Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Ike...hooray!

Now that Hurricane Ike is tracking WNW and below us over western Cuba I am breathing a sigh of relief. From the weather reports, we seem to be sitting under a high pressure ridge that is keeping Ike away from us. The only part of Ike we are likely to see will be a bit of wind, maybe a bit of rain and apart from that, beach erosion from the heavy surf caused by the storm. The southern portion of Florida will take the majority of the winds and rains as they are closer to the storm.

To find my location on the weather map, look for Daytona, where 95 and 4 connect there is kinda like a upside down V...near the top of the V (the point) is our general area....I think we are about three miles from I-4... our road actually crosses over I-4, so we are just south of it.

Today is another humid, hot one...we are currently at 88 degrees, heading for the mid 90's. The skies are full of puffy clouds, to the south, they are a bit dark, to the north just big, puffy blobs of white across blue sky. The yard continues to dry with each day of no rain...I'm hoping it stays dry through the weekend as it is needing mowed badly. The back pasture entrances are both still holding deep...above ankle, water. At least its past the 'squishy' stage in most places around the yard.

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