees at 7 am. We left the A/C run overnight because of the humidity and the temps were still in the mid 80's at 11:30 mucky to sleep. Currently its holding at 88 degrees, humidity is currently at 59%...all the water sitting is turning to steam as it bakes in the sun. Skies are clear at the present, but we are forecast for heavy rains later this afternoon once more. Welcome to the rainy season...its summer. All this water in our area is beginning to create problems with some of the livestock. Several with horses especially are seeing hooves developing issues from the water. Got one of the guys trying to raise the level of his paddocks because his thirty thousand dollar Quarter Horses' hooves are getting so soft they can't shoe them....all because of water. No way I'd even consider having horses here now after seeing how much water covers the property. Unfortunately, as we have been in drought conditions for several years off and on, people have bought properties that locals know were 'wetlands'...they all look good in 'dry' conditions. One of the things I always notice when we've had quite a bit of rain is the areas that are always flooded and those that always seem high and dry. Guess some people don't think of that when they begin to search for a home. The water continues to be absorbed...little by little I am seeing more of the grass showing above the water. The county had the sprayer out on our road this morning, spraying the canals for mosquitoes I'm sure...stinky stuff whatever they use....more chemicals to run off into our water supply and even kill what few fish happen to spawn in those canals...the ones the water birds hunt for. Garlic works well for the biting critters that live in the yard. Don't see why they can't mix a bit of Garlic juice instead of all the chemicals. The dogs have decided that the water just isn't fun any longer...they have to stay on the porch when they are wet...besides, nobody wants to come play with us when its wet like this....I sure don't want to hang in the swamp with the skeeters chomping and if DH can't get to any of his projects because of the water, then he doesn't want to be out either. Can't run any of the equipment when the ground is this soggy...ok, he could, but the ruts left afterwards would be horrid because of the weight. Need water waders to go anywhere in the yard when its like this...that or barefoot. With the snake population, I think I choose the boots. We do have water moccasins in the area in addition to the other vipers. Nasty bites those things have...a friend got bit last summer while out on his airboat and almost lost his foot from one of the moccasin bites...they were a hour out on the water from the main road and had to rush him to the hospital once they got on pavement. Just darned lucky. Got laundry started, meat packages to break down to smaller ones for freezing and the never ending vacuuming to finish...might even try to work on my junk room for a steps on that room as it is jammed full, everything seems to 'land' in that room. Tons of junk that needs to be gone through and eliminated...and that's just so I can get to the bookcase and my desk that happen to be in there. LOL...someday it might actually be usable again...before we decide to move.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Saturday, July 26, 2008 - 06:07 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, July 25, 2008 - 11:06 am:
If your son likes how this looks, might suggest putting a wading pool under the slide for him to splash into while he's playing 'pirate'.
Ooooh, now that sounds like fun!
Stormdancer Posted on Saturday, July 26, 2008 - 09:36 am:

Got most everything done I set out to do yesterday...the separating of the meat packages was the most important on the list....wanted to get it to the freezer ASAP, before I forgot about it. Only small amounts of rain last evening, most of the storm cells were well north of our a few sprinkles, but not enough to add to the accumulation already standing. Its sad to see the 4 o'clocks looking wilted from TOO MUCH rain...this is how they look when they WANT a drink....poor babies...will probably really come back with a vengeance now! I'm hoping to trim back the 4 o'clocks today and maybe use the cuttings to start a few more at the fence in front of where I park. One of the things I adore about these plants is how easy they are to propagate....seed, cuttings all are easy to grow. The weather this morning is starting out very nice...bright blue skies but clouds are beginning to show...humidity was at 79% at 8 am and the temp was the A/C on already. After being in the garden for the past week, the chickens are making good progress in cleaning out the weeds...hopefully in another week we will be able to move them back into their yard and I will be able to get the garden ready for the next planting round. I'm also hoping to get the urns filled with new soil so I can get the squash started in them this weekend...should be producing nicely before the cold weather sets in around Dec. While I'm filling pots with new soil, I think I will go ahead and get the starter trays out and see about getting a few more Tomato plants going...would be super to be able to pick tomatoes all winter. Figure I'll give the Leaf Lettuce another shot as well, and of course the carrots...yum...they were SUPER! Looks like I'll be clearing the shelves on the porch so I can have a place for starter trays. I realize that just about everything I want to grow is able to be sowed directly, but in my yard, I want to know for sure what it is...once it gets going, I will move it on to its place in the garden. This way I can also monitor better for moisture as I am a bit lax about going out to the garden area every day when it is so hot....I'm on the porch every morning...will also help to keep the critters from munching on the seedlings as they sprout. Another experiment with my gardening ability. The Hibiscus starts that DS brought are looking pretty good...several survived and are ready for larger pots now...hoping to get them transplanted this weekend. The bucket starts are needing to be put in the ground also...maybe I'll be able to locate another large tree pot for them too...looks like I'll be tying the 'white flags' on everything that gets potted up at this rate. The flags do seem to be discouraging the deer from the big girl at the end of the far, I haven't seen any further sign of anything gnawing on it. Things do seem to be going better between DH and myself...I was finally able to clear the air with him the other night and once more we are trying to work things out...sometimes, I think a bit of our problems can be attributed to the fact that we are the same sign and tend to both act true to our birth sign...hard headed and stubborn...Aquarian tendencies. Our birthdays are back to back...13th and 14th. I've also been trying to work on keeping my double edged sharp tongue in check and the 'mean mouth' under control...there are definitely days when I am totally out of control and I am working on my attitude. Thanks GB' gave me a chance to rant, but also in offering your own opinions, gave me an opportunity to see that I am out of control in some areas...I'm working on them...
Stormdancer Posted on Sunday, July 27, 2008 - 05:44 pm:

