Monday, August 11, 2008

And the question is.....? Update

Hubby was in for lunch, a bit later than his normal lunch time. Looks like this time off stuff could become more frequent...not what I wanted to hear. He's talking about getting the van ready so we can just take off whenever he gets time off...ok, but what are we supposed to pay the bills with? Guess we'll figure it out as we get to it...sigh...not what I was expecting to cope with at this point in life.

As long as the weather holds, read, no rain, we plan to go back to our friends' tonight. Hubby wants to give him a hand with some of the weedeating that has gotten out of hand as their weedeater went down...geez, do I understand that one. Figure we'll let them know our decision when we see them this evening. Who knows, they may have thought it over too and have similar apprehension. Guess we'll find out later.


  1. Eek. I hope it all goes well tonight. I think you're on the right track about not wanting to lose friends. Hopefully they're as good friends as you think they are and they'll see things the same way, instead of taking it wrong. I have a friend who found out the hard way that the people she thought were friends, weren't friends at all. Very sad.

  2. We've known them for over fifteen years and hubby has known the family for over thirty years...I almost got the feeling last night like maybe she was having doubts as well...nothing in particular, just the feeling in general that she wasn't real sure it was a good idea herself...a girl thing, ya know? We didn't get there tonight, so will be posting more later...

  3. ...a girl thing, ya know? Need I answer? LOL!
