The chickens are now back in their pen. While they were in the garden, there were several Cantaloupe seedlings that decided to grow in their pen. I finally managed to get the planters filled yesterday and got them transplanted. The planters they are now in sit on either side of the walkway on concrete posts...I'll have to get a picture soon. There were about ten starts, so I have split them between the two planters. Thought they would look pretty nice vining down the posts, spilling out of the planters, especially once they begin to bloom. The planters sit fairly close to the split rail fence and depending on just how well they grow, I have the option to train them over the fence as well.
The new Tomato starts look like they have decided to set roots...YAY!!! One looks as if it may have a bloom starting also. Most definitely will be starting them this way in the future.
After looking at the Rosemary, I'm considering adding a bit more soil to her pot...she's beginning to get quite 'woody' and near the top of the soil, looks like she may be throwing some roots from a few of the lower branches. The pot didn't get filled entirely when I transplanted it so there is plenty of room for additional soil to be added. Guess I misjudged when I first put the soil in the pot, so when all was said and done, there is probably about four or five inches between the top of the pot and the top of the soil....its a pretty deep pot anyway...but the Rosemary is pretty good size.
I've been scoping out the large pot situation around here....the Stevia is needing a much larger pot again...I'd put it in the ground, but since we don't plan to stay here, I don't intend to leave it.
There are several larger pots still available for me to use...I'm just trying to make sure I get them used most effectively. There are several Hibiscus starts that will need the larger pots also.
After careful thought, I'm going to dig up the Basil and put it in a very large pot also. I really enjoy the smell of the Basil and know it will grow as a perennial here in Florida if protected. Its another plant I intend to take whenever we relocate....many of the plants will be transplanted into the large pots as I rethink what is going to be left here when we finally move. It doesn't seem to think much of its current location. Its in the ground, but sure acts like it needs to be more thing to add to the
My plans for the garden are evolving into working with containers for the remainder of the growing season. I'm planning to use some of the seed flats I have that are open (not individual cells) and sow a bit of Leaf Lettuce once more. The last time, it never germinated. I have some different seed to try this time. I'm also wanting to try Scallions/green onions...I adore those...there are several planters I could use for those.
The Rhubarb has finally given up. All the intense rain we had must have been more than it could take. There is no longer a sign of it having been planted...except for the little marker.
There is more Yellow Squash to plant as well and I'm considering which pot to use for them. After dealing with the Boring worms out in the garden spot, I don't think I want to try them there again...and I adore the yellow squash so I really want to grow them. Love their pretty blossoms too.
Today's weather has really pulled me outside...the cool air was wonderful after so many days of high heat and humidity....too bad the rain chased me back inside before I had the opportunity to start getting my trays and pots ready for their new soil and seeds. The Cantaloupe starts are looking so nice in their new homes and last night's rain sure perked them right back drooping at all after being transplanted. Nice to see some things doing like I wish.....
Basics 101...Food...Recipes with Leftovers
16 years ago
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