A fairly boring day today...too wet in the yard to do anything useful we hung out like a couple of couch potatoes enjoying the A/C and watching the tube.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 06:40 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Saturday, July 26, 2008 - 09:36 am:
Aquarian tendencies. Our birthdays are back to back...13th and 14th.
My husband's birthday is Feb. 14th. Is it you or your husband that was born on V Day? I hope it's your husband... then we can just blame bad relationships on men born on V Day. LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:15 am:

Monday is begun...DH woke with what seems to be a stomach bug...been tossing since he first got out of bed...he's home for the day it seems. Made him a cup of Ginger tea to see if that might help settle his stomach. Perfect start to the week. He's back in bed resting. The big dogs decided to go through the screen door last night...I'm ready to put the 'leader' back in the pen because of it. Bear is beginning to try and make this a habit and its one I don't want to have to break Mojo of....also sets me off in a tailspin seeing that and having to repair it prior to my first cup of coffee....grrrrrr Humidity is high this morning...the temps at 6:30 am were a nice 72 degrees...but the humidity was already quite noticeable. The sticky air is a dead give For now the A/C is off and the windows are open with the fans running...won't be long though and I'll be having to close the house up to keep the heat out. The swamp is very slowly drying out...the water continues to stand in numerous spots around the yard although not quite as deep. Every inch of the yard is totally waterlogged and squishy. Mosquitoes are the biggest hazard right now...ok, the possibility of snakes too...but with West Nile Virus and Encephalitis being watched for, all this water becomes nerve wracking. We've already had reports earlier in the month of some of the 'test chickens' showing positive for Encephalitis and several horses have been diagnosed with the Equine strain. Sprays work temporarily, but even with use, the bites are numerous. Gets bad having to 'dust' yourself off before coming inside as they are hitching rides on hair and clothing. Pretty bad when I'm sitting inside and getting chewed on by the skeeters! Didn't get any of the plant prep done this weekend...the dirt being too mucky to play in sure put a damper on things for me. On the up side...I noticed that the Cannas are really beginning to bloom nicely...the leaf roller and the Lubber's have damaged some of the leaves, but the blooms are looking nice. My Lavender looks like it has decided to put out a bit of new growth and its fragrance is noticeable as you walk past....between the Lavender, Bottle Brush and Rosemary, its kinda hard to 'pick' which one is being the nose The Firebushes out in the half moon garden are all beginning to pop with blooms and new growth. Must have just needed way more water than I was sending their way. The Rhubarb is looking plain awful...don't know what's happened there...all of a sudden its 'sprawly' like something landed in the middle of it...its completely caged, so I don't know what has happened other than the possibility of just way too much rain. Its beside the chicken yard, but it sits a little higher than their space. I dunno what's going on. The chicken yard is still a big mud bog and the chickens are still in the garden. We've had several varieties of water birds visiting the yard over the last week...a few of the Cranes and even a Heron visited the other day...too funny watching as they waded through my yard on the hunt...not sure what they actually caught other than maybe some of the bugs and frogs...they were in the standing water in the back pasture...missed another photo op. Somehow, I think being stuck inside in the summer sucks worse than being stuck inside because of snow. Its so pretty and green and warm....just way too soggy and mosquito infested to enjoy.

Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:25 am:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 06:40 am:
My husband's birthday is Feb. 14th
Hey DJ!! Its the hubby who is the Valentine...I missed it by an hour and a half or so...was born at 10:40pm... Hmmm, so we kinda have the same thing goin' on the 13th...hubby on on the 13th...hubby on the 14th...LOL, how cool!
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:52 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:25 am:
Its the hubby who is the Valentine...
Somehow I just knew it. LOL!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:25 am:
so we kinda have the same thing goin' on the 13th...hubby on on the 13th...hubby on the 14th...LOL, how cool!
That is cool. Must be a bad combination, though. Haha!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:58 am:

Well, considering the fact that I was married to someone who shares the same birthdate as you...Capricorns and Aquarians can definitely bring out the worst in each other at times. My mom was a Capricorn also. The double Aquarian thing with me and DH...THAT is a definite challenge at times! LOL
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:19 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:58 am:
Capricorns and Aquarians can definitely bring out the worst in each other at times. My mom was a Capricorn also.
Tell me about it. My Mom is an Aquarius. LOL! Worse, though, my Dad and I are both Capricorns. HAHAHA!! Gee, so my Mom and Dad are Aqu and Cap... hmm, well, that explains a lot!! Too bad I didn't think about that BEFORE I married into the same trap. LOL! Here's an amusing link:
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 07:58 am:
Capricorns and Aquarians can definitely bring out the worst in each other at times.
So if we go at it on here, at least we know what to blame. HAHAHA!
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:31 pm:

The day has moved slowly...grey sky appears and then is replaced by puffy clouds on blue...the humidity and temp are both on the high side...temp is 90...the water is still standing deep enough in areas that the herons continue to visit. DH has spent the day resting after his unsettling start this morning...hope it isn't contagious! Don't think its anything he ate, we pretty much ate the same stuff yesterday and I'm ok...don't tell me my cooking is suddenly going to be a problem!! LOL Finally got the guitar lesson book I've been waiting for...WOOHOO!! Been wanting to get back to learning to play for some time and DH got me a new acoustic for Christmas last year. Just what I asked for...learning has been slow as the hands and fingers are just not near as limber as they were when I was in my teens. Got a bit of practice in this morning after the package came in the mail...yes, I AM excited. I've picked up a couple of other guitar lessons for beginners, but they all seem to feel like they start in the middle, rather than at the beginning, which is exactly where I need to start. This 'course' is perfect for me and I'm barely able to keep the fingers off the now, the finger tips are so tenderized from the strings I can barely type with the left hand...hahahaha...the callouses will return quickly with the daily practice and the fingers will heal. Not sure which is worse, the cramp that sets in from practicing the guitar, or the ones I get from practicing the djembe drum...either way, I'm dealing with the cramps to learn the instruments. Carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands doesn't help...but hey, if you gotta be in pain, might as well be enjoying what's causing it. Piano is another I enjoy, but just don't have the of these days maybe another keyboard will come home with me. Figure the drum and the guitar are two I don't have to have tons of room for and also are two I can carry wherever I want. Keyboard needs power...and I just don't think I have the muscle any longer to haul a piano around...grin. Like the song says...'played until my fingers bled'...that's how excited I am about the new in spite of the tenderness and locked fingers...ok, when it quits sounding good, I'll stop practicing...promise. Seems everything was to come in with the mail today...I had ordered a few more DVDs from the movie club(had a SUPER sale) and they arrived as well. The mail lady actually pulled down the drive to deliver the boxes...we have a big mailbox, they would have fit...but, saves me from having to go check it before the rain. YAY!! Back to the music lesson for now...only practiced about an hour before, now back for as long as the fingers will allow....might be typing one handed at this rate...haahaha
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:55 pm:

Thanks for the link DJ...I did do a bit of research before this combo with my current's what ours said... My mom was Capricorn and dad was a Leo...OMG the tension there! Two of us are Aquarian, two Leos, one Cancer...Poor mom had her hands full with three Leo drama queens!!(dad and both sisters(twins) ). Guess I should have paid more attention to what the 'stars' said...but who listens to anything when the heart is involved...
Stormdancer Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:57 pm:

Heirloomgardens wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:19 pm:
So if we go at it on here, at least we know what to blame. HAHAHA!
Heirloomgardens Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 02:41 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:55 pm:
here's what ours said...
Ugh! Haha!
Stormdancer wrote on Monday, July 28, 2008 - 01:55 pm:
Poor mom had her hands full with three Leo drama queens!!(dad and both sisters(twins) ).
Pfft! OMG! LOL!
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - 07:53 am:

