Sunday, August 3, 2008

Around the yard

As the sun lowers in the sky, the temperatures begin to drop as well. My hubby has decided to go ahead and run the mower. God knows the yard needs it badly after all the rain we have received over the past few weeks. Standing water just makes the weeds and grass grow faster.

There are still several places holding water and as the mower passes over soggy spots, the tracks show just how wet the ground still is. In the back is still the worst. The chicken yard continues to hold water in only one or two of the low spots. But the yard is still very spongy and unsuitable for the chickens at this time. The garden is looking like they are making a bit of progress as they scratch and peck through the overgrown weeds. I'll be giving them a hand as the weather is cooling down and I really want to get the fall garden in by the next Full moon.

I've had very good luck planting under a Full moon and very close to the Full moon.

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