Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rainy Fall afternoon...

1:00 pm....the sky is still dark with clouds, the temperature is 82 degrees and it has begun raining once more. The temperature inside the house is right at 80 degrees.

I began vacuuming the floor, got the rug in the living room done, moved on to the tile in the kitchen and the vacuum began making an odd growling sound, as if it had something grinding against the beater bar...hmmm, so far, I haven't been able to discover what is creating this...smells a bit hot, so I've shut it off for now. On my old ones, I would have popped the cover for the belt...ok, this one will require a screwdriver....great, they are in the van and it's raining....grrrr....guess it will have to wait. SIGH....on to something else. I damp mopped the kitchen and it looks a bit better anyway.

WOW!! Its raining pretty hard right now! And to think, the weathercasters this morning were saying only the southern portion of FL would be likely to see the hard rains....HA!! Guess the rain clouds didn't hear them say that!!! At least the chickens all have some place dry to get to, if only they decide to go inside!... Maybe I should check the weather station....the last time we got rain like this, we were under a tornado watch and I never even knew...figured it was just hard rain. Just flipped the tv on and of course, so far, nothing about any weather at all. Guess I'll leave it on for a bit, at least until the weather update. The temp on the tv says it's 78...the rain must have cooled things a little.

Decisions, decisions....where do I start?...my bedroom, or the back room? Hmmm, maybe I'll start with my bedroom and see if I can get all those clothes sorted through...what fun for a rainy day....NOT! It's almost depressing to see some of my favorite clothes no longer wearable...at least by me. :-(

Ok, looks like this is just a bit of a shower...nothing major happening weatherwise in our area, not at this time anyway....

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