The rains only spit a few drops on us last night...YAY!! The yard is finally beginning to dry out. The pond by the 'fort' has almost disappeared if the water in front of the garden would dry out, I'd be happy...I'm having to watch and work my way 'around' the edges of the 'pond' out there when I go to take care of the chickens right now. Would much rather take the straight path, especially in the dark! Temps at 7:30am were already setting at 82 degrees...the A/C kicked on about 8:30 and its set at 80...must be the humidity coming up already....groan. I'll be glad when August is past and the humidity begins to lower as well as the temps...I'm ready for the A/C to be turned off. Got a couple nice shots of the deer visiting last night...and as we watched from the front door, they seemed to ignore the Hibiscus, even though one decided to walk right under the splitrail fence and began grazing near it. These were taken through the front door window, I figured if I opened the door they would bolt, especially the buck...they sure love the birdfeeders. Right now, I'm just filling them with a bit of scratch feed because of this.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - 08:06 am:

Aaaawwww. I know deer are a pain in the neck, but they sure are pretty. Those are neat pics. Is that the rubber tree that got "sat on" a couple weeks back? If it is, it looks big and healthy now.
Stormdancer Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - 08:32 am:

Thanks DJ...yes, that's the same one the wind 'sat'on a few weeks ago. It does look like its pulled out of that trauma. Needs some shaping more thing for my 'cooler weather' to do list...LOL
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 07:21 am:

Woke this morning to a very pleasant 74 degrees, hazy skies...humidity is beginning to rise at 7 am. The rains once more passed us, leaving only sprinkles here and there. Counties to the south of us got the torrential downpours with streets being glad that passed on by. The yard is still quite mushy, although the standing water is not as noticeable...only a few spots are continuing to hold water. More rain is forecast for the afternoon...summer showers are back, bringing us the rain, beautiful rain. Ok, I'm wet enough now...let me dry out for a couple of days....getting pretty water logged Since its too icky sticky and wet outside, I've been practicing my guitar...throws my right shoulder in a fit being in one position for any length of time...humph...didn't realize THAT was an option...never really had an issue with it doing that before....ah well, must be an age sucks, but it will just have to cope. The hands are getting a bit more comfortable and the fingertip callouses are beginning to form...this course has given me a real incentive to practice...can't wait to pick it up in the morning and time flies on by once I begin playing. Not pushing myself to move on to the next part yet, just getting comfortable with the instrument, doing the scales and working on finger placement...minor really, but I'm finding that the scales and 'fingering' techniques are helping to loosen my hands a bit making it easier. Might take a bit, but I'm content to go slow. Every chance I can, I'm picking it up and going through the 'finger' exercises. Practice, practice, practice!!! So here it is almost the end of July...spent the entire month mad at DH...we have not made it back to the mountain...nothing has been accomplished around the house because of rain... what a sad thought that an entire month is gone with nothing to show.
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 09:03 am:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 07:21 am:
... what a sad thought that an entire month is gone with nothing to show.
I know exactly how you feel.
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 12:38 pm:

Thanks DJ...its being one of those days...sigh. The rains came hard around far, its still raining at least its not dumping the bucketfulls it was in the beginning. As of now, the yard is not under water again. Looks like it may be moving south as my GF said it was dumping buckets in her area north of us around noon...ok by me. The humidity and heat have both dropped back to a nice comfortable range...its about 80 degrees at this time. So much for getting things accomplished outside today...the grass is beginning to look wild again, but its still going to be several more days before the yard is dry enough to mow....all this rain just means more mowing once it drys out...LOL. The Four o'clocks are beginning to look stressed from so much water...I don't think I've ever seen them look like this from too much rain....not enough water makes them wilt, but I have two that are drooping from too much water now...round and round I go... One of the mints looks to have been nibbled back in the front bed. The other is sprawling a bit...guess I'd better take a few starts just in case it disappears. Still haven't cut the Stevia, guess I really should as it looks like its beginning to reach the end of its growing. Several of the larger stems are beginning to dry out. The to do list is becoming a novel...
Heirloomgardens Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 01:37 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 12:38 pm:
The to do list is becoming a novel...
Pfft, ROFL!!! That is so funny!!
Stormdancer Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 09:03 pm:

