Thursday, September 18, 2008

These DOGS!!

Wow, what a difference a few days makes! Its 75 degrees at about 7:15 am...the skies are a bit cloudy, but we had a light rain push in during the wee hours. It feels almost chill with the humidity being so't believe I'm already wrapped up this morning because I'm a bit too cool....of course, the fans are still on and I'm not about to turn them off as the temps will be rising as soon as the sun begins to cast a glow across the trees.

The newest electric bill has arrived...ouch! I know I've had the A/C on way more this month and it shows that running it throughout the night will definitely make the bill go up. Now that we are getting closer to the Autumn Equinox, the air has a much different feel. The heat is leaving and so is the steam. Odd how that works sometimes.

Finally went out last night and purchased a new will be delivered sometime today. After going to the appliance store, we decided to go to Steak and Shake for supper...haven't been there for awhile. I like their Chili Deluxe and cheese fries...hubby got a chicken finger meal...was pretty fair except their iced tea....eeewwww, it had soured and we both requested new drinks...went with soda, which I don't normally drink. The waitress was very nice when I asked her to replace our teas with soda...I did let her know the tea had set too long and soured....if I didn't drink tea so much, I would have probably just thought it was nasty tea. They dumped the bad tea and made fresh...but, I wonder just how many people would have drank the stuff? I heard another woman order a refill on the tea, just as I was telling the girl it was sour. The way I look at it, if no one says anything, then how are they going to know if something doesn't taste right?

We weren't really gone long...maybe two hours. When we got home, I closed the chicken coop for the night and hubby opened the house....knew something wasn't right when I heard him fussing at the dogs. Seems one had decided to snatch the roaster pot off the had about three pounds of a roast with juice in it...hit the tile hard enough to break it...just glad the glass lid didn't shatter. Then it appears they decided to destroy the loveseat cushion....again. This is the second time they have tried to shred that cushion. Mojo hasn't done any of this since he was about two months old...Bear on the other hand has a habit of dumping trash cans, pulling things off the stove and tearing things up. All the dogs spent the night confined outside...Spike was in the carrier, while Mojo and Bear went to the pen.

I like Bear, but he can get on my last grey hair. He's sneaky and I'm constantly having to keep tabs on where he is. Since my girlfriend watched them while we were on vacation, Bear has been allowed to stay inside. Until last night, he'd only had a couple of minor infractions, like getting in the trash. Mojo is still young enough to pick up Bear's habits and this is one thing that will get Bear put back in the pen. The cushion was shredded all over the living room, and the pot roast juice had been licked off most of the kitchen floor and tracked to the living room. We found the duct tape, crammed the shredded foam back into what was left of the cushion and taped her up. Sits so-so. Figure I'll leave Mojo and Bear in the pen until after the fridge is delivered. BRATS!


  1. That's weird... I posted a comment here. Did you get it?

  2. Doesn't appear that seems to be having issues now and then...I posted yesterday and it kept coming up as an unposted draft. Not sure what is going on.

  3. If you want, go ahead and repost DJ...if it shows up more than once, no biggy...

  4. When I first posted my comment, it just returned me to the front page with no explanation of what it was thinking or doing. LOL!

    Anyway, I was saying that I envy you the new fridge, but not the route you took to get one. LOL!

    Also, I think I understand how you feel. Like you're burned out, beaten into submission, and needing someone else to step up to the plate and take over for a while. Like you've been treading water for far longer than humanly possible and just want to stop and take a break. *sigh* Hopefully someday we'll get our dues.

  5. I'm not sure what's going on with blogspot, but it started yesterday...all of a sudden while I was typing a post it flashed an error was doing a save at the time. Then it was showing the published post as a draft. Its been goofy today, but not as bad.

    As for the fridge, yeah, I wasn't planning to replace it just yet...was wanting one that is either propane/electric (like the campers/rvs) or possibly one that will run on a solar setup...found some really cool info on both while I was pricing online yesterday.
    Both types run over 2 grand but....found both in the regular house size units 18 -21 cu. ft.

    Yeah, I think you nailed it on those crazy feelings...been fighting my own battles for way too long. Can I have my 'due' now? I thought I 'paid my dues' in my younger years, but danged if everyone don't keep expecting more!! LOL....maybe if I quit 'treading water' I will drown?? My luck I'd float!!! hahahaha!
