Friday, November 7, 2008

November Storms, Turkeys and Chickens

Another mild Fall night...we dropped to about 55 degrees and this morning at 7 am it was already 62 degrees as the sun began to rise. At almost 10:30 am, the temperature is a comfortable 74 degrees. With the low humidity we are experiencing at present, it has a chilly feel to the air.

There has been another storm formed in the Caribbean and at this time is a hurricane heading towards the Cayman Islands and Cuba. Last I saw, it had a North heading. We aren't expecting it to impact our area as we have a high pressure system just offshore and a cold front pushing down into the state that is expected to push the storm away from us. We are expecting very dry, cold air for the next several days...our highs are supposed to be in the low 70's.
I finally got some pictures downloaded from my cell and ready to share.
These are some of our friend's beautiful Narragansett (sp?) Tom Turkey and the Blue Slate Female:

They are a bit dark as it was early evening and I took the pictures with my cellphone. Couldn't help myself as this fellow was trying sooo hard to impress 'his lady'. She, on the other hand, was paying him no mind at all. The female is still fairly young.

These are the newest pictures of our small flock of chickens....The first shots are Barney the Banty Rooster, Ms Red the Brown Leghorn Banty hen, and Ms Piggy the Barred Rock hen...

Ms Red is in a molt and was acting very 'camera shy' as she kept trying to hide...

My camera hound....Ms Piggy...

And these last two are our little 'laying machines'....Henny Penny, the dark red and Chicka Patty, the lighter red...

Have to laugh at these two, as they are constantly eating...any other time, they would be breaking their necks to see what is in my hand. Wasn't able to convince either of them to 'pose' for me. Ms Piggy is the camera hound for sure.


  1. I know you must be relieved when you don't have to worry about a storm coming your way. I have always wanted some kind of big bird to strut around in my garden. We have wild turkeys once in a while.

  2. Hi Donna...we have the wild turkeys come through our yard here pretty regularly...and the deer as well. These two belong to a friend of ours and I thought the Tom was so beautiful. I'm afraid my cellphone camera just doesn't do him justice.

    The storms are almost past for us now, only a few more weeks til the end of the hurricane season. You are right about being relieved though...but I'm never off guard until the storm fizzles out or pushes way past our area.

  3. Nice pics! What a pretty Tom, and I love seeing all your chickies. :-)

    [The female is still fairly young.]
    And obviously quite smart. ROFL!

  4. She's a very pretty girlie...and I agree, very smart to ignore the posturing the Tom was displaying for her. LOL!!

  5. lol DJ & Stormy!

    I think those are very good pics from a cell phone. The ones I get from people with cell phones are terrible. I enjoyed your pics :)