Dripped rain off and on throughout the evening...still a bit drippy at 10:50pm. DH finally got the holes drilled out for the solar lights to sit on the fence posts. They look pretty good sitting up like that...may need to shorten the light posts later on. I'll give it a few days to see what I think. The additional rain has brought the water back to standing in the low spots once more....back to the bayou!! Mosquitoes are horrid and are carried inside by the dogs and us. One more reason to stay inside...guess that's why I'm feeling trapped. Just flat miserable conditions outside...heat, humidity, standing water and buzzing, biting mosquitoes. UUUGGGHHH!! The Four o'clocks are throwing their sweet perfume across the front yard in the early evening. I love their fragrance as it floats through the screen porch and gently tickles my nose....aaaahhhh...
Stormdancer Posted on Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 08:28 am:

Overnight temps dropped to a cool, comfortable 74 degrees. The humidity wasn't stuffy, just 'damp' and so the windows were open overnight and the fans left running to keep the air moving. This morning at 6:30 am, the temps remained at 74 with a cool light breeze as the sun began to light the sky. The coolness didn't last near long enough this morning, by 9am, the A/C was on and the house closed up once more, as the humidity began to feel thick and stuffy. Highs today are to be in the mid to upper 90's with the humidity making it feel in the low 100's...YUUUCCKK!! Thank the gods for A/C!!! I remember the first years here without A/C...uugghh, trying to sleep in that kind of heat is miserable, especially during the higher humidity that comes in August. Go to bed sticky and exhausted and wake up sticky and still exhausted...showers don't help because you never seem to be able to get dry. Lived like that the first eight years I was here. Guess I'm spoiled now with the A/ DH is keeping an eye out on the campers that seem to be popping up everywhere with for sale signs. Looks like many people are getting pinched for cash and are having to get rid of the 'extra' expenses. We've discussed this numerous times, and I still keep reminding him that there are many camper sales lots much closer to the property...why pay for hauling something from here when we may be able to find something for the same money closer? The strain on the vehicle, the camper and the gas to get it there are all considerations in my mind. Plus having to get it re-registered there if we buy it here. But I guess at least he's still working on acquiring something to live in for us....we shall see. The hens were sure raising cane this morning...DH usually lets them out when he lets the dogs out first thing...guess he hadn't made it out there yet, so I let them out when I got up at thing I'm hearing is one of the girls just a squawking like something is too close to the pen...I looked out to see Red up on the roost peering over the top of the fence through the shade screen...Barney and Ms Piggy were at the gate. Red is the one who was making all the racket. So I went ahead and took them a measure of feed....must have been what she was screeching about because once the feed hit the pan, she stopped....funny girl, you are in the garden where there is much to be found to eat....just have to 'scratch' for it...LOL The yard is a gigantic waterlogged mosquito haven...sigh...having to dodge the standing ponds to get to the garden area once more. This is just getting flat out OLD!!! And I wonder WHY I'm back to being depressed?????
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, August 01, 2008 - 09:17 am:

And the new month begins...this morning started out fairly nice, 77 degrees at 6:30 am with humidity at 89%. The skies are overcast and grey. By 11 am the rains have moved in and the cycle continues with our daily rains. My yard is growing quite shaggy from all the standing water encouraging the grass and weeds. Unfortunately, it will need to dry out considerably before I can attempt to mow. The daily accumulation of rainfall isn't helping. For the month of July, the weatherman says we received 9.48 inches in the Daytona area...this puts us 4 inches above average at this time and we are no longer in drought conditions or showing a deficit of rain. This is looking much the same for the entire state at this time. Now if I could only figure some way to get the standing water out of my yard so I can mow and do other things....the chicken yard remains a huge mud bog, we have several pieces of equipment we can't move because of the squishy ground and I really want to get the garden set back for planting again. As wet as everything remains, this is not going to happen any time soon.
Stormdancer Posted on Friday, August 01, 2008 - 10:20 am:

aaawww, just had the cutest little visitors!! Two does brought their little fawns to the front yard...three little ones still showing their adorable!! The dogs were so good and not one bark when they saw the deer come up. Of course the camera is inside and there's no way I could move to get it without startling them and having them bolt like lightning from the yard. ohhh, got the pics once the deer moved off to the front of the yard...when I went inside to get the camera.......there was another just off the back deck!!! So sweet!!
Heirloomgardens Posted on Friday, August 01, 2008 - 03:52 pm:

Stormdancer wrote on Friday, August 01, 2008 - 10:20 am:
Two does brought their little fawns to the front yard...three little ones still showing their adorable!!
Aaawww! I love tiny little fawns. So cute.