Monday, August 4, 2008

Beginning of the week...New month, new issues part 2

The day is dragging on....and on. The A/C has been cranking since about 10 am as the heat rises. The humidity is once again suffocating. My girlfriend stopped in after work and we had a nice visit. She is the only thing I miss about working at the farm. Glad she stops in when she can before she heads home....I look forward to her visits, no matter how short.

Looking at my to do list brings a tear, almost, as it has grown quite lengthy...the things on this list are those which, while not a HIGH priority, really need tackled. Things I've put off doing simply because they overwhelm me. Its not that they are necessarily difficult, just tedious....and also because I'm just not ready to face them....hahahaha. One of these days.....

I'm really trying hard to work on my personal attitude...I've noticed that in some areas of my life, I'm completely out of control of my emotions and most mouth. To this end, I've been repeating a very simple phrase to help me through the tough times....those times I truly need to 'bite' my tongue....

"I bind my sharp tongue...I bind my mean and hateful thoughts"

As simple as it is, I'm already seeing it work for me and I'm able to go on without making comment on things that would normally have me raging at the top of my lungs....I just keep repeating it over and over whenever I feel the urge to be critical or sarcastic.

My plans for the day are to pick up around the house, run the vacuum, do a couple more loads of laundry and try to get the mountain of clean laundry off the top of the dryer and put away. Everything I do right now will most definitely have to be an inside chore as the temps have reached 94 degrees right now. Even though the A/C is on, the heat drops through the ceilings in this tincan we call home. The thermostat is set at 80, but the temp inside has reached 85 degrees already. Really makes it difficult to want to do much of anything.

So many things to do outside as well....pull weeds in the front beds, run the weedeater, pull some of the grass from the vegetable garden and get it tilled under so I can plant the fall garden, get the seed trays set up so I can get plants going for the vegetable garden...and the list continues.

Looks like it could be a bit before the mosquitoes clear out enough for me to be comfy....just means I'll be wearing long jeans and long sleeves when I'm outside...UUUUGGGHHH!!! Way too hot and humid for those type clothes right now....SIGH....maybe the chickens will be in the garden area a bit longer.......but I've got to get those seeds started!! Now that we've had a few days of no real rain...ok, so we've had a few drips and drops here and there....I should be able to get the seed trays going....we have some of the good black soil hubby brought in for the gardens.....or I could always go pick up some potting soil....decisions, decisions....ok, opting for using the black soil hubby brought in so I don't have to burn my gas to make a special trip to town....easy enough.

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